아래 게시글에서 1.13 패치 노트가 나왔다는 글과 함께 링크가 있길래 그 곳에서 스크랩해왔습니다.
잠이 안 와서 번역중입니다만, 대충하고 있어서 안 맞는 부분도 꽤 있을 겁니다.
(일단 완전히 날아가면 안 되니까 글 먼저 올리고 수정하면서 번역하겠습니다)
하다보니 끝이 안 나네요 자고 일어나서 마저 하겠습니다.
# Gamebalance
# Autonomy & Cores
자치도 및 코어
- Reduced effect of autonomy on warscore cost.
워스코어 비용에 대한 자치도의 효과가 감소합니다.
# Buildings
- Lowered cost of native buildings from 100 to 50 gold.
원주민들의 건물 비용이 100 골드에서 50 골드로 감소합니다.
- The build cost of an earlier built obsolete building is now discounted from the build cost of an upgraded building
이전에 지어진 한물간 건물은 현재 건물로 업그레이드 할 때 비용을 감소시키는 역할을 합니다
# Casus Belli
개전 명분
- Coalitions can now only take cores, not claims, as the latter was much too abusable.
처벌전쟁에서는 이제 클레임이 아닌 코어만 획득할 수 있습니다. 남용할 수 없게요.
# Development
- It is now 50% more expensive for primitives to develop their provinces.
원시인[아무래도 원주민같은 테크들 혹은 서구화가 안 된 테크]들은 개발도 비용이 50% 더 비싸집니다.
- It is now 50% more expensive for subjects to develop their provinces (up from 20%).
봉신들에 의한 개발도 비용은 20%에서 50%로(30%만큼 추가) 더 비싸집니다.
= 봉신이라고 하니 편하네요. 도움닫기님 감사합니다.
- The cost to improve provinces is no longer increased by +5 for each time developed.
프로빈스를 개선시키는 비용은 개발시킬 때마다 5 씩 증가하던 것이 더 이상 증가하지 않습니다.
= 개발도 증가시마다 늘어나던 포인트가 없어진다는 것 같습니다. 이 말대로라면 산업혁명 업적같은 건 더이상 하드코어가 아닐지도 모르겠네요.
- Cost to develop provinces now increases non-linearly, with no additional cost for development levels below 10 and a scaling increase at 20, 30, 40, etc. Overall cost is cheaper at low levels, about the same at mid levels and much higher at very high levels.
프로빈스 개발 비용은 지금부터 개발도 레벨에 따른 추가비용 없이 10 그리고 20, 30, 40 등에 비례해서 비선형으로 증가합니다. 종합적인 비용은 저 레벨때는 전보다 싸지고, 중간 레벨에선 대략적으로 비슷하고 고 레벨에선 훨씬 더 증가합니다.
= 이게 직역을 해두긴 했는데 무슨 의미인지 잘 모르겠습니다. 기술테크처럼 시대에 따라서 비용이 변동된다는 것 같기도 하고 추가비용은 위의 내용처럼 없어졌는데 10, 20, 30, 40 등 10 단위로 시대에 맞춰서 증가한다는 말 같습니다. 플레이해보면서 이해를 해야할 듯 싶네요.
- You can no longer improve a province's Base Tax, Production or Manpower if its value is already more than that of the other two combined (so for example, if Base Tax is 3 and Production/Manpower 1 each you can only improve Production or Manpower).
당신은 더이상 프로빈스의 베이스 텍스, 생산 또는 맨파워를 올릴 수 없습니다. 두 개의 가치를 합친 것보다 더 클 경우에요.
= 이건 원문이 이상하게 어려웠는데 이해하니까 쉽네요. 만약에 3/1/1 이면 3이 나머지 두개를 합한 값보다 높으니까 더 이상 올릴 수 없다는 말입니다. 결론은 행정, 외교, 군사 수치를 골고루 쓰라는 거네요. 산업혁명 더 어려워진듯.
# Diplomacy
( 외교 )
- Negative opinion for breaking a royal marriage will now decay faster.
왕실결혼을 파기했을 때 생기는 부정적인 의견은 더 빠르게 사라집니다.
= 실수로 반대로 해석했네요. 펩시맨님 감사합니다.
# Disasters
( 재앙 )
- English civil war can now end with the English government switching government.
잉글랜드 내전 재앙은 잉글랜드의 정부 형태를 바꿈으로써 끝낼 수 있습니다.
[ 미루님 감사합니다.]
- You now need at least Admin, Diplo or Mil 5 on your ruler to get Janissaries (so disaster isn't able to immediately trigger).
당신은 이제부터 예니체리를 얻기 위해서는 당신의 지도자가 최소 행정, 외교 또는 군사 수치가 5 필요합니다. (또한 재앙 트리거를 즉시 해제할 수 없습니다.)
= 예니체리의 몰락이란 재앙이 군주의 능력치가 모두 5보다 낮을 시 발생하는데 예니체리가 발생하자마자 재앙이 시작되는 걸 방지하기 위한 대책같습니다. [술담님 감사합니다.]
# Economy
- Blockaded is now a simple fixed modifier, instead of using incomprehensible scaling.
해안봉쇄는 지금부터 간단하게 수정된 모디파이어를 사용합니다, 이해할 수 없는 규모를 사용하는 대신에요.
= 해안봉쇄 관련된 모디파이어에 뭔가 묵직한 게 있던건지. 아무튼 직역하면 이렇네요.
- Wine is now worth 2.5 at start, and increases by 25% instead of 50% from later events.
와인은 이제 2.5원의 가치로 시작하고, 나중의 이벤트로 50% 대신 25% 상승합니다.
- Reduced trade power from provinces.
프로빈스에서 나오는 무역력이 감소합니다.
- Reduced trade power effect of Important Centers of Trade and Tolls.
무역 중심지와 해협 통행료의 무역력 효과가 감소합니다.
[마찬가지로 미루님 감사합니다.]
- Reduced maintenance of light ships.
소형선 유지비가 감소합니다.
# Espionage
- Reduced AE from fabricating claims.
클레임 생성으로 인한 AE 가 감소합니다.
- Fabricate claim is now countered by the local spy defence in the province you are fabricating on, rather than the capital.
클레임 생성은 지금부터 당신이 생성하고 있는 중인 프로빈스 지역의 스파이 방어력에 의해 대응합니다, 수도 대신에요.
= 첩보가 더 안 좋아졌다거나...? (첩보 분야엔 관심이 일체 없어서 무슨 차이인지 모르겠네요.)
# Exploration
- Countries with their capital in a colonial region can now auto-discover provinces in colonial regions, since they can't use hunt for the seven cities.
식민지에 수도가 있는 국가는 자동으로 식민지역들의 프로빈스가 발견됩니다, 그들이 일곱 도시를 사냥을 사용할 수 없기 때문에.
= 이건 엘도라도같은 걸 찾는 기능, 육군한테 붙어있는 탐험기능을 사용할 수 없으니 아메리카에 있는 국가들은 자신들이 있는 지방의 프로빈스가 자연스럽게 보이게 된다는 것 같습니다.
# Governments
- Removed the scaling war exhaustion cost reduction and stability cost modifiers from seats in parliament.
의회 좌석에서 전쟁 피로도 감소와 안정도 비용 모디파이어를 삭제했습니다.
- Parliament Issues that boost base values of provinces will now only do so in one province per debate.
지방의 기본 값을 올리는 의회 문제는 이제 하나의 지방에만 올려줍니다.
= 이건 개발도 올려주는 안건이 이제 두 개의 프로빈스가 아닌 한 개의 프로빈스만 올려준다는 내용
- Some Parliament bribes that were far too cheap were made more expensive.
