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환자 및 보호자 정보 스크랩 실내 대기 공기를 흡입하여 활성산소를 제거하는 에어너지와 에이블에어 이론적 배경
브이맨2 추천 0 조회 294 18.06.11 08:40 댓글 0
게시글 본문내용

실내 대기 공기를 흡입하여 활성산소를 제거하는

에어너지와 에이블에어 이론적 배경



의공학 전문가 김동우




Oxygen in a reactive state is oxygen that can easily combine with human cells and is fully accessible for the body. The oxygen that we breath is not in this state. Oxygen is transferred to the cells by our red blood cells which have a special molecule called hemoglobin inside. The hemoglobin molecule binds to the oxygen molecule and the red blood cells transports the oxygen to wherever it is needed.


반응상태의 산소란 바로 인간의 세포와 쉽게 결합하며 또한 몸에서 쉽게 사용할 수 있는 산소입니다. 우리가 숨 쉬는 산소는 이런 상태가 아닙니다. 산소는 헤모글로빈이라고 불리는 특별한 분자를 가지고 있는 적혈구에 의해 세포로 운반되어 집니다. 헤모글로빈 분자는 산소분자와 결합하고 적혈구는 산소를, 그것을 필요로 하는 어느 곳으로든지 운반합니다


Airnergy is a machine which creates "energized air" that feeds every cell in your body with a type of oxygen that can be absorbed and used far more efficiently than the oxygen available in the regular air we breathe in. 


Airnergy 는 신체의 모든 세포에 영양을 주는 활력공기를 일으키는 장비인데, 우리가 숨 쉬는 일반 공기의 산소적응력보다 더욱 뛰어나고 흡수가 잘되는 산소를 가지고 있습니다.


Airnergy: An Innovative Inhalation and Oxygen Therapy

Airnergy is a new innovative inhalation and oxygen therapy. As opposed to conventional oxygen therapies, energy therapy in Airnergy does not burden the body with unnaturally high concentrations of oxygen but improves the bioavailability of the natural oxygen content in the air that we breathe. Metabolism is optimized and regeneration processes are triggered. Airnergy opens up an enormous therapeutic and preventive potential.



Airnergy 는 새롭고 혁신적인 흡입보조제 이며 산소치료입니다. 전통적인 산소치료와는 대조적으로Airnergy 에너지치료는 신체에 부자연스러운 고농축 산소의 부담을 주지 않지만, 우리가 호흡하는 공기에 포함되어 있는 자연 산소의 생물학적 이용 효능을 향상시킵니다.


Advantages Compared to Conventional Oxygen Therapies


What makes Airnergy different from conventional oxygen therapies? In the latter, patients are given oxygen which is generally concentrated and in some cases also ionized with the aim of activating the metabolism. However, it is doubtful if this process (apart from in anaesthetics, emergencies and intensive medicine and for special lung diseases) is really practical to treat chronic illnesses. Why should the body be supplied with more oxygen when it can only utilize a small part of the natural oxygen in the air?


기존의(재래식) 산소치료와 Airnergy 의 차이점이 무엇일까요 ? 요즘에는 환자들에게 대체로 농축된 산소가 주어지며, 몇몇 경우에는 대사를 촉진시킬 목적으로 이온화 된 농축산소가 주어지기도 합니다.


하여간에 정말 이런 과정이 (마취 또는 응급상황 그리고 집중치료나 또는 특별한 폐질환 등은 별개로 하고....) 만성질환을 치료하는데 정말로 실용적일지는 의심스럽습니다. 왜 신체는 단지 공기 중의 자연산소의 작은 한 부분을 활용하는데도 더 많은 산소가 공급되어야 하는거죠 ?


Oxygen should definitely not be "forced" into the organism with what are, in some cases, relatively complex methods. Namely, in this process the "oxygen threshold", which is a natural protective barrier against the formation of O2 radicals, is often exceeded. This can have very negative consequences; administering high concentrations of oxygen via inhalation, IV or IM (30 to 100%) can lead to undesired, health-damaging reactions in the organism, in particular to excessive oxidative processes and even DNA double-strand break. Conventional oxygen therapies increase oxidative stress on the organism rather than reducing it.


산소는 확실히 ""어떤 유기체와도 강제로 해서는 안됩니다. 어떤 경우에는 비교적 복잡한 방법으로 하는데, 즉 이과정이 활성산소 형성에 대한 자연적인 보호 벽 인 산소의 한계입니다. 종종 초과 하기도 합니다. 이것은 부정적인 결과를 가질 수 있습니다. 고농도의 산소흡입을 처방함으로써, IV나 IM은 바람직하지 않은, 건강에 해로운 반응을 유기체내에서 초래할 수 있습니다. 특히 과도한 산화과정과 심지어 DNA의 이중나선구조의 훼손까지도 올수 있습니다. 기존 산소 요법은 유기체에 오히려 산소를 줄여 산화 스트레스를 더 증가시킵니다.


But Airnergy is different. Here the organism is not fed high concentrations of oxygen nor chemically modified oxygen. Instead, air oxygen is prepared in a biophysical manner so that its energy can be better utilized by the organism. No side effects are to be expected or are known due to the physiological way in which Airnergy works.



하지만 Airnergy 는 다릅니다. 여기 유기체는 높은 농도로, 높은 화학적으로 바뀌었 산소를 공급받지 않습니다. 대신, 공기중의 산소가 biophysical 방식으로 준비되어 그 에너지가

유기체로 더 잘 활용할 수 있도록 준비되어 있습니다. Airnergy사용에 생리학적인 방법에서 부작용이 없다고 기대하거나 그렇게 알고 있습니다.



Arnergy studies

The atmospheric air that we inhale is a mixture of gases consisting mainly of nitrogen (79%) and oxygen (21%). The gases are dissolved in liquid in our lungs; the concentration depends on partial pressure. The maximum level of oxygen absorption is a measure for physical performance. The oxygen requirements depend to a great deal on the person’s activity and health. Resting, a human being needs around 20 litres of oxygen per hour.


우리가 숨쉬는 대기중의 공기는 질소(79%)와 산소(21%) 가스상태로 대부분 구성되어 있습니다. 이 가스들은 폐속에서 부분적인 압력에 의존되어 액체상태로 용해됩니다.


