Chapter 05 Economics | | |
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NO | English | | Korean | English Explanation |
1 | craftsman | n | 기술자, 장인 | a person who is skilled in a particular craft |
2 | association | n | 협회 | a group of people who work together in a single organization for a particular purpose |
3 | regulate | v | 규제하다 | to control something, especially by making it work in a particular way |
4 | specific | a | 특정한 | connected with one particular thing only |
5 | apprentice | n | 견습생, 도제, 수습공 | someone who works for an expert to learn a particular skill or job |
6 | dues | n | 회비 | charges, for example to be a member of a club |
7 | vow | v | 맹세하다 | to make a formal and serious promise to do something or a formal statement that is true |
8 | monopoly | n | 독점 | complete control of the supply of particular goods or services, or a company or group that has such control |
9 | permission | n | 허락, 허가 | the act of allowing somebody to do something, especially when this is done by somebody in a position of authority |
10 | protectionism | n | 보호주의 | the principle or practice of protecting a country’s own industry by taxing foreign goods |
11 | competitor | n | 경쟁자 | a person who takes part in a competition |
12 | standardize | v | 표준화하다 | to make things of the same type all have the same basic features |
13 | jealously | ad | 빈틈없이 | very carefully |
14 | discourage | v | 낙담시키다 | to make someone feel less confident, enthusiastic, and positive about something, or less willing to do something |
15 | dominant | a | 지배적인 | more important, strong, or noticeable than anything else of the same type |
16 | underway | a | 진행 중인 | having started |
17 | undoing | n | 타락, 몰락, 파멸 | ruin; destruction |
18 | all but | phr | 거의 | almost |
19 | immediate | a | 즉각적인 | happening or done without delay |
20 | positive | a | 긍정적인 | full of hope and confidence, or giving cause for hope and confidence |
21 | multitude | n | 다수, 수많음 | a large number of things |
22 | spring up | phr | 갑자기 생기다 | to start to exist suddenly |
23 | dramatic | a | 극적인 | very sudden or noticeable, or full of action and excitement |
24 | overcrowded | a | 과밀한 | with too many people or things in it |
25 | in turn | phr | 차례로 | one after the other; in order |
26 | steam | n | 증기 | the hot gas that is produced when water boils |
27 | air pollution | n | 대기 오염 | contamination of the air, especially by smoke or gases from vehicles, factories, and power stations |
28 | space | n | 공간 | an empty area that is available to be used |
29 | patrol | v | 순찰하다 | to go around an area or a building at regular times to check that it is safe and that there is no trouble |
30 | keep ~ under control | phr | ~을 억제하다 | to succeed in dealing with something so that it does not cause any damage or hurt anyone |
31 | mandate | v | 명령하다, 요구하다 | to order someone to do something |
32 | inspire | v | 고무시키다 | to make someone feel that they want to do something and can do it |
33 | exotic | a | 외래의, 이국적인 | unusual and exciting because of coming from far away, especially a tropical country |
34 | destination | n | 목적지 | the place where someone is going or where something is being sent or taken |
35 | merchant | n | 상인 | a person whose job is to buy and sell products in large amounts |
36 | empty into | phr | ~으로 흐르다 | to drop or flow into something |
37 | initial | a | 초기의, 시작의 | happening at the beginning; first |
38 | transit time | n | 통과 시간, 운송 시간 | the time required for an electron or other charge carrier to travel between two electrodes in an electron tube or transistor |
39 | operation | n | 작동, 가동 | an act or process of working, doing something, being in action, or having an effect |
40 | tonnage | n | 총 톤수 | the size of a ship or the weight of goods that a ship is able to carry |
41 | annually | ad | 1년에, 해마다 | once every year |
42 | petroleum | n | 석유 | mineral oil that is found under the ground or the sea and is used to produce petrol, paraffin, diesel oil, etc. |
43 | ore | n | 광석 | rock, earth, etc. from which metal can be obtained |
44 | ease | n | 쉬움, 용이함 | lack of difficulty |
45 | freighter | n | 수송선, 수송기 | a large ship or plane that carries goods |
46 | vital | a | 매우 중요한, 필수적인 | necessary or essential in order for something to succeed or exist |
47 | agrarian | a | 농업의, 농지의 | relating to the land, especially the use of land for farming |
48 | in earnest | phr | 본격적으로 | more seriously and with more force or effort than before |
49 | accelerate | v | 가속하다 | to move more quickly, or to make something happen faster or sooner |
50 | electric light | n | 전구 | a device that produces visible light from electric current |
51 | erect | v | 세우다 | to build something; to put something in position so that it stands upright |
52 | skyscraper | n | 고층 건물 | a very tall modern building, usually in a city |
53 | skyline | n | 스카이라인 | a shape or pattern made against the sky, especially by buildings |
54 | refrigeration | n | 냉장 | the act or process of keeping food, etc. cold in order to keep it fresh or preserve it |
55 | internal combustion engine | n | 내연 기관 | a type of engine used in most cars that produces power by burning petrol or other fuel inside |
