학교명 |
Bellarmine University(ELS) |
주소 |
Bonaventure Hall2001 Newburg Road, Louisville, KY. |
이메일 |
Homepage |
http://www.els.com |
설립구분 |
대학내 부설 |
총학생수 |
학급규모 |
12-15명 |
주당수업시간 |
20시간/주, 30시간/주 |
수업단계 |
12단계 |
학교사진 |
학교소개 |
ELS/Louisville은아름다운전경의고급9홀골프코스(파3)가있는55 헥타르규모의Bellarmine University 캠퍼스내에위치해있습니다. |
프로그램 |
인텐시브 세미 인텐시브 선택 과정 인턴십 경험 대학 진학 과정 |
도시소개 |
신청비 |
US$125 |
수속신청비 |
상담요 |
학비 |
US$1045/월(20강의), US$1395/월(30강의) |
하숙비 |
US$800/월(기숙사), US$690/월(하숙) |
공항마중비 |
개강일 |
매월개강 |
과외활동 |
Kentucky Derby Every May, Louisville is transformed into a three-week festival site with more than 70 events including concerts, a hot-air balloon race and more as it prepares for the “most exciting 2-minutes in sports” known world-wide as the Kentucky Derby. Ever since 1875, Churchill Downs has hosted the first leg of thoroughbred horse racing’s Triple Crown. The events surrounding the Kentucky Derby have become the largest community festival in the USA.
Louisville Slugger?? Museum and Field Louisville is home to the world-famous Louisville Slugger?? bat, the official bat of Major League Baseball. Students can visit the Louisville Slugger Museum where they can see the world’s largest bat or watch a game at Slugger Field, one of the finest minor league ballparks in the America.
Waterfront Park The recently transformed Waterfront Park in the heart of downtown is a perfect place for students to enjoy cascading fountains, go for a bike ride or take a walk through beautiful woods.
Amusement Parks A new 40,000 square-foot Extreme Sports Park draws skateboarders, in-line skaters and bikers to its ramps, rails and concrete bowls, 24 hours a day.
Students who find roller coasters to be their thrill, can visit Six Flags?? Kentucky Kingdom, featuring Chang, the tallest, longest, fastest, stand-up roller coaster in the world.
기후조건 |
평균 기온 High Low 겨울 7 -5 봄 24 7 여름 30 17 가을 20 2
학교시설 |
루이빌은세계적으로유명한공식메이저리그야구배트업체인Louisville Slugger ?瑛퓟뺐資揚都求?. 학생들은주말여행의장소로내슈빌과인디애나폴리스, 켄터키더비의Churchill Downs 및Six Flags ?? Kentucky Kingdom등을선택할 수있습니다. 루이빌은저렴한물가와수상경력이있는극장및음악행사장으로Places Rated Almanac에의해미국에서가장살기좋은도시중의하나로선정되었습니다. 대학교의헬스클럽시설은다양한근육운동기구와최신 헬스기기를제공하고 테니스코트와농구코트가있으며무료로개인트레이너의도움을받을수있습니다. Bellarmine University는미술 , 컴퓨터과학, 음악, 경영및MBA를포함한50개의학사학위프로그램과8개의석사학위프로그램을제공합니다. ELS과정을마친학생이Bellarmine University의4년과정에진학할 경우한학년도당$5,000의장학금을받을수있습니다. 더하여ELS의학생들은Bellarmine의학사또는석사학위에적용될 수있는크레딧을3 크레딧까지받을수있습니다. |
Remarks |
숙박 옵션: [숙박 요금은 변경될 수 있습니다.ELS Language Centers가 숙박을 알선할 경우에만 US $200의 숙박 보증금이 필요합니다]
최저 연령 캠퍼스 기숙사에 거주하는 경우 17세 민박을 하거나 친지 또는 후견인이 동행할 경우 14세
가장 근접한 대도시 Indianapolis 2 hours from Louisville. Home of the world-famous “Indianapolis 500” Grand Prix and other races, including NASCAR. Home of the Indiana Pacers basketball team and the Indianapolis Colts American football team. King's Island theme park offers state-of-the-art roller coasters and other thrilling attractions. Nashville 3 hours from Louisville Known as Music City, USA, live music is a part of Nashville where students can listen to bands playing country music, blues, jazz or R&B at one of the city's many clubs. The Ryman Auditorium has been named by City search.com as one of the top five "Best Places to Hear Live Music in America". Nashville has more than 100 recording studios, including Sony, Arista and MCA. Frist Center for the Visual Arts, located in the city's former post office, houses revolving exhibits on loan from national and international galleries and collections. Cincinnati
Population: 364,040 Cincinnati is just a two hour drive from Louisville, which makes a nice overnight trip for students. Home of the Cincinnati Reds baseball team. Nearby Paramount's King's Island amusement park. | |