美·日·獨 선진국 병원서도 제3의학 채택 "배아플 때 문질러주는 한국요법과 비슷" 물소뿔·은제 도구로 피부 긁어서 질병 퇴치 여드름·비듬·발기부능·대머리치료 "효과"
인체의 자유치유력을 높여 각종 질병을 치료하는 ‘꽈샤(Guasha)요법’이 세계적으로 확산되고 있다. 꽈샤란 피부를 긁어주고 두드리고 꼬집는 것으로 몸에 생긴 질병이나 이상증상을 개선하는 치료법. 특정 약물을 쓰지 않는 것이 가장 큰 특징이다.
중국전통 민간요법으로 내려온 꽈싸의 효능은 중국현대 의학계도 인정하는 상황이다. 북경중의대의 경우 꽈샤학과까지 두고 대체의학의 영역으로 발전시키고 있다. 또 국립 중의연구원에서는 1999년부터 국민건강ㆍ보건요법교육 및 의료보험 항목으로 채택, 전국적으로 보급하고 있다. 중의연구원은 석-박사급 연구원 3,000여명이 근무하는 연구ㆍ치료기관으로 광안문병원 등 산하에 의료기관까지 운영하고 있다.
하버드의대와 컬럼비아의대도 관련 치료법을 교육하고 있으며 미국 일본 독일 등 여러 병원에서는 제3의학으로 채택했다. 꽈샤 확산 붐은 국내에서도 예외가 아니다. 최근 코엑스에서 열린 ‘한중 꽈샤 대강연회’에서는 많은 사람들이 참석해 관심도를 반영했다.
인터넷상 관심도 보통이 아니다. 미국 내 꽈샤와 관련된 각종 자료는 www.guasha.com에 담겨 있다. 야후(Yahoo) 일본 사이트에 들어가 guasha를 검색하면 여러 나라의 꽈샤 자료를 찾을 수 있고, 국내에서도 한국꽈샤협회(www.guasha.or.kr)를 통해 궁금증을 해소할 수 있다.
‘긁어서 병을 치료한다’는 꽈샤라는 말은 중국의 유명한 의서인 내경(內經)에 기록되어 내려오고 있는데 기록상으로는 중국 당나라시대부터 맥을 이어온 황실의 건강 비법이다. 해독작용을 하는 물소뿔과 은(銀)으로 만든 도구 등을 사용해 피부를 마사지 함으로써 자연치유력을 높이고 이상증상을 개선한다.
따라서 꽈샤는 무엇보다 혈액순환 촉진에 주안점을 두고 있다. 여드름ㆍ기미ㆍ비듬ㆍ발기불능ㆍ정맥류ㆍ대머리 치료에 효능을 기대할 수 있고, 스트레스로 인한 신경계 개선에도 효과적이다. 피하에 쌓여 있는 두꺼운 지방질을 줄일 수 있는데다 살갗을 팽팽하게 만들기 때문에 비만치료나 피부미용에는 더없이 좋다.
피부를 자극하는 것인 만큼 의료사고는 걱정하지 않아도 된다. 시술한 당일 환자의 신체에 나타나는 붉은 반점도 4~5일이 지나면 사라진다. 한마디로 부작용 없는 안전하고 손쉬운 치료법이다. 면역항체 증강, 기혈순환, 내분비조정, 신진대사 활성화, 독소배출, 진통 해소, 신경억제와 흥분조절 등에 도움을 준다.
꽈샤는 중국에서 영화로 상영됐을 정도로 인기가 높다. 유명 배우인 양자웨이(양가위)가 주연한 ‘꽈샤’(GuaSha)가 바로 그것이다.
8년 동안 미국에 살고 있는 양자웨이에게는 귀여운 아들이 있었다. 중국 본토에서 온 양자웨이 아버지가 배가 아프고 열이 나는 손자를 꽈샤로 치료했다. 다음 날 손자는 침대에서 뛰어내리다 다쳐 주위에 있는 사람이 병원에 데리고 갔다.
이 때 미국인 의사는 진찰 중 꽈샤의 치료흔적을 보고 손자가 집에서 폭력을 당했다고 생각을 했다. 결국 할아버지는 아동학대 혐의로 유치장에 갇히게 됐다. 우여곡절 끝에 선임한 변호사는 중국으로 건너가 꽈샤에 대해 조사했다.
