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화수동성당 실버대학
카페 게시글
성서 이어쓰기 마카베오기 5장31절_36절
세실리아 추천 0 조회 3 19.09.21 05:04 댓글 2
게시글 본문내용
  • 20.02.07 10:12

    첫댓글 31. And Judas saw that the fight hadbegun, and the cry of the battle went up to heaven like a trumpet, and a great cry went out of the city.
    32. And he said to his army, "fight today on be half of your brothers."
    33. And he came, with three comnpanies behind them, and they sounded the trumpets, and they cried out in prayer.
    34. And the camp of timothy knew that it was Maccabeus, and tehy took flight before his face. And tehy struck them with a great scourging. And there fell from them in that day nearly eight thousand men.

  • 20.02.07 10:13

    35. And Judas diverted to Mizpah, and he fought and seized it. And he killed all of tis males, adn he took its spoils, and he burned it with fire.
    36. From there, he continued on, and he seized Chaspho, and Maked, and Bossor, and the rest of the cities of Gilead.
