421. look like ~처럼 보이다, ~인 것 같다
422. thin [씬] 얇은, 홀쭉한
423. floor [플로어] (건물의) 층
424. stair [스테어] 계단
425. physical [피지컬] 육체적인, 신체의
426. fitness [피트니스] 건강 상태, 체력, 적성
427. step [스텝] 걸음, 계단, 단계, 걷다
428. workout [워크아웃] 운동, 연습, 체조
429. jog [조그] (천천히 규칙적인 속도로) 달리다
430. escalator [에스컬레이터] 에스컬레이터
431. sweat [스웻ㅌ] 땀, 땀을 흘리다
432. breathe [브리드] 숨쉬다
433. warm-up [웜업] 준비 (운동), 시작
434. stretch [스트레취] (손, 발 등을) 한껏 펴다, 뻗다
435. muscle [머슬] 근육
436. instead of ~대신에 (=in place of), ~하지 않고
437. aerobic [에로우빅] 에어로빅
438. such [서취] 그런, 대단한
439. such as ~와 같은, ~~등
440. push-up 팔굽혀 펴기
441. balance [밸런스] 균형, 균형을 잡다
442. choice [쵸이스] 선택, 고르기
443. amount [어마운트] 양, 총계, 금액
444. nutrient [누트리언트] 영양물
445. protein [프로테인] 단백질
446. carbohydrate [카보우하이드레잇] 탄수화물
447. diet [다이어ㅌ] 규정식, 식이요법
448. meal [밀] 식사, 끼니
449. active [액티브] 활동적인
450. grain [그래인] 곡물
451. fiber [파이버] 섬유질
452. challenge [첼린지] 도전, 도전하다
453. brave [브레이브] 용감한
454. realistic [리얼리스틱] 현실적인
455. goal [골] 목표
456. worry about ~에 대해 걱정하다
457. not ~ at all 전혀 ~ 않다
458. make it 잘해내다, 성공하다
459. depend on ~에 달려있다
460. enough [이너프] 충분한
461. interest [인터레스트] 흥미, 관심
462. idea [아이디어] 개념, 사상
463. in good shape (몸이) 좋은 상태인
464. stretch [스트레치] 뻗다
465. perfect [퍼펙트] 완벽한
466. pick [픽] 고르다
467. missing [미씽] 결여된, 없어진
468. feel [필] 느끼다, 감지하다
469. terrible [테러블] 끔찍한, 심한
470. still [스틸] 아직도, 여전히, 조용한
471. hurt [허트] 고통을 느끼다, 다치게 하다
472. bright [브라이트] 밝은 (반대 dark 어두운)
473. know [노우] 알다
474. tired [타이어드] 피곤한
475. sleep [슬립] 자다
476. import!!ant [임포턴트] 중요한
477. shy [샤이] 수줍어하는
478. special [스페셜] 특별한
479. be proud of ~를 자랑스러워하다 (=take pride in)
480. person [퍼슨] 사람
481. score [스코어] 점수 (=point)
482. field [필드] 들, 구역
483. outgoing [아웃고잉] 외향적인
484. always [올웨이즈] 항상, 언제나
485. sometimes [섬타임즈] 때때로
486. between A and B A와 B 사이에
487. at times 때때로
488. thoughtful [써트펄] 생각이 깊은, 사려깊은
489. mistake [미스테잌] 실수
490. never 전혀 ~하지 않은
491. confused [컨퓨즈드] 혼란스러운
492. familiar [퍼밀리어] 친숙한, 잘 아는
493. enter [엔터] 들어가다 (=go into), 입학하다
494. through [쓰루] ~를 통하여
495. moment [모먼트] 순간
496. overjoy [오버조이] 매우 기뻐하다
497. like [라이크] ~처럼
498. stay on 계속 남아 있다, 유지하다
499. seem [심] ~으로 생각되다, ~처럼 보이다
500. on earth (부정문) 전혀 ~아닌 (의문문) 도대체
501. around [어라운드] ~를 둘러싸고
502. treat [트릿ㅌ] 취급하다, 다루다
503. expect [익스펙트] 기대하다
504. grown-up 어른 (=adult)
505. anymore [애니모어] 더 이상 (any longer)
506. either [이더] ~도 또한
507. alone [얼론] 혼자인 (=by oneself)
508. natural [네츄럴] 자연스러운, 자연의, 당연한
509. age [에이지] 나이
510. exciting [익사이팅] 흥미진진한
511. view [뷰] 시력, 시각, 전망
512. point of view 관점
