1. Elton Brand, Clippers: Brand's decision to opt out of his contract with the Clippers took everyone by surprise. I spoke with two Clippers sources in the last 48 hours before the deadline and they both said there was no way he is opting out. Brand says he wants to re-sign with the Clippers and the most likely scenario is the Clippers re-upping Brand with a long-term deal.
The only other real play that Brand has is with the Sixers. They could offer him a deal starting at $12.4 million per year. However, most likely, he'll return to LA with a long-term deal.
브랜드는 클리퍼스와의 재사인을 원하며, 클리퍼스와 장기계약의 가능성이 크다고 합니다. 그외 일말의 가능성이라면 연 12.4M을 줄수 있는 식서스.
The biggest issue for Arenas is the same one that plagues all the free agents: Who else has the money to pay him? I can't see the 76ers or Grizzlies spending the cash. The Clippers would have interest, but Arenas already spurned them once.
아레나스의 첫번째 초이스 역시 워싱턴. 가장 큰 이슈는 누가 그에게 페이할 수 만큼의 돈을 가지고 있느냐? 식서스와 그리즐리는 돈을 쓰지 않을것으로 보이고, 클리퍼스가 관심이 있긴 하지만 아레나스는 이미 그들을 한번 물먹인적이 있다고
3. Baron Davis, Warriors: Davis also shocked the world by opting out of his contract on Monday evening. He's in a difficult spot. As of this weekend, the two sides were still very far apart on the starting numbers of his contract. It sounds like Davis wouldn't mind moving on if he can't get a big deal and I wonder if the Warriors wouldn't mind reciprocating. They have a young player in Monta Ellis who could take over for Davis at the 1.
They also could be far under the cap this summer if Davis is dropped. That could free them up to pursue anyone ... including Gilbert Arenas. If Davis wants to return to Golden State, he's going to have to lower his sights. The Warriors (we hope) aren't stupid and aren't going to break the bank for him.
데이비스가 옵트 아웃한것은 놀랍다고, 1번을 플레이할수 있는 몬타 엘리스를 가지고 있는 골스는 배런을 꼭 잡아야 할 필요가 없을것이고, 그들은 배런을 내보내 남는 돈으로 길버트 아레나스와 같은 선수를 쫓을수 있을것이랍니다. 배런이 골스로 돌아오기 위해서는 눈높이를 낮춰야 할것이라고, 골스가 배런을 잡기위해 많은 돈을 투자할 바보는 아닐것이기 때문에
4. Corey Maggette, Clippers: Maggette has been on the trading block for years and appears eager to bolt the Clippers. He's making $7 million next season and should be due a raise.
Teams will be out in force trying to get him, but most will have only the midlevel exception to offer -- which would mean he'd be taking a pay cut. A sign-and-trade is the most likely option, with the Phoenix Suns looking like the team most interested in him. They could offer a swap of Leandro Barbosa that may interest L.A.
사인 앤 트레이드의 가능성이 크다고 합니다. 피닉스가 맥거티에 가장 관심이 큰 팀이고요. 바보사와의 트레이드에 클리퍼스가 관심있어할지도 모르겠다고.
5. DeSagana Diop, Nets: He's only 25, but five points and five boards are about all you're going to get from him. Still, he's big and he plays good defense … meaning some team will blow its midlevel exception on him. I think Dallas is the front-runner to give him a ridiculous deal.
아직 25살이고, 겨우 5득점 5리바의 선수지만 크고 좋은 디펜스를 펼친다는 점이 매력... 달라스가 그와 멍청한 빅딜을 할 첫번째 선두 주자
6. Beno Udrih, Kings: The Kings were impressed enough with his play that they felt no remorse in letting Mike Bibby go. But will they be able to keep him? As the only decent unrestricted point guard on the market, Udrih is drawing a lot of interest. Expect him to get multiple offers for the full midlevel from a number of teams desperate for a point guard. I'd put the Clippers at the top of the list.
킹스가 과연 그를 잡을수 있을까? 마켓에서의 유일하게 쓸만한 비제한적 포인트 가드로서 많은 관심을 끌것이라고. 여러팀이 오퍼를 할것이고 클리퍼스가 그 리스트의 맨위에 있다고 합니다.