너무 값싼 일부의 의회 뇌물은 더 비싸졌습니다.
- Rank 2 countries now get +1 diplomat, and rank 3 countries +1 free leader.
랭크 2의 국가는 지금부터 외교관 1명을 얻으며, 랭크 3의 국가는 장군 제한을 1 얻습니다.
- Ambrosian Republic now has 4-year election cycles (up from 3).
암브로시아 공화정은 이제 선거가 4년 주기로 바뀝니다. (3년 주기에서)
- 'Large Nation in HRE' and 'Small Nation in HRE' vote modifiers are now based on development instead of number of provinces.
'신롬 안의 큰 세력' 과 '신롬 안의 작은 세력' 투표 모디파이어는 이제부터 프로빈스 수 대신 개발도에 근거하여 생깁니다.
(개발도가 높아야 큰 세력으로 본다는 의미인듯)
- Reduced Imperial Authority change from number of princes, foreign control and free cities.
제국 멤버 수, 대외의 컨트롤 그리고 자유도시에 의한 감소되는 제국권위가 변경됩니다.
= 신롬 땅을 신롬이 아닌 국가가 소유 중인 것과 자유 도시, 신롬 멤버의 수에 따른 제국 권위가 바뀌었다는데 감소되는 수치를 변경시킨 것 같습니다. 확실하게는 역시 하면서 체감해봐야 할 듯. 이래서는 적게 깍이는지 많이 깍이는지 모르겠네요.
- Countries on a different continent than the current Emperor are no longer eligible to be Emperor.
현재의 황제와 다른 대륙의 국가는 더 이상 황제가 될 수 없습니다.
= 아즈텍같은 국가가 황제가 되던 경우같은 걸 완전히 없앤 모양입니다.
# Ideas & Policies
이념 과 정책
- Tuscan Traditions increased from 1 to 2 papal influence to match the generic Italian Traditions.
토스카나 전통은 일반 이탈리아 전통에 맞게 교황 영향력이 1에서 2로 증가했습니다.
- Daimyo traditions now have +25% land forcelimits instead of time to fabricate claims
다이묘의 전통은 지금부터 클레임 조작 시간 대신에 육군 제한 25%를 가집니다.
- Daimyo idea 'Armies of the Daimyo' is now +25% manpower instead of +50% land forcelimits.
다이묘 아이디어 'Armies of the Daimyo' 는 지금부터 육군 제한 50% 대신 맨파워 25% 추가 입니다.
= 왜 본격 다이묘 강화죠?
- Subject Forcelimits Contribution was changed to Vassal Forcelimit Contribution, and only increases land force limits from vassals & marches. Numbers were increased to compensate.
봉신의 한계 기여도는 속국의 한계 기여도로 바뀌고, 오로지 육군 제한만 속국과 변경백에 의해 증가합니다. 수치는 보상하기 위해 증가되었습니다.
= 다시 한번 도움닫기님 감사합니다.
- A number of ideas that gave -2% prestige decay reduction were reduced to -1%.
위신 감소도 -2%의 아이디어들은 -1%로 감소됩니다.
- Rebalanced trade ideas to give more trade power (to compensate for power lost from trade efficiency).
무역 아이디어가 더 많은 무역력을 주도록 조정하였다. (무역 효율에서의 무역력 손실을 보상하기 위해서)
- Horse Artillery policy is now +10% artillery power (down from +20%).
'Horse Artillery' 정책은 이제부터 포병 공격력 +10% 입니다. (20%에서 다운)
= 확실하지는 않습니다만 아마 공격 + 경제 이념으로 찍는 정책일겁니다. 아무튼 정책 중에 포병 공격력이 있었는데 너프.
- 'Organized Construction' economic idea is now -10% build cost (down from -20%).
'Organized Construction' 경제 이념은 지금부터 건설 비용 -10% 입니다. (-20%에서 다운)
# Natives
- Native assimilation now gives + to goods produced instead of -development cost (as the latter was useless in many provinces).
원주민이 흡수되면 개발도 비용 감소 대신에 생산 효율 증가를 줍니다.
=후자[개발도 비용 감소]는 많은 프로빈스에 쓸모가 없었다는 군요.
# Religion
종교 ( 이 부분은 대부분 복동이님이 번역해주셨습니다.)
- Re-electing a ruler now gives -10 karma (down from -20) and electing a new ruler now gives +10.
통치자 재선은 카르마 -10을 주며 (기존에서는 -20), 새로운 지도자 선출시 카르마 +10을 얻습니다.
- Reduced Karma loss for starting offensive wars from -25 to -10.
공격 전쟁 선포에 따른 카르마 손실은 -25에서 -10으로 변경됩니다.
- Buddhists no longer pay any diplomatic cost for releasing nations, releasing vassals and returning cores.
불교 국가는 국가를 해방시키거나 종속국을 독립시키거나 코어를 반환할 시 더 이상 외교적인 비용을 지불하지 않습니다.
- Greatly reduced doom reduction from occupying provinces.
지역을 점령하는 것으로부터 doom 감소 수치가 굉장히 감소합니다.
= 나후아틀쪽인가봅니다.
- Most papal actions now give 20 year modifiers instead of one time boosts.
대부분의 교황의 행동은 지금부터 한번에 주는 것 대신에 20년짜리 모디파이어를 줍니다.
= 한번에 맨파워를 얻거나 돈을 받거나 중상주의를 올리는 방식에서 모디파이어로 서서히 얻는 식으로 변경되었다는 말인듯
- Now possible to switch between the Buddhist faiths.
이제 불교 교리를 바꿀 수 있습니다. (Ex : 대승불교 -> 상좌부 불교)
- Reformed's Trade Focus now gives trade efficiency instead of trade steering.
개혁교회의 무역 포커스는 지금부터 무역 조작능력 대신 무역 효율을 줍니다.
- Reformed's War Focus is now 10% land & naval morale (down from 15%).
개혁교회의 전쟁 포커스는 지금부터 육군 및 해군 사기 10%를 줍니다. (기존 15% 에서 감소)
# Subjects
- Overlord now gets dragged into protectorate's defensive war when subjugating them.
군주는 이제 보호국을 점령하려는 대상에 대한 보호국의 방어 전쟁에 참전하게 됩니다.
- Increased diplomatic power cost of forcing a union partner to change culture.
동군연합의 문화변경에 대한 외교 비용이 증가되었습니다.
- Which religion a released country/vassal gets is now based on the majority religion in their core provinces (with previous religion counting as 50% larger than it actually is).
국가 혹은 속국이 해방될 때 그들의 프로빈스 중 가장 많은 수의 종교에 근거하여 종교를 얻게 됩니다.
# Technology
- Administrative Efficiency now also lowers AE generated.
행정 효율은 또한 이제 적은 AE를 생성합니다.
- Chinese & Indian tech groups now start at tech 3.
중국과 인도 테크권은 기술 3 으로 시작합니다.
- Development & Administrative efficiency is now gained 10/20% at a time around 1630, 1700 and 1760, for a total of 30/60%.
개발도와 행정 효율은 1630, 1700 그리고 1760년도에 10/20%를 총 30/60% 만큼 얻습니다.
# Units
- You can no longer disband units that are adjacent to enemy regiments or territory.
당신은 이제 적국 근경, 적국의 연대 근처에서 해산할 수 없습니다.
- Reduced effect of war exhaustion on recruitment speed.
징집속도에 대한 전쟁 피로도 효과가 감소되었습니다.
- Only navies now take on arrival attrition.
오로지 해군만 지금부터 도착 소모를 겪습니다.