산소 흡수의 최대 수준은 물리적인 성능으로 측정할 수 있습니다.산소요구량은 사람의 활동 및 건강에 따라 크게 좌우됩니다. 휴식할 때 인간은 시간당 약 20리터정도의 산소를 필요로 합니다.


In case of illness we often observe an accumulation of oxygen metabolism products (e.g. carbon dioxide) in the cells and a depletion of energy-rich substances.


질병이 발생할 시에는, 세포내에서의 산소 신진대사 산출물(즉, 이산화탄소)이 축적되는 것과 에너지가 풍부한 물질이 감소되는 것을 우리는 종종 보게 됩니다.


Consequently, the optimum therapy involves replenishing the body.s energy reserves to achieve energetic super compensation. The Airnergy process produces a particularly energetic activated form of the vital substance oxygen (oxygen in the activated singlet state -1O2 with paired valency electrons with anti-parallel spin as opposed to the basic state of molecular oxygen in triplet state 3O2 with two unpaired valency electrons with parallel spins). This energetic, reactive form of oxygen is very short-lived and, unlike ozone, is safe for humans. Active singlet oxygen destroys mould spores and can also be used to fight various types of bacteria.


Airnergy Oxygen Therapy




Use of oxygen is fundamental to all regenerative processes…


모든 재활과정에서 "산소의 사용 "은 기본입니다.


During a 24-hour period, a person breathes at least 350 litres of oxygen when at rest. There is a continuous process of breathing it in from the air, and transporting it from the alveolus through to the mitochondria, the power plants of the cells. This fundamental for healthy cell functioning and cell regeneration, as we know them.


24시간동안 한사람이 쉬고 있는 동안에도 적어도 350리터의 산소를 호흡합니다. 공기로부터 계속하는 호흡과정이며, 폐포를 통하여 미토콘드리아 와 세포발전소 전달되며, 우리가 산소를 알고 있는것처럼 ,이러한 기초로 건강한 세포의 기능과 세포재생 도움이 됩니다..


However, if the body only utilizes ¼ of the total volume of oxygen breathed in, and the rest is breathed out unused…


...what, then, is the sense, we asked ourselves, in exposing our patients to the 30 – 100% oxygen concentration provided by conventional therapies?


어쨌던 들이마신 산소의 ¼ 만 신체가 사용하고, 사용하지 않고 내뿜는 다면 무엇이...그때... 느낌으로... 우리 자신에게 묻고는... 기존 치료방법에 의하여 30-100%의 농도의 산소에 환자를 노출시킨다면...


The air contains 21% oxygen, of which ¾ is breathed out unused, and ¼ reabsorbed by the blood. It is known that the cells of older and sicker people cannot make optimal use of the oxygen provided by the blood. Also, for the same quantity of oxygen, the heart utilizes more than all other organs.


공기는 산소를 21% 내포하고 있고, 그 산소의 ¾ 은 사용하지 않고 버려지고, ¼만 신체에 흡수 됩니다. 나이가 들고 약한 사람은 혈액으로부터 공급되는 산소를 적절하게 사용하지 못한다고 알고 있습니다. 또한, 그런사람들의 심장은 그것을 보충하기 위해 다른 장기보다 더 많이 움직이고 있습니다.


Consequently, we found that the cells’ capacity to utilize available oxygen, rather than concentration of oxygen, was the critical factor for regeneration of cells . This means that the conditions for utilizing the oxygen ought to be optimized.


따라서, 산소의 농축도 보다는, 세포가 사용가능한 세포를 활용하는 능력이야말로 세포재생의 중요한 요소(변수)임을 우린 발견했습니다. 이것은 즉 산소를 활용하기 위한 조건들이 최적화되어야 함을 의미 합니다.


We considered the question: How does oxygen actually get into the blood ?


실제로 산소는 어떻게 혈액속으로 들어가는가 ? 라는 질문을 생각해봅니다



Various physical, chemical and organic aspects indicate that a system of extremely complex conditions exist for its transport. Oxygen is inert, and the time which the blood cells (which are transporting the oxygen) have, for flowing through the alveolus, is minimal.


여러 가지의 물리적, 화학적, 조직적인 양상은 극도로 복잡한 상황의 계통이 그운반을 위해 존재한다는 것을 보여줍니다. 산소는 자력으론 움직이지 못합니다. 그때 산소를 운반하는 혈액이 있고, 혈액은 폐포를 통해 최소한으로 흐릅니다.


Is it therefore possible that oxygen entry in the pulmonary alveoli and blood cells, by diffusion through plasma and cell membranes, is limited principally by this small distance? We found this theory, which is the basis for conventional oxygen therapies with their concept of "more" oxygen, to be unsatisfactory. Consequently, we considered whether is it a question of the distance between the cells, or of the properties of the oxygen?


그러므로 혈장과 세포막을 통과하는 확산현상에 의한, 허파꽈리와 적혈구로의 산소진입이 이러한 미세한 거리로 인해 원칙적으로 제한적일수가 있을까요? 

“보다 많은 산소”의 개념을 지진 재래식(전통적) 산소 요법에 기반을 둔 이 이론은 충분하지 못한(만족스럽지 못한) 이론으로 확인되었습니다.


We can't change the body but we can the air it breathes....

우린 몸을 바꾸지 못하지만, 숨쉬는 공기는 바꿀수 있습니다


We cannot change the low level of permeability of the cell membranes to inert oxygen, but we can change the inertness of oxygen. A highly reactive form of oxygen is known from the field of plant metabolism. In this case, oxygen is activated by the chlorophyll through the sun, and decays for a short period of time to its highly reactive state, the singlet state. (This is a highly reactive state, which the human body itself continuously generates for its biochemical reactions.)


우리는 비활성산소에 대한 세포막의 낮은 투과율을 변동시킬 수는 없다. 하지만 우리는 산소의 비활성도를 변동시킬 수 있다. (세포막의 투과율을 직접 변동시킬 수는 없지만, 산소의 비활성도를 변동시켜서  간접적으로나마 세포막에서의 산소투과율을 높일 수 있음)

산소의 민감한 형태는 식물 대사의 분야에서 잘 알려져 있습니다. 이 경우에는 산소가 태양을 통해 엽록소에 의해 활성화되고, 민감한 상태, 로 되기 위해 짧은기간 내에 의 감쇠됩니다. (이것은 인체 자체가 지속적으로 생화학적 반응에 대해 생성하는 민감한 상태입니다.)