7. Kurt Thomas, Spurs: He's 35 years old, but still tough enough to help just about any title contender. The Spurs got him in a steal of a deal at the trade deadline. Look for them to try to lock him up with a three-year deal this summer.
35세지만 아직 챔피언 콘텐더 팀을 도울수 있는.. 트레이드 데드라인때의 딜로 그를 스틸한바 있는 스퍼스가 3년 계약으로 그를 묶을것 같다고.
8. James Posey, Celtics: Posey helped himself with a strong performance against the Lakers in the Finals. He's another player who should get a three- to four-year midlevel deal somewhere.
파이널에서 레이커스 상대로의 강인한 활약으로.. 어딘가에서 3-4년의 딜을 오퍼받지 않겠느냐고 합니다.
9. Mickael Pietrus, Warriors: No one is sure why the Warriors didn't play Pietrus more. He's one of the most athletic defenders in the league and he's a solid 3-point shooter. Some team will pick him up and try to use him in a Bruce Bowen-type role.
와리어스가 그를 더 많이 이용하지 않는 이유를 잘 모르겠다고.. 가장 운동능력이 뛰어난 수비수중 한명이고 솔리드한 3점슈터인 그에게, 어떤 팀인가는 그를 잡아 브루스 보웬과 같은 역할을 맡길거라고 합니다.
10. Ricky Davis, Heat: The talented but troubled swingman hasn't helped his cause in his second tour with Miami. Pat Riley thought, after dumping him the first time, that Davis finally had the maturity to play for him. But Riley is clearly reassessing the situation. Davis looks like a midlevel-or-below type of player. I doubt he returns to the Heat.
재능있지만 말썽장이 스윙맨. 중간이나 그 이하 타이프의 플레이어. 라일리와 마이애미가 그를 잡을지는 의문
Other notables: Kwame Brown, Grizzlies, Shaun Livingston, Clippers; Brent Barry, Spurs; Bostjan Nachbar, Nets; Carlos Arroyo, Magic; Chris Duhon, Bulls; Eduardo Najera, Nuggets; Matt Barnes, Warriors; Alonzo Mourning, Heat; Gerald Green, Rockets; Patrick O'Bryant, Warriors; Jason Williams, Heat; Juwan Howard, Mavs; Jarvis Hayes, Pistons; Robert Horry, Spurs; James Jones, Blazers; Michael Finley, Spurs; Jannero Pargo, Hornets; Damon Stoudamire, Spurs; Sam Cassell, Celtics; Jamaal Magloire, Nets; Kareem Rush, Pacers; Gordan Giricek, Suns; Michael Doleac, Timberwolves; Francisco Elson, Sonics; Keyon Dooling, Magic; Quinton Ross, Clippers; Antoine Wright, Mavericks; Fred Jones, Knicks; Juan Dixon, Pistons; Maurice Evans, Magic; Primoz Brezec, Raptors; Anthony Johnson, Kings; Tyronn Lue, Kings; Theo Ratliff, Pistons; Adonal Foyle, Magic; Sebastian Telfair, Timberwolves; Kirk Snyder, Timberwolves.
Only six first-round draft picks from the 2004 draft were signed to extensions last fall. That means there will be some serious young talent available this summer. These players' restricted status still makes it likely they'll stay with their current teams, but at least they'll be in play:
1. Andre Iguodala, Sixers: Iguodala's decision to turn down a $57 million deal last summer is tough to justify. At the time, the Sixers appeared to be the only team with significant cap room; I'm not sure where he thought his next paycheck would come from. He had a great regular season, but a woeful postseason has put his stock back in check. He's coveted by the Grizzlies, but the chances of them prying him away from Philly look very slim.
지난 여름 57M딜을 거부한 이궈달라의 결정은 이해하기 어렵다고. 식서스가 그만한 돈을 오퍼할수 있는 유일한 팀이었을거라고.. 올해 뛰어난 정규시즌을 보냈지만, 재앙의 포스트시즌.. 그리즐리가 탐내고 있긴하지만 식서스로부터 그를 가로챌 가능성은 매우 적다고 합니다.