# War
- At least 50 AE is now required for a country to join a coalition (up from 30)
이제 코올리션에 가입하기 위해선 최소 50의 AE 가 필요합니다. (기존 30에서 오름)
- Taking provinces from a large country now reduces AE generated by up to 50% (uses the same scaling as increased AE for taking provinces as a large country, so a country taking provinces from an equal sized country gets neither a bonus nor a penalty regardless of size).
큰 국가의 지역을 획득할 시 발생하는 AE는 최대 50%까지 감소됩니다. (큰 국가일수록 지역 획득에서 발생하는 AE가 증가하는 것을 감안한다면, 비슷한 크기의 국가의 지역을 획득할 시 국가 크기에 따른 AE 증가나 감소 보정치는 없게 될 겁니다.)
= 결론은 땅 먹고 싶으면 비슷한 나라의 것을 빼앗으라는 말 같습니다.
- Reduced AE from forcing personal unions.
동군연합으로 인한 AE가 감소합니다.
- It is once again always possible to transfer occupations to warleader, but AI might not do so unless they have good reason to.
전쟁 지도자에게 점령지를 언제든지 넘길 수 있게 되었지만, AI는 적절한 이유가 없다면 그러지 않을 것입니다.
- Forts with a depleted garrison are now slightly easier to siege.
요새의 고갈된 주둔군은 이제 공성을 조금 쉽게 합니다.
- Siege memory (the amount of siege progress you can store up from time) is now increased with unlocking new fortifications, so that late game forts are not so impossible to besiege.
이제 공성 수치 (공성 화면에 숫자로 보이는 진행도)는 신형 요새 건축이 가능해지는 것에 맞춰 조정됩니다. 게임의 후반부의 요새는 공성하기 보다 쉬워질 겁니다.
- In order to demand provinces you must now be able to make them your core (if not already), either directly or eventually through other provinces you are taking at the same time.
만약 코어가 생성되어 있지 않은 특정 지역을 요구하기 위해서는 그 지역이 직접적으로든 혹은 동시에 획득하는 코어 미생성지역과 연속해있든 간에 코어 생성 가능 거리 내여야 합니다.
- The amount of AE, prestige, power projection etc you can get from a single province is now capped at the equivalent of 30 development. Development over 30 in a single province will not count towards these factors.
지역 하나를 얻음으로써 얻을 수 있는 AE, 위신, 세력 투사 등의 지표는 이제 개발도 30의 지역을 얻을 때 발생하는 양을 한계로 합니다.
- Large nations now get more AE (based on total development).
큰 국가들은 이제 AE를 더 얻습니다. (총 발전도에 근거함)
- Lowered Aggressive Expansion impact when taking core of vassal.
속국한테서 코어를 얻을 때 AE 영향을 적게 받습니다.
- Increased army tradition gain from sieges.
공성에서 얻는 육군 전통이 상승하였습니다.
- Increased base naval forcelimits to +12 for independent nation and +4 for subject nation.
기본 해군 한계가 독립국일 경우 12, 봉신일 경우 4가 증가합니다.
- You now get army tradition for each fully maintained non-obsolete fort, up to a maximum of +1. The amount you get depends on how many forts you have compared to your total development level.
이제 신형 요새를 활성화 상태로 유지시 육군 전통을 최대 1까지 얻을 수 있습니다. 이때 얻는 육군 전통은 개발도에 비례해 얼마나 많은 요새를 보유하는지에 따라 결정됩니다.
- No single entry of a peace treaty can now cost more than 300 diplomatic power (for example, releasing a huge junior PU partner than no longer cost more than 300 DIP).
평화조약 내의 각 협상 항목은 외교력이 300 이상 들지 않습니다. (아무리 큰 PU 파트너를 해방한다 하더라도, 외교력이 300 이상 들지 않는다는 의미)
# AI
# Diplomacy
외교 (이 부분은 대부분 Decante님이 번역해주셨습니다)
- Added proper acceptance logic for Demand Unlawful Territory, instead of AI always saying no.
정당하지 않은 영토 요구에 대한 승락 조건이 개선되었습니다. 항상 거부만 하는 대신에요.
- No longer willing to join offensive wars where the attacker is attempting to force a union on a Great Power (unless it's a Succession War).
공격자가 강대국이거나 연합을 생성하려고 하는 전쟁에 참여하는 것을 꺼리게 조정했습니다. (계승전쟁이 아닐 경우에)
- Will no longer designate historical rivals as a March under any circumstances.
더 이상 어떤 상황에서도 역사적 라이벌이 변경백으로 지정되지 않습니다.
- Will now refuse to be vassalised by a country that owns its cores.
AI는 이제 자신 소유의 코어를 가지고 있는 국가에 의해 속국화 되는 것을 거부합니다.
- Now more reluctant to ally countries with a significantly weaker military potential.
이제 자신보다 방위력이 약한 국가와 동맹을 맺는 것을 꺼립니다.
- More keen to accept offers of support independence when disloyal.
성향이 불충하다면 독리 지원 제안을 받아들이기가 더 쉬위지게 되었습니다.
- Will no longer be Friendly towards countries it is at war with.
이제 전쟁하는 사이에 친밀한 관계가 성립되지 않습니다.
- Now less willing to ally much weaker countries that already have powerful allies.
이미 강력한 동맹을 갖고 있는 소국과는 동맹을 맺을 가능성이 현저히 줄어들었습니다.
- Now more willing to ally weak countries that are threatened by a rival.
라이벌 국가에 의해 위협받는 약한 국가들과의 동맹을 맺을 가능성이 상승되었습니다.
- Papal AI is now less likely to be militaristic.
교황청 AI는 이제 덜 호전적이게 되었습니다.
# Economy
경제 (Decante 님의 번역)
- Will now tear forts down if it ends up with too many relative to its development level.
만약 개발도에 비해 요새가 고도로 지어져있다면 해체합니다.
=건물칸이 한 개인데 요새가 그 한칸에 지어져있다면 해체한다는 그런 의미 같다고 추측중.
- Will no longer care to colonize Arctic provinces if they don't already own territory in the same area.
같은 지역에 자신의 영토를 갖지 않는다면 AI들은 북극 지역을 식민화 하는데 신경을 쓰지 않습니다.
- Much more keen on building shipyards to speed up their fleet constructions.
함대 건조를 빨리 하기 위해 AI들은 조선소를 짓는데 관심을 기울이게 되었습니다.
- Fixed a bug where AI countries created by event would immediately disband their event troops due to not having a budget set.
이벤트로 생긴 신생 국가가 예산 수지가 있지 않아 이벤트 병력을 해산했던 버그를 고쳤습니다.
- Colonial Nations are now willing to spend more of their budget on colonists.
식민 국가는 그들의 예산을 개척자에게 더 소모하게 될 것입니다.
- Less prio on developing provinces bordering other countries.
# Ideas
- Will no longer ignore restriction on not being able to pick more than 50% of an idea group category.
# Rebels
반란군 (Decante 님 번역)
- Rebel stacks that are too weak to besiege a fortress will now go elsewhere, if able.
요새를 공략하기에는 약한 반란군들은 가능하다면 다른 곳으로 진군하게 되었습니다.
# War
- Fixed AI always accepting peace for large enough sums of gold.
- Will now generally avoid taking provinces when doing so would result in an undefeatable coalition.
- Fixed a bug where the AI would refuse to accept even a 100% peace if it had you beaten badly enough.
- Will no longer suicide ships against navies that it thinks are leaving a province before they actually are.
- No longer willing to join a country's offensive wars if it already joined one from that country in the last 10 years (so they're not just one country's wrecking ball all the time).
- Will now sortie against weak rebel stacks.
- Fixed a bug where the AI would not gather newly built armies due to incorrectly calculating moves as unsafe
- Will now build more transports.
