Heaven is a place to enter with the honor of a royal family
You cannot enter heaven without complying with the requisite standard. You cannot freely enter heaven. There is a formula. The standard for a meter can be found in the Louvre Museum. It does not change with the climate or temperature there. There are a great number of meter measures, and if each were to follow its own standard, to debate whether any particular length is right or wrong is absurd. The only way is to decide after comparing your measure with the standard meter. You should be aware that there is such a standard in heaven. Not just anyone can go to heaven. (248-299, 1993.10.3)
Do you all want to go to heaven? If you want to go to heaven, you have to have the qualification that lets you enter there. Do you need a ticket on entering heaven? Will you go through with a free pass or will you be examined based on some requirement? It is not a free pass. They will know immediately. Do you think you will find computers in the spirit world or not? Computers are amazing, but the computers in the spirit world can show your entire life in a minute with the touch of a button. You cannot lie. How you were born as someone’s son or daughter, and how you lived your life – everything – will be revealed. Everything about a mischievous woman, or a woman with many unpleasant experiences accumulated as the result of her misdeeds, will come out. (250-110, 1993.10.12)
If human beings had not fallen, they would have entered heaven as God’s direct sons and daughters born from His lineage. Original families would have entered heaven. Yet, the first family fell and inherited the lineage of the enemy. The standard for entering God’s original nation cannot be established until one family attains the position to be His direct children who have not fallen. Once this family exists, God can forget that humankind inherited the lineage of the enemy and became the enemy of His love. The person who directly loves God’s children, his own children who are of God’s lineage, can enter heaven. Yet, without fulfilling the condition of loving the children of the enemy in the satanic world even more, he cannot actually enter heaven. You cannot attain the qualification for entering heaven without loving the children of the enemy more than your own children. (262-304, 1994.8.1)
The main problem lies in the fact that human beings inherited the lineage of the enemy, Satan. Human beings should inherit God’s lineage and be directly connected to heaven in the spirit world. People should unite mind and body in God’s love, become united couples, and become one with their children. They should live a heavenly life in the heavenly kingdom on earth and then enter the Kingdom of God in heaven. These are the fundamental principles of creation. As God’s direct lineage, human beings should have established the absolute ties of true love, lived on earth based on the framework of a unified individual, couple and family, and then entered heaven. This would meet the standard of the principle and law. (264-168, 1994.10.9)
Hell was created after the Fall, was it not? Heaven is a realm where people from both the spiritual and physical worlds enter through the gate of True Parents’ love. If Adam and Eve had not fallen, and had entered heaven through True Parents’ love, they would have become the model for all families. One original model of the family would have entered heaven. Through this, all families would have connected to the realm of love through this royal family that inherited the original tradition and would have become like branches spreading towards the north, south, east, and west, relating to one central trunk. All families would have entered heaven in accordance with the principle that integrates all realms. A unified world would have developed naturally. You should clearly understand this. (231-76, 1992.5.31)
Do you have grandparents in your family? The True Parents are in the position of the grandparents in your family. If there are true parents in your Blessed Family, your family will stand in a position that is higher than that of regular parents. Were you not all born as true children? Did you give birth to many children? Your children will create royal families in the future.
God will create royal families for the first time in history, perfect those families, and take them to the spirit world. They will become the ideal families of the Most High. Those are the royal families of heaven. The original Adam and Eve are thus perfected. They are royal families based on true love. Heaven is the place they can enter after perfection. It would be wonderful if True Father went out and lived in your homes. Why? If you live by attending the True Parents during your lifetime, you automatically go to heaven. This is the heavenly tradition.