513. express [익스프레스] 표현하다
514. lost [로스트] 잃어버린, 막막한
515. feel lost 막막함을 느끼다
516. famous [페이머스] 유명한 (=well-known)
517. psychologist [싸이칼러지스트] 심리학자
518. following [팔로잉] 다음의, 다음에 언급된 사람
519. piece [피스] 조각, 단편, 부분
520. advice [어드바이스] 충고, 조언
521. respect [리스펙트] 존경하다, 존경, 경의
522. set goal 목표를 정하다
523. discover [디스커버] 발견하다
524. realistic [리얼리스틱] 현실적인, 실제적인
525. for oneself 혼자 힘으로
526. make the most(best) of ~을 최대한으로 활용하다
527. decision [디시젼] 결정
528. spend [스팬드] 쓰다, 소비하다 (=expend)
529. surf [서프] 파도, 파도를 타다, 검색하다
530. without [위드아웃] ~없이
531. understand [언더스탠드] 이해하다
532. fat [팻] 뚱뚱한
533. seem to ~처럼 보이다, ~인 것 같다
534. dislike [디스라이크] 싫어하다
535. unfair [언페어] 불공평한
536. get around 돌아다니다
537. differently from ~와는 다르게
538. problem [프러블럼] 문제
539. strange [스트랜지] 이상한
540. favorite [페이버릿] 가장 좋아하는
★큰 소리로 10번 이상 읽어야 효과를 봅니다.★
* 몸[기분] 컨디션이 안 좋아
I don't feel very well today.
= I'm under the weather.
= I'm in bad state of health.
/// I'm in bad mood. I'm not myself today.
* 안됐다 // 유감스럽다
That's too bad.
= Sorry to hear that.
= That's[What] a pity[shame].
* 배고파 죽겠다
I'm very hungry.
= I'm starving[famished].
= I can eat a horse.
= I'm dying to eat.
* 어떻게 연락하죠?
How can I get in touch[contact] with you?
= How can I contact[reach] you?
* 우체국이 어디죠?
How do I get to the post office?
= Will you tell[show, direct] the way to the post office?
= Which way should I go to get to the post office?
* 한숨도 못 잤어
I couldn't sleep at all.
= I couldn't sleep a wink.
= I tossed and turned all night.
= I had a restless night.
* 한가할 때 뭐해?
What do you do in your free[leisure, spare] time?
= What do you do for relaxation[enjoyment]?
* 세상 좁군.
What[It's] a small world!
= Never did I expect to meet you here.
* 잘 못 거셨어요
You've got[dialed] the wrong number.
* 천천히 해. 서둘지 마
Take your time.
= you have enough time.
= You're in no hurry[rush].
= Don't hurry.
* 미치게 만들지
It drives[makes] me crazy.
= It drives me up the wall.
= It drives me mad[nuts, bananas].
* 연결해 드리죠
I'll transfer you to his department.
= Let me connect you with him.
= I'll put you through.
* 너무 바빠
He's tied up.
= He has tight schedule.
= He 's very busy.
* 같은 처지군
We are in the same boat[shoes, place, situation].
* 행운을 빌께
I'll have my fingers crossed.
= Good luck to you.
= I'll be praying for you.
* 연락 좀 하며 지내자
We've been out of touch for years. Let's keep in touch.
= Keep me informed[posted].
* 중요치 않아. 차이 없어
It doesn't make any difference.
= It doesn't matter[count] (to me).
= It's all the same to me.
= I don't care.
