Pyeong Hwa Gyeong (114) Book 7. The World of the Culture of Heart CHAPTER 3. Becoming Leaders in Building a World of Peace
1. The history of conflict originated from the Fall of Adam and Eve
During the mid-1930s, when I was sixteen years old, I received a special mission from Heaven through Jesus. I am seventy-two years old now, and in the intervening years there has not been one single second when I did not think of God’s Will and His commands. I lived my boyhood and youth under the colonial rule of imperial Japan. I know only too well the painful and tragic circumstances suffered by the weaker and smaller nations of the world. Being sensitive to God’s heart, I felt unspeakable pain and sorrow as I witnessed, first, the cruelty of a more powerful nation as it plundered the weaker nation of Korea and, later, the terrible carnage of the Second World War. Immediately following World War II, in a development that compounded our already difficult situation, the Korean peninsula was divided between north and south. In 1950, the Korean War broke out and Koreans found themselves in a fraternal conflict. Various countries of the world on the left and right chose to support one side or the other. I witnessed this tragic history directly, and I know in my heart of hearts how the lack of peace in the world has brought much pain and sorrow to God and humanity. How do you imagine God has felt since the time of creation? God had to watch while time and time again brothers set themselves against each other, beginning with Cain, the older brother, taking the life of Abel, the younger. All the wars in human history have been, in their essence, struggles among brothers. The Bible teaches us this through its record of the murder of Abel by Cain in the family of Adam. Why do such conflicts among brothers occur again and again on the levels of family, tribe, society, nation and world? The reason lies in the sin committed by Adam and Eve, the parents of Cain and Abel. Adam and Eve were the original ancestors of humankind, placed in a position to represent all the men and women who would come after them. They were to have brought God’s ideal of creation into reality. By breaking God’s commandment, however, they forfeited their position as the True Parents of goodness for all of humanity who would be born after them. Instead, they became fallen parents of evil. It is this evil that is the original sin and the fundamental root of all crime and unhappiness in human society. The original sin of the first ancestors was that Adam and Eve broke God’s commandment and engaged in an illicit sexual relationship. In this way, they formed a blood relationship with the devil, and became fallen false parents, passing on false love, false life and a false lineage to the entire human race. There is only one way for humanity to escape this world of evil and struggle, and that is to be reunited with their True Parents and be reborn through them. It has been revealed to me that accomplishing this is the true way to cast off original sin. |