- Will now retreat from naval combats that it is clearly losing.
- Less interested in launching naval invasions of minor allies in a war, especially if those minor allies are out of supply range.
- Should now avoid walking into provinces that are effectively suicide because of natives.
- Fixed a bug where the AI would ignore other countries' units when considering whether a province had enough supply limit for them, under certain circumstances.
- Fixed a bug where the AI would consider the strength of attached units when calculating relative power to another country (leading to increased LD, etc).
- Fixed a bug where the AI would not look at the size of attached units when considering whether a province had too low supply limit for their army.
# Interface
# Alerts
- Replaced alert for being able to hire another 'free' military leader with one for having too many military leaders.
- Added an alert for having uncored provinces.
코어가 없는 프로빈스를 가지고 있을 시 알림이 추가됩니다.
- Added an alert for having negative stability.
음수의 안정도를 가지고 있을 시 알림이 추가됩니다.
- Added an alert for being able to call allies into your current war
당신의 전쟁에 동생을 부를 수 있다면 알림이 추가됩니다.
- Added alert for when you can pick a new church aspect.
- Added alert for when an explorer is ready to explore (and there is at least one available non-circumnavigation mission).
담험가가 탐험할 준비가 되면 알림이 추가됩니다. (그리고 최소 하나가 주항해보지 않은 미션일 때)
# Country
- Added larger versions of diplomacy view for higher resolutions.
- Tooltip for republican government form now shows their cultural sufferance bonus.
- Country Trade View now displays global trade power instead of global trade income (as the latter was retired).
- Country Stability View: Rebels that have no armies and are not occupying provinces in your country are no longer shown.
# Keybindings
- Can now use "k" to consolidate regiments.
- Can now use "n" to detach mercenaries or obsolete ships.
- Can now use "u" to reorganize regiments.
# Launcher / Frontend
- You can now see the government rank of different countries during country selection
# Macrobuilder
- Improved development macrobuilder to be sorted and show more information.
# Map
- HRE mapmode now displays Free Cities and should be much clearer about what provinces are actually in the Empire and who is Emperor/Elector.
- Simple Terrain Mapmode now uses a different colour scheme.
- Find province displays a flashing highlight around found province to make it easier to locate.
# Peace
- Peace View: Outcome of empire religous war more clearly displayed.
- Fixed popup saying you have made peace with an enemy if someone in a war returns cores to you in a peace deal.
- Made it more clear that you will remain a subject when proposing peace for an independence war without independence treaty, by color coding the notice and moving it upwards in list.
# Provinces
- Colonization View now shows Colony Tax, Production, Manpower and Development Values.
- Return Province dialog is now more descriptive of actual effects.
# Tooltips
- Outliner now shows a more useful tooltip for rebel factions.
- Improved clarity of power projection tooltip.
- Improved fort information in province tooltip.
- Added base cost and modifiers to Reduce War Exhaustion button tooltip (if any modifiers active).
- Added base cost and modifiers to Reduce Inflation button tooltip (if any modifiers active).
- Added maintenance cost to cost tooltip when building ships
- Tooltip on techgroup in diplo screen now shows techgroup tech penalty
- Split Advisor death message into two messages, one for when an advisor you have employed dies and one for when any other advisor in your country dies
- Cost to upgrade ships is now visible in the upgrade tooltip even if the ships are at sea
- Tweaked treasure fleet tooltip for when fleets cannot be sent, and made so that the progress bar will appear regardless of whether any gold accumulated thus far (if there are gold mines).
- Tooltip on building template macro map icon now warns you actual costs are higher when construction goes over force limits.
# Units
- Number of "stars" for a commanding leader is now also shown on combat map icon.
- Reorganize button is now disabled if you dont have exactly 2 units selected.
- There is now information on the unit panel on how much an army can loot each month (and its tooltip explains the derivation).
- Separatist/nationalist rebels now use unit graphics from the nation they want to form/join.
# War
- Attacker allies are no longer automatically set to be called if they would accept, instead you have to manually select them, so that allies aren't accidentally called to wars where you don't want them.
# Usermodding
# Console & Commandline
- Console command 'ideadump' is now available to modders (lists all nations with generic ideas in game.log).
- Added console command 'bearhaslanded'.
- Added reload_heightmap and reload_provincemap commands
- Added "inflation" cheat.
- Adds console command 'diplomacy_info' which prints a summary of active diplomatic relations.
# Defines
- Added the define KARMA_RESTORE_ON_RULER_DEATH to specify how much karma moves towards middle when ruler dies.
- Added the defines BORDER_COLOR_CUSTOM_TEMP_HIGHLIGHT_X (where X = R, G, B, A) to specify Find Province result map color.
- The define_advisor effect can now set discount = yes to create advisors that cost only half as much to employ.
- Added the define STACKWIPE_MANPOWER_RETURN_FRACTION to specify how much power is returned to country on stackwipe.
# Effects
- Added on_issue_taken effect to parliament issues.
- Exile ruler/heir no longer crashes on save
- Exile ruler/heir name can now append province number correctly
- Exile heir will no longer create a new heir
# Messages
- Default messages now support tooltip strings for button "2" and "3" (suffixes _BTN2_TOOLTIP and _BTN3_TOOLTIP).
# Misc
- Added tweaks.lua to checksum to avoid it as a source of OOS.
# Script
# Achievements
- Lowered age requirement of Die Please Die to 70.
'Die Please Die' 도전과제의 요구 나이가 70세로 낮아집니다.
- Removed has_switched_nation=no requirement from all 1.12 achievements that are not related to a specific nation.
1.12에서 추가된 도전과제 중 특정 국과와 관련되지 않은 도전과제에서 (has_switched_nation=no) 요구사항이 삭제됩니다.
# Decisions
- Added decision to form the Polish-Lithuanian commonwealth if the other country has been destroyed.
폴란드, 리투아니아 중 어느 한 국가가 사라진다하더라도 커먼웰스 형성 디시전을 할 수 있게 됩니다.
- Restoring Constantinople (either via Ottoman decision to move capital there or Byzantine Theme System decision) now increases to all types of development instead of only tax and manpower (but still gives the same total development increase).
이제 콘스탄티노플 재건 디시전(오스만의 콘스탄티노플 천도 디시전 혹은 비잔티움의 테마 시스템 디시전)은 기본 세금이나 인력을 증가시키는 대신에 모든 유형의 개발도를 증가시킵니다. (하지만 올라가는 양은 동일)
- Forming the Netherlands now secularizes your country if a theocracy.
신정인 경우, 네덜란드 형성 시 세속화가 됩니다. (공화정이 안 되고, 군주정이 된다는 의미인듯)
- Added decision to lower the development cost of the Amsterdam province.
암스테르담 지역의 개발도 비용을 낮추는 디시전이 추가되었습니다.
- Added decision to form Tuscany.
토스카나 형성 디시전이 추가되었습니다.
- Added Decision to Adopt Theocratic Administration for owners of Common Sense.
상식 소유자를 위해 신정 정부 채택 디시전이 추가되었습니다.
=상인공화정, 귀족공화정 변경 처럼 신정으로 변환 디시전이 생겼다고 합니다.
- Removed tech group restriction from decisions to change government to Merchant or Aristocratic Republics.
상인, 귀족 공화정 변환 디시전에 있던 기술 그룹에 따른 제한이 삭제되었습니다.
- Creating the Kingdom of Jerusalem will now actually set the rank to Kingdom.
예루살렘 왕국 형성시 국가 등급은 왕국급이 됩니다.
- Many formation decisions will now be visible even if the country to form is still alive.