그는 법정에서 꽈샤는 중국에 있는 민간요법 중의 하나로 우수한 치료효과가 있다고 변론, 할아버지를 다시 가족들의 품으로 돌아오게 한다는 내용이 영화의 줄거리이다. 한국꽈샤협회 관계자는 “과거 한국에서도 이와 유사한 치료법이 있었다”면서 “아이들이 배가 아프다고 호소할 때 배를 손으로 어루만져주거나 비벼주다 보면 상태가 호전되는 민간요법이 바로 그것”이라고 설명했다.
국내에서는 이유선 회장이 피를 맑게 한다는 뜻에서 청혈요법이라는 이름으로 체계화했다. 청혈요법은 손바닥으로 아픈 곳을 두드리고 통증 부위를 도구로 긁고 손가락으로 깍지를 껴 뜯는 것으로 이상증상을 개선하는 것이다.
Gua Sha is a healing technique used in Asia by practitioners of Traditional Medicine, in both the clinical setting and in homes, but little known in the West. It involves palpation and cutaneous stimulation where the skin is pressured, in strokes, by a round-edged instrument; that results in the appearance of small red petechiae called 'sha', that will fade in 2 to 3 days.
Raising Sha removes blood stagnation considered pathogenic, promoting normal circulation and metabolic processes.The patient experiences immediate relief from pain, stiffness, fever, chill, cough, nausea, and so on. Gua Sha is valuable in the prevention and treatment of acute infectious illness, upper respiratory and digestive problems, and many other acute or chronic disorders.
The Gua Sha book and video are teaching tools to guide the learning and practice of the technique. The book explains exactly how to apply the technique with examples of over 40 cases, and instruction on how to use Gua Sha for specific diagnoses.
The video is a companion to the book detailing basic points on how to Gua Sha, demonstrating treatment on patients from the TCM Hospital in Koetzting, Germany. The video may be ordered separately.
Photo: Norbert Foerster Gua Sha stroking applied to upper back and shoulder. Click on image for detail of Gua Sha.
Arya Nielsen's Gua Sha: A Traditional Technique for Modern Practice details how to use Gua Sha in any caregiving practice.
What is Fat Killer?
Let's burn off fat.
The abdominal muscle, thigh, calf, forearm, and buttocks that hardly lose the weight in despite of exercises and diet. A device consisting of far infrared rays, negative ions, and blood vessel massages.
Fat Killer (fat remover) eliminates your worry.
You frequently hear people ask why the abdominal muscles hardly lose weight in despite of the hard exercises and diet. This is because people do not fundamentally understand how abdominal muscles are formed and why the muscles do not lose weight. Currently there are a large number of people, regardless of sex and age, suffering from obesity due to a lifestyle of affluent food intake. Obesity is a serious problem that hurts one’s skin appearance but more importantly, their health.
The volume of about 1kg of lumpy fat is said to be about the volume of three rice bowls. A person who weighs about 7-8kg more than a normal people is considered to carry extra fat - about 22 rice bowls. The lumpy fat generated in this manner creates muscles just beneath the skin, in particular, the abdominal muscle, or sticks around various internal organs and makes the blood vessels narrow and consequently causes various adult diseases such as sclerosis of arteries, diabetes, and high blood pressure. A lump of fat created in mixture with fibroid material is often found in the abdominal muscle, forearm, and thigh. The area of rough skin, or the area looking like orange peel when you grab your abdominal muscle, is cellulite. This type of cellulite is hardly eliminated by exercises or diet.
When you apply or scrub the Fat Killer to areas of cellulite, the far-infrared rays, together with the heat generated from the scrubbing of the skin, penetrate deep into the skin dissolving the lumpy fat and destructing cellulite. The dissolved fat is discharged from the human body through excrement and ultimately making the body slender.
As a Korean proverb states, "no smart person can have a good score if he/she does not study" and "it only becomes jewelry once they are tied - even when there are plenty of beads," this product will only be successful and yield its excellent performance when used diligently. We hope that you trust and use this product thoroughly and affectively in your home as well as schools and organizations to achieve the body and shape of your dreams and good health!
Characteristics of the product
1. It emits negative ions and far infrared rays.
Far infrared rays emitted from the Fat-Killer penetrate deep into the skin and expand capillary vessels to promote blood circulation. It increases the supply of oxygen that is an essential element to dissolve fat and consequently exhibits an excellent effect to reduce fatty areas.
