[student] Ghost House!
When you're all
on your third kid
and second divorce,
we'll see who gets
the last laugh.
[glass shatters]
[Astrid] Perfect.
[cell phone ringing]
-Leave me alone.
-[cell phone clatters]
[melancholy music playing]
So it's settled. We'll bring
Charles home to Winter River.
But I've never
hosted a funeral...
-[line ringing]
-I've never hosted anything
without Charles standing there.
Watching me. In awe.
[Astrid voicemail] It's Astrid.
-Please don't leave a message.
-[sighs] She won't pick up.
Maybe I should tell Astrid
about Charles.
Might be easier coming from
a non-feminine
masculine archetype.
Well, there aren't any men
left in the family.
Well, no offense taken, Delia.
I'll be a member of the family
soon enough.
In fact,
I might be the perfect person
to tell her.
Having just lost
my own grandfather.
You did? When?
Forty years ago.
But in my child body,
that's yesterday.
[Lydia] I'm gonna
tell Astrid, okay?
Just give me a few minutes
before you come up.
[Delia] Enough!
I'll handle this.
[shouts] Astrid!
Stop torturing your mother.
I know I usually find it funny,
and only fair
after the way she treated me
-when she was your age.
-[Rory sighs]
But not today!
Your mummy's lost her daddy.
You've lost your grandpa.
And I've lost my...
horny handyman.
[sobbing] Charles.
Oh, Charles!
Can't believe Grandpa is dead.
He's like the only semi-normal
person in this family.
[Lydia] We're gonna be in
Winter River for a few weeks.
What do you mean
for a few weeks?
I thought we were just
going for the funeral.
Well, we need to clear out
the house.
Grandpa loved that place.
[Delia] Yes, and we are going
to honor him
with a Grief Collective.
A "Grief Collective"?
I am seeing a semi-multimedia
visual manifesto of our loss.
What does loss look like?
Is it just tears? A headstone?
Wilting gladioli?
No, we need to unpack
the art of sorrow.
Yeah, that sounds
really traumatic.
I can't go.
I'm our school rep
for our Student Environmental
Conference next week.
We're presenting our demands
on climate change action.
I spoke with the principal,
and they cleared it.
She actually thinks
it's a really good idea.
Yeah, well, I guess when you
donate an entire art center,
the principal becomes your
little puppet on a string.
-[sighs softly]
-[Delia chuckles]
Well, you're free
to reject your inheritance
when you're living high
off a tree hugger's salary.
-[foreboding music playing]
[shakily] What? No! No!
Jesus! Okay,
people already know
that Lydia Deetz is my mom.
Okay, can you stop being
a freak for, like, one second?
-Go back.
All right, people already know
you'd rather spend
more time with ghosts
than your own daughter.
orchestral music playing]
[ominous music playing]
Jesus, Bob.
Can't you see
I'm concentrating here?
You know, Bob,
long distance relationships
can be difficult.
Especially when
one of you is dead
and the other's ignoring you
for 30 years.
But Lydia and I,
we have a definite
psychic connection.
[caller 1] I just need
these people out of my house.
Please hold! Afterlife
Call Center, please hold.
[caller 2] How much
for a premium bio exorcism?
And I'll tell ya something,
she definitely saw me
that last time.
I felt a little tingle.
[caller 3] The money back
guarantee one.
I'm putting your call
through now.
[caller 4] I've just died,
and she's already remarried.
Sell him the honeymoon package.
I'll kill the new husband,
and I'll possess the ex-wife.
I'll make her
do some unseemly things,
-and then I'll post the pics.
-[alarm blares]
[caller 4] Can I pay
in installments?
I'm needed upstairs.
-[Bob grunting]
-Bob, hold down the fort.
[knocking at door]
[in French] Ou je suis?
-Where am I?
-[woman] Take a number,
-take a seat.
-[Le Tigre scoffs]
[Beetlejuice sighs]
[cat yowls]
I'm more of a dog person.
[woman] You! Room 515. Now.
[camera flashing]
-Come on.
-Come on.
[gangster] Hey,
easy with the suit.
Don't "Detective" me,
you walking disaster.
-We got reports.
-Another protestor.
[operator on radio]
There is a ten-o-nine.
Wolf Jackson,
Afterlife Crime Unit.
Let me take a wild stab.
Not just any actor.
I've done it all.
For six movies and a reboot,
I became Frank Hardballer.
Doing my own stunts
was non-negotiable.
-You know why?
A vice cop doesn't
get to a perp's door
and then call for some hambone
stunt man to break it down.
Neither did I.
You gotta keep it real.
Looks like you got a little
too real there, bud.
Who knew it was a live grenade?
Your name came up
on this case I'm investigating.
Recognize this puss?
Never seen that chick
before in my life.
Or afterlife.
-[camera shutter clicking]
-[Wolf] Any idea
why my suspect wrote your name
in this schmo's goo?
Uh... Hard to say, Wolf,
but could be a super-fan.
You know,
guys like you and me...
-[camera shutter clicks]
-...we drive the gals crazy.
She collected
all her body parts.
My hunch
is she's out for revenge.
And you seem to be numero uno
on her hit list.
Well, wouldn't be
the first woman
who wanted to kill me.
And kinda hard
to kill a dead guy.
This gal can.
She's a soul sucker.
Oh, yeah,
you could say that again.
My advice, lay low.
She gets her hands on you
and you're dead-dead.
And there's no coming back
from that, Mr. Juice.
Roger that.
[boy singing]
Day-o, me say day-o
[choir singing] Daylight come
And me want to go
Day, me say day
Me say day, me say day
Me say day, me say day-o
Daylight come
And me want to go
[boy signing]
Come mister tally man
Tally me banana
[choir singing] Daylight come
And me want to go home
Lift six-foot, seven-foot
Eight-foot bunch
Daylight come
And me want to go home
I just don't believe
I won't see Charles again.
Be comforted in the knowledge
that he's in
a far better place.
Angels are guiding him
towards everlasting light
and may his soul fly through
the heavenly gates,
like the birds
that he so adored
and soar over
the Fields of Elysium
to the glory that is thine.
I haven't been to a funeral
since Dad's.
Death is hard.
Yeah, sometimes
I think life is harder.
