大方廣佛華嚴經 卷第二
The Flower Ornament Scripture
1. The Wonderful Adornments of the Leaders of the Worlds
七, 大衆의 得法과 讚佛 함께한 대중들이 부처님의 덕을 찬탄하다.
1, 十地位衆 십지위(十地位)를 표한 대중들이 찬탄하다
(2) 第九地의 可愛樂天王제9 지를 표한 광과천의 가애락천왕이 찬탄하다.
가, 天王衆의 得法 광과천 천왕들이 얻은 법
復次可愛樂法光明幢天王은 得普觀一切衆生根하야 爲說法斷疑解脫門하고 淨莊嚴海天王은 得隨憶念하야 令見佛解脫門하고
Furthermore, the celestial king Banner of the Delightful Light of Truth found the door of liberation in observing the faculties of all beings, expounding the truth for them, and cutting off their doubts. The celestial king Ocean Of Pure Adornments found the door of liberation, causing vision of Buddha whenever brought to mind.<Thomas Cleary-번역본>
또한 가애락법광명당(可愛樂法光明幢) 천왕은 일체중생의 근기를 널리 관(觀)해서 법을 설해 의심을 끊는 해탈문을 얻었고, 정장엄해(淨莊嚴海) 천왕은 생각하는 대로 부처님을 보게 하는 해탈문을 얻었고,
Furthermore : 더군다나, 그 위에
the celestial king Banner of the Delightful Light of Truth :가애락법광명당(可愛樂法光明幢) 천왕
celestial a.하늘의 delightful a.매우 기쁜 the door of liberation: 해탈문
observe v.관찰하다. faculty n.능력, 근기 all beings : 중생 expound v.설하다.
The celestial king Ocean Of Pure Adornments : 정장엄해(淨莊嚴海) 천왕
Moreover, Celestial King Bright Banner of Delight in the Dharma gained a passage into liberation of comprehensively observing the faculties of all sentient beings so as to speak Dharma for them and dissolve their doubts. Celestial King Ocean of Pure Adornments gained a passage into liberation of enabling all sentient beings to see the Buddha upon recollecting him. <B.T.T.S.번역본>
最勝慧光明天王은 得法性平等無所依莊嚴身解脫門하고 自在智慧幢天王은 得了知一切世間法하야 一念中에 安立不思議莊嚴海解脫門하고
The celestial king Light Of Supreme Wisdom found the door of liberation realizing the body of adornments that have no basis and are equal in terms of phenomenal nature. The celestial king Banner of Independent Wisdom found the door of liberation of comprehending all mundane things and in a single instant setting up oceans of inconceivable adornments. <Thomas Cleary-번역본>
최승혜광명(最勝慧光明) 천왕은 법의 성품이 평등해서 의지할 데 없는 장엄한 몸의 해탈문을 얻었고, 자재지혜당(自在智慧幢) 천왕은 모든 세간법을 알아서 한생각 속에 부사의한 장엄바다를 세우는 해탈문을 얻었고,
The celestial king Light Of Supreme Wisdom : 최승혜광명(最勝慧光明) 천왕
phenomenal a.현상의 nature.
The celestial king Banner of Independent Wisdom : 자재지혜당(自在智慧幢) 천왕
comprehend v.이해하다. mundane a.우주의, 세계의 inconceivable a.부사의한
Celestial King Supreme Wisdom-Light gained a passage into liberation of the body being adorned with the Dharma nature of equality and independence. Celestial King Banner of Carefree Wisdom gained a passage into liberation of comprehending all mundane dharmas and creating inconceivable oceans of adornments within a single thought. <B.T.T.S.번역본>
樂寂靜天王은 得於一毛孔에 現不思議佛刹無障礙解脫門하고 普智眼天王은 得入普門하야 觀察法界解脫門하고
The celestial king Delight in Tranquility found the door of liberation of manifesting inconceivable Buddha-Lands in a single pore without hindrance. The celestial king Eye of Universal Knowledge found the door of liberation of all-sided observation of the universe. <Thomas Cleary-번역본>
낙적정(樂寂靜) 천왕은 한 털구멍에서 부사의한 부처님 세계를 나타내도 장애가 없는 해탈문을 얻었다.