Far infrared rays have large deep penetrable forces known to have medical effect.
When you scrub the skin using Fat-Killer, it increases the body temperature of that area, which facilitates the blood circulation, dissolution of fat, and plays a role in discharging old wastes from the human body.
2. The heat generated by the rubbing of the skin dissolves fat.
The ideal body temperature of C40~42 degree is reached when you scrub the skin continuously with Fat-Killer. Fat-Killer generates heat at fat and starts to dissolve the fat easily. The dissolved fat is discharged from the human body as a product of waste.
3. It makes your skin elastic.
The friction of between the foot surface and the ground due to walking, standing, and being on your feet, causes the sole of the feet to become rough and solid. However, with the use of Fat Killer, your skin becomes soft. A steady scrubbing and application of this product over a period of time will ultimately result in tight and elastic skin.
4. It eliminates cellulite.
Cellulite is generally found in over-weight people but it also appears in slender figures regardless of age. Cellulite is generally more frequent in female bodies. Cellulite is a special type of fat that is never reduced by exercise or low calorie diet. Cellulite is a material that resembles a sponge, and is mixture of fat, moisture, and old waste. It is usually generated mainly in the lower abdomen, buttocks, thighs, hips, knees, and upper arms. One can see round lumps on the surface of skin like orange peel. A slender, tighter, and fat-less figure is achieved by scrubbing Fat-Killer on areas of cellulite. The dissolved fat is diluted into blood vessels to be discharged through sweat and body waste.
5. It promotes metabolism.
In the old days, stomachaches were mysteriously cured when our grandmothers would rub our stomachs slowly while singing ‘my hands are medicine hands.’ In the same manner, when you scrub the abdominal muscle using Fat Killer, it will help exercise the intestines to relieve constipation, allowing for a more regular bowel movement. So much you will feel lighter in your body and refreshed in your mood.
2. How to grab Fat-Killer.
There are two methods. You can select one that fits more convenient for you.
3. Scrubbing method per each area.
You can refer to the following figure for scrubbing methods and you are recommended to learn and find out a convenient and easy posture for you to scrub.
If you strain your tummy firmly and scrub fast, it helps to eliminate subcutaneous fat. (120 times per minute)
If you loosen your tummy and scrub slowly, it helps to eliminate fat of internal organs. (60 times per minute)
The use time must be at least over 30 minutes of scrubbing, 3 times per week, and for 3 months in order to have final firm effect of this product.
You are recommended to scrub more the specific areas of excessive fat.
You may scrub either raw skin or wearing the thin t-shirts.
Scrubbing method in sitting posture. Thigh scrubbing method 1. Thigh scrubbing method 2. Scrubbing method in lying posture. Scrubbing method on sofa. Scrubbing method in stand-up posture.
4. Phenomena during the use of product.
1.When you scrub hard, your skin may irritate to become reddish, then you take a break for a while and try again. You don't have to worry too much as your skin layer becomes firm as fat is disappeared as you repeat this process.
2. The area you scrubbed may become too painful to scrub again when you wake up the next day but you are recommended to continue to use. The pains will disappear slowly after about one week of the use.
3. When you begin to scrub after eating dinner, some people begin to burp and have a bowl motion or fart often. In addition, you may also hear some grumbling sounds in your stomach and you don't have to worry about it, as it is natural phenomena happening as Fat-Killer helps accelerate the metabolism.
4. For some people, constipation will disappear in about one week and, in particular, they will feel more softer than before when they touch the abdominal muscles and can feel themselves more refreshed and lighter in their bodies.
5. Some people can see in their eyes that the fat are discharged through their excrements (urines and feces). Some people can see it within one week. What you see is materials floated in spotted white or like you spit and those are fat discharged from your body after being dissolved.
6. If you use the product continuously for one month, your abdominal muscle will be reduced as much as yourself and other people can recognize.
7. You may use the product to scrub wearing thin shirts or on the raw skin directly. Therefore, you can scrub habitually at kiln sauna, school, office, or home watching TV and while driving. After using the product for a while, you will feel strange and empty if you do not hold Fat-Killer in your hand and this is a very good case as a method of habitual scrubbing.
8. The most typical phenomena happening while using this product are that you feel hungry as you are empty in your stomach. And you go to a toilet so often as all feces accumulated are discharged at once and you relieve again and again right after relieving.
