The Contradiction Buried in Trump’s Iran and North Korea Policies

뉴욕 태임즈의 위 제목의 기사에 댓글이 많이 달렸는데 미국시민들의 댓글들은 아래와 같습니다
이란과의 핵 협정 파기나 기후협약 파기는 미국이 약속을 헌신짝 처럼 버리는 행위이며 미국이 세계로 부터 왕따 당하는 길이며 북한이 미국과 어떤 협정을 하더라도 믿지 못하기 때문에 북한은 미국과 어떤 협상도 하지 않을것이다
트럼프는 미국을 위험에 빠뜨리는 가장 위험한 미친놈이며 속히 제거되어야 한다는 얘기들이 많습니다
WilliamsWashington, DC
If you believe what Trump says about anything you're a fool. The man's a pathological liar. Senators, Congresspersons and former allies return to negotiate with him because they understand he's willing to break any promises (all lies) made. He serves his own family business interests first, then his ego next, there's no loyalty to anything or anyone else. The consequences of having this child-like old man in office even a short time will reverberate through the International community for years to come. His actions will result in major war overseas, very soon. He's already fomenting another Civil War here in the U.S.. By the time Congress acts to remove Trump it will be too late.
Sept. 21, 2017 at 7:13 a.m.
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Is anyone minding the store in Washington?
Sept. 21, 2017 at 7:39 a.m.
RobertSan Diego
Tearing up the Iran deal to please Netanyahu is not going to get KJ-un to the table.
Trump wants to take out N. Korea, and Netanyahu wants to take out Iran.
Sept. 21, 2017 at 7:49 a.m.
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Ah, when will our little prez grow up and realize countries are intertwined and the world is complicated. Just like health care.
Sept. 21, 2017 at 9:53 a.m.
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Philip WBoston
We have the most dangerous President in History. Not modern history.....History. Unscrupulous leaders like Netanayu are playing him. Very sad and frightening.
Sept. 21, 2017 at 8:52 a.m.
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Trump's deal making consists of bullying, belittling and insulting. Wow, amazing that he has ever made any deals. Oh wait, he did business with small companies so that he could cheat them at the end, stiffing them out of money he had agreed to pay.
Sept. 21, 2017 at 6:59 a.m.
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ggsbrigantine, nj
There is no contradiction if the goal is war! Criticizing the Iran deal helps keep North Korea far from any neogitating table. The war drums are beating loud and long. Seen this before
Sept. 21, 2017 at 8:22 a.m.
첫댓글 ~@/::(;)
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