목적으로 쓰인 동명사구
동명사구가 목적으로 쓰이는 경우는
동명사의 동사적인 성격과 상황에 좌우되는데
동사의 성격상으로는 기본적으로 진행형 ing 인바
비록 명사로 쓰이지만 진행형 성격상
진행이 시작된 싯점은 시간대상 이미 과거라 생각하면
이미 과거에 했던일이나 지금 진행중이거나 아니면 actual/vivid 실제적인 일에 쓰이는데
이 성격은 부정사의 잠재/미래적인 성격과 대조적이라
그런 상황의 의미인 경우 호환되지 못하거나 의미가 달라지는 이유가 된다
부정사와는 다른 동명사의 여러 특성
부정사는 동작중심의 준동사라 동작자 명시 내지는 암시가 필요하고 잠재/미래성 특성이 있으나
동명사는 과거일, 실제일 또는 명사적인 의미 말고도 가정/추측/상상의 의미로도 쓰는데
영어로는 hypothetical 추측성이라 하므로
문맥에 따라 어떤 특성이 적용되었는지 감을 잘 잡으면 외우지 않아도 잘 구별할 수 있다
Remember seeing him at school. 과거에 보았다는 과거일의 동명사
Avoid being seen. 실제일이라야 피할 수 있으니 실제일의 동명사
추측성 특성이 쓰이는 경우는 자신의 주관적인 의견을 반영할 경우와
돌직구 표현을 무례로 보는 영어문화상 HMO 내 주관적인 추측이라는 암시로 예의를 표현하는데 쓴다
Consider taking a taxi. 추측성 의견개진이니 동명사를 쓴다
Imagine seeing him in person! 상상이니 당근 추측성 동명사를 쓴다
I advise you to excise. 운동이라는 동작을 요구하는 충고
I advise swimming. 의견제시라 동명사를 쓴거지만
동명사의 동작자는 일반인으로 이해되기에 상대방에게 직구던지는 표현이 아니고 우회적이라
정중할 필요가 있는 경우에 예의있는 표현으로 친다
1. 동명사의 명사적인 성격
또한 명사로 쓰이는 경우 명사적인 성격상, 여건상
일반적으로 동작자는 특별히 고려되지 않는다는게 명사 성격이라
의견 제안/제시를 할때
동작자를 특별히 암시/명시할 필요가 없는 동명사가 쓰이는데
이는 직언/돌직구를 무례로 치는 영어문화상
동작자를 거론하지 않음으로해서 아주 유식 정중하고 우회적인 겸손한 표현으로 친다
Jill suggested [going for a drink]. 누가 가는건지 명시가 없으니 일반적인 제안이 되어 우회적인 정중한 표현임
Jill suggested him [to go for a walk]. 그가 가야한다는 직언이니 덜 중중함
부정사는 동작 중심이라 항상 동작자를 염두에 두어야 하는게 동명사와는 대조적이고
동명사라도 특별히 동작자를 명시할 필요가 있을 경우엔 소유격으로 표시하는건
부정사의 동작자를 특별히 명시할 경우 for + 동작자로 쓰는것과는 대조적이다
명사형인 동명사는 동작자 암시/명시가 필요없으니
주어가 준동사의 동작을 하지 못하는 경우에 쓰나
부정사는 동작자 명시/암시가 필요하므로
특정한 동작자 명사가 없는한 주어의 동작으로 되어야 하는데
주어가 부정사의 동작자가 못되면 어색하므로 동명사를 써 주어야 하는게 영어 논리다
My coat need washing. (O) 내 코트는 명사인 세탁이 필요해
My coat need to wash. (X) 내 코트는 세탁하다는 동작이 필요해 의미라 코트가 할 동작이 못되니 부자연하다
smoking room 동명사
dancing girl 현분사
동명사는 명사역할이니 복합명사로도 쓰이고
분사의 수식을 받는 명사가 분사의 동작의 주체가 된다는 현분사 ing 와 다른점은
동명사는 뒤에온 명사를 명사로써 수식하는 경우니
뒤에온 명사가 준동사인 동명사의 동작을 하지 않는다는 점이다
2. 동명사의 실제적인 동작
I really enjoy swimming in the sea. 실제적인 일이어야 즐길 수 있디
The car managed to avoid hitting any other vehicles. 실제적인 일이어야 피할 수 있다
수영하기를 즐긴다 하는 표현을 구조상 명사역할도 하는 부정사로도 쓸 순 있지만
영어 논리상 아직 하지도 않은 미래적 잠재적인 일을 즐긴다 할 수는 없기에
실제로 하는 동작인 동명사를 쓰는 것이다
물론 일반적으로 부정사와 동명사를 혼용하여 쓰는 경우도 있다 하지만
엄밀히 따지면 뉘앙스 차이가 있다 하겠다
1. I like to live in NYC. 지금 살진 않지만 살았으면 해
2. I like living in NYC. 지금 살고 있는거 좋아해
Actual and Potential Meanings 실제와 잠재적 의미차이
a gerund and an infinitive will often have practically the same meaning
("Running in the park after dark can be dangerous" and "To run in the
park after dark can be dangerous"), there can be a difference in
Gerunds are used to describe an "actual, vivid, or fulfilled action"
whereas infinitives are better used to describe "potential, hypothetical, or future events" (Frodesen & Eyring 297).