5. Structure of product.
Negative ion and far infrared ray are emitted from the main body as well as roller and ceramic balls are built in inside of the main body as shown in the picture. The whole product is treated with antifungal and deodorizing function.
Your head becomes refreshed and stresses disappear with the help of digestion function and blood circulation if you push and massage 10 fingers' tips turn by turn on points of finger-pressure.
A string is attached for the convenience of carrying when you rub or go outside.
As this product is waterproof, you can carry it to the sauna, public bath, and kiln sauna.
Far infrared rays, negative ions, and ceramic ballsFinger-pressure treatment on the tips of hands.Wrap the string on the wrist.
6. Specification of product.
Size: Width 7.5cm Length 9.5cm (Including roller)
Material: Main body-ABS containing far infrared ray, negative ion, and antifungal. (Painted and specially coated)
Roller: PE containing far infrared rays, negative ions, antifungal, and deodorizing function.
Contents- Negative ions, far infrared rays, and built-in bio ceramic balls.
Weight: 200g
What is Fat Killer?
Let's burn off fat.
The abdominal muscle, thigh, calf, forearm, and buttocks that hardly lose the weight in despite of exercises and diet. A device consisting of far infrared rays, negative ions, and blood vessel massages.
Fat Killer (fat remover) eliminates your worry.
You frequently hear people ask why the abdominal muscles hardly lose weight in despite of the hard exercises and diet. This is because people do not fundamentally understand how abdominal muscles are formed and why the muscles do not lose weight. Currently there are a large number of people, regardless of sex and age, suffering from obesity due to a lifestyle of affluent food intake. Obesity is a serious problem that hurts one’s skin appearance but more importantly, their health.
The volume of about 1kg of lumpy fat is said to be about the volume of three rice bowls. A person who weighs about 7-8kg more than a normal people is considered to carry extra fat - about 22 rice bowls. The lumpy fat generated in this manner creates muscles just beneath the skin, in particular, the abdominal muscle, or sticks around various internal organs and makes the blood vessels narrow and consequently causes various adult diseases such as sclerosis of arteries, diabetes, and high blood pressure. A lump of fat created in mixture with fibroid material is often found in the abdominal muscle, forearm, and thigh. The area of rough skin, or the area looking like orange peel when you grab your abdominal muscle, is cellulite. This type of cellulite is hardly eliminated by exercises or diet.
When you apply or scrub the Fat Killer to areas of cellulite, the far-infrared rays, together with the heat generated from the scrubbing of the skin, penetrate deep into the skin dissolving the lumpy fat and destructing cellulite. The dissolved fat is discharged from the human body through excrement and ultimately making the body slender.
As a Korean proverb states, "no smart person can have a good score if he/she does not study" and "it only becomes jewelry once they are tied - even when there are plenty of beads," this product will only be successful and yield its excellent performance when used diligently. We hope that you trust and use this product thoroughly and affectively in your home as well as schools and organizations to achieve the body and shape of your dreams and good health!
Characteristics of the product
1. It emits negative ions and far infrared rays.
Far infrared rays emitted from the Fat-Killer penetrate deep into the skin and expand capillary vessels to promote blood circulation. It increases the supply of oxygen that is an essential element to dissolve fat and consequently exhibits an excellent effect to reduce fatty areas.
Far infrared rays have large deep penetrable forces known to have medical effect.
When you scrub the skin using Fat-Killer, it increases the body temperature of that area, which facilitates the blood circulation, dissolution of fat, and plays a role in discharging old wastes from the human body.
2. The heat generated by the rubbing of the skin dissolves fat.
The ideal body temperature of C40~42 degree is reached when you scrub the skin continuously with Fat-Killer. Fat-Killer generates heat at fat and starts to dissolve the fat easily. The dissolved fat is discharged from the human body as a product of waste.
3. It makes your skin elastic.
The friction of between the foot surface and the ground due to walking, standing, and being on your feet, causes the sole of the feet to become rough and solid. However, with the use of Fat Killer, your skin becomes soft. A steady scrubbing and application of this product over a period of time will ultimately result in tight and elastic skin.
