+ turtledove: any of several small wild pigeons noted for plaintive cooing
plaint n.1. lamentation. wail
2. protest. complaint
plaintive a. expressive of suffering or woe: meloncholy
coo: vi. 1. to make the low soft cry of a dove or pigeon or a similar sound
- make는 or로 각 각 보시면 될 듯 하지요.
왜냐면 전자에서는 ~cry로 후자는 ~sound로 이어지기 때문에요.
비둘기가 '구구구'운다고 하는데,
조금 강하게 발음하여 '쿠쿠쿠'운다고 보면 영어와 같겠어요
사실 '쿠쿠쿠' 우는건 아닐까요
+ turtle=turtledove=pieon=dove
동의어로 표기하였습니다
아가서 2:12 -the time of the singin of birds is come,
and the voice of the turtle is heard in our land
누가복음 2: 24 - A pair of turtledoves, or two young pigeons
마태복음 3:16 - he swa the Spirit of God descending like a dove,
and lightting upon him:
첫댓글 but my dove doesn't coo coo coo or nine nine nine ^^
Maybe your dove is not like my telling it before that is a little fat and totter. thank you for your explaining.