많은 국가 형성 디시전은 이제 그 국가가 형성되어 있더라도 디시전 창에 나타납니다.
- Forming Prussia as the Teutonic Order no longer kicks you out of the HRE and no longer requires you to be independent (as it does not change your government rank).
튜튼 기사단으로 프로이센을 형성할 때, 더 이상 신성 로마 제국에서 탈퇴하지 않으며, 독립국일 필요도 없습니다.(이제 정부 등급이 왕국으로 바뀌지 않거든요.)
- Pragmatic sanction event has now been converted to a decision available to any Emperor with a female heir.
국사 조칙 이벤트는 이제 여성 후계자가 있는 황제라면 사용할 수 있는 디시전으로 바뀌게 되었습니다.
= 원하지 않는다면, 여성 후계자가 황제가 되지 않을 수 있네요.
- Forming Great Britain diplomatically now requires Great Britain to not exist already.
외교적으로 대영제국을 형성하는 것은 이제 대영제국이 존재하지 않았어야 함을 요구합니다.
# Events
- The Polish event to increase the base tax of Warsaw can now give a development modifier instead.
폴란드의 바르샤바 베이스 택스 증가 이벤트는 이제 베이스 텍스 대신 개발도 비용 감소 수치를 줍니다.
- Added tooltip for tradegoods price changes showing their effects for other countries than the one getting the event.
이벤트로 인한 무역 상품 가격 변화의 효과를 보여주는 툴팁이 추가되었습니다.
- The event for Vasco Da Gama in India now gives a claim rather than a core and it is possible to turn down the province.
바스코 다 가마의 인도 도착 이벤트는 이제 코어를 주는 이벤트 대신 클레임을 주고, 지역 양도를 거절할 수도 있습니다.
= 기존에는 고아 코어를 주고, 고아가 포르투칼에 합병되었으나 이젠 클레임을 받으면서 지역 양도를 받거나, 클레임만 받을 수 있게 되었다고 합니다.
- Added event to create Greek cores late in the game.
게임 후반부에 그리스 코어 형성 이벤트가 추가되었습니다.
- Decreased chance of Lux Stella and Starlight events firing.
Lux Stella 와 Starlight의 발생 확률이 감소했습니다.
- Most vote-switching events for countries with Parliaments will now be more or less likely depending on the current support for an issue.
의회가 있는 국가에서 안건 투표 ㅏㄴ반을 바꾸는 이벤트는 어떤 법안을 지지하느냐에 따라 발생 확률이 조정되었습니다.
- Some parliament related events now have slightly more inclusive triggers. 2 additional events added.
몇몇 의회 관련 이벤트는 이제 보다 많은 트리거를 포함합니다. 또한 2개의 의회 관련 이벤트가 추가되었습니다.
- Most event-given advisors will now come with a salary discount.
대부분의 조언자 추가 이벤트는 이제 조언자 비용 감소도 함께 발생합니다.
- Updated the Ministry of the Waterways event for Venice to match new development cost for coastal terrain.
베네치아의 수로관리자 이벤트는 해안 지형의 개발도 비용에 맞게 변경되었습니다.
- In order for the Plague in Cairo to happen to the Mamluks they now need to own Cairo.
맘루크에 발생하는 카이로의 역병 이벤트는 이제 맘루크가 카이로를 소유해야만 발생합니다.
# Modifiers
- Some stupidly small modifiers (-2.5% tax modifier etc) from events were changed to have an actual effect.
이벤트에 있는 어떤 소규모의 바보같은 모디파이어 (세금 수입 -2.5% 등)들은 실질적인 효과로 변경되었습니다.
# Missions
- Mission to convince elector now less common and given modifier reward.
선제후가 되는 미션은 이제부터 전보다 적은 모디파이어 보상을 받게 됩니다.
- Added 3 missions for Orissa.
오릿사에 3개의 미션을 추가했습니다.
# New Ideas & Policies
새로운 아이디어 와 정책
- Added Yarkandi Ideas.
Yarkandi 아이디어를 추가했습니다.
- Added Luxembourg Ideas.
Luxembourg 아이디어를 추가했습니다.
- Added Ideas for Nizhni Novgorod.
Nizhni Novgorod를 위한 아이디어를 추가했습니다.
- Added Ideas for Yi.
Yi를 위한 아이디어를 추가했습니다.
- Added Ideas for Leon.
Leon를 위한 아이디어를 추가했습니다.
- Added General Idea Set for French Minors.
프랑스계 마이너 국가들을 위한 일반적인 아이디어를 추가했습니다.
- Added Ideas for countries of Nubian culture.
누비안 문화권의 국가들을 위한 아이디어를 추가했습니다.
- Added Ideas for Sapmi.
Sampi족을 위한 아이디어를 추가했습니다.
- Added Ideas for Galicia.
Galicia를 위한 아이디어를 추가했습니다.
- Added Ideas for Nevers.
Nevers를 위한 아이디어를 추가했습니다.
- Added Ideas for Medri Bahri.
Medri Bahri를 위한 아이디어를 추가했습니다.
- Added Ideas for Dali.
Dali를 위한 아이디어를 추가했습니다.
- Added Andhra Ideas.
Andhra 아이디어를 추가했습니다.
- Added Kangra Ideas.
Kangra 아이디어를 추가했습니다.
- Added Orleanaise Ideas.
Orleanaise 아이디어를 추가했습니다.
- Added Ormuzi Ideas.
Ormuzi 아이디어를 추가했습니다.
- Added Greek Ideas.
Greek 아이디어를 추가했습니다.
- Added Moluccan Ideas.
Moluccan 아이디어를 추가했습니다.
- Added Ladakh Ideas.
Ladakh 아이디어를 추가했습니다.
- Added ideas for Baluchistan.
Baluchistan를 위한 아이디어를 추가했습니다.
- Added ideas for Mutapa.
Mutapa를 위한 아이디어를 추가했습니다.
- Added ideas for Mazovia.
Mazovia를 위한 아이디어를 추가했습니다.
- Added ideas for Kangra.
Kangra를 위한 아이디어를 추가했습니다.
=Kangra가 중요한지 두번이나 적어뒀네요.
# Setup
- Arctic terrain renamed to Glacier to avoid confusion with Arctic climate and now exists in more than one province.
- Moluccan terrain now more consistent.
- Added Spice Islands province modifiers in Ternate and Tidore provinces.
- Trent now has Venetian culture.
- Removed Flemish core on Calais.
- Arctic terrain renamed to Glacier to avoid confusion with Arctic climate and now exists in more than one province.
- Haasa now starts with a few more provinces and Najd with a few less.
- Added a fort to Picardy.
- Bulgaria and Serbia will now start with cores on Skopje.
- Polish and Lithuanian development levels adjusted slightly.
- Urgell now produces Wool.
- Ferarra's map colour now dark green.
- Added Andhra tag in 1444 (replacing unused York tag).
- Tuscan idea Grand Duchy of Tuscany reworded to fit both Tuscany and Florence.
- Added a Florence tag in 1444 (replacing unused Lancaster tag).
- Imereti will now use Georgian Ideas.
- French Development levels boosted slightly in 1444.
- Boosted Russian base development levels from 1444.
- Added Maldives tag (replacing unused Doughlat tag).
- Added Malta tag (replacing unused Jalayirid tag).
- Changed a number of provinces from Coastline to other terrain types.
- Iceland is now considered highland terrain.
# Bugfixes
버그 수정
- Fixed major OOS caused by set controller commands being posted twice.
- Ideas that give +25% hostile core creation cost are now shown in province interface.
- Fixed a bug where besieging obsolete forts could cause you to lose army tradition.
- Fixed a bug where a war between two AIs would never end due to faulty peace treaty construction logic.
