오늘 버스를 타고 출근하는 것은 즐거웠습니다!
옆집 사랑을 보고 있는 승객이 있었는데 그 사람은 앉아 있고 나는 서 있어서 지켜보게 되었는데 웃는 얼굴을 보면서 지켜보는 게 반가웠고, 잠시 후 버스에서 내렸다.
(승객은 집중력이 대단해서 웃음도 많이 나더군요 ㅋㅋㅋ)
잠시 비가 내리고 햇빛이 비치더니 아름다운 무지개가 생겼습니다. 출근길이 아름다운 풍경으로 꾸며졌습니다. 두 가지 멋진 일(Love Next Door와 Arco-Íris)이 있었기 때문에 저는 웃고 있었습니다.
(15회에서 서혜숙과 나미숙이 경찰서에 가는 장면. 석류가 최승효에게 청혼하는 장면도 볼 수 있었다 🌈 🌈🌈)
(아쉽게도 휴대폰이 없어서 무지개 사진을 찍지 못했어요)
The ride to work on the bus today was fun!
There was a passenger watching Love Next Door, she was sitting, I was standing, so I practically watched it from the cabin lol, it was cool to see her expressions while watching, after a while she got out of the Ôbinus.
(The passenger was hyper focused and had a lot of laughs too lol)
A brief rain fell and there was sunshine, then a beautiful rainbow formed. My walking route to work was decorated with a beautiful view. I was smiling, because there were two cool things (Love Next Door and Arco-Íris).
(It was episode 15, the part where Seo Hye-Sook and Na Mi-Sook ended up at the police station. You could even watch the part about Seok-Ryu's marriage proposal to Choi Seung-Hyo with that arc snack -iris 🌈 🌈🌈)
(Unfortunately, I didn't have my cell phone and couldn't take a photo of the rainbow)