2. Josh Smith, Hawks: On talent and potential, Smith should be on top of this list. He's a freakish athlete who can score, rebound and block shots. What holds him back is a questionable attitude. Nonetheless it appears the Hawks have to re-sign him.
Given the Hawks' ownership woes, Smith is one of the few restricted free agents a team with cap space may try to pluck away -- the same way the Hawks did with Joe Johnson a few years ago. I could see the Sixers making a run at him.
재능과 잠재력에서, 그는 이 리스트의 탑에 있어야 맞지만. 극강의 운동능력과 득점 리바운드 블락 ... 그의 Attitude가 의문이었다고. 어쨌든 호크스로서는 재계약해야할 선수. 식서스도 그를 잡으려 할 것 같다고,
3. Emeka Okafor, Bobcats: Okafor turned down $13 million per season to hit free agency this summer. He's not the best player on this list, but he's the best young center on the market. Still, there's no guarantee he'll get more money from another team. I'm sure the Grizzlies will be interested, but they know the Bobcats will match. I don't see him going anywhere, but a sign-and-trade isn't out of the question here if the negotiations go on too long.
연13M 오퍼를 거절하고 FA시장에 뛰어든 오카포는 가장 뛰어난 젊은 센터. 하지만 다른팀으로부터 더 많은 돈을 받아낼수 있을지는 장담하기 어렵다고. 그리즐리스가 관심있어하지만 밥캣츠이외의 다른 팀으로 가는 것을 보기는 어려울거라고. 협상이 길어질 경우 사인 앤 트레이드의 가능성은 열려있다고 합니다.
4. Jose Calderon, Raptors: Calderon played at an All-Star level this past season. When T.J. Ford went down with injuries, he became the leader of the Raptors and proved to be the best true point guard on the free-agent market.
The Raptors say they'll match any offer for Calderon and I believe them -- especially now that they've agreed to a trade with the Pacers that will ship T.J. Ford to Indiana. As it stands now, he's their only point guard. Still, don't be shocked if the Sixers make a big offer to him. They need a long-term replacement for Andre Miller and I hear Sixers GM Ed Stefanski is a big fan.
칼데론은 지난 시즌 올스타 레벨의 플레이를 했고, 포드가 부상으로 빠졌을때 랩터스의 리더가 되었으며, FA시장에서 최고의 트루 포가임으로 드러났다고. 랩토스는 칼데론을 잡기위한 충분한 오퍼를 할것이고, 포드를 트레이드한 지금은 특히 더 그럴거라고 합니다. 다만 식서스가 그에게 빅 오퍼를 해도 놀라지는 말라고. 안드레 밀러는 대체할 장기 계약이 필요하고 식서스 GM은 그의 빅 팬이라고 합니다.
5. Luol Deng, Bulls: Everyone loves Deng's talent, but so do the Bulls. At least they used to. Injuries and a poor season have hurt his value around the league. Still, it's hard to see the Bulls not matching any offer Deng gets next summer.
He declined a $57.5 million extension in October, so if he makes more than that he'll come out ahead. It will be interesting to see if the budget-conscious Bulls will take advantage of the market conditions and offer him much less.
누구나 뎅의 재능을 사랑하지만 불스도 역시 그러하다고 (아니면 최소한 그러했다고). 부상으로 인해 말아먹은 시즌은 그의 가치를 하락시켰지만 불스가 그를 잡기 충분한 오퍼를 하지 않는 것은 보기 어려울거라고 합니다. 10월에 57M 연장계약 거절한 바 있는데, 불스가 시장상황을 등에 업고 오히려 그보다 더 적은 금액으로 잡을수 있을지 지켜보는 것도 재미있을거라고.
6. Andris Biedrins, Warriors: Biedrins didn't get the lucrative contract offer that several others did. He was looking for something in the five-year, $50 million range and got an offer that was reportedly substantially lower.
Biedrins falls a little bit into the Anderson Varejao category -- energetic big man whose stats don't tell the whole story in terms of on-court contributions. Given that he continues to improve and he's only 21 years old, it's hard to believe the Warriors wouldn't match an offer.