During relaxation, energy is set free. The transport medium for this discharged energy is atmospheric moisture.  This facilitates the life-threatening properties of oxygen, in order, for example, to eliminate the damage caused by a high production of free radicals* : the foundation for the AIRNERGY energy therapy.


휴식동안에는 에너지가 자유로운 상태로 됩니다. 이 방전 에너지의 전송 매체는 대기 중의 수분입니다. 이것은 예를들어, 활성산소가 과다발생하여 나타나는 손상을 제거하기 위해서 산소가 가지고 있는 신체에 치명적인 성질을 촉진시킵니다....



*Free radicals (or oxygen-centered radicals,) mainly fulfill biochemical tasks but can cause damage, however, in cases of excessive production (oxidative stress), even to the point of changing the genetic material.


활성산소 ( 산소 - 활성산소의 핵심)는 생화학적 작업을 주로 수행합니다. 하지만 과도한 생산(산화 스트레스)을 할 경우에는 손상을 초래할 수있는데, 이는 유전자 물질 조차도 변형시킬 수 있는 수준까지에 조차도 이르게 됩니다.


"When considered as a defective state of homeostasis (self-regulation) between the formation and neutralization of radicals, practically all illnesses can be defined as radical illnesses …"


활성산소의 형성과 중화과정의 사이에서의 항상성(자기규제)의 결함상태를 고려할 때 사실상 모든 병들이 활성산소와 관련된 병으로 정의될 수 있습니다. 


(Prof. Bohles, Report of the Federal Association of Panel Doctors, 1995)





AIRNERGY energy therapy optimizes the oxygen utilization and increases protection from the free


radicals, as unearthed by its study in nature.


AIRNERGY 에너지요법은 산소의 사용을 최적화하며, 유리기(활성산소)로부터의 (신체의) 보호를 강화하는데, 유리기는 그 특성이 연구에 의해 이미 밝혀졌습니다. 



How it works


AIRNERGY energy therapy uses atmospheric air as its medium for therapy, by a process of making oxygen reactive, a process “copied” from nature. After the oxygen has returned to its normal state, the energy generated and transported by the water molecules in atmospheric moisture takes affect:


-which thus promotes the creation of anti-oxidative enzymes which reduce the production of

free radicals…


AIRNERGY 에너지 요법은 대기 공기를, 산소를 활성화 시키는 과정을 통하여, 그의 요법 매체로써 활용합니다.. 즉 자연으로부터의 “ 복제된 프로세스” 를 통하여 이루어 지며, 산소가 원래의 정상 상태로 복귀가 된 후, 대기의 습기 속에 함유된 물 분자에 의하여 생성되어 운반된 에너지가 발생합니다.

- AIRNERGY 산소는 세포 안에서 산소 활용도를 최적화 시키며- 어느 따라서 활성산소의의 생산을 감소시키는 산화방지 효소의 생성을 촉진 시킵니다.


This is the reason why AIRNERGY is effective in the case of practically all illnesses, including carcinogenic ones. This is no presumption, but rather an interconnection resulting from noting the significance of oxygen utilization. Seemingly, it lies in the nature of things.


이것이 그 AIRNERGY 에너지 요법이 암에 의한 질병은 물론 실질적으로 모든 질병에 효과가 있다는 바로 그 이유입니다. 이는 결코 추정이 아닙니다. 오히려 산소 활용의 중대성을 인식함으로써 획득한 상관결과라고 봐야 합니다.





AIRNERGY is a very simple form of therapy. It is easy to use and there are no risks involved.


AIRNERGY 치료 요법의 매우 단순한 형태입니다. 그것은 쉽게 사용할 수 있으며 이것과 연관된 위험이 전혀 없습니다.


 Practically no materials are required. The patient breathes in the air activated in the AIRNERGY unit through a nasal cannula. The recommendation is to implement therapy sessions of 20 minutes, each involving 10 – 30 inhalations, preferably several times a week.


실제로 아무것도 필요 없습니다. Nasal Cannula (코 호흡관)를 통하여 AIRNERGY 장비로 활성화된 공기를 흡입하면 됩니다. 가급적(될 수 있으면) 일주일에 여러 번(보통 3~5번) 각각 10~30번 흡입하는 것을 포함한 20분 동안의 치료 섹션(시간)을 이행하는 것이 권장 합니다.


 Risks &Side-effects


 There are no known side-effects from using the AIRNERGY application. The therapy assists the body both in the effectiveness of other treatments, and in compensating for their negative side-effects.

AIRNERGY 사용하여 알려진 부작용이 없습니다. AIRNERGY 치료는 다른 치료의 효과를 증대시키고 다른치료의 부정적인 부작용에 대하여 보완하여줍니다.




Concentrated Oxygen vs Airnergy Technology

농축산소 : 에어너지


Study 1: Concentrated Oxygen vs Airnergy


Concentrated oxygen and activated respiratory air: a comparison between the physiological effects of two inhalation applications

농축 산소와 활성화된 공기 호흡기 : 두 흡입 응용 프로그램의 생리적 효과 비교


A study involving healthy test persons


C. Schollmann




In this study, 19 test persons inhaled air, which had been processed according to the Airnergy technology, for 20 minutes. At the end of the inhalation there was a very significant reduction in the amount of oxygen in the exhaled air, a significant improvement in peak flow and a significant reduction in breathing and pulse frequency compared to the initial values – indications of improved oxygen utilisation, which is reflected in better metabolic quality and regulation capacity. on the other hand, the same test persons gained no such benefits from inhaling concentrated oxygen under the same conditions.


본 연구에서는 19명의 피검자는 20 분간 Airnergy 공기를 흡입하였다. 흡입결과 날숨의 산소량 이 감소하였고,. 최대호흡량이 개선 과 호흡수 와 심박수가 초기와 비교하여 감소하였다. 더 나은 신진대사 품질과 조절능력이 반영된 산소 활용의 개선지표를 보여주었다. 반면에 농축산소를 호흡한 실험자에게서 같은 조건하에서 그러한 장점을 찾을수 없었습니다.