This is especially true with three kinds of verbs: verbs of emotion, verbs of completion/incompletion, and verbs of remembering.
verbs in the table below will be followed by an infinitive. We decided
to leave. He manages, somehow, to win. It is threatening to rain. Notice
that many, but not all, of these verbs suggest a potential event.
of the verbs in the following table may be followed by a gerund if they
are describing an "actual, vivid or fulfilled action" (Frodesen). We
love running. They began farming the land.
Verbs Followed by a Gerund
They enjoyed [working on the boat].
advise appreciate avoid can't help complete consider delay deny detest
dislike enjoy escape excuse finish forbid get through have imagine mind
miss permit postpone practice quit recall report resent resist resume
risk spend (time) suggest tolerate waste (time)
Verbs Followed by Gerunds
* actual 실제일이란 잠재적인 일과 대비되는 일로 이미 일어났거나 실제로 하는일을 말한다
hypothetical 이란 추측성 의미로 자기의 주관적인 의견을 제시할 경우 추측/가정/상상이란 의미가 된다
admit He admitted [stealing the money]. 본동사가 과거니 과거에 한 일에 쓰인 동명사
advise She advises [waiting until tomorrow]. 동작자 암시가 없는 추측/가정의 의견제안
anticipate I anticipate [having a good time on vacation]. 상상이 아닌 실제일에 쓰이니 휴가를 이미 계획했다 알 수 있음
appreciate I appreciate [hearing from you]. 과거일
avoid He avoided [answering my questions]. 과거일/실제일
complete She finally completed [writing her term paper]. 과거일; 완성하려면 과거에 시작되어 진행되었던 것이어야 함
consider I will consider [going with you]. 추측/가정의 의견
delay He delayed [leaving for school]. 과거일/실제일
deny She denied [knowing anything about it]. 과거일/실제일
discuss They discussed [opening a new business]. 추측/가정의 의견
enjoy We enjoyed [visiting them]. 실제일이어야 즐길 수 있음
finish She finished [studying at about ten]. 끝내려면 과거에 시작되어 진행되었던 것이어야 함
keep I keep [hoping she will come]. 실제일/진행중이어야 계속할 수 있음
mention She mentioned [going to a movie]. 의견/실제일
mind Would you mind [helping me]? 정중한 의견표시
miss I miss [being with my family]. 과거일
postpone Let's postpone [leaving until tomorrow]. 실제로 계획된 일이라야 미룰 수 있다
practice The athlete practiced [throwing the ball]. 과거일
quit He quit [trying to solve the problem]. 이미한 과거일이어야 그만둘 수 있다
recall I don't recall [meeting him before]. 이미한 과거일이어야 회상할 수 있다
recommend She recommended [seeing that play]. 추측/가정의 의견제시
regret I regret [telling him my secret]. 과거에한 일을 후회함
resist I could not resist [eating dessert]. 실제로 디저트가 있었고 먹은 상황
risk She risked [losing everything]. 실제일/과거일
stop She stopped [going to classes]. 과거일/진행된 일을 그만둘 수 있음
suggest She suggested [going to a movie]. 의견제시
tolerate He won't tolerate [cheating during an examination]. 실제일
Verbs followed by Infinitives 부정사가 목적으로 쓰이는 동사들
잠재성이란 아직 한일이나 실제적인 일은 아니고 앞으로 할수도 아닐 수도 있는 성격을 말하는데
부정사의 대부분이 이 잠재성에 의거한 의미로 되고
나머지는 동작중심의 부정사를 목적으로 요구하는 본동사의 경우다
이 동작중심의 동사뒤에 명사형의 동명사를 쓰면 무지 어색해지는건
부정사의 동작으로 설명되는 목적을 동사한다가 않되고
주어가 목적인 명사를 동작한다는 구조가 되기 때문이다
한 예로 자동사의 경우
I struggled to stay awake. 하면 목적도 동작이니 깨어 있기 위하여 몸부림쳤다는 부사적 의미로 되나
I struggled staying awake. 하면
목적이 동명사 즉 명사를/깨어있기를 몸부림 쳤다라 해석하면 어색한 영어가 되므로
이런 경우는 주어 수식인 현분사로 이해하면
주어가 본동작을 함과 동시에 분사의 동작을 한다로 해야 자연스럽다
물론 struggle 이 자동사로 쓰일 경우 애쓰다 의미고
타동사로 쓰일 경우는 애쓰다 의미 보다는 움직이다는 의미로 쓰이니 않되기도 한다
To move or place (something) with an effort: struggled the heavy desk into the elevator.
