Reddit AMA
The team participated in a reddit Q&A session called an AMA last
week, and we thought we should highlight some of that here also among
the more popular (somewhat edited to clean up narrative). If you want to
read the whole thing its over here (but its got 1.5k comments so takes a while to get through )
팀은 저번주에 레딧 IAMA(무엇이든 물어보세요)를 했습니다. 그래서 우리는 몇가지 유명한 질문들을 여기에 적고자 합니다. 물론 좀 다듬고 말이죠. 여기에 전체가 있습니다. 그런데 1500개가 넘어서 보는데 시간이 걸릴겁니다.
그냥 아주 간단 요약만 하도록 하겠습니다(...)
******************************************************************************************** Q: Will there be any new Formable Nations? They were one of my
favorite features in Waking The Tiger and I would be excited for some
new obscure nations you can form.
A: We added the ability to form the Imperial Federation, though this
formable nation requires much more work to achieve than any of the ones
we added in WtT. In addition, the Netherlands will also have access to
the formable nation decision for the United Netherlands, even if you
don't have WtT.
Other than the Imperial Federation no formable nations were added in MtG, but we did add round about 70 new releasable tags
요약 : 새로 구성가능한 국가 있습니까? - 제국 연합 말곤 없습니다만, 근데 70개의 새로 독립할수 있는 태그 넣고, WtT가 없어도 네덜란드는 새로이 구성가능한 국가 가능합니다.
Q: Will you update the peace conference mechanic and the ability
to have a conditional surrender without the need to take all the victory
points required?
A: One day we will for sure change how peace works. Its one of
those systems I am not really that happy about. Its on the other hand
very complicated ;D I think it does the job for a ww2 scenario, but as
people play more mods and we go more alt history. Also atm since there
is no peace time resistance it would be really strong to allow early
peace too (its another thing we'd love to do in the future)
평화조약 메커니즘 바꿀것이에요? 그리고 승점 포인트 다 안따먹어도 조건부 항복 됩니까?? - 이걸 바꿀려고 했는데, 너무 복잡하고 그리고 이건 WW2 시나리오에 맞는거 같은데 대체역사를 좋아하는 사람들을 위한 모드도 생각해야 하고 말이죠. 그리고 평화시에는 저항이 없기 때문에 빠른 평화를 이룰수 있죠 (미래에 하고 싶은 일중 하나입니다)
Q: When will the AI be improved? There's long list of specifics but here's a few issues:
AI doesn't know how to plan invasion properly. For example, US or
Brits land in Italy or France without getting a port or having
sufficient units to establish a beachhead. These pin-prick invasion can
easily be surrounded and destroyed. Rinse repeat.
The AI doesn't defend key points sufficiently like the Suez canal
The AI moves units off the front line mysteriously leaving massive holes in there lines
A: AI is always being improved. We are hoping to allocate
more time to it in following months, some improvements to front &
invasion AI is already been done and more to come. Can't promise a date
but improving AI is definitely in our plans
AI가 머저리같이 상륙작전 벌이는것과 더불어, 수에즈 운하 같은데서 충분히 방어 못하는것, 그리고 전선에서 이상하게 빠지는 것들 개선하나요? - AI는 언제나 개선되어왔습니다. 우린 다음달에 시간을 낼 것이고, 전선과 더불어 상륙 AI는 이미 어느정도 개선된게 있습니다. 다만, 우리 계획상 완벽한 날짜를 잡기 힘든걸 이해해주시길 바랍니다.
Will we ever see a rework of the economy system? As of currently
there are a limited amount of resources which are all production related
but as in the case of South Africa they can get a National Spirit for
their Gold mines. Will this change or will the countries only get those
special National Spirits?
Will we be able to a certain degree be able to choose what
resources to sell? As of now its a fixed amount but is it possible to
"ration" a certain percentage on top of the economy policy?For example
with export focus is 50% but for your steel it can be reduced to 40%?
