나이가 들면 심장판막, 폐, 건, 인대, 캡슐 등에 석회화가 나타난다.
퇴행화라고 간단하게 치부하기에는 정확하게 이해해야할 mechanism이 있다.
심장 판막의 calcification 기전을 통해 추정해보자.
General features of biomaterial associated calcification [115]
Calcification is a normal, or physiologic, event in the formation of bone, dentin, and tooth enamel,but calcific deposits are unusual in functional soft tissues. Accumulation of crystalline calcium phosphate mineral in necrotic, injured or altered tissues, a relatively common phenomenon in cardiovascular disease, is called pathologic.
- 뼈, 이빨 등에 석회화는 정상이지만, 기능적 연부조직에 칼슘의 침착은 비정상임. 괴사된 조직, 손상된 조직에 결정성의 칼슘인산염 미네랄의 축적은 상대적으로 흔한 일임.
This type of calcification can be subdivided into two groups:
1) metastatic, which occurs in hypercalcemic hosts with otherwise normal tissues, and
2 dystrophic, where the tissues are necrotic or otherwise altered in normocalcemic subjects.
- 고칼슘 혈증에서 대사적으로 일어나는 석회화
- 조직괴사나 다른 변형으로 일어라는 dystrophic 석회화
Calcification can occur within natural tissues, with purely biological substrates rendered nonviable by chemical treatment (bioprosthetic) materials, or in association with synthetic materials, such as polyethers, and polyurethanes. Calcification occurs when a biomaterial is implanted into the circulatory system.
- 석회화는 자연적 조직내에서 흔히 발생할 수 있음.
The mature mineral phase is apathetic, generally poorly crystalline calcium hydroxyapatite (Ca10[PO4]6[OH]2). The location of mineral nucleation may be intrinsic, i.e., within the biomaterial, or extrinsic to the biomaterial itself.
In general, the determinants of mineralization include the next factors:
- Host factors such as calcium metabolism
- Implant factors such as cross-linking, local stress concentrations, presence of surface defects, and surface-adhered organic or cellular debris [116].
Biomaterials associated calcification occurs most predominantly in association with bioprosthetic heart valves, and mechanical blood pumps.