그리고 보지안(普智眼) 천왕은 넓은 문에 들어가서 법계를 관찰하는 해탈문을 얻었고,
The celestial king Delight in Tranquility : 낙적정(樂寂靜) 천왕
manifest v.나타내다. hindrance n. 장애
The celestial king Eye of Universal Knowledge :보지안(普智眼) 천왕
Celestial King Delight in Still Quiescence gained a passage into liberation of inclusively and compatibly manifesting inconceivably many Buddhalands in a single pore. Celestial King Universal Wisdom Eye gained a passage into liberation whereby he entered an aspect of universality that allowed him to contemplate the Dharma Realm. <B.T.T.S.번역본>
樂旋慧天王은 得爲一切衆生하야 種種出現호대 無邊劫에 常現前解脫門하고 善種慧光明天王은 得觀一切世間境界하야 入不思議法解脫門하고
The celestial king Delight in Use of Intellect found the door of liberation producing all kinds of displays for the benefit of all beings always appearing eternally. The celestial king Light of Intellect Sown with Virtue found the door of liberation observing all objects in the world and entering into the truth of inconceivability.<Thomas Cleary-번역본>
낙선혜(樂旋慧) 천왕은 일체중생을 위해서 갖가지로 출현하되 끝없는 겁에 항상 나타나는 해탈문을 얻었고, 선종혜광명(善種慧光明) 천왕은 모든 세간경계를 보아서 부사의한 법에 들어가는 해탈문을 얻었고,
The celestial king Delight in Use of Intellect : 낙선혜(樂旋慧) 천왕
produce v.낳다. eternally ad.영원히
The celestial king Light of Intellect Sewn With Virtue : 선종혜광명(善種慧光明) 천왕
all objects in the world : 일체세간경계(一切世間境界) inconceivability n.불가해
Celestial King Delight in Revolving Wisdom gained a passage into liberation of constantly appearing before sentient beings in various manifestations throughout boundless eons. Celestial King Adept at Nurturing Wisdom Light gained a passage into liberation of contemplating all mundane states and entering the inconceivable Dharma. <B.T.T.S.번역본>
無垢寂靜光天王은 得示一切衆生出要法解脫門하고 廣大淸淨光天王은 得觀察一切應化衆生하야 令入佛法解脫門하시니라
The celestial king Undefiled Tranquil Light found the door of liberation showing all beings the essential ways of emancipation. The celestial king Vast Pure Light found the door of liberation of observing all teachable beings and guiding them into the way of enlightenment.<Thomas Cleary-번역본>
무구적정광(無垢寂靜光) 천왕은 모든 중생에게 생사에서 벗어나는 요긴한 법을 보여주는 해탈문을 얻었고, 광대청정광(廣大淸淨光) 천왕은 교화받을 수 있는 모든 중생을 관찰해서 부처님 법에 들어가게 하는 해탈문을 얻었다.
The celestial king undefiled tranquil light : 무구적정광(無垢寂靜光) 천왕
the essential ways :요긴한 법 emancipation n.해탈
The celestial king Vast Pure Light : 광대청정광(廣大淸淨光) 천왕
all teachable beings : 교화받을 수 있는 중생 the way of enlightenment n.부처님 법
Celestial King Immaculately Still and Serene Light gained a passage into liberation of revealing to all sentient beings the essential dharma of transcendence. Celestial King Vast, Pure Brightness gained a passage into liberation of observing all sentient beings who are ready to be transformed and leading them to enter the Buddhadharma.<B.T.T.S.번역본>
나, 偈頌讚歎 가애락천왕의 찬탄
爾時에 可愛樂法光明幢天王이 承佛威力하사 普觀一切少廣天無量廣天廣果天衆하고 而說頌言하사대
At that time the celestial king Banner of the Delightful Light of Truth, imbued with the Buddha's power, surveyed all the hosts of the heavens of minor vastness, infinite vastness and vast results, and said in verse:<Thomas Cleary-번역본>
그때 가애락법광명당 천왕이 부처님의 위신력을 받들어 모든 소광천(少廣天)과 무량광천(無量光天)과 광과천(廣果天)의 대중들을 널리 살피고 게송(偈頌)으로 말하였다.