The True Parents have lived such a life. Thus, they are connected to heaven naturally. Consequently, all of you are also connected. How amazing, joyful, and precious this is! You should not exchange this for anything. (230-110, 1992.4.26)
Let me speak about one more thing on the principle of restoration through indemnity. This principle is the unchanging truth. Restoration cannot be achieved unless the crime Eve committed in Eden is indemnified within Eve’s world in the ensuing generations. I am sure you all know this. By restoring this, the satanic world will begin to disappear. When the original standard of relationship between Adam and Eve is established worldwide based on the True Parents, then the original heaven with no connection to the Fall will be created. Humankind can hope to enter this world of peace only by way of a single, unified direction. (262-214, 1994.7.23)
When you unite with the True Parents and inherit their tradition, you have the basis on which your family can govern all nations through that proactive tradition. When your family can retain this proactivity, you can be registered into the realm of the royal family in the Kingdom of Heaven. In this way, you enter heaven. Not everyone enters heaven. Three generations should resolve to follow this path. The grandmother and grandfather, the mother and father, the husband and wife, with the children together make up four stages. The set consists of three generations of couples. (228-295, 1992.7.5)
Had it not been for the Fall, our first ancestors would have become God’s son and daughter and the prince and princess of the Kingdom of Heaven on earth and in the spirit world. This would have had global significance. They would have been the beginning and the end, the Alpha and the Omega. However, since the evil parents emerged at the alpha instead of the good parents, all this must be discarded. Therefore, the True Parents, who can digest everything that began from the false parents, should appear. (226-319, 1992.2.9)
Originally, Adam and Eve were God’s son and daughter, were they not? As God’s son and daughter, they were the prince and princess of the Kingdom of Heaven in both heaven and earth. They were the prince and princess of the kingdom in the spirit world, but at the same time they were to grow up to become king and queen on this earth. They were of the royal lineage. By abiding by and practicing the laws of the palace in the Kingdom of Heaven, they would have become an ideal model based on God’s love in all directions – high, low, front, back, left, and right. Wherever they went, to the east, west, south, north, front, or back, they would have stood as the ideal model. This is because they were placed on earth to be at the center of all creation. That central position is the core of all relationships – east, west, north, south, above, and below. From this view, all of you have to stand as a model wherever you go. (226-258, 1992.2.9)
Based on my possession of love, I can gain ownership over my hometown and family. There, the children are perfected, the siblings are perfected, the couple is perfected, and the parents are perfected. Today, through the True Parents, all the things present in God’s manual of creation that were unfulfilled can appear. When this is accomplished, God can completely overcome His deep feelings of anguish and educate humankind as they stand in the original position before the Fall. Through this, you can be qualified as the people of heaven and become a qualified family. The spirit world is connected to the ocean of love on this earth. It is the spiritual Kingdom of Heaven. Consequently, you cannot survive in that kingdom in spirit world without having a heart embodying love on earth. (226-173, 1992.2.2)
All five billion people of humanity are to become the royal relatives who inherit the kingship of the direct lineage of the realm of the firstborn son of God. Those who experience the realm of heart of the heavenly royal family will go to heaven. Therefore, you should live in the realm of the royal family that has expanded worldwide; you should embody its substance, the realm of heart based on global unity. From there, we stand above the eldest son as the True Parents. This is the kingship of the True Parents, who lead the surrounding royal families based on this kingship.
You can enter heaven by attending the kingship at the head of your own royal family, which includes your brothers and sisters as well as your parents. You enter heaven after living with this kind of heart. What kind of place is heaven? Adam and Eve were born like twins; they should have matured, married, and become parents. Similarly, those who can enter heaven have experienced this realm of heart, established this kingship, and stood at the head of their royal families with this authority. You can enter heaven with your royal family only after the original king enters heaven. In this way, on the horizontal plane, four great kingships arise. (247-265, 1993.5.9)
Now, as we enter the age of the Kingdom of Heaven on earth, our families become royal households. This is what you must exemplify. Can the king live as he pleases? Can a queen live as she pleases? Can their sons and daughters live as they please? The king, queen, prince, and princess should all follow the laws of this nation. Furthermore, there are palace laws within the code of laws. Were there not laws for the nobility that lived in palaces? Is life difficult or easy for the royal descendants in places like Britain and Korea? (232-326, 1992.7.10)
True Father has followed the entire path, the path of restoration. Without following it, you cannot perceive heaven. You cannot be raised to the position of the king who reigns over Heaven. How can you become the king of men without knowing how to attend the queen? Is this not an issue? (232-331, 1992.7.10)
Each of you should become a royal family based on true love. If Adam, who is of royal lineage, is the direct heir, then his brothers and sisters would naturally all become his people. Thus, in order to enter heaven, you have to receive love as the prince and princess of the Kingdom of Heaven and enter with this authority and dignity. Let it be known that heaven is the nation of the original homeland and that people can enter in this way! (220-219, 1991.10.19)