Just as human beings have the mass of the body due to the gravity of the earth, those who have the law cannot escape the law, and those without the law cannot avoid the law of conscience.
It's just a difference between written law and unwritten law, but it's the same under the law.
So, “for whoever keeps the whole law and yet stumbles at just one point is guilty of breaking all of it.” (James 2:9).
Whoever keeps the whole law and then transgresses one of them will take on all the sins.
Therefore, the law becomes a schoolteacher that pushes us to know sin and enter into the Lord Jesus Christ (Galatians 3:24).
There is no flesh under the sky that can escape the net of the law.
“He who said, ‘You shall not commit adultery,’ also said, ‘You shall not murder,’ so if you do not commit adultery but do murder, you are a transgressor of the law” (James 2:10).
What James wants to say is that he is asking whether we are following the law or following the perfect law that sets us free.
If you follow the law of men and say to the poor, “You guys are nothing, go out” (James 2:9), and cut your brother off your body, then it become murder (Matthew 5:22).
Then, even if he did not commit adultery, he would be a transgressor of the law.
Therefore, if you discriminate against people without a sense of being a brother in Christ, it is not a question of pride or humility, but proof that you are not a person of the Holy Spirit who died and was resurrected with Christ.
It means that you are a sinner who still stays in the field of the law and struggles under the law.
Therefore, it says, “Speak and act as those who will be judged according to the law that gives freedom” (James 2:12).
A christian is one in whom the Spirit of Christ dwells (Romans 8:9).
The premise of being a Christian is to die on the cross with Christ to the law and go to Christ who rose from the dead, becoming one and becoming a new creature bearing fruit for God (Rom. 7:4).
They are the people of faith in our Lord Jesus Christ, the Lord of glory (James 2:1).
For those who are in Christ, the judgment of the law no longer exists.
But whoever follows the law of the flesh is condemned by the law.
Those who are in Christ are judged by the law that gives freedom, the fulfilling word.
That's why Paul also said that he knows that God's judgment is according to the truth (Rom 2:2).
Christians who have the Spirit of the Lord in Christ are not judged by whether they have kept the law or not. Indeed, 'whether you love your neighbor or not' becomes the criterion.
That is why we must speak and fulfill the Word as if we were to be judged like this.
The criterion for judgment is whether we fulfill love as those who have the knowledge of the truth, which is the secret of being an existence through the indwelling work of the Spirit and life of the Lord who works within us through the new covenant, not the spirit of the law that goes against the Word.
The righteousness of faith in the Lord in Christ, a righteousness other than the law, fulfills love, the requirement of the law, so that one is freed from the law and proved as a Christian who has obtained freedom in the truth (Rom 8:1-4).
So, when the book of James scolds why you can't be to do, he see that you have not a living faith that becomes to be an existence.
That's why he says, "For those who do not practice mercy, there will be judgment without mercy. Mercy triumphs over judgment and boasts" (James 2:13).
Because those who have the living faith, that dies to the law and lives again with Christ, become united with the Lord, receive His Spirit and life, and bear the fruit of a new life, who have the processing of a living life, mercy will surely flow out.
The principle of the kingdom of heaven is that those who are merciful to others receive God's mercy (Matthew 5:7).
Those who already know and seek spiritual hunger, mourn over the conflict between the old self to be rejected and the new self to be accepted, receive the comfort of the Holy Spirit, deny themselves, exalt Christ as Lord, and boldly seek Christ with meekness (exchange), and their spiritual fullness is fulfilled.(Matthew 5:3-6)
As a result, you can show a little mercy to others, receive God's great mercy, and receive the blessing of accumulating a tremendous amount of spiritual assets.
But if you don't show mercy to others, the Lord will judge without mercy.
It means that if you treat others according to the law, I will judge you according to the law.
That's a scary word. But mercy is superior to judgment.
There is no law to judge mercy in the upper heaven and the lower heaven. Therefore, mercy triumphs over judgment and boasts.
Therefore, he urges the churches not to discriminate between the poor and the rich, but to fulfill the Word with the words of truth that can show mercy.
If I preach the word that becomes 'to be' with the word of the cross of Christ, most people feel the pain.
If I believe in Jesus and live according to the Word, God knows everything and blesses me, but why are you bothering me with the knowledge of the truth that is complicated and incomprehensible?
They are protesting.
That's how scientists do not know the cause of the universe and the subject of its principle, so we agreed to believe that it is so, and the church unanimously agreed that God bless us if we do to do according to the norms created by people regardless of the Bible.
I say I believe in Jesus, but after I hear the gospel of the grace of Christ's redemption on the cross, understand it, and meet Christ, I come to know that He is the Word (Ho Logos, John 1:1).
By gaining an understanding of the source of life in the body and the principle of life in the spirit, you will learn the secret of becoming a living spiritual being of to be, which actualizes the miraculous power.
Become a person of righteousness, holiness, and glory, and achieve life with that light, and love with that life.
This Word is God's promise, and this promise is contained in a container called the Bible.
The Holy Spirit teaches us how to fulfill this promise contained in the Bible.
So, the Bible is wisdom for salvation through faith in Christ Jesus, making the man of God complete, equipped for every good work (2 Timothy 3:15,17).
Written by Ptr. Yohan Kim.
Translated by Nancy Chung