For some people, the warmest memories from childhood come from being read a
great story. But reading to children does more than create warm memories. It
develops children’s language skills and increases their ability to
in school and, later, work. A new report by the American
Academy of Pediatrics says
aloud is so important that parents should start as soon as
their children are born. And they should continue to read aloud even after their
children can read by themselves.
* succeed in ~ =
~에(서) 성공하다/ pediatrics = 소아과(학)/ read aloud = 소리내어 읽다,
Doctors say parents should read books that are not
too long and on the right age level so children will not lose interest. They say
parents should also point
to and talk about pictures in books for infants. For young
children, parents should ask questions about the book. The AAP report also
suggests that doctors offer books in the waiting rooms of their
offices. During regular checkups, doctors can then watch a child’s language and
development, as well as the parent-child relationship.
* point to ~ = ~을 가리키다; 암시하다/ infant = 유아, 젖먹이/ waiting room =
대기실, 대합실/ literacy = 글을 읽고 쓸 줄 아는 능력
How to Raise a Reader - WTS.mp3