05, February, 2023, Monday.
Relay the Accurate Gospel That You'll Never Forget throughout Your Life(John 3:16)
"For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life."
Hymn #304 The Love of God Is Greater Far(Unified Hymn 404)
The beginning of the Gospel is solely the grace of God and His love(Ephesians 2:8~10 & John 3:16) that sent Christ to deliver you from the forces of darkness(Genesis 1:2). You must believe in these facts. This faith is also a gift from God. When you know these facts, you can experience the Gospel. As a result, you'll come to the answer that Christ is the end, and you'll see that everything exists within Him. At this time, the Gospel will be imprinted; rooted; become your nature; and your spiritual DNA will also change(1 Corinthians 5:17 & Galatians 2:20). This Gospel must continue within you. When Christ and His life force come into your soul;(Genesis 1:27) thoughts; heart;(Genesis 2:7) and life(Genesis 2:18), they'll last because you're the person of the throne.
1. Original Man and the Fundamental Problem
Man originally possessed the life force regarding God's creation. That's why man was able to enjoy God's "absolute possibility."(Genesis 1:27~28) However, because man left God, it became absolutely impossible to be saved. Man was unable to fulfill the glory of God(Romans 3:23), and because of Genesis 3, man became separated from God and the devil became "my ruler."(John 8:44)
2. The State and Struggles of Man Who Left God
Man is constantly looking for fulfillment to fill the spiritual voids. However, man will continue to face problems and inevitably face death(Hebrews 9:27). After that, man will face judgment and go to Hell. Although man tries diligently in various ways(Religion, Philosophy, & Teachings), nothing will work out the way man wants.
3. The Unique Path and Acceptance
Because God loved you, He sent Christ(Romans 5:8, John 3:16, 14:6, & 1 John 3:8). All you have to do is believe this and accept it now(John 1:12, Romans 10:10, & Proverbs 27:1). At this time, life will be given;(1 John 5:11~12) you'll be liberated from fate and destiny(Romans 8:2). Moreover, the Holy Spirit, the Counselor, will be given to you, and you'll be made into His temple. Furthermore, He'll be with you; and in the end, make you realize all these(John 14:16, 26-27, & 1 Corinthians 3:16).
By enjoying Christ, everything will become answers. As a result, true peace; true power; and true thanksgiving will come(RT 7, the People of Hebrews 11, & the Early Church). Armed with Gospel Scriptures, you can have holy meditation in the morning; apply them during the day; and concentrate on them at night. If you're in charge of a church district or Sunday School, hold onto the Word there and share forum.
[Covenantal Prayer] Dear God, may today be the day of answers; grace; and the day when I receive spiritual healing and spiritual strength. In Jesus Christ's name, I pray. Amen.
237 New Believers and Field Ministers' Training, Lecture 1(The Way of Salvation, Chapter 11) / 07, March, 2023.
[Gospel Memory Verse] 1 John 5:13.
[Bible Reading] Genesis 16:1~16.