Will economic warfare be implemented in any way? Instead of you
only stopping trade with Japan you can order your entire faction and/or
neighboring countries (of said target country) who have high opinion on
you and low on Japan to limit or fully stop trade?
Thank you for your efforts, and can't wait to finally play MTG next week!!
A: While I do like the simple elegance of the civilian factory
economy, I have definitely thought about ways to make economic
interactions more in depth. I wouldn't be surprised if we one day decide
to make trade and economy management more interesting, so long as we
don't take the focus too much away from the equipment and military
management that is at the core of HoI4.
In MtG, shutting down ocean based trade and supply with subs is far more
viable than in previous version of HoI4. Also, nations can now suffer
war support penalties from having their convoys raided, giving a
negative response to your economy being disrupted and lives being lost
in support of trade. This can potentially force a nation to have to move
their economy away from the military infrastructure.
경제체제 재작업 할 생각 있어요? 현재 생산과 관련된 자원이 제한되어 있지만, 남아공처럼 금광 등이 있는 경우도 있고, 그래서 다른 국가에서도 이런 특별한 국가 정신 줄것인지? 그리고 덤으로 다른 국가들에게 자원 판매를 조절할수 있는지도요. 예를들어 강철은 50%지만 40%로 줄인다던가 말이죠, 그리고 덤으로 경제적 전쟁은 어찌 구현될것인지요? 일본과 무역을 중단하는 대신에 전체 팩션 혹은 주변 국가들, 그러니까 높은 의견을 갖는 국가들에게 일본과의 무역을 제한할수 있나요? - 민간공장 경제의 단순함이 좋지만, 좀더 깊은 경제를 생각해봤기도 합니다. 그렇지만 만약 그렇게 한다고 해도 호이4의 장비와 군대 관리의 코어 안에서만 조절할것이에요. MtG에서 잠수함으로 해양 무역을 제약하는 것은 이전 버전의 호이 4보다 더 잘 보이죠. 또한 이제 수송선이 공격당하면 전쟁지지도가 깎이고, 경제에 위협이 되면서 지원을 위한 거래를 잃을수 있기에 이로 인해서 군수 인프라에서 경제를 벗어나야 할 필요가 생길수 있을수 있어요
Q: How do you guys evaluate the time it took to make Man the Guns?
Holy Fury took a long time and was a success the way I see it. Does it
get exhausting working in the same DLC for such a long time? Do you
think if Man The Gun could afford even more dev time or one year is a
good limit to have...
Thanks for this amazing game!
A: Oh yeah for sure. I would prefer shorter cycles because I think
touching base with the community is very important, and its also a big
motivation thing for me. Showing off stuff in dev diaries and streams
help, but its not the same really. Time wise, MTG needed it. We redid
close to 30% of the whole game. There was a lot of tough design problems
and balance work and then teaching the AI how to survive (unmodified
germany ai after the fuel changes never even dare to attack the soviets.
now it often crushes them). In hindsight I would have wished to maybe
be a little less ambitious, but when digging into redoing naval.. it was
kinda all or nothing.
Hope you are gonna love it. Blood, sweat and tears, as Churchill said
MtG를 만드는동안을 어떻게 평할거에요? Holy Fury는 많은 시간이 걸렸지만 성공한것처럼 보이는데 말이죠. 그런 오랜 시간동안 DLC 작업에 힘이 빠질거라고 보이는데 말이죠? 만약 MtG 가 더 많은 개발시간을 가졌다면 어떠했을가요? - 커뮤니티와 소통하는걸 제일 중요하게 여기고 있고, 또한 큰 작업동기가 되기 때문에 짧은 사이클을 선호합니다. 개발 다이어리로 보여준것과 스트림이 도움이 되었지만, 별로 도움이 안되었죠. 우리는 전체 게임의 30%를 거진 다 뒤집었습니다. 밸런스 문제라던가 AI가 어찌 살아남아야 한다던가... 나중에 생각해보니까 별로 야망을 갖지 않아도 되었을거 같은데, 해군을 팔때는 하나 아님 망이었습니다. 여튼간에 이걸 좋아해주기 바랍니다. 처칠이 말했듯이 피와, 땀과 눈물처럼 말이죠
Q: How would you compare the performance of MtG to the last
cornflakes update? Is it better,worse or about the same? Especially late
game performance?
