채무자(債務者, 영어: debtor, debitor)
noun [ C ]
someone who owes money
반의어 : creditor 채권자
a country, organization, or person who owes money:
Student loans force students to graduate as debtors.
■ debtor
a person, country, or organization that owes money:
The Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation was appointed receiver of the debtor's assets.
debtor countries 채무자 나라
debtor nations 채무자국
debtors [ plural ] UK ( US receivables)
the money that is owed to a company and that is shown in its accounts as an asset:
When a client is issued with a bill, the amount on the bill should be entered as debtors in the firm's accounts.
noun [ C ]
someone who money is owed to:
a country, organization, or person to whom money is owed:
The company couldn't pay its creditors.
He’s trying to earn enough to pay off his creditors.
채무자 債務者
1. debtor
어떤 사람에게 빚을 갚아야 할 의무를 가진 사람.
A person who has the obligation to pay a debt to someone.
the 債務 of the debtor
1. debtor
a person obliged to pay a debt to a person.
A person who has the obligation to pay a debt to someone.
The debtor pays back the money.
become a debtor.
report a debtor.
put pressure on a debtor.
chase a debtor.
Creditors bullied the debtor as he continued to chase him until he had paid off his debts.
The debtor fled on the date he promised to pay the money back.
A: You still haven't received the money from the debtor?
Me: Yes, now I'm preparing to respond legally.
채무자가 돈을 갚다.
채무자가 되다.
채무자를 신고하다.
채무자를 압박하다.
채무자를 쫓다.
채권자들은 채무자가 빚을 다 갚을 때까지 그를 계속 쫓아다니면서 괴롭혔다.
채무자는 돈을 갚겠다고 약속한 날짜에 도주해 버렸다.
가:아직도 채무자한테 돈을 받지 못했어요?
나:네, 이제는 법적으로 대응하려고 준비하고 있어요