Faction Mini-Preview: Taira Clan and Minamoto Clan
Introduction: Heian Japan
The rise of the Taira and Minamoto clans, both offshoots of the Imperial clan, was the culmination of the development of a provincial military class during the last two centuries of the Fuijiwara period. This milieu saw the steady erosion of state control, a growth in lawlessness with the formation of bandit and pirate bands, and the creation of military groups around temples, shrines, and local officials. Most of these local leaders claimed descent from lesser clan chiefs, the important ones were descended from provincial branches of Imperial and court families. Starting out from the more remote border regions of the islands, these groups coalesced into extended military clans often with real or pseudo-family ties. In truth, these clans were based on common geographical and economic ties. From 792 AD Chinese-style peasant conscription was abandoned and the task of policing border regions fell to pioneer families who used a professional, permanent militia to protect their land. The techniques employed by these militia, skilled mounted archery and the use of the curved two-handed katana slowly spread to the rest of Japan. A strong allegiance to lord and master within a Confucian model also gained popularity and led to the creation of the ideology of bushido, the way of the warrior.
The Taira Clan: Historical Overview
The Taira clan is often referred to as Heishi (平氏, literally "Taira clan") or Heike (平家, literally House of Taira ), using the character's Chinese reading hei. Grandsons of Emperor Kammu were first given the name Taira in the early ninth century, thereafter descendants of Emperor Nimmyō, Emperor Montoku, and Emperor Kōkō were also given the surname. The specific hereditary lines from these emperors are referred to by the emperor's posthumous name followed by Heishi(i.e. Kammu Heishi).
The Kammu Heishi line, founded in 889 by Taira no Takamochi, became the most enduring and dominant line during the late Heian period with Taira no Kiyomori eventually forming the first samurai dominated government in the history of Japan. Taira no Korihira, moved to Ise Province and established a major daimyo dynasty. Masamori, his grandson; and Tadamori, great-grandson, became loyal supporters of the cloistered emperors Shirakawa and Toba, respectively. Taira no Kiyomori, son and heir of Tadamori, rose to the position of Daijō Daijin following his victories in the Hōgen Disturbance (1156) and the Heiji Disturbance (1160). Kiyomori had become the first courtier of a warrior family to be appointed as a chief minister of the government, and the de facto administrator of the imperial government. But it was through his military success in these conflicts that saw the deep rivalry between the Minamoto and Taira clans develop.
By settling in Heian-kyo (Kyoto) and becoming in effect a new group of courtiers, the Taira clan have risen to their zenith under Kiyomori. However, this ascendancy has weakened their hold over the cliques in the provinces. Minamoto remnants are mustering their strength in the Eastern provinces and eventually they feel themselves strong enough to threaten the Taira's supremacy.
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The Minamoto clan, whose name means 'original town', was founded by Tsunemoto (917–961), grandson of Emperor Seiwa (859-880), and son of the Minister of War. The Minamoto clan was also called the Genji Clan (源氏, Genji Clan), using the alternate pronunciation of the Chinese characters for Minamoto (gen) and uji, or family (ji). The Sasarindō, the family crest of the Minamoto, is a blue wisteria flower.
Along with the Fujiwara, Tachibana, and Taira clans, the Minamoto were one of four clans which dominated Heian politics and court society. Originally an honorary surname granted by the emperor, the Minamoto initially served as agents of the court, suppressing rebellions and guarding the state's borders.
Power struggles emerged within the Imperial court during the 11th and 12th centuries, and by the middle of the 12th century, the conflict came to be primarily one between the Minamoto and Taira clans. The Hogen Disturbance of 1156 saw members of both clans pitted against each other but set the stage for the great rivalry to develop between the Minamoto, led by Minamoto no Yoshitomo, and the Taira, under Taira no Kiyomori. After the Heiji Disturbance, which ended in a Taira victory, several of Yoshitomo's sons were killed, and several exiled, Yoshitomo himself being killed shortly later.
Since that time, the Minamoto, once scattered and defeated, have gradually regained strength and unity. Minamoto Yoritomo and his younger brothers Noriyori and Yoshisune can no longer hide in the shadows and now seek revenge on the Taira. Are the Minamoto now powerful enough to support a usurpation of the throne, or perhaps to even create their own state?
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The Shogunate Transformation
The time following the Genpei War saw the rise of the feudal system in Japan under the rule of Minamoto no Yoritomo. During the war, Yoritomo began to appoint stewards (地頭, jitō) and governors (守護, shugo) in the eastern provinces from his supporters. The culmination of the war saw his power unmatched, and while the court initially resisted him, on December 23, 1185 the court granted his petition which would allow him to appoint his own followers as stewards and governors. The court had granted a lord the power to control the public functions concerned with law enforcement and the collection of revenue; this was the beginning of the feudal era.