afford I can't afford to buy it. 잠재성
agree They agreed to help us. 잠재성
appear She appears to be tired. 주어설명 보어
arrange We arranged to meet at ten. 잠재성
ask He asked to come with us. 잠재성
beg He begged to come. 잠재성
care I don't care to see that show. 잠재성
claim She claims to be a descendent of Karl Marx. 잠재성
consent She finally consented to marry him. 잠재성; 결혼 할거라는 미래 또는 가설
decide I have decided to leave on Monday. 잠재성
demand I demand to know who is responsible. 잠재성
deserve She deserves to win the prize. 잠재성
expect I expect to enter graduate school in the fall. 잠재성
fail She failed to return the book to the library. 할려했는데 못했으니 역시 잠재성 / 또는 동작중심 부정사
forget I forgot to mail the letter. 할려했는데 못했으니 역시 잠재성
hesitate Don't hesitate to ask for my help. 잠재성
hope Jack hopes to arrive next week. 희망사항이니 잠재성
learn He learned to play the piano. 본동사의 배울 당시는 미래일 또는 동작중심
manage She managed to finish her work early. 일처리 당시에는 끝내기가 미래일/또는 동작중심
mean I didn't mean to hurt your feelings. 동작중심 부정사
need I need to have your opinion. 아직 가진건 아니니 잠재성
offer They offered to help us. 잠재성
plan I am planning to have a party. 잠재성
prepare We prepared to welcome them. 잠재성
pretend He pretends not to understand. 동작을 척하니 동작성
promise I promise not to be late. 잠재성
refuse I refuse to believe his story. 믿은건 아직 아니니 잠재성
regret I regret to tell you that you failed. 아직 말을 않했지만 앞으로 할걸 후회하니(미안하다며) 잠제성
seem That cat seems to be friendly. 주어설명 보어로 실재와 대비되는 가설; 그리 보인다는
struggle I struggled to stay awake. 하려는 잠재동작/동작중심 부정사
swear She swore to tell the truth. 잠재성
threaten She threatened to tell my parents. 잠재성
volunteer He volunteered to help us. 잠재성
wait I will wait to hear from you. 잠재성
want I want to tell you something. 잠재성
wish She wishes to come with us. 잠재성
Verbs followed by Infinitives or Gerunds 부정사나 동명사 둘다 목적으로 가능한 경우
동명사의 한 기능이 명사적인 역할이라 역시 명사 의미로 쓰인 부정사와 같은 역할이 되는 경우다
begin He begins to work as soon as he arrives.
He begins working at ten a.m.
continue He continues to study.
He continues studying.
hate I hate to argue with you.
I hate arguing about politics.
help It helps to know your limits.
I cannot help worrying about him.
like They like to ski.
They like skiing.
love Children love to play.
Children love playing with their friends.
neglect She neglected to tell her the whole story.
She neglected telling her about the fire.
prefer She prefers to eat a light dinner.
She prefers eating a light dinner.
remember I remembered to lock the door.
I can remember meeting him when I was young.
start He started to run.
He started running.
주의할 점
지금 실제로 하고 있으면서 잠재성의 부정사를 쓰면 어색하다
지금 그들이 스키하는 중이라면 실제일 의미의 동명사가 적당하다
They like to ski. (X)
They like skiing. (O)
지금 살고있다면
I llike to live in NYC. (X)
I like living in NYC. (O)
It's opening day at the ball park. The Giants deny feeling any added pressure to perform well on their first day back at the ball park. The fans anticipate seeing a lot of exciting games this season. They will enjoy seeing the first of many balls fly over the brick wall into the McCovery Cove (the bay water behind the outfield).
Fans say they miss coming to the ball park during the off season. Now they are back!
They are arriving by bus, by train, by boat and by taxi. These fans certainly don't mind taking public transportation. They celebrate having an opportunity to attend a game.