Energy production in the human organism is directly dependent on the continuous supply and utilisation of oxygen. Humans can live for several weeks without food, several days without water, but only a few minutes without oxygen. As oxygen is a prerequisite for elementary life processes, but at the same time is increasingly “a limiting factor in our lives” (Fodor 2001), this vital gas is the focus of therapeutic efforts.


인간 유기체내에서의 에너지생산은 직접적으로 산소의 지속적인 공급과 활용에 의존합니다.

산소는 기본적인 대사활동의 필수조건이면서  동시에 또한 점점 더 '우리의 생명에서 제한

적인 요소'이므로 이 중요한 생명의 기체는 치료요법의 핵심입니다. 


In this study, which was conducted by Dr. Ulrich Knop from the Institute for Medical Bionics in Wolfsheim, Germany, two different inhalation therapies connected with oxygen and its utilisation in the human organism are compared. The oxygen inhalation therapy, in which patients breathe in increased concentrations of oxygen, is based on the generally acknowledged hypothesis that oxygen absorption is driven from the alveoli into the lung capillary blood by diffusion processes. According to the hypothesis, the driving force behind the diffusion process is the difference in partial pressures between the alveoli and the mixed venous blood in the lung capillaries (Ullrich, 1994). Accordingly, the objective of oxygen inhalation therapy is to increase and normalise the oxygen concentration in the blood by permanently increasing the arterial oxygen partial pressure (cf. Fodor, 2001). In addition, the aim is to increase the size of the arterio-venous oxygen difference and lower the carbon dioxide partial pressure in the blood to a normal level. All of this should lead to a situation where the body`s cells are supplied with more oxygen which should in turn improve metabolism.


독일 Wolfsheim에 있는 의료생체공학연구소의  Ulrich Knop박사에 의해서 수행된 이 연구에서는 인간의 신체 조직 내 산소 및 산소의 사용과 연관된 두 가지의 다른 치료요법들이 비교 검토되었습니다.  산소흡입요법은 환자들이 증가시킨 농축산소안에서 호흡하는 것으로 산소흡수는 폐포(허파꽈리)에서 허파 모세혈관의 피까지 확산과정에 의하여 작동 추진된다는 일반적으로 인정된 가설에 근거를 두고 있습니다.  가설에 의하면, 확산작용을 일으키는 배후의 추진력은 허파의 모세혈관안의 허파꽈리와 정맥혈액사이에 서 존재하는 부분적인 압력의 차이에서 나옵니다....따라서, 산소 흡입 요법의 목적은 동맥내의 산소부분압력을 영구적으로 향상시킴으로써 몸속의 산소농도를 증가시킨 다음 정상화시키기 위해서입니다. 그 목적은 동맥내의 산소량 증감의 폭을 증가시키고, 혈액내 이산화탄소의 부분압력을 정상수준으로 낮추는 것입니다.이 모든 것들은 몸속의 세포들이 물질대사를 촉진할 수 있도록 더 많은 산소들을 공급받는 상황으로 이끌 것입니다.


 The Airnergy inhalation therapy is based on a completely different assumption. This therapy sees the cause for low energy production in the body’s cells in the organism’s declining ability to utilise the oxygen in the air to an adequate extent. According to this assumption, the limiting factor for the metabolism is not the amount of oxygen, but rather the organism’s ability to utilise it. The developers of the Airnergy therapy say that even healthy people can utilise only a fraction of the air oxygen for metabolism, and that this fraction is reduced even further as people grow older, when they are sick or stressed (cf. Grosse-Brockhoff, 1969; cf. Fodor, 2001). Because of this, the objective must be to increase the organism’s ability to utilise oxygen in a physiological manner and not to increase the amount of oxygen. The principle of this new technology thus consists of making the natural oxygen proportion in the respiratory air in the alveoli and also in the parenchyma more utilisable for the body without feeding the body additional oxygen. This is achieved with the help of a patented technology, similar to photosynthesis, in which air oxygen is continuously transformed into a singlet state – the physiological active form of oxygen - in the inhalation device (cf. Schollmann, 2004). Singlet oxygen is also continuously formed by the organism itself (cf. Elstner, 1993), i.e. when the inhaled molecular oxygen, which is actually inactive, is to be used for metabolic reactions. Airnergy imitates this natural principle in a bio-physical manner.


Airnergy 흡입 요법은 완전히 다른 가정에 근거합니다.

이 치료방법은 몸 세포의 에너지 생성이 적은 원인을 생명체의 공기 중 산소를 적절히 사용하는 능력이 감소되는 것을 원인으로  보고 있습니다. 이 가설에 따르면, 신진 대사에 대한제한 요소는 산소의 양이 아니라 오히려 유기체의 능력을 활용합니다. 이 Airnergy 개발자들에 의하면 건강한 사람조차도 물질대사를 위해서 공기 중 산소의 일부분만을 이용하고,이 일부분마저 나이가 들어 병들고 스트레스를 받을수록 더욱 감소된다고 합니다.  (cf. Grosse - Brockhoff 1969 년 ; CF. Fodor, 2001).


이 때문에, 그 목적은 생리학적인 방법으로 산소를 활용하기 위해 유기체의 기능을 증가시켜야 함에 있고, 산소의 양을 증가시키지는 않아야 합니다. 이것은 공기 산소가 지속적으로 단일항 상태(일중항 산소)로 전환되는 광합성과 유사한 특허 기술의 도움을 받아 달성되었습니다. 단일항 상태(일중항 산소)산소는 또한 유기체 그 자신에 의해 끊임없이 형성됩니다.이를테면 흡입된 분자형태의 산소, 즉 사실상 비활성상태의 산소는 신진대사의 반응과정을 위해 사용됩니다. Airnergy는 생체물리학적인 방법으로 자연적인 원리를 모방하였습니다.



The decisive factor in the Airnergy principle is that users do not inhale the singlet oxygen produced in the device, but only its energy. In the inhalation device the energy that is released when the activated oxygen returns to its original state (triplet state) is immediately absorbed by water molecules in the (moist) respiratory air. These activated water molecules – not activated oxygen states – are inhaled by the user through a lightweight nasal cannula. These highly energetic water molecules are a form of energy known to the organism, which, consequently, it can utilise optimally. This has been proved, for example, in a marked improvement in heart rate variability (a measure for the organism’s vegetative control ability) after just one Airnergy treatment (Knop, 2003).


