07, March, 2023, Thursday.
People Born of God(Galatians 1:1~5)
Paul, an apostle--sent not from men nor by man, but by Jesus Christ and God the Father, who raised him from the dead--(1)
Hymn #552 When the Morning Breaks Anew(Unified Hymn 358)
Because you're born from God, you must find the way to Him. Other paths have no meaning. If you don't get deceived and just hold onto the covenant, you'll surely be victorious. Since evangelism is everything, if you lose hold of it, then what you're doing doesn't have any meaning. That's why you need to confirm what your Gospel evangelism system is like. Simply put, it's about discovering the path to align your entire life with God's plan. Within the church, there are many believers who've lost their way because of a different gospel that has been introduced. In order to save those people, a system of evangelism that Jesus spoke of exists(Matthew 4:19, Mark 3:13~15, John 19:30, Matthew 28:16~20, & Acts 1:3~8). Furthermore, Paul's Gospel evangelism system exists as well(Philippians 3:8, 3:12, 3:14, 3:20, & Romans 16:25~27). In addition, there's also a Gospel evangelism system that must be found within the church(The Covenant of Mark's Upper Room Covenant and the Church at Antioch). By uncovering this Gospel evangelism system, important points will emerge.
1. God's Absolute Plan Regarding Heaven and Earth, the Throne, and Eternity
By holding onto God's "absolute plan" regarding Heaven and earth; the throne; and eternity, these blessings will become yours. God sent Christ to liberate you from this evil generation(The 3 Curses, 3-6~11, 13-16-19, & the 6 States).
2. The Throne and Heaven and the Absolute Preparation of the Eternal God
Consequently, you'll be within the throne; Heaven; and "the absolute preparation" of the eternal God. Since you cannot solve it with your own strength, God unconditionally saved you(Genesis 3:15, 6:14, Isaiah 7:14, & Matthew 16:16). *John Calvin summarized the content of the Bible into five points. Jesus explained the Gospel to the Pharisees by using several *parables.
3. The Absolute Grace That Enjoys "Heavenly, Thronely, and Eternally"
It's believing in "the absolute grace" that enjoys "Heavenly, Thronely, and Eternally." These haven't come from man; instead, they've been given by God. You must believe in the grace of God who gave you "Heavenly, Thronely, and Eternally" and receive His blessings. That's why you must save those who are spiritually dying.
A church that has three courtyards where multiethnic people, those who are sick, and Remnants can come and gain strength must be raised. Remnants must be taught to know prayer so that they can gain "platforms, watchtowers, and antennas." You must ensure that the rest of your life and the studies and businesses of Remnants will become "Heavenly, Thronely, and Eternally" masterpieces.
* The Five Points of Calvinism (TULIP) : Total Depravity: Unconditional Election: Limited Atonement; Irresistible Grace; and Perseverance of the Saints
*The Parable of the Lost Sheep; the Parable of the Lost Coin; and the Parable of the Prodigal Son
[Covenantal Prayer] Dear God, may today be important times of self-inspection; resolution; and opening my spiritual eyes to gain spiritual victory. In Jesus Christ's name, I pray. Amen.
Immanuel Church Sunday Worship, 1st Service / 23, July, 2023.
[Gospel Memory Verse] 2 Corinthians 5:17.
[Bible Reading] Genes 29:21~30.