관심있으신 분들은 다 아실듯 하지만 혹여 포럼 확인 못하신 분들을 위해 짧게 남겨봅니다.
제3제국 이벤트 서브모드인 TRE도 BI7.53에 맞게 3.46버젼을 배포했습니다.
BI 7.53 변경점은 아래와 같습니다.
- Seaplane Tender
weak combat stats but good surface detection and sub detection ability. These can be useful in a fleet to help spot enemy ships.
Won't last long in a tough fight and tend to become less useful if you have CVs or decent radar techs.
- Heavy Artillery
better soft attack stats then normal artillery. Uses fuel and more supplies but can help fight urban and fort battles.
Historically was attached to the corps / army commands and could be used here if you use the HQs in combat.
- Railway Artillery
Historical event OOB only. Depending on the calibre of the gun these have varying fort/ urban attack value.
Other combat stats are weak so need to be part of a strong fort busting division.
- Long range aux vessels
Better range then the normal aux vessel
- Many more unique divisions/ HQs added including famous Panzer korps, Army HQs and Army groups HQs each with unique counters.
Nations include USA, UK, Japan, Germany, Italy, USSR, France, Canada, Australia, South Africa, Brazil
The Unique units/HQs are available via historical event according to dates of activation.
- Added XXXIII. Uboat
- Added GER_Pz38_rgt for 7. and 8. Panzer-Division
- Added GER_pz35_rgt for 6. Panzer-Division
-jap multi role model 9 fixed
-german heavy armor GFX corrected
-Better event image for Overlord/FUSAG event
-Replacement model images for AST battle commanders (Blamey and Morshead)
-Backgrounds of Gurkha and Commando brigades made consistent with Mountain brigades
-Updated counters for German U-Boat Flotillas
-Updated Combined Arms counters
-Replacement counters for combined arms brigades (Kampfgruppen)
-Replacement SS HQ counters
-New model images and localisation tweak for ENG multi-role fighters
-New model images for ENG Light Bombers
-New model images for ENG Naval Bombers
-New model images and slight localisation update for ENG Strategic Bombers
-New model images for ENG tactical bombers
-New model images for ENG interceptors and CAS.
-Changed the starting techs for subs, medicine, destroyers for Germany to be more historical
-some techs made unstealable
-Changed special forces branch difficulty lowered to level 2
-Jap naval doctrine update
-Changed Division HQ command structure tech to be 12 levels instead of 6, and adjusted values for bonuses accordingly (halved them per level)
-missing ss/guards units added to a few techs
-Added commando_brigade/ss_commando_brigade to several special forces techs. Also added a missing desert bonus for them in the "Commando Training" tech, etc.
-some SF techs supply consumption reduction reduced
-hidden tech for red airforce effiecnecy penalty after the purges - penalty removed when germans begin zitadelle offensive (1943)
-AI hidden tech gives small boosts to land unit air attack
-Individual Allied Majors difficulty level option added to Allied difficulty event
-Danish 20mm AA captured by germany
-Gustav/ Doar split into two events. historically available in 1942 not 1941.
-Added localisation for US Naval HQ events
-Greater chance Japanese AI won't annex of manchuria
-AI Japan might DOW soviet player when the germans attack
-soviet offensives recieve greater TP bonus
-SS pack artillery activation event image
-Added event-chain for Moscow Proletarian Rifle Div to 1 Gds Mot.-Rifle Div.
-Added event to motorize the 36 Rifle Div. 'Transbaikalskaya'.
-UK, US, Soviet, Italian, Jap Railway artillery events
-Added not = { brigade_in_combat } for SS-Verfugungstruppe decision
-artillery division event OOBs
-Moved Vichy OOB event (after their formation) back into production.
-Italian AI event OOBs for Africa depend on Italy losing ground in Africa
-manpower gain from anchluss reduced
-SS panzers now buildable earlier if ahistorical ss option chosen
-Fixed event text on the "Mulberries damaged by large storm" event.