Airnergy 원칙에 있어 결정적인 요소는 이용자들이 장비에서 발생되는 단일항산소(Singlet Oxygen)는 들이마시지 말고 오직 그 에너지만을 들이마셔야 한다는 것입니다. 본 흡입 장치에서 활성화된 산소가 본래의 상태(삼중항산소상태)로 돌아갈 때 방출되는 에너지는 (촉촉한)호흡 공기 안에 있는 물 분자에 의하여 즉각 흡수 됩니다.


이활성화된 물분자들은 - 활성화되지않은 산소상태- 가벼운 코산소호흡관을 통해 사용자에게 흡입되어지는것입니다.이런 매우 활동적인 물의 분자들은   생물체에겐 결론적으로 최적으로 이용될 수 있는  에너지의 한 형태로 알려져 있습니다. 이건, 예를 들어,  그냥 한번의 Airnergy 치료 후에 심장 박동률 변수(생물체의 가사상태 /식물인간 같은)  통제력을 위한 측정치에서  현저하게 개선 된 것에서 증명 된 것입니다.


 As clinical experiences are available for both the oxygen inhalation therapy and the Airnergy inhalation therapy and since the two processes are based on completely different, mainly contradictory assumptions, it seemed obvious to make a direct comparison of the two therapies on healthy test persons. In this study the influences of the organism’s overall oxygen utilisation was determined on the basis of the amount of oxygen in the exhaled air. As oxygen cannot or only marginally be stored in the organism (cf. Fodor, 1984, 2001), the amount of oxygen in the exhaled air is a direct measure for total oxygen utilisation in the organism. The lower the amount of oxygen in the exhaled air, the more oxygen was utilised by the organism. In addition, the effects of both inhalation therapies were determined on the basis of several generally acknowledged, easily gathered and interpretable performance and regulation parameters: peak flow, breathing rhythm, pulse frequency and blood pressure.


산소흡입요법과 Airnergy 흡입요법 모두다 임상적인 적용이 가능함에 따라서 그리고 두 과정이 완전히 다른, 상당히 상충되는 가정에 기초한 것이므로, 두 요법을 건강한 사람들에 게 테스트하여 직접적인 비교를 하는 것은 명백히 가능합니다.


본 연구에서, 생명체의 종합적인 산소활성의 영향력은 날숨에 포함된 산소의 양을 근거로 결정된 것입니다. 산소가 유기체내에서 저장될수 없거나 또는 아주 소량만 비축이 가능하기 때문에,  날숨에 포함된 산소량은 유기체내에서의 총산소사용량의 직접적인 척도가 됩니다.(cf. Fodor, 1984, 2001),


날숨에 산소의 양이 적을수록, 유기체내에서 산소가 더 많이 활용된 것입니다. 게다가, 양쪽 흡입요법의 효과는 몇 가지 일반적으로 인정되며, 쉽게 수집할 수 있는, 그리고 분석이 가능한 방법과 매개변수(피크 산소흐름, 호흡리듬,맥박 그리고 혈압)의 토대에서 결정됩니다.



Material and methods


1. Test persons

19 healthy test persons of both genders (10 male, 9 female) with normal weight took part in the study. Their ages were between 17 and 59, the average age was 32.4. The test persons included six smokers and 13 non-smokers.


1. 실험대상자

정상체중을 가진 19명의 혼성(남10,여9)의 건강한 실험대상자들이 이 연구에 참여했다.. 그들의 나이는 17과 59 사이의 나이로 평균 연령은 32.4 이었다. 피실험자는 흡연자 6명 과 비 흡연자 13명 이었다.


2. Inhalation therapy Oxygen inhalation therapy:

After the test persons had rested on a bench for five to ten minutes, various parameters were measured: breathing frequency, blood pressure and pulse frequency, followed by the amount of oxygen in the air that they exhaled (VO2) and peak flow. The respective measuring methods are described in Point 3. When the measurements had been completed, the test persons inhaled 95% oxygen through a nasal cannula for 20 minutes. A conventional oxygen concentrator with a flow of 4.5 litres/min. was used. Two minutes before the end of the inhalation, breathing frequency, blood pressure and pulse frequency were determined again, the amount of oxygen in the exhaled air (VO2) and peak flow were measured immediately after the inhalation therapy.


2. 농축산소 호흡치료

실험대상자들을 5 분에서 10 분 동안 벤치에서 쉬게한뒤, 다양한 매개 변수를 측정했다.[날숨안의 산소의 양(VO2) 최대호기량 의 결과로 인한 호흡수, 혈압과 맥박수] 각각의 측정방법은 Point 3에 묘사되어 있습니다.측정이 끝났을 때 시험대상자들은 20분간 Nasal Cannula를 통해 95%농도의 산소를 흡입했습니다. (분당 4.5리터 용량의 산소공급기 사용 하였음)

흡입을 마치기 2분전, 혈압 과 맥박이 재설정되었고, 날숨안의 산소양과 최대호기량 흡입치료후 즉시 측정이 되었다.


Airnergy inhalation therapy:

A few days later, the test was repeated with the same test persons, but this time with the Airnergy inhalation therapy instead of the oxygen therapy. After the test persons had rested on a bench for five to ten minutes various parameters were measured: breathing frequency, blood pressure and pulse frequency, followed by the amount of oxygen in the air that they exhaled (VO2) and peak flow. The respective measuring methods are described in Point 3. When the measurements had been taken, the test persons inhaled air through a nasal cannula, which had been prepared according to a technology similar to chemoluminescence (Airnergy) for 20 minutes. The Airnergy Professional Plus inhalation device from natural energy solutions AG, Hennef was used and the 100% setting was chosen. Two minutes before the end of the inhalation, breathing frequency, blood pressure and pulse frequency were determined again, the amount of oxygen in the exhaled air (VO2) and peak flow were measured immediately after the inhalation therapy.