56 | churn out | phr | 대량 생산하다 | to produce something quickly and in large amounts |
57 | hail from | phr | ~의 출신이다, ~에서 오다 | to come from or have been born in a particular place |
58 | manpower | n | 인력, 노동력 | the number of workers needed or available to do a particular job |
59 | patent | n | 특허, 특허권 | an official right to be the only person to make, use or sell a product or an invention |
60 | ownership | n | 소유 | the fact of owning something |
61 | exclusive | a | 독점적인, 배타적인 | only to be used by one particular person or group; only given to one particular person or group |
62 | privilege | n | 특권 | a special right or advantage that a particular person or group of people has |
63 | royalty | n | 로열티, 사용료 | a payment made esp. to writers and musicians every time their books or songs are bought or used by others |
64 | grant | v | 주다, 수여하다 | to give or allow someone something, usually in an official way |
65 | notion | n | 관념, 개념 | a belief or idea |
66 | theft | n | 절도 | the act of taking something that belongs to someone else and keeping it; stealing |
67 | cotton gin | n | 조면기(면화에서 솜을 뽑아내는 기계) | a machine used for separating the fibres of the cotton plant from the seeds |
68 | revolutionize | v | 혁신을 일으키다 | to completely change something so that it is much better |
69 | enforce | v | 집행하다 | to make something happen or force somebody to do something |
70 | time-consuming | a | 시간을 소비하는, 시간이 많이 걸리는 | taking or needing a lot of time |
71 | be willing to | phr | 기꺼이 ~하다 | to be happy to do something if it is needed |
72 | thrive | v | 번성하다, 번창하다 | to grow, develop, or be successful |
73 | envy | n | 부러움 | the feeling that you wish you had something that someone else has |
74 | wallow | v | 뒹굴다, 몸부림치다 | to lie or roll around slowly in deep, wet earth, sand, or water |
75 | misery | n | 불행, 비참 | great unhappiness |
76 | stagnation | n | 불경기 | the fact of no longer developing or making progress |
77 | bypass | v | 우회하다 | to go around or avoid a place |
78 | obstacle | n | 장애물 | an object that is in your way and that makes it difficult for you to move forward |
79 | hamper | v | 방해하다 | to prevent somebody from easily doing or achieving something |
80 | infrastructure | n | 기반 시설 | the basic systems and services that a company or industry needs in order to work effectively: |
81 | laborious | a | 힘든, 수고스러운 | needing a lot of time and effort |
82 | dialect | n | 방언, 사투리 | the form of a language that is spoken in one area with grammar, words and pronunciation that may be different from other forms of the same language |
83 | incomprehensive | a | 이해할 수 없는 | impossible to comprehend; unintelligible |
84 | stand at | phr | ~에 이르다, ~ 정도이다 | to stand or remain in a particular state |
85 | subsistence farmer | n | 자급자족 농민 | a farmer who consumes most of the produce he or she grows, leaving little or nothing to be marketed |
86 | mirror | v | ~와 매우 닮다 | to be very similar to something |
87 | wield | v | (권력, 무력 등을) 휘두르다, 떨치다, 행사하다 | to have or use power, authority, or influence, or to hold and use a weapon |
88 | exert | v | (권력 등을) 행사하다 | to use something such as authority, power, influence, etc. in order to make something happen |
89 | conflict | n | 갈등, 충돌 | an active disagreement, as between opposing opinions or needs |
90 | territory | n | 영토, 영역 | land that is under the control of a particular country or political leader; an area that an animal or person tries to control or thinks belongs to them |
91 | turmoil | n | 소란, 소동, 혼란 | a state of confusion, uncertainty, or disorder |
92 | free enterprise | n | 자유 기업 체제 | an economic system in which private businesses compete with each other without much government control |
93 | hinder | v | 방해하다, 저해하다 | to interfere with or obstruct the functioning or progress of |
94 | get underway | phr | 시작하다 | to begin to happen |
95 | derive | v | 끌어내다, 손에 넣다, 획득하다 | to obtain or extract from an original source |
96 | ruthless | a | 가차없는, 무자비한 | without mercy or compassion; pitiless or cruel |
97 | peerless | a | 비할 데 없는 | having no equal; unmatched in excellence |
98 | preserve | v | 보존하다 | to keep a particular quality, feature, etc.; to make sure that something is kept |
99 | evaporate | v | 증발하다 | to turn from liquid into vapor; pass away in the form of vapor |
100 | outcrop | n | 노두(露頭), (광맥의) 노출 | a large mass of rock that stands above the surface of the ground |
101 | vulnerable | a | 취약한 | being capable of being hurt or injured; having weakness |
102 | outcompete | v | 경쟁에서 이기다, 더 뛰어나다 | to be more successful than someone or something |
103 | enact | v | (법 등을) 제정하다 | to make a law, or to make an idea into a law |
104 | ban | n | 금지 | to forbid something, especially officially |
105 | coldblooded | a | 냉혈의 | having a body temperature that depends on the temperature of the surrounding air or water; showing no feelings or sympathy for other people |
106 | ducat | n | (옛날 유럽 대륙에서 사용한) 금화, 은화 | any of various gold or silver coins formerly minted in certain European countries |
107 | impose | v | (세금을) 부과하다 | to introduce a new law, rule, tax, etc.; to order that a rule, punishment, etc. be used |
108 | levy | v | (세금을) 부과하다 | to use official authority to demand and collect a payment, tax, etc. |