- Vassal Forcelimit Modifier now works correctly.
- Fixed sorting in development macrobuilder to be correct.
- Fixed a bug where reloading a save would result in trade missions giving a very high amount of naval tradition for a single month.
- Fixed the 'Development of Amsterdam' modifier to no longer disappear on monthly update.
- Fixed an endless loop caused by a country somehow having itself as a colonial parent.
- Fixed a CTD related to invalidated wars.
- Flat Province Values now correctly sets base production to a flat value.
- Can no longer destroy buildings in a province under siege.
- No longer possible to seize colonies outside of coring range.
- Trade fleets that are automatically merging can now do so even when movement locked, so to fix two fleets never merging because of timing issues.
- Fixed a bug where exiled troops were able to join ongoing sieges.
- Added a sanity check to all achievements that blocks them if difficulty has somehow been modified in the ironman save.
- Fixed a bug where blockades would prevent taking provinces due to incorrectly calculating them as out of range.
- Added a forced sync on starting MP games that should hopefully address OOSes in large games with many players.
- You now become an Empire when you unite Japan.
- Pretender rebels no longer change government from elective to other type of monarchy.
- Mods will no longer block Random New World.
- Send and Cancel will now use keyboard consistent shortcuts (Return and Escape).
- Fixed a CTD in enforce peace IsValid check.
- Damaged trade ships will now consider the ports of subjects when deciding where to repair.
- Fixed AI always declining sale of ships due to bad unit type check.
- Fixed manpower being gained inversely on stackwipe (i.e. a regiment with 0 men would give the most MP back to country).
- Fixed so that allied objectives can be set by clients in MP games.
- Fixed missing stats/flavor text tooltip for preferred unit selection.
- Peace: Wrong Diplomatic Power cost shown in certain cases for Cede Provinces, Release Nations and Become Vassal.
- The parliament issue related to guaranteeing religious minorities will no longer spill outside of the interface.
- Macrobuilder: Fixed issue where you could not select building upgrades unless you had enough cash to build them from scratch.
- Fixed wrong scope for is_part_of_hre=no checks in the Form Hanover and Westphalia decisions.
- Having more than 7 Free Cities (by for example using the Nation Designer) no longer gives additional monthly Imperial Authority past the 7th.
- Conquering a vassal's capital will no longer reset the overlord's annexation/integration progress.
- Fixed federation_size trigger and correspondingly the six_nations achievement (which was too lenient by 1).
- Fixed DLC colors disappearing from units when loading a save bug.
- Fixed disappeared sacrifice ruler & heir interactions.
- Probably fixed crash related to creation of armies in cede_province effect.
- Peace: AE and DIP reductions when taking cores with subject reconquest CB are now correctly applied.
- Policies that improve legitimacy now also improve devotion.
- You no longer get popups on unit arrival for exploration missions.
- AoW event 50 "Cardinal's Policies Upset Nobles" if you already have the modifier it grants.
- The event "A Beloved Heir dies" will no longer create temples in provinces that have cathedrals.
- Legatus Natus will no longer be revoked if you lack Legitimacy making it trigger very easily.
- Fixed triggers for Dravidian monarchy titles.
- Various Papal Event opinion modifiers will now decay rather than last forever.
- Polish Mission to Vassalize the Teutonic Order will now also work for the PLC and will not fail if the PLC is formed.
- The third option in the event Iconoclast Fury "Time to take the lead and break Papal stranglehold!" will no longer be available if you are playing the pope.
- Permanent province modifiers are no longer removed when starting a game with random nations
- Karimata strait is no longer leaking into the Sunda Strait.
- The "Talented and Ambitious Daughter" event can now only trigger once per ruler.
- The Mission Protect against Rival will now only trigger if your forcelimit is bigger or equal to that of your rival.
- Native Migration mission reward will now work as intended.
- Missions that apply specifically to one province countries will no longer consider migrating tags.
- Fixed issue with PLC not getting some of their correct units from unit packs.
- The event asking a tag to cede Malta will now not trigger if it's the only province under their control, if it's their capital or if they are a subject country.
- Income on building macro builder map icons is now shown consistently as monthly rather than a mix of yearly and monthly.
- There's now an opinion modifier applied upon discovery of covert actions other than fabricate claims.
- Fixed issue where you could not create new custom nations after creating 32 nations and then deleting a previous one.
- Fixed bug in CContextEffect which could cause mismatches between tooltip and random effects (e.g. define ruler) for other events choices than the first.
- You can no longer move trade ports and create trade posts to/in provinces you don't own and control.
- Fixed issue with Forts no longer mothballed after loading save if Common Sense is not active.
- Development Efficiency now affects the whole cost of developing.
- Fixed a bug where you could only get one breach instead of the up to three you were supposed to be able to get.
- Imperialism CB is now unlocked at dip tech 23 (to match updated tech info).
- Add/Remove Historical Rival/Friend effects now display correct tooltips.
- Selecting Heir name and stats is now disabled for "Elective Monarchy".
- 'The Princess is in this Castle' achievement is no longer disabled for countries that start without an heir.
- any_heretic_province province scope for tooltip fixed (fixing e.g. the tooltip of event religious_turmoil.4).
- Ironman cannot be loaded until checksum has been calculated (to prevent deironmanization of save games).
- The Trade Hegemon achievement will now require the new Hormuz Island province instead of the inland Mogostan province.
- Corrected modifier check in the event "The Woman Among us". It should no longer trigger if you already have the modifier it gives now.
- The event "Cousin Claims Chair of X" will now only target subjects that are vassals or marches.
- Localization references to [Root.Government.GetName] have been renamed to [Root.GovernmentName] and corresponding code now works (rather than returning country's name).
- Fixed centers of reformation disappearing graphically in non-English localizations.
- Manpower tooltip's displayed manpower reserved for queued units will now update as units complete.
- Custom Nations: Fixed issue with multiple ruler entries in ledger.
- Fixed a few issues with the Defend the Lowlands mission.
- Empty effect for "Recruits flock to the banners" event removed.
- Zoroastrian and Jewish Missionaries will no longer look like Cranes.
- Fixed bad region check for client states in Italy.
- Trade Company event that grants free forts will now allow you to turn down the fort and will not trigger for provinces already adjacent to owned forts.
- Protestantism Event 15 - Catholic leaning Monarch can now never trigger more than once for the same tag.
- Fixed stack overflow crash happening on annex/integrate during specific circumstances related to historical vassals.
- You can no longer create vassals-of-vassals by demanding the capital of an enemy overlord country for your vassal as a part of annexation deal (instead enemy overlord's vassal becomes yours).
- Not having an active debate will no longer cause the English Civil war to progress.
- Decisions related to changing religion will now require you to be independent.
- The Strait between Tataouine and Djerba is now more straight.
- Custom Nations: Duplicate Monarch entries and monarch entries from deleted Custom Nations are no longer saved.
- Decision to switch between Sunni and Shia will now not be available if force converted.
- The Knights are now Occitan culture.
- Judaism and Zoroastrianism will now properly display Crusade names.
- Fixed trade efficiency calculations broken by removal of trade income modifier.
- The Court Star Chamber event is no longer a choice of 30 ADM vs 1 stability.
- Trigger units_in_province now take scope as an argument
- Trigger infantry_in_province now take scope as an argument
- Trigger cavalry_in_province now take scope as an argument
- Trigger artillery_in_province now take scope as an argument
- Trigger heavy_ships_in_province now take scope as an argument
- Trigger light_ships_in_province now take scope as an argument
- Trigger galleys_in_province now take scope as an argument
- Trigger transports_in_province now take scope as an argument
- Trigger infantry_in_province no longer have reversed tooltips
- Trigger cavalry_in_province no longer have reversed tooltips
- Trigger artillery_in_province no longer have reversed tooltips
- All units in province triggers now show the province name in the tooltip correctly
- Fixed the Ottoman name list's numbering for future Ottoman rulers still being based on the 1399 start date of EU3.