the celestial king Banner of the Delightful Light of Truth :가애락법광명당(可愛樂法光明幢) 천왕
imbue with :받아들이다. the Buddha's power :부처님의 위신력 survey v.전망하다. all the hosts :대중들
the heavens of minor vastness : 소광천(少廣天)
the heavens of infinite vastness : 무량광천(無量光天)
the heavens of vast results : 광과천(廣果天)
At that time, Celestial King Bright Banner of Delight in the Dharma received the Buddha's awesome spiritual power, universally contemplated the multitudes of the Heavens of Lesser Vastness, the Heavens of Limitless Vastness, and the Heavens of Vast Fruition, and spoke the following verse: <B.T.T.S.번역본>
諸佛境界不思議여 一切衆生莫能測이어늘
普令其心生信解케하시니 廣大意樂無窮盡이로다
The realm of the Buddhas is inconceivable,
No sentient being can fathom it.
The Buddhas cause their minds to develop faith and resolution
And great enjoyment without end.<Thomas Cleary-번역본>
모든 부처님의 경계는 부사의하여
일체중생이 능히 측량할 수 없거늘
널리 그 마음에 믿음을 내게 하시니
넓고 큰 즐거움 다함이 없네
realm n. 경계 inconceivable a.상상할 수 없는 sentient being :중생
fathom v.헤아리다. faith and resolution : 信解(faith and understanding)
This state of the Buddha is inconceivable,
Unfathomable by any ordinary beings.
He pervasively inspires faith and understanding.
His profuse and joyous aspirations are unending. <B.T.T.S.번역본>
若有衆生堪受法이면 佛威神力開導彼하사
令其恒覩佛現前케하시니 嚴海天王如是見이로다
If any beings can accept the teaching,
The Buddha, with spiritual powers, will guide them
Causing them to always see the Buddha before them:
Ocean of Adornments sees in this way.<Thomas Cleary-번역본>
만약 어떤 중생이 법을 받을 만하면
부처님의 위신력으로 그를 인도하사
부처님이 앞에 나타나 있음을 항상 보게 하시니
엄해천왕이 이와 같이 보도다
If sentient beings are able to accept the Dharma,
The Buddha's awesome spiritual strength will guide them,
Letting them constantly behold the Buddhas before them.
Celestial King Ocean of Adornments thus perceives.<B.T.T.S.번역본>
一切法性無所依라 佛現世間亦如是하사
普於諸有無依處하시니 此義勝智能觀察이로다
The nature of all things has no resting place--
The Buddhas' appearance in the world is the same way--
They have no resting place in any state of being:
Supreme Wisdom can contemplate the meaning of this.<Thomas Cleary-번역본>
모든 법의 성품은 의지가 없고
부처님이 세간에 나타나심도 이와 같으사
모든 유(有)에 의지가 없으시니
이 뜻은 승지천왕이 능히 관찰하도다
The nature of all dharmas is without reliance.
The Buddhas' appearances in the world are like that too.
They go to all realms of existence and yet rely on nothing.
Supreme Wisdom contemplates this meaning.<B.T.T.S.번역본>
隨諸衆生心所欲하사 佛神通力皆能現하사대
各各差別不思議니 此智幢王解脫海로다
Whatever be the heart's desire of sentient beings,
The Buddhas' spiritual powers can manifest.
Each different, they are inconceivable:
This is Wisdom Banner's ocean of liberation.<Thomas Cleary-번역본>
모든 중생들의 마음에 하고자 하는 바를 따르사
부처님의 신통력으로 다 나타나시되
가지각색 차별하여 부사의하시니
이것은 지당천왕의 해탈이로다
Whatever sentient beings' hearts desire
Can be realized by the Buddha's spiritual might,
Despite how incredibly different individuals are.
This is the sea of liberation of King Banner of Wisdom.<B.T.T.S.번역본>
過去所有諸國土를 一毛孔中皆示現이여
此是諸佛大神通이시니 愛樂寂靜能宣說이로다
All lands existing in the past,
They can show in a single Pore:
This is the great spiritual power of the Buddhas:
Delight in Tranquility can expound this.<Thomas Cleary-번역본>
과거에 있었던 모든 국토를
한 털구멍 속에 다 나타내시어
이것은 모든 부처님의 큰 신통이라
애락적정천왕이 능히 연설하도다
All lands that ever existed in the past
Appear within a single pore on a person's body.