Airnergy 호흡치료

며칠 후, 시험은 동일한 실험대상자들에게 반복되었지만, 이때는 일반산소공급기 대신 Airnergy를 사용했습니다. 실험대상자들을 5 분에서 10 분 동안 벤치에서 쉬게한뒤, 다양한 매개 변수를 측정했습니다. [날숨안의 산소의 양(VO2) 최대호기량 의 결과로 인한 호흡수]


혈압과 맥박수. 각각의 측정방법은 Point 3에 묘사되어 있습니다. 그 측정이 이루어졌을때, 시험대상자들은 20분동안 화학발광과 유사한 과학기술(Airnergy)에 따라 준비된 Nasal Cannula 를 통해  공기를 흡입하였습니다. Professional plus를 사용하였으며 강도는 100%로 설정 하였습니다. 들숨을 마치기 2분전, 호흡수와 혈압, 맥박수는 다시 확인되었습니다다.




3. Measuring methods

3.  측정방법



Determination of the amount of oxygen in the exhaled air (VO2).

The oxygen flow in the exhaled air was measured in millilitres per minute (ml/min) with the help of the MedGem measuring device from microlife. The test persons breathed through the MedGem device for several minutes. The amount of oxygen in the exhaled air is a measure for oxygen utilisation in the entire organism. The lower the amount of oxygen in the exhaled air, the more oxygen was utilised by the organism.


날숨 안의 산소양의 산정.

날숨 안의 산소의 흐름은 Microlife MedGem 장비로 분당 ㎖ (㎖/min) 로 측정하였다.  실험대상자들은 MedGem 장비로 수차례 호흡을 하였다.  날숨의 산소함유량은 유기체내에서의 산소활용의 척도이다. 날숨에 포함된 산소량이 적을수록, 더 많은 산소가 유기체에 의해 사용된 것이다.



Determination of pulse frequency and blood pressure.

The pulse frequency was measured for one minute, blood pressure was determined using a measuring device from Scala.   


호흡수의 산정.

그 실험 대상자들의 호흡수는 2분동안 측정되었고(세어졌고) 그리고 나서 분당 호흡수로 평균내었다.



Determination of breathing frequency.

The test persons’ breaths were counted for two minutes and then averaged to breaths per minute.


호흡수의 산정.

그 실험 대상자들의 호흡수는 2분동안 측정되었고(세어졌고) 그리고 나서 분당 호흡수로 평균내었다.



Determination of peak flow.

Peak flow in litres/minute (l/min) was measured with the Roland Pulmotest. The measurement was carried out three times in a row; the highest value was used in the eval‎‍uation.


최대호기량 의 산정

분당 1리터 (ℓ/min) 로 하여 Roland Pulmotest 장비로 측정하였다.

3회실 시하여 낮은 점 최고점을 평가에 사용하였다.



Statistical eval‎‍uation.

The statistical eval‎‍uation was made using a t test for combined random samples.



통계적 평가.

통계 평가는 무작위 표본 검사도 혼합 사용되었다.





1. Airnergy activated air and concentrated oxygen on the amount of oxygen in the exhaled air

Airnergy 활성공기 와 농축산소가 날숨의 산소총량에 미치는 영향.



After the test persons had inhaled Airnergy activated air, a reduction in the amount of oxygen in the exhaled air was determined in every single case. on average the amount of oxygen in the exhaled air compared to the original value was reduced by 30.2 millilitres per minute (ml/min.), which corresponds to a 9.9% reduction (see Figure 1). The difference between the amount of oxygen in the exhaled air before and after Airnergy inhalation was highly significant from a statistical aspect (p = 1.5 x 10-7). on the other hand, when the test persons inhaled concentrated oxygen, there was, on average, a slight increase of 7.5 millilitres per minute (ml/min.) in the amount of oxygen in the exhaled air, which corresponds to 2.6 per cent (see Figure 1). The difference between the amount of oxygen in the exhaled air before and after inhalation with concentrated oxygen reached the 95% level of significance (p = 0.022).



실험대상자가 Airnergy 활성화 공기를 들이쉰 후에, 내뿜은 공기에 포함된 산소량의 감소분을 매 실험마다 측정하였다. 원래값어치 와 비교 되었던 날숨안의 산소총량의 평균값이 9.9%에 상당하는 분당 30.2교 되었던 날숨안의 산소총량의 평균값이 9.9%에 상당하는 분당 30.2㎖ 감소하였다. Airnergy 사용전후 날숨안의 산소총량의 차이는 통계학적으로 높은 의미가 있었다. 그와 반대로, 농축산소를 흡입한 경우에....거기에는...평균적으로...교 되었던 날숨안의 산소총량의 2.6%에 상당하는 분당 7.5㎖ 조금 증가하였다.  농축산소를 들이마시기 전과 후에, 날숨에 포함된 산소총량의 차이는 95%의 유의성(즉 상관관계나 신뢰도) 수준을 보여주고 있다.


Figure 1: Influence of total oxygen utilization in the organism after a 20-minute inhalation with Airnergy activated air (Airnergy) or concentrated oxygen (O2), exhibited on the basis of the (inverse correlated) proportional change in the amount of oxygen in exhaled air (VO2). The difference between the amount of oxygen in exhaled air before and after Airnergy inhalation was statistically highly significant (p = 1.5 x 10-7), the difference between the amount of oxygen in the exhaled air before and after inhalation with concentrated oxygen reached the 95% level of significance (p = 0.022).

Figure 1:  20분간의 Airnergy 활성 공기 또는 농축산소의 흡입 후 조직의 산소활용능력 은 날숨의 산소량 (VO2)의 비교변화에서 보여주고 있다. (적을수록 좋음)  Airnergy 공기 흡입 전후 VO2 의 차이는 통계적인 높은 의미가 있었다 (p = 1.5 x 10-7) .농축산소 흡입 전후 VO2 의 차이는 의미수준의 95% 에도 미치지 못했다. (p = 0.022)



 2. Influence of Airnergy activated air and concentrated oxygen on peak flow


After the 20-minute inhalation with Airnergy activated air, the average peak flow values of the test persons had improved by 31.1 litres/minute, which corresponds to a 7.1% improvement (see Figure 2). The difference between the peak flow values before and after Airnergy inhalation was statistically significant (p = 0.006). on the other hand, when the test persons inhaled concentrated oxygen, the average peak flow values worsened by 15.5 litres/minute, which corresponds to 3.4 per cent (see Figure 2). The difference between the peak flow values before and after inhalation with concentrated oxygen reached the 95% level of significance (p = 0.047).


