Apostelgeschichte 4 | Online-Bibel | Neue-Welt-Übersetzung (jw.org)
32 Auch waren die vielen, die glaubten, ein Herz und eine Seele*. Kein Einziger von ihnen betrachtete irgendetwas von seinem Besitz als sein Eigentum, sondern sie hatten alles gemeinsam.+
33 Die Apostel bezeugten weiter mit großer Kraft die Auferstehung des Herrn Jesus+ und auf ihnen allen ruhte unverdiente Güte in hohem Maß.
34 Tatsächlich litt keiner unter ihnen Not,+ denn alle, die Felder oder Häuser besaßen, verkauften sie und brachten den Erlös
35 und legten ihn den Aposteln zu Füßen.+ Darauf erhielt jeder entsprechend seinen Bedürfnissen einen Teil.+
36 Auch Joseph, den die Apostel Bạrnabas+ nannten (was übersetzt „Sohn des Trostes“ bedeutet), ein Levịt, der aus Zypern stammte,
37 besaß ein Stück Land. Er verkaufte es, brachte das Geld zu den Aposteln und legte es ihnen zu Füßen.+
32 Moreover, the multitude of those who believed were of one heart and soul,* and not even one of them would say that any of the things he possessed was his own, but they had all things in common.+
33 And with great power the apostles continued giving the witness about the resurrection of the Lord Jesus,+ and undeserved kindness was upon them all in large measure.
34 In fact, no one was in need among them,+ for all those who owned fields or houses would sell them and bring the value of what was sold,
35 and they would deposit it at the feet of the apostles.+ In turn distribution would be made to each one according to his need.+
36 So Joseph, who was also called by the apostles Barʹna·bas+ (which means, when translated, “Son of Comfort”), a Levite, a native of Cyʹprus,
37 owned a piece of land, and he sold it and brought the money and deposited it at the feet of the apostles.+
32 더욱이, 많은 신자들이 마음과 영혼*이 하나가 되어, 아무도 자기 소유물을 자기 것이라고 하지 않고 모든 것을 공동으로 가졌다.+
33 사도들은 큰 능력으로 주 예수의 부활에 관해 계속 증언했으며,+ 모두가 과분한 친절을 풍부하게 받았다.
34 그들 가운데에는 궁핍한 사람이 하나도 없었다.+ 밭이나 집을 가진 사람들이 모두 그것을 팔아서 받은 돈을 가져다가
35 사도들의 발치에 놓았다.+ 그리고 각자 필요한 만큼 나누어 받았다.+
36 키프로스 태생의 레위 사람으로, 사도들이 바나바라고+ 부른 요셉이라는 사람이 있었다. (바나바는 번역하면 ‘위로의 아들’이라는 뜻이다.)
37 그도 자기가 가진 땅을 팔아 그 돈을 가져다가 사도들의 발치에 놓았다.+