This is due to the great spiritual powers of all Buddhas.
Delight in Still Quiescence proclaims thus.<B.T.T.S.번역본>
一切法門無盡海가 同會一法道場中이여
如是法性佛所說이시니 智眼能明此方便이로다
The inexhaustible ocean of all teachings
Is assembled in the sanctuary of one teaching.
Such is the nature of truth explained by the Buddhas:
Eye of Knowledge can understand this technique.<Thomas Cleary-번역본>
온갖 법문의 끝없는 바다가
한 법문 도량 안에 모두 모임이라
부처님께서 설하신 이와 같은 법의 성품
지안천왕이 이 방편을 잘 밝혔도다
inexhaustible a.무진장한 assemble v.모으다. sanctuary n.거룩한 장소
The inexhaustible sea of all dharma doors
Comes together as a single dharma in the Way-place.
This is the Dharma nature of which the Buddhas speak.
Wisdom Eye understands this expedient device.<B.T.T.S.번역본>
十方所有諸國土에 悉在其中而說法하사대
佛身無去亦無來하시니 愛樂慧旋之境界로다
In all lands, in all quarters
Expounding the truth in each in every one,
The Buddha's body has no coming or going:
This is the realm of Delight in Use of Intellect.<Thomas Cleary-번역본>
시방에 있는 모든 국토에
다 그 가운데서 설법하시되
부처님의 몸은 감도 없고 또한 옴도 없으시니
애락선혜천왕의 경계로다
He abides in every land of the ten directions,
And speaks Dharma in each of them.
Yet physically, the Buddha neither comes nor goes.
Thus is the state of Delight in Revolving Wisdom.<B.T.T.S.번역본>
佛觀世法如光影하시고 入彼甚深幽奧處하사
說諸法性常寂然하시니 善種思惟能見此로다
The Buddha sees things of the worlds as like reflections of light;
He enters into their most recondite mysteries
And explains that the nature of all things is always quiescent:
Intellect Sown with Virtue can see this.<Thomas Cleary-번역본>
부처님은 세상법을 그림자같이 보시고
저 매우 깊고 그윽한 곳에 까지 들어가시사
모든 법의 성품이 항상 고요함을 말씀하시니
선종사유천왕이 능히 이것을 보았네
reflection n.반사, 그림자 recondite a.난해한 quiescent a.조용한, 침묵의
sow v.심다. 씨 뿌리다.
The Buddha contemplates worldly dharmas as reflections,
And enters into their profoundly mysterious aspects.
He speaks of the eternally still nature of all dharmas.
Adept at Nurturing considers and perceives thus. <B.T.T.S.번역본>
佛善了知諸境界하사 隨衆生根雨法雨하사
爲啓難思出要門하시니 此寂靜天能悟入이로다
The Buddha knows all phenomena
And rains the rain of truth according the beings faculties,
In order to open the inconceivable gate of emancipation,
Tranquil Serenity can understand this.<Thomas Cleary-번역본>
부처님께서 모든 경계를 잘 알아서
중생들의 근기를 따라 법비를 내리사
생각하기 어려운 벗어나는 문을 여시니
이것은 적정천왕이 능히 깨달아 들어갔도다
The Buddha is proficient in understanding every state.
According to sentient beings' faculties, he lets fall a rain of Dharma.
He shows them the inconceivable, essential door of transcendence.
The god Still and Serene enlightens and enters thus.<B.T.T.S.번역본>
世尊恒以大慈悲로 利益衆生而出現하사
等雨法雨充其器하시니 淸淨光天能演說이로다
The World Honored One always, with great kindness and compassion,
Appears in order to benefit sentient beings,
Equally showering the rain of truth to the fill of their capacities
Pure Light can expound this.<Thomas Cleary-번역본>
세존께서 항상 큰 자비로써
중생들을 이익케 하려고 출현하사
골고루 법비를 내려서 그 그릇을 채우시니
청정광천왕이 능히 연설하도다
With great kindness and compassion, the World Honored One
Appears among us so as to benefit sentient beings.
He evenly sprinkles the rain of Dharma to fill each vessel.
The god Pure Brightness proclaims thus. <B.T.T.S.번역본>
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