Airnergy 활성화 공기를 20 분 흡입 후, 실험대상자들의 최대호기량의 평균치가 7.1%개선된

것에 해당하는 분당 31.1ℓ 향상되었다(Figure 2 참조).  Airnergy 사용전후 최대호기량의 차이는 통계

학적으로 의미가 있었다. 반대로, 농축산소를 흡입한 경우에는 최대호기량이 3.4% 에 상당하는 분당

15.5ℓ 악화되었다 (Figure 2 참조).  농축산소를 들이마시기 전과 후에, 최대호기량 차이는 95%의 유의성(즉 상관관계나 신뢰도) 수준을 보여주고 있다.



Figure 2: Proportional change in peak flow after a 20-minute inhalation with Airnergy activated air (Airnergy) or concentrated oxygen (O2). The difference between the peak flow values before and after Airnergy inhalation was statistically significant (p = 0.006). The difference between the peak flow values before and after inhalation with concentrated oxygen was significant at a level of 95% (p = 0.047).



Figure 2:  20분간의 Airnergy 활성 공기 또는 농축산소의 흡입 후, 그에 비례하는 최대호기량의 변화.  Airnergy 공기 흡입후, 전후 최대호기량 의 차이는 통계적인 의미가 있었습니다. (p =0.006).  농축산소를 들이마시기 전과 후에, 최대호기량 차이는 95%의 유의성(즉 상관관계나 신뢰도) 수준을 보여주고 있다. (p = 0.047) 



3. Influence of concentrated oxygen and Airnergy activated air on breathing rhythm

                 (Airnergy 활성공기 와 농축산소가 호흡수에 미치는 영향. )

 After the test persons had inhaled Airnergy activated air, an average reduction in their breathing rhythm of 1.9 breaths per minute was determined, which corresponds to 12.9 per cent (see Figure 3). The difference between the breathing frequency values before and after Airnergy inhalation was statistically significant (p = 0.005). After a 20-minute inhalation with concentrated oxygen an average reduction in the breathing rhythm was also determined, in this case 0.6 breaths per minute, which corresponds to 4.4 per cent (see Figure 3). The difference between the breathing frequency values before and after inhalation with concentrated oxygen did not reach the 95% level of significance (p = 0.5).


실험대상자들 Airnergy 활성화 공기를 20 분 흡입 후, 호흡리름 에 12.9% 해당하는 분당 1.9 회 감소하였다. (Figure 3 참조).  Airnergy 공기를 흡입의 전후의 호흡수차이에서 통계적인 의미를 보였다. 농축산소를 20분 사용한 경우에도 평균적으로 호흡수는 감소하였다. 이 경우 4.4% 에 해당하는 분당 0.6회 감소하였다.  농축산소를 들이마시기 전과 후에, 호흡수 의 차이는 95%의 유의성(즉 상관관계나 신뢰도) 수준을 보여주지 못하고 있다. (p=0.5).


  Figure 3: Proportional change in breathing rhythm after a 20-minute inhalation with Airnergy activated air (Airnergy) or concentrated oxygen (O2). The difference between the breathing frequency values before and after Airnergy inhalation was statistically significant (p = 0.005). The difference between the breathing frequency values before and after inhalation with concentrated oxygen did not reach the 95% level of significance (p = 0.5).



Figure 3: 20분간의 Airnergy 활성공기 또는 농축산소의 흡입후, 그에 비례하는 호흡수의 변화.

Airnergy 공기 흡입후, 전후 호흡수의 차이는 통계적인 의미가 있었다. (p = 0.005).  농축산소를 들이마시기 전과 후에, 호흡수 의 차이는 95%의 유의성(즉 상관관계나 신뢰도) 수준을 보여주지 못하고 있다. (p=0.5). 



4. Influence of Airnergy activated air and concentrated oxygen on pulse

            (Airnergy 활성공기 와 농축산소가 심박수에 미치는 영향.)



 After the 20-minute inhalation with Airnergy activated air, the average pulse frequency of the test persons had reduced by 4.5 beats/minute, which corresponds to a 6.5% reduction (see Figure 4). The difference between the pulse frequency values before and after Airnergy inhalation was statistically significant (p = 0.002). When the test persons inhaled concentrated oxygen an average reduction on pulse frequency was also determined, in this case 2.4 beats per minute, which corresponds to 3.6 per cent (see Figure 4). However, the difference between the pulse frequency values before and after inhalation with concentrated oxygen did not reach the 95% level of significance (p = 0.1).


Airnergy 활성화 공기를 20 분 흡입 후, 실험대상자들의 평균 심박수가 6.5% 해당하는 분당 4.5회 감소하였다 (Figure 4 참조).  Airenrg 공기를 흡입의 전후의 호흡수차이에서 통계적인 의미를 보였다. 농축산소를 사용한 경우에도 실험대상자들의 평균적으로 맥박수는 감소하였다. 이 경우 3.64% 에 해당하는 분당 2.4회 감소하였다.  하여간에 농축산소를 들이마시기 전과 후에, 맥박수 의 차이는 95%의 유의성(즉 상관관계나 신뢰도) 수준을 보여주지 못하고 있다. 


   Figure 4: Proportional change in pulse frequency after a 20-minute inhalation with Airnergy activated air (Airnergy) or concentrated oxygen (O2). The difference between the pulse frequency values before and after Airnergy inhalation was statistically significant (p = 0.002). The difference between the pulse frequency values before and after inhalation with concentrated oxygen did not reach the 95% level of significance (p = 0.1).


Figure 4: 20분간의 Airnergy 활성화된 공기 또는 농축산소의 흡입후, 그에 비례하는 맥박수 에서의 변화 .  Airnergy 공기 흡입 전후 맥박수의 차이는 통계적인 의미가 있었습니다 (오차율 =0.002). 농축산소를 들이마시기 전과 후에, 맥박수 의 차이는 95%의 유의성(즉 상관관계나 신뢰도) 수준을 보여주지 못하고 있다. (p=0.1).





 5. Influence of Airnergy activated air and concentrated oxygen on blood pressure

          (Airnergy 활성공기 와 농축산소가 혈압에 미치는 영향.)