I know.
Listen, if you wanna talk
to that therapist again...
There you go again.
You just sidestep
every possible
conversation about him.
I loved your father,
but our relationship was over
a long time
before the accident.
I still don't understand
why you can't see him.
-Why not?
-I wish I knew.
But this ability
didn't exactly
come with instructions.
It all started
when I was your age.
It's ironic, isn't it?
You can apparently
see any random ghost
for your shitty TV show,
but the one ghost
that actually matters to me
you can't see at all.
[somber music playing]
[ominous music playing]
We are closed!
I'm sorry to bother you.
My name's Charles Deetz.
I'm feeling
a little lightheaded.
Where am I?
Damn newbies.
You wait! In waiting room!
[Charles] All right.
-[store bell rings]
[grunts angrily]
[suspenseful music playing]
-who's there?
-[plastic rustling]
[inhaling deeply]
[ominous choral music playing]
[water sploshes]
-My ex-wife is back.
[Beetlejuice] Well, I know
what you're thinking...
"When was the Juice
ever tied down?
What kind of woman could ever
keep him satisfied?" Well...
[mic feedback whines]
[in Italian]
[dramatic music playing]
[soft music playing]
[goat bleats]
[thunder rumbling]
[both moaning]
-[Beetlejuice grunts]
-[Delores Moans]
continues in Italian]
[sinister music playing]
[Beetlejuice exhales]
Mazel tov.
continues in Italian]
-[tense music playing]
-[Delores screams]
[in English] Now she's back,
and she's pissed.
[somber music playing]
[indistinct chatter]
[operatic music
playing over speakers]
Must be pretty
noisy up here. Yeah?
In here, too.
Listen, if you ever
need to process
any of your emotions,
I'm here for you.
Emotions processed. Thanks.
I saw you standing
at your grandfather's grave.
He must have been
a pretty dope dude.
Death is so, like...
[groans] It's, like, tragic,
you know?
I mean, if you ever wanna,
you know, cry or just,
kind of rage against
some of these feelings
that you have going on
in there,
I want you to know
that I could be that...
kinda dope dad-dude for you.
You know?
-I'm good.
-You know,
times like this
can bring a family
weirdly closer together.
On the way over here,
I wrote a poem
for your grandpa.
Oh, did you? How does it go?
It's, it's, it's...
it starts...
It, well, it kinda like
opens on grief. Obviously.
And then acceptance.
It's long. I didn't memorize it
or anything like that,
but it's quite beautiful.
Cut the crap, Rory.
All right? I'm not falling
for your New Age,
overly emotional,
trauma bonding,
yoga retreat bullshit.
I see you.
Because, like you,
my mom is a very broken person.
She's a delusional fantasist.
You just exploit her.
And if she wants
to allow that to happen,
that's on her.
[woman] I'm so sorry
for your loss. I'm sorry.
I know, I know. Thank you.
Oh, if it isn't
little Jane Butterfield.
Littler Jane?
Oh, it's Jane Butterfield-Lee
We hyphenated.
Is that Maxie Dean?
No one's here yet.
Sample from
my hubby's microbrewery.
"Micro"? Is that for people
with tiny houses?
Why is your house
covered in black fabric?
It's a mourning shroud.
Now that Charles is dead,
so also dies this house.
And I'm protecting it
in its transition.
To a new life
with a new family.
I can't wait to show it.
Buyers are already lining up.
Thanks to you, Lydia,
everyone wants a piece
of the original Ghost House.
Ghosts aren't real.
Only gullible people
believe that kind of crap.
Unless you're trying to pay
the bills, right, Mom?
[Jane] Okay, honey, in we go.
Can I have
everyone's attention, please?
We're gathered here today
to celebrate the life
of an extraordinary man.
Now, I only had the pleasure
of meeting Charles a few times.
Then I can tell you
he didn't want any speeches.
Charles hated
public displays of emotion.
Yeah, but he also...
chose to live his life
to the fullest.
I'm going to tear a page
out of Charles Deetz's book.
now, I know
we had always agreed
to take
our relationship slowly.
But I can't wait any longer.
Let's get married
on your favorite holiday.
Will you marry me on Halloween?
-[mourner] Good Lord!
-[Lydia] Uh...
That's... That's in two days!
Yes, I know.
I've already spoken
to Father Damien.
The church is available.
The Lord's sanctuary
welcomes all who seek
and everlasting glory.
Just not before noon,
and between three and four.
You're seriously doing this
at Charles' wake?
Yes. Yes. Yes, because...
because as we stand here,
-surrounded by death...
...let us all make
a commitment to choose life.
Because I want to spend
the rest of my life
with you, Lydia.
And you, Delia.
And you too.
And you. Again.
What do you say?
Rory, I... Come on,
I can't commit to this
right now.
Oh. [chuckles softly]
All right.
This is too much loss.
What do you mean?
Well, first,
the death of Charles.
And of course,
the death of my grandfather,
which you know about.
And now the death of...
-No! No, I...
Come on, I didn't mean that.
Thought you wanted to take
life's great big bungee jump
right beside me.
No safety nets, right?
-[wall thudding]
-But I guess,
the only thing
bungee jumping today is love.
-And that cord just snapped.
Come on. Rory...
-I love you.
-And I love you.
[Rory] What are we waiting for?
Okay, I guess.
[mourners murmuring]
[Rory chuckles softly]
Oh, my God.
[Rory kissing]
She said "yes"!
[mourners cheering]
She said "yes"!
by Tess Park playing]
I don't like anything
But I love everyone
when the goin' gets rough
I cry somedays
And on Sunday
I'm praying to a God
Don't know whom
but he gives me love
[indistinct chatter
and laughter]
And I know
when the sun is out
And good people are about
It restores my faith
Oh, yeah
[gasps] Sorry!
-[horn honking]
-[woman yelps]
-[man] Watch out!
-[bicycle bell rings]
Are you okay?
[chuckles] Are you okay?
What happened?
[Astrid] Yeah. I'll live.
Uh, what are you reading?
Crime and Punishment.
-One of those.
-"One of those"?
What does that mean?
I've read it three times.
-Did you really?
"Pain and suffering
are always inevitable."
Yeah, I...