-USA 6th Army Group will now no longer spawn in Corsica unless it is controlled by the Allied faction
-Operation Britannia Rising events (US liberation of occupied UK)
-scripted JAP invasion of the Philippines added
-Revamped the SHAEF event by adding historical HQ units for ENG and USA and an event that loads the right OOB for either the ENG or USA player
-soviet event OOBs spawn in Kuybyshev
-soviet AI rebels nerfed after fall of France
-possible fix for the North africa partisan bug
-check for the SCW triggered before KG 88 is removed
-sealion now has a no invasions option check
-Fixed event text for the British Shipbuilding Mission
-german - soviet commercial agreement typo fixed
-Singapore - the Guns are Useless event ... added event pic and description
-Rewrote the Evacuation of Dunkirk event. The old one was based solely on the date, and would often fire well after the Germans had captured all of France! It is now decision-based. As the Germans are approaching Dunkirk, the ENG player will get a decision which fires the evacuation event. In addition to the small civilian evacuation fleet which forms in Portsmouth, the "tattered remnants" of British, French, Belgian, and Polish units arrive on the beaches of Dunkirk, waiting for evacuation. Further, and true to history, once Germany has captured Dunkirk, they will discover that the British have abandoned quite a bit of equipment and vehicles on the beaches!
-missing soviet province added to a snow region
-mud/ snow levels lowered slightly
-level 1 airbase added to Stendal provicne in Germany ( paratroop training base )
-Added user-provided province image for Oradea in Romania
-Added naval_base and air_base 1 to Lerwick and changed some positions on Lerwick to be more accurate to RL
-Added 2 folder to ai_tech_minister.lua
-defines fort bonus boosted
-Removed twin_engine_fighters from the default AI air ratio
-Fixed bug where USA/AI was building INF divisions with an extra (8th lol) brigade.
-Adjusted LUA to reflect new division_hq unit names.
-Added a custom build script for IRE ... just because!
-Adjusted GAR builds for AI majors to be GAR+(ART|HVYART)+SUPPORTSx2 ("Garrison" Support Group)
-AI can nolong research the landingraft or assault ships
-Commented out garrison deployment tech in the ignore lists of the majors (as it was causing problems with trying to reinforce beachheads with GAR units).
-Soviet starting OOB reworked
-changed model to 4 for 29. PzG Div.
-Changed model Airborne Artillery for 22. LLD into historical model = 3
-soviet generals adjusted to have more high generals level available for 1936 OOB
-Corrected naming Unterseebootsflottille into U-boot Flottille
-removed most aux vessels from AI OOBs
-Changed motorcycle to armored car for armor HQ event OOBs
-Hv artillery added to some OOBs
-Improved the starting JAP island garrison OOB based in part on some historical findings.
-Brazilian Expeditionary Force revamp
-Updated the Thirty Divisions Plan OOB to actually make useful divisions for CHI
-Updated AI/Operation Torch OOB to use the historical counters for USA units
-Updated the Operation Husky OOB for the AI - it now uses the custom unit counters
-removed the "US Volunteer Brigade" from its OOB as it serves no purpose and causes issues.
-various inactive leaders removed from OOBs
-Minor historical naming and configuration fixes to Canadian OOB units
-Improved some generic inline militia OOBs
-Updated the AI Indo invasion OOBs for JAP to make them functional combat groups
-Fixed AFHQ spawn point to be historical, and also tweaked the ENG Torch OOB, which was horribly wrong.
-Added the missing light cruisers USS Richmond and USS Memphis to starting OOB for USA
-Added historical unit names and tweaks to Malta Garrison Force (ENG)
-Corrected standort II. Luftflotte to Braunschweig
-4th Composite Group now starts the game attached to the Philippine Department.
-USS Langley's CAG unit now starts the game based on the ship, rather than in Los Angeles.
-ENG 1st and 6th Airborne Divisions now load as a Division HQ formation for the player, and a full division for the AI
-Added 45. Infanterie-Division as unique for Germany
-The AST 1st Armoured Division is now properly reported as being deployed to Alexandria, rather than Sydney.
-The locations of several Gurkha OOB units for ENG are now properly reported when you choose the OOB
-AI/OOB tweaks for USA historical armored divisions.