A: This is an incredibly difficult question to answer actually
because so much is different and the AI plays with different stuff now.
Just shifting the length of the particular wars has more impact than a
lot of stuff. But to break it down: the early game is slightly slower,
late game is slightly faster. Big spike slowdowns are down a lot and
various UIs like mapicons have been improved. it also is a bit better on
memory usage, including graphics memory. There is a detailed list in
the patchlog next week, but because its so incredibly subjective I have
been a bit hesitant to show a graph. Like if I say "late game is up to
40% faster compared to early game" its true, but if you compare to 1.5
its more like 10% so I felt it was very hard to show graphs that wouldnt
feel like we were insincere.
Performance wise its been a wild ride. Because of all the new nations
and content and the naval mechanics the AI actually plays with now
(where before it would just lose the fleets and ignore them) when we
started the games was like 50% slower than 1.5 and we were worried. We
worked long and hard on optimizing stuff, but with all the new stuff its
hard to be significantly faster overall. Germany and Japan also does so
much better job now that big fronts are more active which also slows
things down too
Better AI takes performance so its often a hard choice there. So if you
stopwatch stuff on average you will see probably something like 5-10%
late game and the opposite before the war kicks off, but things should
be running a lot smoother because of less spikes and the AI will be more
active. I think big mods will benefit a lot from all the optimizations
we have done too as they do similar things to what we have done, but
there hasnt really been a way to verify that, but I am hopeful We have also continued doing improvements after
we made the release which will end up in the patch, but significant
stuff like I know a lot of people would love (like 3x faster) can only
happen if we do clever redesigns of the game in the future. Something we
are always thinking about.
MtG의 퍼포먼스를 저번 1.5 패치와 비교할때 괜찮아 보입니까? 더 나은가 혹은 나빠졌나, 그리고 후반 게임 퍼포먼스는요? - 실제로 대답하기 어려운 답변입니다. 많은 것들이 바뀌었고, AI도 바뀌었기 때문이죠. 단지 한 전쟁의 길이를 조절하는 것만으로도 많은 영향이 갑니다. 여튼간에 초반게임은 좀 느릴것이고, 후반게임은 좀 빨라질것입니다. 또한 그래픽 메모리를 포함하여 메모리 사용량이 더 나아졌습니다. 다음주에 있을 패치로그에 자세한 목록이 있지만, 그래프를 보여드리는건 그렇습니다. 만약 제가 후반게임이 초반게임보다 40%나 더 빨라졌습니다! 라고 하면 좋아하겠지만, 10%만 좋아졌기에 보여드리기는 뭐합니다. 퍼포먼스는 괜찮았습니다. AI가 실제로 플레이 하는 새로운 국가들과 컨텐츠, 그리고 해군 메커니즘이 1.5 보다 50% 느려서 걱정했습니다. 여러 시간동안 최적화를 했지만, 새로운 것들을 빠르게 하기엔 힘들었습니다. 여튼간에, 3배 더 빠르게 같은 것은 게임을 다시 디자인한다면 될거 같기도 합니다. 언제나 이걸 생각하고 있죠.
Q: When designing a new expansion, how much time do you spend doing historical
1: We split the creation of a new focus tree into 4 distinct phases that
are about 3 weeks each. The first one is for design and research, but
we usually do some prep work before we get started in earnest. So about
3-4 weeks for each focus tree. Other game mechanics are similar.