I can't believe you're quoting
Dostoevsky. That's...
Where have you been
all my life?
[Astrid] So, how long have
you been in Winter River?
[boy] My whole life.
I've never seen you
around before.
[Astrid] Yeah, this is just
a temporary layover
for my grandpa's funeral.
Until my mom's janky fiance
turned it into
a de facto engagement party.
Yeah, he announced
their wedding date.
[boy] Wow. That's different.
[Astrid] Oh, yeah.
If you knew my mom,
that's actually
pretty on-brand for her.
Is your dad
in the picture or...
Yeah, he was a free spirit.
Defender of hopeless causes.
When they split,
he went to Brazil.
He was trying
to save the rainforest.
But my mom grew up here.
That old house on the hill.
Wait. The Ghost House?
Is your mom Lydia Deetz?
She's a legend.
Well, yeah, if you believe
in supernatural bullshit.
You don't?
I only believe in things
that I can see.
You know, science. Facts.
[cell phone buzzing, chiming]
[Jeremy] Oh.
-Yeah, it's gonna keep going.
Back to the insanity.
I'm sorry about your fence,
by the way.
You can tell your parents
my mom will pay for that.
Nah, that's okay. It's...
They won't even notice.
Uh... Well, listen,
I'll be here tomorrow,
if you want a break
from the insanity.
[alarm blaring]
-[eyeballs popping]
[camera shutter clicks]
Witness confirmed our suspect
as the soul sucker
from Lost and Found.
Wanna hear
the weird part, chief?
Hit me.
After she turned the owner
into a human pancake,
she stole a wedding dress
from the conveyor.
Of course.
This stapled sicko...
has her twisted heart set
on a romantic reunion
with Mr. Juice.
She won't stop killing,
until she walks him
back down the aisle.
Cases like this make me wonder
why I even became a cop.
[footsteps approaching]
You're not a cop.
You're an actor.
Thank you, Janet.
You keep me real.
[Lieutenant] Should we take
this Beetlejuice
into protective custody?
See if you can find him.
He's probably laying low.
Scared out of his mind.
A little higher, boys.
We can't let Delores
get through that door.
[Bob grunts]
Like lookin' in a mirror.
You see, Bob,
you'd serve as my decoy.
You'd walk in front of me
at all times.
That way she'd suck your soul
while I make my getaway.
[Bob groans]
[groans fearfully]
Now's my chance.
[suspenseful music builds]
[distant screaming]
[shouts] What?
-[camera shutter clicks]
No! No! No!
Delia, what's wrong?
I'm trying to capture
the perfect primal scream.
I'm gonna blow it up,
mount it on the wall,
and I invite all of you
to do the same.
-For the Collective.
We cannot sincerely celebrate
all that was good
about our dearly departed.
Not until we release the horror
that they inflicted upon us.
What awful thing
did Grandpa ever do to you?
He bought this house
without telling me.
[rushing footsteps approaching]
Oh, my God!
I was helpfully getting
some boxes in town,
then I heard you screaming.
Are you all right?
[stutters] It was Delia.
Oh, Delia.
[exclaims] I'm good.
Ignore her.
That was very
thoughtful of you.
Astrid, can you give him
a hand with the boxes?
I told the movers to come
a week from today. All right?
I think that'll give us all
time to get over
our grief and our trauma.
And then, after the wedding,
I think we should go back,
and we gotta
finish those shows.
Maybe Mom can get
the ghosts in the attic
to give us a hand.
Adam and Barbara Maitland.
They're not here anymore.
Why? They find
a better house to haunt?
No, we found a loophole,
and they moved on.
How convenient.
-[somber music playing]
-[birds squawking]
[mysterious music playing]
[sentimental music playing]
[footsteps approaching]
God, I thought I lost those.
That was taken at an all-night
Mario Bava horror fest.
I was nine months
pregnant with you.
My water broke during
Kill, Baby... Kill!
Dad's favorite movie.
Can I keep this?
I really like that model
of Winter River, too.
Did Grandpa make that?
[Lydia] No, that belonged
to the Maitlands.
You know,
the non-existent ghost couple.
[ominous music playing]
Oh, I found that on the floor.
-Hey, who's Beetlejuice?
-Don't ever say that name!
Not ever!
-No! Astrid, I'm serious.
If you say that name
three times, really bad stuff
-is gonna happen.
-Like what?
In fact,
this attic is off-limits.
Do you understand me?
[Astrid] Yeah, I understand
that you're crazy.
[laughing maniacally]
[laborious breathing]
Oh, my God, it's you!
I thought a moose
was about to attack me.
It's breathing exercises.
Try seeing ghosts every day.
-Let her be.
God, she hates me.
[Delia chuckles]
[Lydia] Somehow, Richard's
death is still my fault.
You blamed me
for your mother's.
She's not dead.
And I didn't blame you.
I resented you.
There's a difference.
You weren't very nice.
No, you barely acknowledged
my existence.
But we've done all right,
haven't we?
Yeah. Ever since I sold out
and got famous,
we have gotten closer.
No, I started liking you
before that.
[breathing heavily]
Again with
the creepy breathing!
It works!
I learned it at the survivors'
retreat, where I met Rory.
[Delia] Of course you did.
Look, I was in shock
after Richard died.
And I was working on
my unresolved feelings,
and Rory had just lost
his fiancee
in a skiing accident,
and we were
in the same sorrow circle
and we connected.
He was turned on by you at
the lowest point in your life.
Okay, but this isn't about him.
Astrid found this in the attic.
Ew. So?
Every now and then
I feel his presence.
Like he's lurking somewhere,
just out of reach.
But lately,
I'm seeing him again.
And I was really hoping
this was all in my head.
But now this?
Lydia, you need
to take back your life.
From the hanger-onners,
from this thing.
Where's the obnoxious
little goth girl
who tormented me
all those years ago?
It's time to find her.
-[Astrid] Hey.
-[woman] Jeremy, is that you?
Uh, Mom, I'm just gonna
be upstairs with a friend.
[woman] Okay. Have fun.
[dishes clinking]
[TV playing indistinctly]
-[Jeremy] Hey, Dad.
-[man] Son.
Stuck on...
He lives in that room.
