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빛과 흑암의 역사 (성경연구, 프리메이슨, 일루미나티)
카페 게시글
이스라엘 소식 스크랩 미국의 국내 테러작전에서 이스라엘은 어떤 역할을 하나요?
차원상승 추천 0 조회 222 16.09.06 14:43 댓글 0
게시글 본문내용

이스라엘은 미국에 대한 위장테러를 연기하는데 힐라리를 도우려는 것

Israel Holds off on US False Flags to Help Hillary
By Greg Bacon
Sep 2, 2016 - 6:59:06 AM




Sunday, August 28, 2016

Israel Holds off on US False Flags to Help Hillary

이 남자를 기억하나요? 모든 지옥이 지난 여름에 튀어나오는데, 갑자기 씨아이에이/ 모사드 테러요원은 여타의 위장테러를 중지했다, 이는 대선 후보 힐라리를 도우려는 것인데, 반역자들이 백악관을 또 장악하려는 것이다.

Remember this guy? All Hell was popping this past Summer and all of a sudden, the CIA/MOSSAD terrorists are holding back on more false flags to help their POTUS candidate, Hillary the Traitor steal the WH.

살아있지만 죽은 인간- 제임스웨슬리 하월

제임스 하월, 씨아이에이 암살자의 기억속으로 들어가다

James Wesley Howell, CIA Assassin, Drop Down the Memory Hole

만일 제임스하월이 진짜 테러요원이면, 여러분은 그가 두달반전 6월12일에 체포된 후에 뉴스가 어떻게 되었는지를 생각할 필요가 있다. 실제 그에 관한 뉴스는 사라졌고, 사법 단속당국은 그이 조사결과에 관한 답변을 거부한다. 언론매체는 너무 두려운 나머지 하월에 관해 문의하질 않는다. 왜인가?


If James Wesley Howell were a genuine terrorist, you'd think there'd be one news item about his case in the two-and-a-half-months since he was arrested June 12. There is a virtual news blackout and law enforcement refuses to answer inquiries. The mass media are too afraid to ask about Howell. Why?

James Wesley Howell was a CIA-sponsored "terrorist" who realized he was being double-crossed. He backed out and surrendered to local police before he could be murdered. Of course the MSM spun it that he was arrested.

Search for any info on Howell and you'll hit a dead end. Not even the so-called alternative news sites are touching this story. Are they lazy or complicit? This site has the original story, so we must give them credit for having a spine.

폴 왓슨은 이 내용을 보도하지 않았는데, 그가 유태인이며 비유태인에게 큰 충격을 줄 유태 계획으로 확대하지않으려는것

산타모니카에서 6월12일 토요일 새벽2시에 펄스클럽 학살이 벌어졌는데, 제임스 웨슬리 하월(20세, 제퍼슨빌) 은 경찰에 가서 보호를 요청했다. 그는 씨아이에이가 그를 죽이려한다고 말했다. 그는 비밀 국내 테러팀으로써 다섯명 요원중에 하나였다고 한다. 씨아이에이가 그들을 테러 임무로 파견했는데, 일요일에 예정이던 엘에이 게이 페스티벌과 행진을 공격하라는 임무였다. 그들은 토요일 밤의 올란도 펄스클럽 테러공격과 함께 이어지는 것이었다.
Paul Watson won't report on this, since it doesn't fit into his Judaic view of us GOYIM.

In Santa Monica, CA, the following morning after Saturday’s June 12, 2016 2 a.m. Pulse Club Massacre, James Wesley Howell, 20 years old, of Jeffersonville, IN called police for protection. He said that the CIA was out to kill him.[1] He said that he had been part of a secret 5 (five) member domestic terrorist team that was sent in on a mission by the CIA to assault Sunday’s Los Angeles Gay Pride Festival and Parade. Their mission had been coordinated with Saturday night’s Orlando Pulse Club terrorist attack.

하월은 사우스팀의 리더엿던 오마르 마틴이 올란도 공격임무를 마친후에 바로 스왓팀에 의해 사살된 것을 본후 극도의 공포에 싸였다. 그 자신이 엘에이에서 계획된 일요일의 게이 퍼레이드 공격임무를 마친다면 마찬가지로 씨아이에이가 사살할 것이라는 생각이 들었기 때문이다. 이것은 자기네가 그저 테러 프락치로 이용하고 배신해버리는 계획임을 알았다.

하월의 임무 포기후에 경찰은 하월의 자동차안에서 암살용 장총과 60발 탄창, 15파운드 화학 폭발물, 두정의 장총, 탄약, 스턴건, 암살 도검, 보안 뱃지등을 발견했다.

When Howell discovered the South’s team leader, Omar Mateen, was assassinated in performance of the mission in Orlando by a SWAT Team, he feared the CIA would also betray and assassinate him as a PASTY.[2] Local police found in Howell’s car, a loaded assault rifle with magazines rigged to allow 60 shots to be fired in quick succession and 15 pounds of chemicals mixed and ready to explode. He also had two other loaded rifles, ammunition, a stun gun, a buck knife and a security badge.[3]

Actually, he had twenty-five (25) pounds of Shoc-Shot, an explosive used for blowing up targets by high velocity bullets most likely to cause a crowd widespread panic, and a possible escape by assailants in smoke and mass confusion. The two components needed to make the Shoc-Shot explosive had been mixed. Howell had an Anderson Manufacturing AM-115 .223? high velocity round caliber rifle. The rifle had a round in its chamber and additional rounds in a 30-round magazine attached to it. Another 30-round magazine was taped to the rifle. He had a .30-06 bolt-action rifle with a round in its chamber, and a high velocity .22-caliber Ruger semi-automatic pistol. He had a mass murdering commando assassin’s arsenal.[4]

Like Omar Mateen, Howell worked as an armed security guard for a multi-national security firm, United Security Services, Inc.[10] United is an annual $2.5 Billion vast security industry that specializes in all aspects, stages, and sizes of commercial and residential construction and projects from cabins to castles, from small local businesses to federal facilities.[11] Both Howell and Mateen‘s security badges and weapons’ permits were cleared under cover of national security firms. According to sources within the Santa Monica Police Department, he told them that “We were all familiar with each other through an online fundamental Islamic knowledge seminary course- we were recruited through the course and trained together at a camp in VIRGINIA ? we were taught how to shoot and make bombs ? everyone knew their part ? something went wrong….”[12]

The Federal authorities stepped in and assumed immediate control of James W. Howell from the San Monica Police Department under the Patriot Act and National Security because they operationally classified the Orlando Pulse Club Massacre as a terror incident, even though they did not say so publicly. In Orlando, the FBI swept in and took over the entire crime scene.[35] When the FBI entered and seized Howell’s investigative case, slapped the local police with a gag order, the storyline suddenly changed. The FBI claimed that the local police were mistaken, Howell did not intend to harm anyone at the L.A. Gay Pride Parade and Festival to take the CIA off the hook. Howell was slapped with a Clark County, IN child molestation case that allegedly occurred on May 31, 2016 to keep him isolated in jail until the CIA’s post-hypnotic suggestion specialists do their work, or they just terminate him.

Since Das Juden is wiping out my graphic photos of Palestinians murdered by the malignant, evil and sadistic Apartheid nightmare called Israel, here's one more they can chew on, you worthless fucks.


