remedial : providing a remedy / provided for children with learning difficulties
치료하는, 학력부족을 보충하는
unscrupulous : lacking moral scruples or principles
- unethical, amoral, immoral, shameless
염치없는, 도덕에 어긋나는, 비양심적인
exquisite : extremely beautiful and delicate
- acute, keenly felt
매우 아름다운, 날카로운
dispensible : not essential (=> dispensable 도 가능)
없어도 되는
abominable : causing revulsion
- visible, obvious, evident
혐오스러운, 지겨운
eternity : unending time
영원, 불멸
fidelity : faithfulness, loyalty, commitment constancy, obedience
충실, 충성
obscene : dealing with sexual matters in an offensive way
- pornographic, vulgar, dirty, offensive, immoral
외설의, 저속한
lucid : clearly expressed
- clear, understandable
빛나는, 깨끗한, 알기쉬운
flagrant : very obvious and unshamed
- obvious, glaring, undisguised
눈꼴사나운, 악명높은
recalcitrant : obstinately disobedient
반항하는, 고집센
exorbitant : unreasonably high
- excessive, extortionate, prohibitive
엄청난, 터무니없는
concomitant : something that happens at the same time as another thing and is
connected with it.
- concurrent
수반하는, 부수하는성질(사정)
imprudently : disrespectful, impertinent
경솔하게, 무모하게
implacable : unable to be placated / relentless
달랠수 없는, 무자비한
inarticulate : not expressed in words / unable to express ideas clearly
음성이 분명치 않은, 말이 서투른
inadvertent = intentional (<-- 고의적인, 계획적인 임)
< intentional : done on purpose / planned, conscious, pre-arranged>
부주의한, 우연한
callous : feeling no pity or sympathy
- insensitive, hard, heartless, hard-hearted
굳어진, 무감각한, 냉담한
addict : a person physically dependent on something ( drug )
탐닉자, 중독자
affiliate : connect as a subordinate member or branch
합병하다, ~을 가입시키다
tardy : slow / late
느린, 마지못해 하는
specific : particular, precise and clear
특별한, 분명한
detain : keep in official custody
- delay, hold up / confine, imprison
~을 지체하게 하다, ~을 감금하다
frugal ; economical, simple, costing little
절약하는, 검소한
invigorate : give strength or energy to
- revitalize, energize, refresh
~을 기운나게 하다, ~을 격려하다
embellish : ornament / invent exciting details for a story
장식하다, 수식하다
enthrall : hold spellbound
< spellbound : If you are spellbound by something or someone, you are
so fascinated that you cannot think about anything else.>
~의 마음을 사로잡다, 매혹하다, ~을 노예로 삼다
augment : add to or increase
- top up, supplement, enlarge, multiply
~를 늘리다, 증가시키다
affluent : wealthy
부유한, 풍부한
grit : 1. n. particles of stones or sand
2. v. clench the teeth in determination /spread grit on road
티끌, 모래, 이를 갈며 말하다, ~에 잔모래를 뿌리다
첫댓글 밤늦게까지 열씨미 올렸네~ ㅋㅋ 홧팅! 홧팅! 고생이 많았어~~ㅎㅎ 나두 스터디 그룹에 이름 얼릉 올려줘~~ㅠㅠ
오..잠이 없으시군요..ㅠㅠ; 부러워요.ㅋ 감솨합니다.ㅋ
ㅋㅋㅋ 감사합니다이
감사요^^덕분에 수고가 줄었어요..언니의 영어+암기 실력에 찬사를 보내용^^
쵝오..!!암기력+영어실력..넘 부럽습니다!!
다들 똘똘이 스멒의 똘똘함에 찬사와 질투를 보내고 있는 것이가~ㅋㅋㅋ