["Where's the Man" by Scott
Weiland playing on stereo]
You've got a lot of '90s vinyl.
Where are you
finding this, eBay?
No, I troll old record stores.
I don't trust
what I can't touch.
Handbook for
the Recently Deceased.
Yeah, I got that
at a yard sale in town.
The illustrations
are pretty gnarly. [chuckles]
[Astrid] Yeah, looks like
the kinda crappy book
my mom would write.
What's the deal
with your parents?
Well, my mom spends
every waking hour
in the kitchen stress-baking.
And my dad used to work
at the paper mill,
but then he had an accident,
so now he's a full-time
couch potato.
I can't wait to get out
of this shitty town.
Um, you must have been
to a lot of places
traveling, with a famous mom.
[Astrid] Not really.
My dad's
more the traveler anyway.
We used to have this big plan
where we were gonna visit
the top ten
creepiest places on Earth.
So, Tower of London
and Dracula's Castle and...
[scoffs] yeah, then we never
got the chance to do it.
What happened?
A boat accident.
Yeah, they searched
the Amazon for a week,
and they never found his body.
You really miss him.
You know,
I at least would have liked
to have gotten the chance
to say goodbye.
But can't your mom,
I don't know, like,
contact him or...
She claims
she can't even see him.
-Why not?
-Because she's a fraud.
Well, I think
that's a little harsh.
Uh, well, tomorrow's Halloween.
I know. Used to be
my favorite holiday.
Because my dad,
he would go all out
and make the most
age-inappropriate costumes.
-Yeah, I think I was
in second grade when I went
as Munch's The Scream.
-Wow. Yeah.
-Yeah. It was a choice.
But now my mom's
getting married that day,
so I don't know,
probably be
my least favorite now.
Well, what time's the wedding?
Midnight. The witching hour.
Future stepdad's lame idea.
Well, why don't you
come over...
Uh, we could,
I don't know, we could order
pizza and give out candy.
Only if you want to.
I mean that's, that's no...
no pressure.
What is up
with these creepy birds?
was my dad's passion.
Oh, I contacted
that vintage shop
you love in SoHo.
They've sent a few
potential wedding dresses.
Should be here later today.
Ooh, great. Thanks.
And a, uh,
little bird may have
chirped our big news
to a few news outlets.
Thought we could
sell the photos exclusively.
Could be great press
for the show.
I... Look, I'm really excited
about tying the knot,
but can we just keep it
small and private?
Yeah. Well, sure.
It's your big day.
Night. Whatever.
[jingle playing over phone]
[Beetlejuice over phone]
Yo, I've got fevers running
all through me. All through me!
-[woman moaning over phone]
-[Beetlejuice cackling]
[Beetlejuice grunts]
I want you out of my life!
Do you hear me?
Who are you yelling at?
Do you remember that
couples therapist that we saw,
-Dr. Glickman?
He said that I was holding
something back
and until I faced it,
you and I wouldn't evolve.
-Okay, well, he was right.
And I'm going to tell you now.
And, fair warning,
it's gonna sound batshit crazy.
Are you okay with that?
Of course. I'd love to.
Let's break through
this barrier together.
Okay, just give me a sec.
When I was a teenager,
a trickster demon
terrorized my entire family
and tried to force me
to marry him,
in order to come back
to the real world for good.
I believed he was gone forever,
and then lately,
I have been seeing him again.
And now, he is actually back.
And I don't know why,
or how, or what to do.
Okay, so you're saying that
someone called Beetlejuice...
Don't say his name!
If you say his name
three times,
he will appear.
Okay. So this...
demon is clearly a construct
of your unpacked trauma.
It's trauma that
you're gonna need to face,
otherwise, it's just
gonna get worse.
He's not a construct.
He is literally a demon.
I know this
is a big step for you.
But in the words
of Dr. Glickman,
I'm gonna give you
the push you need.
Beetlejuice, Beetlejuice,
-[ominous music playing]
[electricity crackling]
What just happened?
We're in the model.
That's not possible.
[tense music playing]
[Rory shakily] What the hell?
I told you not to say his name!
-[lever creaks]
-[both screaming]
[Rory yelping]
[Rory] Lydia Deetz,
ladies and gentlemen!
[Lydia] Don't ever
say that name.
Not ever!
We need to leave, now.
[Rory] Beetlejuice,
Beetlejuice, Beetlejuice.
[both grunting]
[chair squeaking]
-Is that...
-[muffled gasp]
[muffled grunting]
First of all,
I want you two kids to know,
this is a safe space. Okay?
Feel free
to express yourselves.
Don't be afraid. I sense
there's an enabler here,
but we'll get to that.
Look, dig deep
and spill your guts.
Okay? Who wants to go first?
-[muffled grunt]
All right, I will.
-[muffled screaming]
-[Rory gasping]
There you go. See?
I'm willing to do the work.
You two kids
need to get in touch
with your inner child.
Mine'll be along
in just a jiffy.
[muffled screaming]
[whimsical music playing]
[baby crying]
Everybody says
he's got my eyes.
-Personally, I don't see it.
-[baby snarls]
-Scram, kid.
-[baby yelling]
-[baby snarls]
-[Rory whimpering]
[baby burping, farting]
You're just my unpacked trauma.
You're just my unpacked trauma.
You're a figment
of my imagination.
Is this a figment
of your imagination?
-[Beetlejuice shrieking]
-[Rory groans]
-[muffled groaning]
[snickers] Leg man.
Just like his old man.
[muffled shouting]
That was you stalking me.
Hey, if stalking means
trying to remarry
the love of my life,
well, I'm guilty as charged.
Come here!
Home, home, home!
["Right Here Waiting"
by Richard Marx playing]
[mouthing] Wherever you go
Whatever you do
I will be right here
Waiting for you
[Rory gasps]
What happened?
I just had the wildest dream.
Yeah, I think
we should lay off the pills.
[snakes hissing]
Actually, asps.
Aren't they beautiful?
[Astrid] Wedding gift for Rory?
[snickers] Too late.
They've been defanged.
Guaranteed harmless,
and they're for me.
In Ancient Egypt,
a queen would perform
a ceremony
at the tomb of her pharaoh
using snakes,
the symbol of undying love.
-Are you sure about that?
