...a way of experiencing the Lord as the Word
"The Lord is the Word because it is the Divine
Truth of the Divine Good. That the Lord is the
Word He teaches in John in these words:
In the beginning was the Word, and the Word
was with God, and the Word was God, and the
Word was made flesh, and dwelt among us.
(John 1:1, 14).
As this passage has hitherto been understood to
mean only that God taught men through the
Word, therefore it has been explained as a
hyperbolical expression, implying that the Lord
is not the Word itself. The reason is that men
did not know that by the Word is meant the
Divine Truth of the Divine Good, or, what is
the same, the Divine Wisdom of the Divine
"...those have life from the Word who read it with the intention of
Logopraxis simply means “to apply the Word to life”
from the Greek word Logos, meaning 'Word',
and the Latin word Praxis, meaning 'to apply or practise'.
Logopraxis is essentially a method of
approaching the Lord as the Word being open
and willing to be changed by Him.
The central focus for the work of Logopraxis is the
application of Divine truths to the life of the mind
in an effort to become more aware of the quality
of one’s mental life through a regular, active practice
of self-examination.
The truths that make this possible are
accessed through engaging with the
text of the Sacred Scriptures along
with the truths of the Heavenly
Doctrine revealed by the Lord to
Emanuel Swedenborg. In short, Logopraxis offers
systematic structured approach to personal
engagement with Divine Truth.
By taking truths from the Word and applying them
to the specific context of our own life we open
ourselves up to the possibility of seeing, not just
that a spiritual principle is true, but how it is true.
Logopraxis shifts our sense of the Lord’s presence
with us more and more towards how we relate to
the Word. We move from 'seeking knowledge'
about the Lord to 'knowing Him as the Word'.
As we relate to it as the basis for our
spiritual life we are drawn into seeing its practical
application and meaning for our life. It is this
quality of experiential knowing tied to the
Heavenly Doctrines and the Sacred Scriptures that
enables Logopraxis to serve as an integrated
spiritual practise that caters to the needs of the
head, heart, and hand(life) of a person.
Logopraxis recognises that the true test of a
person’s beliefs is not so much in what they
profess to believe but in how they actually respond
to life’s challenges.
Logopraxis enables people to come to a place where
they can uncritically observe their external
behavioural and internal psychological responses
to life’s challenges without fear of incrimination
or judgement. Our spiritual well being is
dependent on accepting what the truths teach
1. Who the Lord is, that He is the Word and
2. What our proprium is without Him.
Logopraxis takes people through a process of
coming to see and accept what the Word teaches
concerning both.
Logopraxis is best practised in conjunction with
the support of others in small groups. Using the
internet the Australian New Church College offers
opportunities for people to engage in Logopraxis
with others in an online Life Group. The ideal
situation would be to have people meeting face
to face at least once every two weeks with further
support being offered through online contact.
But due to geographical constraints the ability to
hold face to face Life Groups for the majority of
participants presents a real challenge. That being
said our experience is that the use of the internet
as as that basis for Life Group support has been a
positive experience and has proved to be a great
way of bringing people together into a shared
sense of spiritual community.
The spiritual texts that form the basis for
Logopraxis are those that make up the doctrines
for the new church. These are regarded as living
and vital, and because they are drawn from the
Sacred Scriptures, they are in actual fact the Lord
with us, the Divine Truth or Word. One of the
implications of this is that the text itself is regarded
as the transforming agent as readers engage with it
with a view to applying its teaching to the life of their
Working with Logopraxis begins with a set
reading. The focus text of the Heavenly Doctrines
is broken down into a set number of readings,
with each reading forming a session. Participants
then work through each reading over a two week
cycle recording their insights and reflections in a
journal while moving through the following 6
STEP 1 IMPRESSIONS: The cycle begins with reading
the set reading for the session right through,
preferably in a single sitting at the start of the first
week. Participants read with attention being
sensitive to, and noting what ‘reaches out’ to them
from the text. They will return to these portions of
the text in Step 2. When the reading is completed
initial impressions are noted down in a journal.
Participants then sit with their impressions for a
day or so reviewing and being mindful of them
before moving onto Step 2.
STEP 2 SELECTION: Here the portions of the text that
were marked up in Step 1 are returned to. These
are read meditatively with the reader choosing
that part of the text that offers them a spiritual
principle they can test in life. The spiritual principle
will serve as the basis for spiritual work over the
rest of the two week cycle.
STEP 3 TASK: Once a principle to guide the focus
of work for the rest of the session cycle has been
selected then the third step involves creating a
task that can be used on a daily basis to test and
illustrate the operation of the principle in a
person’s life.
STEP 4 APPLICATIONS: Participants journal a
summary of current life events giving thought to
how the portion of selected text could be applied.
In this way the external context might serve as a
reminder, or trigger to work with the task.
STEP 5 IMPLEMENTATION: For the remaining period
(usually for the 2nd week of the cycle) participants
try to be aware of their task throughout each day.
Time is given each day to journal findings, insights
and reflections.
STEP 6 SUBMISSION: At the end of the session cycle
a short summary is made highlighting what has
been learned over the period of the session. This
forms a basis for a person’s submission to their Life
For more information please contact
첫댓글 말씀이신 주님께 지식적으로가 아니라 삶으로 다가가자는 실천법. 2주 사이클로 저서의 한 문항을 공동으로 선택. 각자 '나'를 대입해 읽으라는 것, 첫 1-2일간 선택된 텍스트를 각자 깊이 묵상하면서 유달리 마음에 다가오는 부분에 집중해 자신의 삶에서 고쳐야 할 점에 적용할 원칙을 추출하고, 나머지 기간 동안 그 추출한 원칙을 생활에 적용하면서 매일 일기 쓰며 적용상태를 반성해보라는 것, 2주의 끝날 모임에서 자신의 묵상내용과 적용상황을 나누라는 것. 나눌 때 나머지 멤버들은 아무런 충고도 코멘트도 하지 않으며 비밀엄수의 원칙을 세우고 그저 듣기만 하라는 것...
저서 전체에 대한 기본적 이해가 되어있고 서로 신뢰할 수 있는 사람들이 이 방법을 실천하면 도움이 클 듯 합니다.