- Jiri z Podebrad will now be named the same if succeding via event as he would be in historical starts when he exists.
- Reduced prestige decay now makes prestige go faster to 0 when prestige is negative, rather than the opposite.
- Tooltip for Forced March now correctly displays its tech requirement as 15
- Buddhist event 37, Reincarnation Found, will no longer retrigger for an abundance of free stability.
- Peace View: "Humiliate" and "Show Strength" peace options can no longer be combined with making the target a Vassal or Protectorate or demanding a Personal Union.
- Local autonomy is taken into account when displaying the effect on total force limit of individual provinces.
- Peace View: Countries that are transferring trade power can no longer demand transfer of trade power from their enemy.
- Embargo rivals interaction now respects truces.
- Hid activate/mothball all buttons and label/icon in low resolution version of military view (since they were flying outside the screen).
- Incorrect French text for 1444 bookmark.
- Fixed "has_female_heir = no" returning wrong result if no heir exists.
- Spis and Sao Tome now have their correct names in French and German language versions
- Reworded catholic flavor event 4, Simony, to work better for theocracies.
- Fort maintenance is impacted by inflation.
- Fixed issue where diplomatic mapmode would look weird when no country was selected
- The council of Trent is no longer something exclusively for Protestants.
- Options no longer switched for papacy_event.28 (Witch Trials)
- New Save Games no longer cause crashes when opening save game list in older version of EU4.
- Volunteers for the Holy Fight (devotion_events.24) will now trigger a bit more restrictively.
- Theocracies can now trigger the peasants war disaster.
- Poland will no longer be both a vassal under France and in union under Saxony during the reign of Frederick Augustus I.
- The Moose in the Mansur province has now moved north to Kharkov.
- You will now get notifications when a siege ends regardless of whether you're leading siege or not.
- Can now recall spies from the diplomatic screen when blocked from spying due to a spy being discovered
- Corrected borders for Congress Poland
- The "Preparing our Defences" event will no longer trigger unless there are provinces that match the effect of both options.
- fixed bug where an odd selection of Andalucian provinces didn't get culture converted at the same time as the others after the Alpujaras revolt.
- War exhausion arrow (on country stability view) points in the right direction henceforth.
- Japan can no longer enforce peace on daimyos defending themselves.
- Hainaut no longer has a ghost union with Burgundy causing odd things if released.
- Fixed many issues with Spanish Localisation.
- Hungarian flavor events no longer attempt to create personal unions with states that are not monarchies.
- Tooltip for DIP can no longer (falsely) show a positive gain from annexing/integrating a subject.
- Dynamic province names are updated properly as option is changed in lobby.
- Fixed missing icon for disease outbreak siege status.
- Fixed rebel units starting at far too low morale.
- Province outliner member tooltip income correctly labeled.
- Subsidize armies gives march's opinion bonus to overlord rather than every country in the world.
- blockade_ports wargoal only considers provinces that are controlled by their owner as legitimate targets of blockade now.
- The mission to keep a rival out of Italy will now only fire once.
- Develop manpower tooltip won't show negative values anymore (instead accurately showing 0 improvment as worst case).
- Rebels will no longer relocate while they're sieging something with enough men.
- You no longer get popups on unit arrival for trade missions.
- Fixed crash when forming Spain.
- Vassalization missions will no longer target Imperial Free Cities.
- The unit models from Horsemen of the Crescent and Winged Hussars Unit should now show again regardless of what other unit packs you have.
- The effect on Inti religious authority when changing local autonomy has been made explicit in tooltip.
- Local Ironman saves are now compressed again.
- The Ottoman Mission to conquer Tunisia will no longer target provinces that are also part of the Conquer Tripolitania mission.
- Ottoman missions will no longer target provinces owned by their subjects.
- Sugar will only be associated with plantations rather than two different manufactory types.
- Fixed problem with button text for event 4120 - Great Inquisitor for all language versions.
- Trade Node route graphics no longer disappear when loading a save from ingame
- Handle Them! in country stability view should no longer flicker.
- Fixed Duplicate entry for Maratha kingdom titles.
- Papacy Event 48, contacts in the Holy See, will no longer fire for the Papal States.
- Singleplayer sets "only host can save" and "editable savegame" to yes, to prevent new singleplayer saves from inheriting settings from multiplayer making them unplayable.
- The island of Sao Tome will now belong to the West African Trade Company.
- Fixed encoding issue with Andalucian province names.
- Forming Westphalia now gives Administrative Monarchy.
- Devotion Events will no longer attempt to increase autonomy in the capital.
- Peace: Fixed issue where you could get a stability hit by declining offered tribute.
- 'Large Nation in HRE' and 'Small Nation in HRE' vote modifiers are now based on development instead of number of provinces.
- Fixed a bug where the cost of creation cores in same continent colonies was consistently calculated as too low.
- Displayed uprising progress in Stability & Expansion view is updated properly.
- Foreign rebel faction occupied territory can now defect when your country breaks.
- Corrected defender's adjective in fleet battle report tooltip.
- Units that are moving or shattered no longer loot.
- Development icons have been pushed down and no longer float on the terrain background.
- Karma now moves 25% towards middle when ruler dies (except for republics).
- Succession war prediction in tooltip and actual outcome should now match.
- Local autonomy tab on macro builder shows rebel type names properly.
- Economy map mode Base Tax tool tip now only shown for land provinces.
- Regions and Local Autonomy map modes are now updated properly when clicking a province.
- Cloud saves are now visible again in the "Ironman Save" dialog.
- Fixed issue with the triggers of the Dutch Flavor Event "Franco-Dutch tensions" that could make it trigger when France did not exist.
- Pontic culture countries will now also be able to restore the Byzantine Empire.
- Fixed some provinces in Northern Italy not being removed from the empire in 1495.
- Buddhism Events now give less prestige.
- Hagia Sophia landmark moved to make better room for Constantinople city and fortification graphics.
- It should now be clear from tooltip that an annexation can't progress while vassal doesn't control their capital, nor can you start a new annexation under this circumstance.
- When detaching mercenaries, the newly formed mercenary unit becomes selected.
- Peace View: Re-added missing "part of war goal" and claim icons for province entries.
- Macro Builder: Province Development entries are now sorted by Increase cost.
- Japanese Events will no longer try to change a daimyo's opinion of himself.
- Fixed a bug where a capital province would not ignore its local autonomy value when calculating forcelimits from that province.
- Ibadat Khana Decision will no longer require you to have non-muslim provinces.
- Fixed various issues with Austrian Missions.
- Recover Greece Byzantine Mission will now include Euboea in allow as well as target provinces.
- Papal Bull against Slavery event will now no longer retrigger indefinitely and forbidding slavery will no longer make your colonies more profitable.
- Montferrat will now be under Spanish ownership in the interregnum between the death of Giangiorgio and the securing of the title by Federico Gonzaga.
- The Defenestration in Prague will no longer leave Bohemia with Austrias monarch and a Casus Belli to restore union on Austria.
- Papal mission to annex Ferrara now properly gives the reward as a province modifier in Ferrara.
- Fixed mismatch between tooltip and directly displayed AE in case of allies being given provinces.
- If failed to join MP, player is now taken back to the start screen since game state can get corrupted when failing to join.
- Hopefully tooltip that indicates which fort is reverting control in a province is showing the correct fort now.