We read that
they were a constant threat
to Ra in the underworld
and represented total chaos.
Okay, see,
that's why schools need
more art and less reading.
You got your wish,
we're leaving.
So go pack up your things,
I'm driving you back to school.
Wait, what happened?
You wouldn't believe me
if I told you.
I will pay
for a fleet of movers
to take everything
back to Manhattan,
except that model.
We need to chop it up
and burn it.
[gasps] Oh.
You're calling off the wedding?
[Lydia breathing heavily]
What did that
cheese ball do now?
It's not Rory.
It's [mouthing] Beetlejuice.
[in normal voice] He's here.
In the model. I saw him.
Rory saw him, too,
but he thinks it's a dream.
[Astrid] Wait,
we can't leave yet.
I have plans tomorrow
with this boy that I met.
How did you have time
to meet a boy?
You had time to get married.
[smacks lips] She doesn't
mean it. It's just karma.
Whatever. I was biking
and then I kinda crashed
into his fence
and we started talking,
and then he invited me over
to his place for Halloween.
Can I go, Mom?
[Delia] Mmm-mmm.
[Lydia mumbles]
[Delia] I will not allow
that menace to humanity
to upheave our family again.
No one goes in there,
no one calls his name!
We're gonna be fine, right?
[Astrid] Mom, come on!
I'm gonna be late.
[mysterious music playing]
[children chattering
and laughing]
[child] Trick or treat!
Are you sure
this is the right address?
-125 Jefferson Lane.
-[children shouting excitedly]
Don't judge... all right?
His dad just got
into an accident at work,
and they're going through
a rough patch.
[child] Trick or treat!
He's cute.
What are you doing?
I was gonna go
say "hey" to his parents.
This isn't a playdate.
I mean,
we're not six years old.
Nothing's gonna happen.
All right, okay. You're right.
Have fun,
and I'll pick you up at 10:00.
Not a second later.
[child 1] Come on, quick!
[child 2] Trick or treat!
by Sigur Rs playing]
[Jeremy] I, uh,
raided the basement.
I forgot we even
had half this stuff.
Yeah, you really went all out.
Yeah. [chuckles]
I like the James Dean costume,
by the way.
Thank you. But yeah,
my parents think
I look more like
Richie from Happy Days.
-Your costume looks great.
Who are you supposed to be?
Marie Curie.
Two-time Nobel Prize-winning
French physicist
-and feminist icon.
-Oh, she was, uh,
she discovered radiation.
Yeah, her work was killing her.
She didn't even realize it.
Yeah, well,
for someone who is dying
of radiation poisoning,
uh, you look beautiful.
I brought some candy.
Or a lot of... I...
It's probably
too much actually.
But, uh, we can, I don't know,
maybe binge on whatever's
left over, if you want?
Or we could start
handing it out now,
if that's...
-what you wanna do.
Uh, I have a confession,
I'd rather stay up here
with you.
Okay. Yeah.
That works, too.
["Where's the Man"
by Scott Weiland playing]
Please don't freak out.
What are you?
Don't you know?
Astrid, really,
you don't have to be scared.
You're a ghost.
My mom was telling the truth.
When my mom and dad
used to fight,
I used to steal
one of my dad's six-packs
and go hide out
in the tree fort.
And one day,
I slipped
and fell.
How long ago did that happen?
23 years, 5 months and 14 days.
But who's counting?
I've been stuck in this house
for 23 years.
I can't go any further
than that tree.
And I've just spent my time
watching the world go by.
But then you came along,
and you could see me.
And I've been on my own
for so long,
it was like a grenade
had gone off in my head.
It was amazing.
You're amazing.
-I should go.
-Astrid, I know.
I know it's insane.
But I really like you,
and I want us to be together.
You're dead, I'm alive.
That doesn't make any sense.
Well, uh,
what if I told you
that I'd found a way
to come back.
To be human again.
Um, it's all in this book.
Uh, everyone gets one of these
when they die.
It's kind of complicated,
but, uh, I can only do it
with the help
of a living person.
And you could literally
give me my life back.
I don't know.
Maybe we could ask my mom?
'Cause she's supposed to be
the undead expert, right?
Yeah, well, I...
I'm sure she'll give you
a million reasons
to stay away.
But I'll give you one reason
to help me.
You'd get to see your dad.
[suspenseful music playing]
[Jane sighs] I have the first
official open house
a week from Sunday,
and then we will let
the bidding war begin.
Where's Rory?
Swapping out the candy
I bought for carrot sticks.
Because Rory loves
to fun-suck everything.
Even Halloween.
Gotta run.
See you at the church.
Oh. Unless you're calling off
the wedding?
No, Delia.
Where are you going?
To commune
with my dear husband's spirit.
I need to skedaddle, too.
I'm co-chaperoning
Littler Jane's
Girl Scout troop.
We spent weeks coming up
with a group costume theme.
We agreed nothing Disney.
The closest
we ever got to Disney
was when Astrid dressed
as Cinderella's dead mom.
You'll never guess
what the girls came up with.
-[Lydia] Mmm?
-Fruit salad.
Isn't that genius?
It's healthy
and non-triggering.
I'm going as...
"reverse mortgage."
Which is "mortgage"
spelled backwards.
Where is Astrid?
On a date. Her first.
I think I'm more nervous
than she is.
The boy lives over
on Jefferson.
Don't mention that street.
I have a listing that's kept me
from a perfect sales record.
Oh, it's my own fault.
The place had been
on the market for years...
but I thought if I could sell
the "Murder House,"
it would be
a feather in my cap.
Murder House?
Which house?
That's where
I dropped Astrid off.
She was seeing
a boy named Jeremy.
-[unsettling music playing]
-Jeremy Frazier?
I didn't get his last name.
Oh, no, it can't be him.
But Jeremy Frazier
was bad news.
Twenty-three years ago,
he murdered his parents.
The cops found him
hiding in his tree house.
When they tried to get him out,
he fell, broke his neck,
died instantly.
That's all you have to do
to get into the Afterlife?
Draw a door with some chalk?
Oh, and knock three times?
I'm just doing
what it says in there.
So lame.
[debris clattering]
[suspenseful music playing]
-Or maybe it's not so lame.