After inhalation with Airnergy activated air slight changes in the systolic and diastolic blood pressure were determined, which did not reach the 95% level of significance (p = 0.15 and 0.13). After inhalation with concentrated oxygen slight changes in the systolic and diastolic blood pressure were also determined, which also did not reach the 95% level of significance (p = 0.1 and p = 0.06).



Airnergy 활성화 공기흡입한후 최대혈압과 최소혈압에서 95%수준 도 보여주지 못하는 작은 변화를 보였다.(P=0.15, P=0.13) 농축산소역시 최대혈압과 최소혈압에서 95%수준 도 보여주지 못하는 작은 변화를 보였다. (P=0.1, P=0.06)





 A 20-minute inhalation therapy with air that was prepared according to the Airnergy technology caused a significantly high reduction in the amount of oxygen in the exhaled air of the test persons (see Figure 1). As the organism cannot store or store only very insignificant amounts of oxygen (differences in the quantity of transport proteins), the amount of oxygen in exhaled air is a direct measure of the organism’s overall capacity to utilise oxygen. From the above data it can be concluded that when Airnergy activated air is inhaled, the body`s capacity to utilise oxygen improves significantly. It was noticeable that every single one of the test persons exhibited improved oxygen utilisation. Individually, the reduction in the amount of oxygen in the test persons’ exhaled air (and thus the improvement in oxygen utilisation) fluctuated between 2.7% and 17.4%. on average, oxygen utilisation improved by 9.9%.


 As the other physiological data that was gathered – peak flow, breathing rhythm, pulse frequency – show, the test persons converted the improved oxygen utilisation directly into metabolic energy and improved metabolic economy. After Airnergy inhalation the test persons exhibited a significantly improved peak flow value (see Figure 2), a significantly reduced breathing rhythm (see Figure 3) and a significantly reduced pulse frequency (see Figure 4). In addition, slight changes in blood pressure were also determined, but these did not reach the 95% level of significance.


 The Airnergy inhalation did not produce improvements in all three physiological parameters of peak flow, breathing rhythm and pulse frequency. For example, five of the test persons showed no peak flow improvement after Airnergy inhalation. However, these test persons reacted to the therapy with reduced breathing frequency and/or pulse frequency – which can be regarded as an indication of metabolic economising and regulation processes having been initiated. A 49 year old male test person, smoker, who had relatively high blood pressure before the inhalation (143/98), reacted to Airnergy inhalation with a slight rise in systolic (160) and diastolic blood pressure (112). This patient also exhibited no improvement in peak flow after Airnergy inhalation. on the other hand, this test person exhibited a marked reduction in breathing frequency and pulse frequency, so that even here the inhalation therapy started regulation processes in terms of metabolic economy and relieving the cardiovascular system. on the whole, it can be said that for all 19 of the test persons the improved oxygen utilisation resulting from the Airnergy inhalation therapy (see Figure 1) was converted into at least one, but in most cases, several improved performance and regulation parameters.


The situation was, however, different when the test persons inhaled concentrated oxygen instead of Airnergy activated air. After inhaling concentrated oxygen, an average 2.6% increase in oxygen in the exhaled air was determined – the 95% level of significance was reached. The reason for this increase in oxygen in exhaled air – whether due to "residual" highly concentrated oxygen remaining in the lungs shortly before the measurement or due to a worsening of oxygen utilisation – will not be discussed here. It was also noticeable that after the test persons had inhaled concentrated oxygen, the peak flow values dropped by an average of 3.4% - again, the 95% level of significance was reached. In some test persons there was a worsening of several physiological parameters, which indicates a reduction of the quality of metabolism and regulation capacity due to the oxygen inhalation. It thus remains to be said that in the tests that were carried out, in regard to lung function, on average the test persons could not benefit from an inhalation application with concentrated oxygen and in fact, some even experienced deterioration. on the other hand, there were also positive physiological effects from the oxygen application, for example, there was a trend towards reduced breathing and pulse frequencies. But these effects did not reach the 95% level of significance.


 It should be examined whether the positive experiences with inhalation therapies using increased oxygen concentrations in the respiratory air (SMT according to Ardenne, oxygen ionisation therapy according to Engler and deviations of both of these) are possibly not the result of improved oxygen utilisation, but rather caused by the body’s counter-regulation to a (toxic) stimulus (i.e. the high O2 concentration in the alveoli) and/or accompanying measures such as exercise, oral or injected catalysts, minerals, vitamins or proteins. As unrealistic and unjustified as these considerations may have seemed to date - considering the experiences with the Airnergy effect, they are certainly worthy of discussion.


 To summarise, it can be said that the test persons in this study benefited very much from the Airnergy inhalation therapy in regard to their capacity to utilise oxygen, their physiological performance and regulation parameters – but not from the inhalation therapy with concentrated oxygen. After inhaling Airnergy activated air, the organism utilised considerably more oxygen in the respiratory air. The improved oxygen utilisation was also converted into metabolic performance (improved peak flow values as an indication of improved lung function) and improved metabolic economy and quality (reduced breathing rhythm and pulse frequency). Previous studies had already shown that the Airnergy technology application reduced the formation of reactive oxygen species in cultivated human monocytes by 60 per cent (Hulten, L. M. et al., 1999), which indicates an improvement in the antioxidative potency in human cells due to Airnergy – a counterpoint to oxygen inhalation therapies that increase the formation of free radicals (cf. Fodor, 2001).


Other studies will now have to show whether the short-term positive effects of Airnergy, which were exhibited in this study, are sustained in the longer term. It must also be clarified if not just healthy test persons benefit from the air therapy but also patients with existing illnesses. The results of a study into sleep apnoea patients (Burmann-Urbanek and Straube, 2004) and a large number of individual observations – such as patients with lung emphysema, macular degeneration or fibromyalgia syndrome speak for both assumptions. For some of these clinical pictures there are no established therapies.


Ultimately, the results of this test and previous experiences with Airnergy technology should encourage more intensive study into the molecular mechanisms of oxygen transport, oxygen activation and oxygen utilisation in the organism – ideally on the part of universities. The data presented here undoubtedly questions the generally accepted theory that diffusion is the sole motor for transporting oxygen into the blood and the main drive for transporting the gas into the body cells. If diffusion was the main driving force behind oxygen transport, Airnergy could not function. This study highlights the quality of respiratory air in preventive and therapeutic terms.


자료출처:  http://blog.daum.net/inbio880