-Fixed possible CTD involving ITA Expeditionary Force to Germany in 1941 (should have been 1942).
-Fixed possible CTD with Expeditionary Force leader from ITA to GER in 1941.
-Updated the sale of Lockheed Hudsons to the UK so it used the proper model
-div HQs cost increased, main brigades costs decreased
-speed of medium TD increased + extra Inf AT removed from airlanding Inf
-ss armor stats tweaked to be closer to normal armor
-stat changes for CAS/ medium bombers - less SA for CAS, less HA for meds
-width tweaks to inf bat, + officer cost adjustments
-special HQs no longer grant CA base
-Added pack artillery unit activation as a default tech for the majors. All of these countries had mountain artillery prior to the war.
-mot/arm supports no longer give CA base + IC cost reduced
-bombers IC cost / build times increased slightly
-SS Pz Rct art short name corrected
-Desert Rats short name corrected
-Soft attack reduced for Gurkhas
-Air attack increased for jets
-Armor piercing/ Armor value reduced for captured armor
-normal HQ Brigade no longer gives CA base for divisions
-mixed support changed to direct fire unit type
-elite litgh infantry/light infantry rebalanced - the elites less overpowered and more expensive
-SS AA brigade now comparable to normal AA
-Garrison Detachments will no longer get the same Division size increase/decrease with the Brigade Strength techs. They have been adjusted downward in accordance with the percentages used in other units.
-Brazil update - OOB, tech levels, province resources,ministers, generals
-some IC effiecency penalties for very large military - too much armed forces means less factory workers
-Removed twin_engine_fighters from the default AI air ratio.
-Removed inadvertent and tiny swastikas from some German model images.
-new loading screens added
-Added more generic JAP leaders
-combined arms values lowered
-SS panzers now buildable earlier if ahistorical ss option chosen
-pillboxes build faster
-tweaks to laws to prevent exploiting minimal training/ volunteer laws
-Changed "is_defender = yes" to "is_attacker = no" for trait gains.
-SPR leader ID conflict fix
-Changed German template for midwar and late war panzer division builds
Bug fixes added in 7.53 ~
-Weak Power strategic effect tweaked
-unqiue SNLF unit localisations added
-Soviet unique cavalry corps localisations fixed
-Event image of HMS Prince of Wales is now correct
-Japanese Heavy cruiser models fixed
-Japanese unique 3rd Infantry division counter fixed
-Germany can now build Pack artillery at start
-Unique pocket Battleships placed individually at game start
-Supercharger Tech added to jet Bombers
-Small armys industry tech reduced to 6 levels from 10
-railway artillery event refusal option spam fixed
-garrison of India OOB spam fixed
-various other localisations fixed
-missing country modifier for UK air bases fixed
-Tweaks to japanese starting techs
-division template div HQs fixed
첫댓글 지난 버전을 맘잡고 하려다 연구 부분에 오류가 있어서 안했었는데...과연?
무슨 오류가 있었나요? 세심하게 안봐서 못 느낀것 같네요.
아직 7.4 버전으로 엔딩 못봤는데 벌써 7.53이 나왔군요.
역사적 사건으로 철도 포병이 등장한다는데 이제 구스타프도 쓸 수 있겠군요.
보통 전 TRE하고 같이해서 예전에도 구스타프나 도라같은 중포를 보긴 봤었는데 그게 BI이벤트인지 TRE이벤트인지는 헷갈리네요. 어쨌든 이번 버젼에서는 열차포라는 고유 유닛으로 나오니 좋군요.
@Paul Ludwig Ewald von Kleist 7.4와 7.53 모두 해보니 구스타프는 이전부터 계속 나왔던 거고
추가로 1차 대전 때 썼던 초대형포가 철도 포병으로 배치되는 이벤트가 추가됐더군요.
아하하하...저번주에 7.4버전영국으로 전쟁전까지 달렸는데 또업뎃ㅠㅠ 오 소련난이도 올라가겠네요 일본이 독소전때 선전포고할수있다니!!
소련 고증사단들도 많이 추가되서 쌤쌤이지 않을까요.