And what do we do?
We just walk through?
I can. But since
you're still alive,
you have to read
that incantation first.
[reading in Latin] "De mundo
vivorum audeo in iterum..."
[children shouting]
[tires screeching]
[tense music playing]
[Lydia] Astrid!
[woman] Jeremy, is that you?
[eerie music playing]
[tense music resumes]
"Ut liber iterum
ambulet alius."
I think that worked.
Let's go see your dad.
[gasps] Astrid! No!
[muzak playing]
Uh, okay, you just wait here.
I'm gonna go find out
where we're supposed to go.
Make sure to ask
where my dad is.
[Jeremy] Excuse me,
sorry, sorry for...
[Astrid] Merry Christmas.
[raspily] Merry Christmas.
[Jeremy] Thanks.
Okay, we need to go
to Immigration.
[Charles] Excuse me, can I
please speak to your manager?
My wife is gonna flay me
if I don't get home soon.
[woman] That's sweet.
Take a number and a seat.
[Charles scoffs]
Whoa, dude.
[blood spurting]
[haunting music playing]
[Delia] Oh,
Powers of the Hereafter,
accept my Charles as
I have accepted his passing.
No, I haven't.
And I won't ever.
There is no expiry date
on sorrow.
Oh. Oh, that's good.
Though there is no expiry date
on sorrow!
Kings of Commerce,
Knights of Nasdaq,
deem him worthy to enter
the gates of your realm.
You are no more, my king.
But with the blessing
of the angels
-of undying love...
-[snakes hissing]
I, your surviving queen,
proudly take up the mantle
of your...
-[snakes hissing]
-[neck cracks]
-[body thuds]
[snakes hissing]
[Rory] Okay.
There you go. Thank you.
You all right, honey?
You look a little manic.
Just pre-wedding jitters.
I'm just gonna go up
and try on my dress,
but don't come up
'cause it's bad luck to see me
before the ceremony.
[children laughing]
Oh, well, hello.
Who's clowning around?
-[child 1] Trick or treat!
-[child 2] Trick or treat!
Here we are.
-[children] Thank you!
...carrot sticks,
and some blonde raisins,
'cause no one likes
a big, fat clown.
[children laughing]
[tense music playing]
I can't believe I'm doing this.
Beetlejuice, Beetlejuice,
[ground cracking]
[horse neighing]
[woman shrieking]
[ground rumbling]
[sinister music playing]
The Juice is loose.
I need you to tell me
what this means.
Oh, well, let's have a look,
shall we?
Long story short,
your daughter's screwed.
She decided to trade lives
with the boy.
He gets to come back,
while she's stuck
on the other side permanently.
One-way ticket
on the Soul Train.
-Soul Train?
-That's right.
Last stop, the Great Beyond.
No, she can't
get on that train.
You've gotta get me in there
so I can get her out.
Well, I can get you in,
but it's gonna
take a quid pro quo.
Of course there is.
What do you want?
Well, I've got this ex-wife,
you know?
And she's kind of a whack job,
first of all. We're through.
She's kinda clingy.
If I could just get away
from her permanently somehow.
You want me to marry you!
I thought you'd never ask.
How do I know that
you're gonna keep your word?
I swear
on my dead mother's soul.
Okay, fine.
I'll marry you if you help me
save my daughter.
I'm gonna need that in writing.
-Give me that.
And here we go.
I'm gonna make you so happy.
Jesus! What's the plan
on getting in?
[chalk scraping]
Well, can't exactly
go through the front door.
-[typewriter clacking]
-[phones ringing]
[caller 1] We need
a demon possession.
[caller 2] Our case worker's
on strike
and the waiting room's...
[caller 3] Tell Beetlejuice
these people
are still in my house.
[shrinkers gasping]
[caller 3] Hello? Hello?
You never saw us.
Bob, you and the boys
stand guard.
Nobody gets through.
[snaps fingers]
Let's go, honey.
[muffled speech]
[grunts quizzically]
-[boy 1] Trick or treat.
-[boy 2] Trick or treat.
[Rory] Whoa, whoa.
One each.
Honor system.
Yeah, right. Asshole.
[boys laughing]
-[clattering upstairs]
[shrinkers grunting]
Okay, everyone,
strawberries get first pick
this time.
No crowding.
-[children screaming]
[Rory whimpering]
[thunder rumbling]
Hands on your head, asswipe!
Or I'll spray-paint the wall
with your brains!
[dispatcher over radio]
10-31 reporting.
Oh, no, dude.
That was way too forced.
Remember, throw it away.
Underplay it.
-You gotta keep it real.
-[alarm blaring]
-[automated voice] Warning.
what the hell is going on?
We got a code 6-9-9 violation.
You mean to tell me
a live one illegally
broke into the Afterlife?
[automated voice]
...6-9-9 violation.
Time to call the Ghoul Squad.
I need a hard target search
for two suspects.
goes by the name
of Beetlejuice.
And a female Fleshbag.
One Lydia Deetz.
Kick down every door.
Leave no gravestone unturned.
Hell, sift through the sands
of Titan if you have to!
this is what
you've been training
your entire deaths for.
And remember...
[in unison] Gotta keep it real!
[whooping dramatically]
[muzak playing]
What the hell?
Where am... What?
No. No. No!
No! [whimpering]
-Excuse me!
-[cat meowing]
What if a mistake's been made?
Because I'm not
supposed to be here.
[man grunting, muffled]
No. I have global entry.
Is there a line for that?
[announcer over PA]
The 8:35 to the Great Beyond
is on time.
[officer in Russian accent]
Stand on the marks and look
directly into the camera.
Say "cheese."
[camera shutter clicks loudly]
Whoa! [laughs]
Are you okay?
No. I feel strange.
I feel amazing. Go figure.
-What just happened?
-Well, it's real simple.
You remember the chant
that I got you to recite?
Uh, you agreed
to swap your life for mine.
I needed your life so that
I could walk free again.
[guards grunting]
She's got a seat
on the Soul Train.
One-way to the Great Beyond.
If you hustle,
you can make the 8:35.
-[Astrid] Wait, no! Wait!
-Thank you very much.
[guards speaking Russian]
I never agreed to this!
Uh, how do I cross back over?