* 식은 죽 먹기야 // 쉬운 일이 아냐.
It's a piece of cake.
= It's a pinch.
= It's simple[easy].
= Even a child[fool, idiot] can do it.
// That's not a piece of cake.
= That's not a snap[pinch].
* 못 참겠어
I can't stand[bear, endure, tolerate, put up with] this hot weather.
* 다이어트 해야 되요
I have to watch my diet[meal, food, weight]
= I'm overweight.
= I want to slim down.
= I have to lose my weight.
* 본론으로 들어가죠
Don't beat around the bush.
= Let's get down to business.
= Get to the point.
= Get to the bottom of this.
* 어디까지 얘기했더라?
Where was I?
= What was I saying?
= What were we talking about?
==== 아래는 그냥 재미 삼아 참고 하시길 ====
You can't change your taste overnight. 하룻밤 새에 변하진 않지
How does Seoul strike you? 서울의 인상은?
Korea is a country on the go[move]. 한국은 분주한[활기찬] 나라야
Chances are slim (for him to pass the test).
= There is almost no chance[possibility].
= It's not likely[possible].
= It's really impossible. = 가능성이 희박해
You name it! = 뭐든지 다(말 만 해봐).
She has a sweet tooth. = 단 걸 좋아해
That's more like it.= 그게 더 그럴싸한데
That's pretty tough for me. = 좀 심한데
It was a real show. =:= He made a scene. = 볼만했지. 쇼를 했지.
It sells like a hot cake. = 날개 돋친 듯 팔려
Bribery is at its peak.= 뇌물수수가 절정에 달했어
Well done.
= You did a good job.
= Good job[work]. = 잘 했어
You deserve it. = 그럴 가치가 있어.
It serves him right. = 쌤통
Good for you. = 잘됐네
It was a big day. = 굉장한 하루였지
Speak of the devil. = 호랑이도 제 말 하면 오지
She has a lot of nerve. = What a nerve. = 대단한 배짱이야
↔ I don't have the nerve to do it.
Don't tell me (you failed the test). = 설마 (떨어졌다는 게) 아니겠지
What [It's] a surprise. = 놀랍군
I can't think of it off hand. = 금방 떠오르지 않내요
You made it. = 해냈어
He hit the jackpot. = 행운을 잡았어
This is the life. = 이게 사는 재미지 뭐
I have something to live for. = 사는 보람이 있군
Oh, dear[my, my goodness, my God, my gosh].
= Heavens! = 세상에. 이런
I don't wonder why.
= I can imagine that.
= I shouldn't be surprised.
= So it is.
= Quite so. = 그렇겠지. 예상했지
That's a news to me.
= That's something new to me. 금시초문인데.
He knows a trick or two.
= He is something[somebody].
= He wasn't born yesterday.
= He is not so naive as he looks.
= Don't take him for a fool.
= Is there any green in his eyes?
= Don't underestimate him. = 대단한 놈이야. 얕볼 놈이 아냐
Who do you think I am?
= What do you take me for? = 날 뭘로 보는 거야
That reminds me. = 그 걸 들으니 생각나는군
He hit the ceiling at the news. 그 말을 듣고 노했지
The news stopped him cold. 그 말에 어리벙벙해졌지
It's all over.
= The game is up. = 만사 끝났어
Who could have possibly thought of that?
= That's the last thing I would expect.
= I never[little] dreamed[expected] You would say that.
= ~는 생각도 못했는데
All my efforts were[turned out to be] in vain.
= My effort has given me no result.
= Everything went up in smoke.
= It gave me no result.
= I tried in vain.
= Everything were of no avail.
= 만사 헛거야. 헛수고 한겨
I've lost track of her. = 그녀와 연락이 끊겼어
You're a fish out of water. = 잘 못 찾으셨어
He pulled the rug out from under me.
= I thought he was our side.
= He betrayed me. = 우리편이 아니었어
It's not a laughing matter. = 웃을 일이 아냐. 심각해
It's hard for me to put into words.
= It's beyond my description.
= 말로 표현 못 하겠어