The food vendors are back with some interesting new food choices. Fans will enjoy exploring the new food options and will no doubt look forward to trying out Doggie Diner hot dogs, Gilroy Garlic fries, Crazy Crab cocktails, and much more.
A comment can also be made with a verb expressing attitude of opinion (see group in next section) followed by the activity—a gerund clause, also called a nonfinite clause.
clause vs. phrase — in current linguistic analysis, the "phrase" is no
longer used. Instead, a gerund and its modifiers are called a "gerund
clause" or a nonfinite clause.
부정사구나 동명사구 모두 주어만 빠진 문장이고 동사를 포함하므로 phrase 구라 않고 clause 절이라 부름
Fans enjoy watching the game.
Fans prefer sitting near first base.
They don't mind being in the night air.
Jason likes watching the crowd.
의견표시의 동명사
1. Verbs followed by gerunds often have a meaning that expresses attitude or opinion about the following activity.
He hates missing a game.
He enjoys creating new sounds.
He can't bear sitting still.
He can't help texting all the time.
They postponed holding the marathon race
2. Verbs with similar meanings (synonyms) also tend to be followed by a gerund or gerund clause.
He detests / dislikes missing a game.
I love / like being a disk jockey.
I can't stand / hate sitting still. (not moving)
I can't avoid texting all the time
Sometimes a verb has one meaning when followed by a gerund clause …
I forgot locking the door.
(I can't remember the action.)
I remember locking the door.
(I remember the action.)
regret telling youI regret telling you the news.
(I wish I hadn't told you anything.)
That failed, so I tried fixing it with a wrench.
(I used a new or different technique.)
We stopped eating hamburgers.
(We no longer eat hamburgers.)
and has another meaning when followed by an infinitive.
I forgot to lock the door.
(I didn't lock it.)
admit – He admitted smoking marijuana.
동명사를 목적으로 쓰는 동사 또는 부정사를 쓸 수 있는 동사
¹ complemented by a gerund or an infinitive without a change in meaning. 의미불변
² complemented by a gerund or an infinitive with a change in meaning. 의미변화
³ may be complemented by an indirect object: and an infinitive. (He advised us to go to college.) 간목/직목부정사 필요
* may be complemented by an indirect object: and a gerund. (She appreciates you for helping.) Gerund Cls w/Subj
May be followed by a that-clause. Subjunctive Verbs
delay – They delayed leaving.
advise³ – He advised going to college.
(부정사를 쓰자면 동작자 명사가 필요; He advised him to go to college.)
allow³ – They allowed smoking outside.
(They allowed him to smoke outside.)
avoid – We avoid asking for help.
begin¹ – He began talking immediately.
( 혼용가능 begin¹ – He began to talk immediately.)
can't stand – He can't stand waiting.
celebrate – He celebrated getting a job.
deny – He denied stealing it.
deserve – He deserves being in jail.
dislike – He dislikes dressing up.
enjoy – She enjoys dressing up.
forget² – I forgot turning the light off. 끈일/한일을 잊음
( I forgot to turn the light off.) 끄기를 잊음
imagine – He imagined being free.
love¹ – We love going on vacation.
mention – He mentioned having dogs.
neglect¹ – I neglected doing my work.
postpone I postponed having kids.
prevent – A polio vaccine prevents getting polio.
prohibit † They prohibit parking here.
regret¹ – I regret not being there.
remember² – I remember hearing it. 들은걸 기억함
( I remember to hear it.) 들어야한다는걸 기억함 허나 들었는지 아닌지는 부정사의 잠재 성격상 아직 모름
risk – He risked losing everything.
start¹ – We started taking walks.
support – He supported going to war.
tolerate – We don' t tolerate cheating
like¹ – I like learning languages.
(혼용가능I like to learn languages.)
recommend – I recommend staying .
anticipate – I anticipate having fun.
appreciate* – She appreciates having help.
(감사하는 대상이 사람이라면 She appreciates him for helping her.)
can't bear – I can't bear hearing lies.
can't help – I can't help sneezing.
complete – He completed reading it.
consider – He won't consider helping.
detest – She detests exercising.
discuss – We discussed going out.
escape – He escaped getting married .
finish – We finished watching TV.
hate¹ – She hates being alone. (지금 혹 이미 혼자 있음)
(she hates to be alone; 아직 하지 않은 동작)
keep – We keep trusting him.
mind – Do you mind smoking there?
miss – I miss being home.
practice – I practice playing the piano.
prefer¹ – We prefer eating early.