Get this stamped first.
Window 11.
The transfer
isn't permanent till then.
-[Astrid grunting]
-[guards speaking Russian]
Dad! Help me!
[dramatic choral music playing]
Soon, my beloved.
[glass shatters]
[automated voice]
Warning, violation code 6-9-9.
[cop] All clear. Let's go.
We're like Bonnie and Clyde,
you and me.
Without the bullet holes.
Do you even know
where we're going?
You go right down the hallway,
three rights through
the ninth door...
[automated voice]
Violation code 6-9-9.
...and right to the Soul Train.
Where are you going?
I'm gonna go to
the little boy's room first.
["Soul Train Theme"
by The Soul Train Gang plays]
[indistinct chatter
and laughter]
[Astrid struggling]
[over PA] This is the 8:35...
to the Great Beyond!
[all cheering]
[Don Cornelius] All aboard
the Soul Train!
["Soul Train Theme" plays]
No. No!
[woman] Yeah! Whoo!
[Lydia] Astrid!
No! No, no!
No, no!
Please, no!
["Soul Train Theme" continues]
[man] Hey,
shake your thing, mama.
[Lydia panting]
-[guards shouting]
-[Lydia gasps]
By the way, I saw Dad.
[both screaming]
[echoing] Hey, where are we?
I don't know.
Hey, that's Saturn.
Right? So we must be
on one of its moons.
I swear,
the Afterlife is so random!
[wind blowing]
[tense music playing]
[wind blowing]
Sandworm! Run!
[Richard] Take my hand!
[all grunting]
[Richard] Here! Come on!
[Astrid grunts]
[coffee machine whirring]
[muzak playing]
[fish squelching]
[both chuckle]
Marie Curie.
After the radiation poisoning.
-Learned from the best.
-[Richard chuckles]
We made a great kid.
Yeah, we did.
Come here!
I know you can't see me,
but I check in on you both
all the time.
And I don't want
to be the reason
that drove you two apart.
You need each other.
You make each other better.
Always have.
-[alarm blares]
-[automated voice] Alert!
We have a 6-9-9 violation.
We gotta get back
to Winter River.
You can't leave until
Astrid gets her life back.
-Warning! Intruder detected!
-Let's go.
The Ghoul patrol found
the breach and sealed it.
Any sign of Mr. Beetlejuice?
Or the Fleshbag?
Still looking.
But we did find something
that might help.
Let me tell ya
how this is gonna go.
Your shriveled lips
will start flappin',
or I'll crack
your itty-bitty skull
like a goddamn walnut.
[yells] Where's Beetlejuice?
[indistinct chatter]
-[Damien] Rory?
I'm seeing these shrunken
head people everywhere.
Well, be not afraid,
for thine eyes
will see strange things.
Are you filled
with fear and trembling?
Yes! I'm shitting my pants.
-What are you doing here?
I'm searching
for the lost lambs
to bring back into the light.
Why don't I give you a ride
to the church?
[seatbelt whirring]
[child] Trick or treat!
Sorry, sorry I just... I'll...
I... Come right back, I just...
Excuse me. Just...
Um, sorry, I'm just, uh,
late for a wedding.
Hi, yes, one question,
how do I get out of here?
Because someone
made a terrible mistake.
I'm on a break.
Take a number. Take a seat.
No, you see, those asps,
they were defanged.
I paid extra for that.
Honey, you're dead, okay?
Now take a number and sit down.
Is there perhaps anyone here
who has the power to help me?
Did that line
used to work for you?
I'm not dead!
You know what?
My husband's here.
Charles Deetz.
Yes, he can fix this.
You call him, he can fix this,
he can fix anything.
Not anymore he can't.
No, wait! Wait, I know people!
Oh! I know people!
I am people! Why's...
Beetlejuice. Oh, no.
Beetlejuice. [whimpering]
-Right here.
I get it. Now that you're dead,
you wanna hang out with me.
Would you help me
find Charles, please?
And then the VIP lounge.
Just after you help me
find my runaway bride.
[Delia] Ugh.
[tense music playing]
-[Bob] Hmm?
-[door slams]
-Where is he?
Tell me.
-[inhaling deeply]
-[muffled whimpering]
[automated voice] Stay behind
the line until called.
Don't stamp that passport!
You're too late, man.
I think it was Dostoevsky
who said...
"Later, fucker!"
This way. Follow me.
[laughs] Next!
[automated voice]
Warning! Intruder detected.
[whispers] This way.
[automated voice] This is
a code 6-9-9. We have...
[in normal voice]
Okay, this is as far as I go.
-I love you.
I love you too, sweetheart.
Have an amazing life.
You take care of each other.
-I'll see you later.
Thank you for saving my life.
I'm so sorry I never believed
that you saw ghosts and...
I don't know,
I'm just sorry for all of it.
[Lydia] Astrid, I...
[Damien] Lydia!
Come on, you're late!
Oh, my God! My wedding!
[Damien] We're about to start.
Wait, Mom, with everything
that's happened tonight,
you know you don't
have to do this, right?
I know,
but if I don't do it now,
I'm never gonna do it.
But are you sure about this?
[Lydia] Rory loves me,
and that's gotta be enough.
[Damien] Quickly, my dear!
Come! Come!
[door opens]
And the lost lamb
is welcome into thy house
-with open arms.
-Oh, my God!
I thought you got cold feet.
Oh, no, blame me.
She just saved me
from my date from hell.
Who are all these people?
This is just
a couple influencers.
Nobody under
five million followers,
and I think we have
a Netflix executive in there.
We doing this?
Yeah. Where's your dress?
All that matters
is that I'm here, now.
So let's just skip
straight to the vows.
Wait, where's Delia?
-[Beetlejuice] Yo!
-[guests gasping]
-Right here.
She was helpin' me calm down
before the wedding.
I was feeling a little jittery.
-All, right, beat it.
You're that thing...
from my dream.
Well, I'm really
more nightmare material,
but, thanks.
-[distorted] You're...
-[Beetlejuice] Uh-uh.
Part of the deal
is you can never,
ever say my name, ever!
What deal?
The deal she made to save you.
By the way,
you can call me "Dad."
[Delia] Lydia.
You agreed to marry him?