- Free Cities now lose their free city status on being annexed (and thus cannot be released as one).
- Administrative Efficiency now also affects cost to diplo-annex.
- Tooltip for tax income now correctly shows the yearly tax income.
- Corrected Subsidize armies tooltip and limited the actual transfer based on receiver's level of manpower depletion (full March manpower => no manpower lost).
- Consolidate regiments button enable/disable now distinguishes between mercenaries and regular army units (that have never been able to merge).
- Macro builder building mode's map coloring will now indicate whether a building is upgrading another or built into an empty slot.
- Fixed map color "left/back" button in Customize subject dialog.
- Blocked an exploit regarding decreasing autonomy at war which could cause warscore issues for winner.
- -nudge command line option now blocks multiplayer (because it can cause OOS).
- Fixed issue where the country wasn't automatically re-selected when loading a (non-ironman) cloud save.
- Starting between 1530 and 1546 as Spain gives you over 200% OE due to uncored provinces
- Thuringia will no longer start without cores in the start dates it exists.
- It's no longer possible to downgrade ships with upgrade button by merging them in fleets with upgradable ships.
- Colonial nations now join wars of the overlord when they form.
- Fixed a mmall mistake in tutorial text
- Humiliate Rival and Show Strength peace options can no longer be selected if target country will cease to exist after war.
- You are no longer able to select provinces in macro builder in any of the modes (it wasn't intended).
- Natives (of uncolonized provinces) no longer get on-par-with western tech in later scenario starts.
- Missing new line in option tooltip for loan_size effect
- Issues with the disaster 'English Civil War'
- The Bhuddas of Bamiyan are now actually in the Bamiyan province and not in Qarshi (though not quite in their real location due to lack of space).
- allow_westernize = no is respected again, i.e. it funtionally limits certain government types from westernizing.
- Added Persian core to Zaranj.
- Envoy travel time in country trade view displays in correct color.
- A huge number of idea group related random events will no longer trigger if you already have the modifier they give.
- Fixed +10 colonist on arrival exploit by restricting it to if colony has below 10 settlers.
- To get 25% of province counting towards religious unity it's enough with 0.0 tolerance (as opposed to above 0.0 tolerance).
- Moved order of checks for attack natives tooltip so that the more obvious resons (such as no natives being in the province) are prioritized to display to user.
- Fixed Queen Isabel's dynasty name.
- A number of heir and monarch related events introduced with CS now check that you're not a junior partner in a union.
- Effects of enacted Parliament Issues are now removed when changing government.
- Build All Mercenaries button will use up mercenary pool corresponding to the number of regiments started (thus fixing a clear exploit where more mercenaries than available could be built).
- Countries on a different continent than the current Emperor are no longer eligible to be Emperor.
현재의 황제와 다른 대륙의 국가는 더 이상 황제가 될 수 없습니다.
= 아즈텍같은 국가가 황제가 되던 경우같은 걸 완전히 없앤 모양입니다.
아즈텍이 황제가 되는걸 막는게 아니라 신롬국가가 비신롬지역을 획득하여 황제가 되는걸 막은듯하네요
황제 밑에 황제가 있을 순 없잖아요?
- Reduced effect of autonomy on warscore cost.
워스코어에서 자치도의 효과가 감소했음. 이 말은 자치도가 높은 지역은 워스코어를 적게 먹는 효과가 있었는데 줄였다는 것이니까 자치도 높은 지역에 더 높은 워스코어가 필요하게 되었다. 지금 번역한 것의 반대 뜻임.
- Papal AI is now less likely to be militaristic.
교황청 AI는 이제 덜 호전적이게 되었습니다.
ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ 이거에서 빵터짐 ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
갑자기 어제까지 했던 세이브가 실행안되더니 패치됬었구나 ㄷㄷ
원주민 하는 유저는 그냥 뒤지라는 말 ㄷㄷㄷ;;
안그래도 지금 150%인데 200퍼 ㅋㅋ?
개발도 비용 이야기라면 원주민은 1.13에서 150% 더 비쌉니다.
개발비용이 단계별로 적용된다는게 빈 건물칸 여는 10 20 30 40 마다 포인트요구 증가폭이 늘어나네요
베타에서 달라진게 없는거 같네요.
- No longer willing to join offensive wars where the attacker is attempting to force a union on a Great Power (unless it's a Succession War). 수정
강대국에 대한 동군연합 명분의 공격전쟁일 경우 더 이상 참전하려 하지 않을 것입니다. (AI 파트)
- Blockaded is now a simple fixed modifier, instead of using incomprehensible scaling.
이제 해안봉쇄 모디파이어는 이해하기 힘든 비례식을 사용하는 대신 간단하게 고정 수치를 사용합니다.
- Native assimilation now gives + to goods produced instead of -development cost (as the latter was useless in many provinces).
>> (오역수정) 원주민 동화는 개발비용 감소에서 생산된 상품 증가로 변경되었습니다. (2500명일 떄 상품 생산이 0.125던가 올랐던걸로 기억)
- It is now 50% more expensive for primitives to develop their provinces.
>> 원주민은 원래 개발비용 100%증가 패널티였는데 50%로 줄었죠.
- Greatly reduced doom reduction from occupying provinces.
>> 엘도라도까지 공성 성공시 베텍만큼 둠을 줄여줬고, 상식 이후로 비요새지역은 공성 1페이즈만에 함락되서 둠을 초고속으로 줄일 수 있었던걸 패치했나보네요.
- Less prio on developing provinces bordering other countries.
>> 국경지대 개발순위가 낮아졌습니다. (AI가 덜 개발하겠죠)
- Will no longer ignore restriction on not being able to pick more than 50% of an idea group category.
>> 아트 오브 워 이후로 어느 한 아이디어 그룹을 50%이상 못 찍게 됬는데, AI는 이걸 무시헀던걸 고쳤나보네요.
- Fixed AI always accepting peace for large enough sums of gold.
>> 돈을 대량으로 바치면 평화를 맺어줬던걸 고쳤답니다. 돈을 대량으로 준다고? 보통 '돈을 원하지 않음 -1000'으로 안되던데.. 잘 아시는분 있나요?
- Will now generally avoid taking provinces when doing so would result in an undefeatable coalition.
>> AI는 이제 이길 수 없는 반국가연합이 결성될 만큼 땅을 먹지 않습니다. (AI가 폭풍확장으로 코올걸려서 자멸하던걸 막았나보네요)
- Replaced alert for being able to hire another 'free' military leader with one for having too many military leaders.
>> 이제 공짜 장군/제독 알림 대신 장군/제독 한계치 초과시 알림을 출력합니다. (실제로 이전엔 공짜 장군 알림이 있었지만 패치 이후로 사라졌고 대신 장군이 초과됬으니 군사력 패널티가 온다는 알림이 뜨네요)
- Added alert for when you can pick a new church aspect.
>>(프로테스탄트) 새로 교회 양상을 고를 수 있다는 알림을 추가했습니다. 이제 무의미하게 교회력 200을 초과해서 낭비하는 일이 없겠네요.
- Tooltip for republican government form now shows their cultural sufferance bonus.
>> 공화정이 이문화 패널티를 경감받는다는 툴팁이 추가됩니다. 실제 공화정은 문화가 달라서 생기는 패널티를 덜 받았지만 툴팁에는 나오지 않았었죠. 이제 알기 편하겠네요.
번역하느라 고생이 많으십니다 ㅎㅎ
이번에 또 어떻게 바뀌었을지 기대되네요!
건방지지만 오타 수정 부탁드립니다~
담험가 -> 탐험가
투표 ㅏㄴ반 -> 투표 찬반
독리 지원 -> 독립 지원