4. It eliminates cellulite.
Cellulite is generally found in over-weight people but it also appears in slender figures regardless of age. Cellulite is generally more frequent in female bodies. Cellulite is a special type of fat that is never reduced by exercise or low calorie diet. Cellulite is a material that resembles a sponge, and is mixture of fat, moisture, and old waste. It is usually generated mainly in the lower abdomen, buttocks, thighs, hips, knees, and upper arms. One can see round lumps on the surface of skin like orange peel. A slender, tighter, and fat-less figure is achieved by scrubbing Fat-Killer on areas of cellulite. The dissolved fat is diluted into blood vessels to be discharged through sweat and body waste.
5. It promotes metabolism.
In the old days, stomachaches were mysteriously cured when our grandmothers would rub our stomachs slowly while singing ‘my hands are medicine hands.’ In the same manner, when you scrub the abdominal muscle using Fat Killer, it will help exercise the intestines to relieve constipation, allowing for a more regular bowel movement. So much you will feel lighter in your body and refreshed in your mood.
2. How to grab Fat-Killer.
There are two methods. You can select one that fits more convenient for you.
3. Scrubbing method per each area.
You can refer to the following figure for scrubbing methods and you are recommended to learn and find out a convenient and easy posture for you to scrub.
If you strain your tummy firmly and scrub fast, it helps to eliminate subcutaneous fat. (120 times per minute)
If you loosen your tummy and scrub slowly, it helps to eliminate fat of internal organs. (60 times per minute)
The use time must be at least over 30 minutes of scrubbing, 3 times per week, and for 3 months in order to have final firm effect of this product.
You are recommended to scrub more the specific areas of excessive fat.
You may scrub either raw skin or wearing the thin t-shirts.
Scrubbing method in sitting posture. Thigh scrubbing method 1. Thigh scrubbing method 2. Scrubbing method in lying posture. Scrubbing method on sofa. Scrubbing method in stand-up posture.
4. Phenomena during the use of product.
1.When you scrub hard, your skin may irritate to become reddish, then you take a break for a while and try again. You don't have to worry too much as your skin layer becomes firm as fat is disappeared as you repeat this process.
2. The area you scrubbed may become too painful to scrub again when you wake up the next day but you are recommended to continue to use. The pains will disappear slowly after about one week of the use.
3. When you begin to scrub after eating dinner, some people begin to burp and have a bowl motion or fart often. In addition, you may also hear some grumbling sounds in your stomach and you don't have to worry about it, as it is natural phenomena happening as Fat-Killer helps accelerate the metabolism.
4. For some people, constipation will disappear in about one week and, in particular, they will feel more softer than before when they touch the abdominal muscles and can feel themselves more refreshed and lighter in their bodies.
5. Some people can see in their eyes that the fat are discharged through their excrements (urines and feces). Some people can see it within one week. What you see is materials floated in spotted white or like you spit and those are fat discharged from your body after being dissolved.
6. If you use the product continuously for one month, your abdominal muscle will be reduced as much as yourself and other people can recognize.
7. You may use the product to scrub wearing thin shirts or on the raw skin directly. Therefore, you can scrub habitually at kiln sauna, school, office, or home watching TV and while driving. After using the product for a while, you will feel strange and empty if you do not hold Fat-Killer in your hand and this is a very good case as a method of habitual scrubbing.
8. The most typical phenomena happening while using this product are that you feel hungry as you are empty in your stomach. And you go to a toilet so often as all feces accumulated are discharged at once and you relieve again and again right after relieving.
5. Structure of product.
Negative ion and far infrared ray are emitted from the main body as well as roller and ceramic balls are built in inside of the main body as shown in the picture. The whole product is treated with antifungal and deodorizing function.
Your head becomes refreshed and stresses disappear with the help of digestion function and blood circulation if you push and massage 10 fingers' tips turn by turn on points of finger-pressure.
A string is attached for the convenience of carrying when you rub or go outside.
As this product is waterproof, you can carry it to the sauna, public bath, and kiln sauna.
Far infrared rays, negative ions, and ceramic ballsFinger-pressure treatment on the tips of hands.Wrap the string on the wrist.
6. Specification of product.
Size: Width 7.5cm Length 9.5cm (Including roller)
Material: Main body-ABS containing far infrared ray, negative ion, and antifungal. (Painted and specially coated)
Roller: PE containing far infrared rays, negative ions, antifungal, and deodorizing function.
Contents- Negative ions, far infrared rays, and built-in bio ceramic balls.