I was desperate,
and it was my only option.
Lydia. What's going on here?
-[book thuds]
You haven't made much progress
since our last session,
so I'm gonna suggest
some drug therapy.
Don't be afraid to share.
When you're ready.
[Rory groans]
I always thought
your whole act was bullshit.
I never believed in ghosts,
spirits, or any of it.
What? All this time?
Why the hell
did you wanna get married?
-[guests gasping]
I knew I could make more
as your husband
than I could as your manager.
[groans] And I never
had a dead fiancee.
I just went
to that survivor's retreat,
so that I could meet
weak women and exploit them!
And I hit the codependent
lottery when I met you.
How 'bout a little
physical therapy?
[body thuds]
We'd like to thank you all
for coming to this
very special occasion,
but right now
we'd like a little privacy.
[quirky music playing]
[guests straining]
Where you goin', Padre?
["Wedding March" playing]
["MacArthur Park"
by Richard Harris playing]
Honey, I've got
one more surprise,
and this one's from the heart.
-[heart thumping]
[mouthing] Spring was never
Waiting for us, girl
It ran one step ahead
As we followed in the dance
[mouthing] Between the parted
Pages and were pressed
In love's hot, fevered iron
Like a striped
Pair of pants
MacArthur's Park
Is melting in the dark
All the sweet green icing
Flowin' down
[mouthing] Someone
Left the cake out in the rain
I don't think
That I can take it
'Cause it took so long
To bake it
And I'll never
Have that recipe
Oh, no
[mouthing] I recall
The yellow cotton dress
Foaming like a wave
[mouthing] On the ground
Around your knees
The birds, like tender babies
In your hands
And the old men
Playing checkers
By the trees
[mouthing] MacArthur's Park
Is melting in the dark
All the sweet green icing
Flowing down
Someone left the cake
Out in the rain
I don't think
That I can take it
'Cause it took so long
To bake it
And I'll never
Have that recipe again
Oh, no
I love a good dream sequence.
[mouthing] There will be
Another song for me
For I will sing it
I will drink the wine
While it is warm
And never let you catch me
Looking at the sun
And after all
The loves of my life
After all the loves
Of my life
You'll still be the one
[orchestral solo playing]
[mouthing] I will take
My life into my hands
And I will use it
I will win the worship
In their eyes
And I will lose it
[all grunting]
-[song ends]
-Mr. Juice,
you've violated code 6-9-9!
-[ice cracking]
Book 'em, Danno!
What the... [bleep]
[in sing-song voice] I'm back.
You look fantastic!
You look so...
-put together.
-[in normal voice] He's mine.
It's me, not you.
You know, honey,
I've been goin' through
a lotta changes lately.
Kind of a mid-afterlife
crisis, I guess.
Your soul belongs to me,
my love.
For eternity.
[Beetlejuice] You don't wanna
spend your eternity with me.
I'm a lone wolf.
You need a soulmate.
Somebody who really sees you.
For instance.
I need something
to draw with. Quick!
["MacArthur Park"
instrumental playing]
[speaking Spanish]
[in Spanish]
[in Spanish] Ol.
[both gasping]
[both scream]
-Let's go!
-[Beetlejuice] Hey!
We had a deal.
She doesn't have to marry you.
-[Astrid] You violated
code 6-9-9.
Yeah, you illegally brought
my mom into the Afterlife.
According to that book,
that contract is null and void.
Look, I'm sorry things didn't
work out between us,
but the 600-year age gap
was a little bit much for me.
-[Beetlejuice] Hey!
-[loud popping]
Shoulda got married in Vegas.
Looks like
we're a little late, boys.
Tape off the crime scene,
call in forensics,
and keep
the goddamn media away.
Little lady, you just
popped his Beetlejuice.
Say your goodbyes,
you can take a selfie now,
if you like,
but make it quick.
Sister, you're comin' with me.
What? Delia, what did you do?
I fell for a scam,
and I'm counting on you
to claim a refund.
Those snakes were actually
poisonous, weren't they?
Yeah. So, I died
of embarrassment.
Your work's gonna
go up in value.
-Oh! Oh, well, then.
-[Astrid] Mmm-hmm.
-I'll miss you.
-No, you won't.
I'll find Charles
and we'll haunt you both,
until you beg us to move on!
Nice work
for a couple of Fleshbags.
Don't come knockin'
until it's your time,
and in the meantime, remember,
you gotta keep it real.
Come on, beautiful,
we got a date
with the commissioner.
[mellow music playing]
["Soul Train Theme"
by The Soul Train Gang plays]
[all cheering and laughing]
[Charles] Delia!
I can't believe you're here!
Oh, Charles.
[Charles] I'm so happy
to see you!
Oh, Charles,
look what happened to me!
This is the 10:13,
to the Great Beyond!
All aboard
the Soul Train!
[mellow music playing]
[thunder rumbling]
I wanna thank
all you Ghosties out there,
for all your support
over the years,
but this is my last show.
I have spent so much time
talking to the dead,
it's time I started living.
I wanna make memories
with the people I love
rather than be
haunted by them later.
[indistinct chatter]
[church bell tolling]
[guests cheering and clapping]
[breathing heavily]
-[water splashing]
[surgeon] Oh, my God.
What is that?
-[all gasping]
-[flesh squelching]
-[nurse yelps]
[tense music playing]
[glass squeaking]
-[light bulb shatters]
-[fly buzzes]
-[Astrid's laughter echoes]
[Beetlejuice exhales]
I just had the weirdest dream.
laughter echoing]
["MacArthur Park"
by Donna Summer playing]
I recall
the yellow cotton dress
Foaming like a wave
On the ground
beneath your knees
The birds like
tender babies
in your hands
And the old men playing
Chinese checkers
by the trees
MacArthur's Park
is melting
in the dark
All the sweet,
green icing
flowing down
Someone left
the cake out
in the rain
I don't think
that I can take it
it took so long
to bake it
I'll never have
that recipe again
MacArthur's Park
is melting
in the dark
All the sweet,
green icing
flowing down
Someone left
the cake out
in the rain
I don't think
that I can take it
it took so long
to bake it
I'll never have
that recipe again
Oh, no
[song ends]
theme music playing]
[music ends]