( Prefer doing to doing - consistent, habitual ; Prefer to do - most likely, one time only.)
quit – I quit smoking.
recall – She recalls being young.
resent* – He resents being left alone.
( 해보지도 않은 일을 증오할 순 없으니 목적으로 동명사나 명사만 쓰임)
resist – I resist eating too much.
stop² – He stopped smoking.
(he stopped to smoke 부정사는 잠재적인 성격이라 본동작을 할 싯점에선 여전히 미래므로 의도설명이 됨)
suggest – He suggested chewing gum.
try – We tried eating snails.
understand – I understand getting mad.
부정사를 쓴 경우
I remembered to lock the door.
(I locked it.)
I regret to tell you the news.
(I am sorry about what I need to tell you.)
I tried to fix your sink with a wrench.
(I put in effort, I made an attempt.)
We stopped to eat hamburgers.
(We stopped our car in order to eat hamburgers.)
부정사나 동명사 둘다 써도 의미변화 없는 경우
Verbs that do not change meaning when followed by a gerund or infinitive object
attempt I attempted to build / building a house.
begin We began to work / working.
can't bear I can't bear to leave / leaving you.
can't stand I can't stand to see / seeing waste.
continue We continued to work / working all day.
deserve He deserves to be / being in jail.
hate I hate to miss / missing my bus.
like I like to swim / swimming.
love I love to travel / traveling
prefer I prefer to walk / walking.
start She started to cry / crying
I love traveling.
I prefer dunking my doughnuts.
He deserves being in jail.
I continue working out everyday
I love to travel. (But not – I would love to travel. – which expresses a wish.)
I prefer to dunk my doughnuts.
He deserves to be in jail.
I continue to work out everyday
부정사나 동명사 둘다 써도 의미변화 없는 경우
Verbs that do not change meaning when followed by a gerund or infinitive object
attempt I attempted to build / building a house.
begin We began to work / working.
can't bear I can't bear to leave / leaving you.
can't stand I can't stand to see / seeing waste.
continue We continued to work / working all day.
deserve He deserves to be / being in jail.
hate I hate to miss / missing my bus.
like I like to swim / swimming.
love I love to travel / traveling
prefer I prefer to walk / walking.
start She started to cry / crying
수동태 동명사
The players avoided hitting balls towards the fans.
The fans avoided being hit by the players' foul balls.
The fans kept on cheering for the players.
The players kept on being cheered by the fans.
비진행 동사 뒤에 쓰인 동명사
A nonprogressive verb followed by a gerund phrase sounds acceptable to a native speaker …
When possible, a native speaker will switch to an infinitive verb, a that-clause or a rephrasing after a progressive verb form.
Parents start teaching their children to swim early.
Parents are starting to teach their children to swim early.
(An infinitive form is used because it is possible after this verb. 즉 시간대상 가르치기가 시작하는것 보다 나중이라는것)
Doctors suggest teaching children to swim early.
Doctors are suggesting that parents teach their children to swim early.
(A that-clause is used because an infinitive is not possible after this verb. 요 특별한 동사 뒤에는 부정사가 쓰이지 못함)
Doctors suggest teaching children to swim early.
a progressive verb followed by a gerund form tends to sound awkward to a
native speaker. (two -ing forms together) (Huddleston
*Not incorrect but awkward sounding. 어색함
*Parents are starting teaching their children to swim early.
*Doctors are suggesting teaching children to swim early.
Doctors are suggesting the method of teaching children to swim early.
(Rephrasing with an object noun phrase is another way.)
"Gerunds are used as objects of certain verbs." (Azar 14-3)
-ing forms are often used in similar ways to infinitives.
For instance, they can follow certain verbs, adjectives or nouns. (Swan 293-7)
He agreed to wait.
He suggested waiting. (not: He suggested to wait.)
-ing forms after verbs (Swan 296)
I enjoy traveling.
He's finished repairing the car.
"Unfortunately, there is no easy way to decide which structures are possible after a particular verb.
It's best to check in a good dictionary." (Swan 296.1)
동명사나 부정사를 목적으로 쓰는 모든 동사를 다 외울 수는 없고
외운다해도 막상 쓰러면 헛갈리니
서로 다른 특성을 적용하고 이해하여 감을 잡아야 하고
헛갈리거나 확실치 않으면 사전을 그때 그때 찾아 반복으로 익히는 방법밖엔 딴 도리가 없으나
언어란 반복의 진리가 적용되는 만큼
다독으로 같은 말을 반복적으로 접하게 되면 절로 익혀지는바
속히 속독을 이루어 다독으로 가도록 노력을 경주해야 한다 사료됨