The governors and stewards were not acting as representatives of the central government, but as vassals of the lord of Kamakura. These offices of power were granted to them in return for military services. While the Throne still exercised power over some areas, the fidelity of the land was not theirs to command. Each jitō handled the administration of a manor (荘園, shōen) and the farmers who worked on it, which was inherently not the jurisdiction of the federal government. These jitō were administered by the shugo who had administrative authority over a province or multiple provinces in service to the shogun. The warrior-farmers who worked and reaped the benefits of the shōen owed their allegiance both to the jitō they served and the shogun who secured their position.
In All Under Heaven, the player can gradually transition from the Ritsuryō system of the Heian Period to the Shōen system of the Kamakura Period and become a Shogunate. For the player to fully alter the system of governance of the region, control must be consolidated by eliminating the opposing clan and maintaining a military policy. This transition will have effects on the military make-up and its institutions as well as impact the civil appointments and economical tenure of the state.
Argent Usher's Real Horses
Charge's MapMod
Campaign models based on work from:
Three Kingdoms mod - waitcu
Blue Lotus - Rinsui (@ The Guild)
with permission
Advice & Support
The BC team (especially Strelac)
Ran No Jidai team
B. Ward
Before I hear screams of 'Attack of the Clones' most of the units you see are still being developed, future previews will see much more unit variation being added. Thanks.
~ Yelu Dashi
몽골로이드계 얼굴이 이렇게 잘 표현된 모드는 처음 봅니다.
첫댓글 마지막 사진 짤방감이군요 ㅋ_ㅋ
몽골로이드계 얼굴이 이렇게 잘 표현된 모드라서 적응이 안되긴 하지만 리얼함은 최고네요, 근데 스킨 쫌만 더 좋았으면 하는 바람이~
아마 작업이 진행되면 진행될수록 스킨의 퀄리티가 올라가겠죠.
고려도 큰비중차지해주길
고려.,..나와주는 것만으로도 감지덕지 입니다(어짜피 우리나라 모더들이 가만있지 않겠죠? +ㅁ+ )
고려가 어떤지 기대가 되서 왔더니만 일본 스샷만 잔뜩있네요...ㅜ 그래도 퀄리티가 많이 괜찮네요.
얼굴에 사진 갖다 붙혀놓건마냥 어색하기 그지없네... 어차피 나와봐야 알겠지만 별로 안땡기네요
고려는 중국꺼하고 똑같이 나올거 같군요.
제발 고려가 특징있게 나오기를;;;;
역시 일본에 대한 무한한 환상을 가진 서양분들...
난 한국사람이 이상하던데,외국에 나가보면 몇년전까지 만 해도 한국이란 나라를 모르는 사람들이 많았다 알아도,북한으로 알고 있지 ,코리아 하면 80년대 88올림픽때를 생각하는 사람들 엄청 많았죠,월드컵 이후에 관심을 가졌지만 ,우리나라가 우리나라 문화를 알릴려고 노력한다고 했지만 ,,결국 이렇니깐..다른 나라에서 외곡된 교과서를 읽어도 ,조금 관심 가지다 흐지부지 되버리고, 사건이 나야한 말고, 우리나라는 우리나라 문화를 알리기 말만 앞서고 실천이 전혀 안되있는거 같아요 ,la만 가봐도 기무치,불고기나 ,잡채나 ,일본씩 이름을 따서 일본음식처럼 소개하는 일본 음식점 너무 많습니다 ㅠㅠ 삼성이나 lg는 일본 회사인줄
전 미국에서 4년, 뉴질랜드에서 반년을 살았는데 전혀 안 그렇던데요 -_-; 어디쯤에 위치해 있는지는 거의 모두 몰랐지만 그래도 남한과 북한이 나뉘어져 있고 어떤 사람들이 사는지 잘 알더만요.
요즘 들어서 그렇죠 -.- 월드컵 하기 전까지만 해도 우리나라를 아는 사람도 드물었고 ,북한을 먼저 생각하지 남한을 먼저 생각하지 않았습니다 ,그나마 올림픽 때문에 알게된거죠 ,호주나 요즘 뉴질랜드는 하도 한국사람들 널려 있으니 그렇다 쳐도 ,영국이나 ,스위스나,스웨덴이나 ,프랑스나 ~유럽쪽은 모르는 사람 많습니다~유일한 분단국가라 학습자료에도 나와서 그렇지 ,코리아 하면 아~북한~그렇게 생각하는 사람 한둘이 아닙니다~
;; 본문이 일본프리뷰이구만 일본프리뷰니까 일본스샷만 잔뜩있고 고려는 본문에 없죠. 진짜 얼굴이... 사진 붙여넣기한거같고 그래픽도 별로네요...;';;
일본은 이미 "모에" 로 반은 먹고들어가는 국가인데... 한국은 뭘 내세워야 하나요 ? ㅠ
고려군은 그냥 시민군