(보도) The Cambodia Daily 2013-7-30 (요약 번역) 크메르의 세계
캄보디아 여당 : "훈센 총리 출국설은 사실 무근"
CPP Says Hun Sen Remains in Role as Prime Minister
기사작성 : Phorn Bopha
집권 '캄보디아 인민당' 대규모 의석 상실로 타격을 받은 뒤 훈센 총리가 캄보디아를 떠났다는 소문이 나돌고 있는 가운데, 집권 '캄보디아 인민당'(CPP)은 화요일(7.30) 성명서를 발표해 '훈센 총리 출국설'이 사실 무근이라고 주장. 성명서는 그러한 소문이 혼란을 일으키려는 심리전이며 훈센 총리는 아직도 총리직을 수행하고 있다고 주장.
Amid swirling rumors that Prime Minister Hun Sen had left the country after his Cambodian People’s Party (CPP) suffered a large loss of National Assembly seats in Sunday’s election, the CPP released a statement Tuesday insisting he was still in Cambodia and on the job.
“Recently there have been rumors that Samdech Hun Sen, vice president of the Cambodian People’s Party and the prime minister for the fourth mandate, had left the country and gone abroad and resigned from his post as prime minister,” the brief statement said. “This is psychological warfare that ill-intentioned people always fabricate in order to intoxicate the social atmosphere. The Cambodian People’s Party would like to clarify that Mr. Hun Sen is currently in the country and carrying out his duty as prime minister of Cambodia as usual.”
집권 CPP가 123석의 국회에서 기존에 보유했던 90석 중 22석을 상실한 가운데, 훈센 총리는 투표장에서 모습을 보인 후 공식 석상에 모습을 드러내지 않고 있다.
중앙선관위는 아직 공식 선거결과 발표를 미루고 있다.
집권 CPP는 이번 성명서에서, "지지해준 국민들께 감사하며, 훈센 총리가 5번째 임기를 시작할 것"이라고 말함.
Mr. Hun Sen has not been seen in public or made any public statements since the poll, in which the CPP held on to a majority in parliament but lost 22 of its 90 seats in the 123-seat Assembly.
The National Election Committee has yet to release its own results. The opposition Cambodia National Rescue Party, which won 55 seats according to the CPP, has rejected the numbers and is demanding an independent investigation in reports of widespread voting irregularities it says may have robbed it of a win.
In its statement, though, the CPP thanked voters for giving it a fifth five-year term.
“The Cambodian People’s Party would like to express its profound thanks to the people, who always support and vote for the Cambodian People’s Party, which obtained a dominant number of seats and enables the Cambodian People’s Party to set up a new government in compliance with the constitutional law. Prime Minister Hun Sen will remain in the position of prime minister for the fifth mandate.”
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