2: For mechanics stuff I usually read books, watch documentaries etc for
what I plan to be the next expansion during the months of development
of the current one. Also sometimes its backwards. yesterday I watched a
documentary about hitler's train... and now I desperately wanna add trains somehow
3: It depends on how easy it is to find literature on the country in
question, but usually it's anywhere from 2 to 4 weeks of dedicated
research, while more (minor) research may be done all throughout the
implementation process for details, as needed. Of course, when
implementing a new focus tree we're usually all 'in the mindset' for a
certain nation, and some free time may well be spent watching
documentaries on the country and period in question, just because we're
'into it'
새로운 확팩을 만들때, 얼마나 역사적인 고증을 투여하나요? - 1. 새로운 포커스 트리에 4 단계를 두고, 3주를 뒀습니다. 첫번째는 디자인과 리서치지만, 본격적으로 사전준비를 합니다. 그렇게 포커스 트리당 3~4주가 걸립니다. 다른 게임 메커니즘도 마찬가지입니다. 2. 책을 보거나 혹은 다큐멘터리등등 현재 개발하는 도중에 새로운걸 생각합니다. 어제 전 히틀러의 열차에 대한 걸 봤죠, 그리고 전 지금 기차를 추가하고 싶네요. 3. 얼마나 빨리 찾아지냐에 따라 다르지만, 보통 2~4주간의 리서치가 벌어지고, 자세한 내용을 위해 소소한 리서치가 벌어질수 있습니다. 물론, 새 포커스를 만들때, 그 특정 국가에 맞추고, 그리고 자유시간동안 그 국가에 대한 다큐멘터리나 질문등을 찾습니다.
Q: What was it like designing such a detailed focus tree for the
country that you come from and did you feel much pressure to do The
Netherlands right?
A: (Bratyn) I loved every minute of it! I first got the 'spark'
for HoI4 back when it was still in development, before release, and in
that time I was researching and writing my Master's thesis on
Anglo-Dutch relations in the Second World War. Researching that period
got me super hyped for HoI4, and eventually actually got me to apply for
a job (and get hired) at Paradox. A prototype Dutch focus tree was also
the work test I made for my application, and so in more ways than one
The Netherlands focus tree is the reason I now work at Paradox!
To now put all those years of research to good use on a properly
fleshed-out focus tree for the Netherlands in one of my favorite games
was quite thrilling I -may- have gone slightly overboard with the amount of attention it received... (a)
As for pressure - not really. I never really thought about it in that
way - I was just far too excited to be implementing it and to show it
off to everyone The excitement prevented any pressure from taking root
상세한 포커스 트리를 작성할때 좋아하는 점과 더불어서, 네덜란드를 완벽하게 해야 한다는 압박이 들었습니까? - (Bratyn) 전 매시간동안 좋아했습니다. 호이 4가 개발중일때 처음 스파크를 받았고, 릴리즈된후에 전 영국-네덜란드과의 관계에 대해서 석사 논문 리서치를 해야 했습니다. 이런 기간동안 HOI4에 푹 빠졌고, 결국 역설사에 취직하게 되었죠. [네덜란드 트리에서도 언급했지만] 네덜란드 포커스 트리는 제 테스트였고, 여러가지 면에서 네덜란드 포커스 트리는 절 역설사에 일하게 한 배경이었습니다. 여튼간에 수년동안의 리서치를 제대로 활용하여 매우 좋았습니다. 압력에 대해선 별로요 전 이걸 구현하고 보여주는데 너무 신났습니다. 흥분으로 인해서 압력 받지 않았어요
첫댓글 호이 관련 이라고 제목에 적어주셔야할듯? 죄다 호이 이야기 밖에 없는것 같은데
깜빡했습니다 헤헤;;; 수정했습니다.
호이밖에 없네요 제목에 [HOI4] 적어주시면 좋을 듯
깜빡했습니다 헤헤;;; 수정했습니다.
다좋아젓다는데 일단 dlc오픈후에 까야징!