비에드린스는 5년 50M 정도를 원하고 있으며 이미 그보다 약간 낮은 수준의 오퍼를 제시 받았다고 전해진다고. 그는 바레장류의 선수-- 스탯으로는 코트에서의 기여도를 다 측정할수 없는 에너제틱 빅 맨. 그가 아직 성장중이고 겨우 21살이라는걸 감안할때, 골스가 그를 잡을수 있는 충분한 오퍼를 하지않는다면 믿기 어려울거라고.
7. Monta Ellis, Warriors: He's young and he can score. But his restricted status is going to hurt him. No team has the money to offer him more than the midlevel, and he probably feels as though he's worth considerably more than that. He's a player who may be better off taking the one-year tender from the Warriors so that he can be an unrestricted free agent in 2009.
몬타는 어리고 득점력있지만, 제한적 상황은 그를 어렵게 할것이라고. 어떤 팀도 미드레벨 이상을 오퍼할 만한 돈을 가지고 있지 못하기에, 몬타로서는 와리어스와 1년계약후 2009년 FA시장을 노려보는 것이 더 나을것 같다고 합니다.
8. Josh Childress, Hawks: Childress doesn't get nearly the respect or hype of many of his teammates in Atlanta, but he's been a devastatingly effective sixth man and who might still be expendable given all of Atlanta's wing talent. He probably can't get more than a midlevel deal on this market, but he'd be a bargain at that price.
아틀란타에서 칠드레스는 파격적으로 효울적인 식스맨이었고 그보다 더 많은 롤을 소화할수 있는 선수일거라고. 그는 현 시장에서 미드레벨 딜 밖에는 따내지 못할거 같지만, 그 가격에서의 그는 바겐세일일거라고 합니다.
9. Ben Gordon, Bulls: Of all the players who turned down lucrative contract extensions last summer, Gordon made the most mind-boggling decision. He turned down a five-year, $50 million deal that seemed above market value on a down season.
For him to recoup that money this summer seems almost impossible … and now that the Bulls have added Larry Hughes to the mix, it's no longer clear where Gordon fits into the picture.
There isn't a huge market for undersized 2-guards with streaky jump shots. Gordon is most likely to be the top restricted free agent not to have his offer matched, but he's going to struggle to get a huge offer from anyone. Gordon may be better off taking the Bulls' one-year tender offer.
지난 여름 계약을 거부한 선수들 중 가장 놀래킨 결정은 벤 고든의 시장가치 이상의 오퍼였던 5년 50M 딜을 거부한 것이라고. 불스가 래리휴즈를 영입하여 고든의 자리가 확실치 않은 지금 그가 그보다 더많은 돈을 받기는 불가능할거라고 합니다. 언더사이즈의 불안정한 슈터의 2번에게 커다란 시장은 열려있지 않다고. 고든은 불스가 제시할 1년 계약을 받아들이는게 나을거라고 합니다.
10. Nenad Krstic, Nets: Before his knee injury last season, Krstic looked like he'd be locked up by the Nets. Now the uncertainty over his health could hurt his value.
Philadelphia is one team to watch for. Sixers GM Ed Stefanski was a fan while he was back in New Jersey. A sign-and-trade is another possibility for the Nets.
지난 시즌 무릅부상전, 그는 네츠의 확실한 일원으로 보였지만. 건강에의 물음표는 그의 가치를 하락시켰읍니다. 필라델피아가 지켜봐야할 한 팀. 식서스 GM은 뉴저지 시절 그의 팬이었기에. 사인앤 트레이드도 네츠로서는 가능성있을거라고 합니다.
Other notables: Louis Williams, Sixers; Craig Smith, Timberwolves; Ronny Turiaf, Lakers; Sasha Vujacic, Lakers; Daniel Gibson, Cavaliers; Ryan Gomes, Timberwolves; Robert Swift, Sonics; Carlos Delfino, Raptors; Carl Landry, Rockets; Kelenna Azubuike, Warriors; Delonte West, Cavs; David Harrison, Pacers; Walter Herrmann, Pistons; J.R. Smith, Nuggets; Tony Allen, Celtics; Dorell Wright, Heat; Salim Stoudamire, Hawks; Mickael Gelabale, Sonics; Randolph Morris, Knicks .
첫댓글 역시 최고의 이슈는 명품님..
잡과 바보스런 빅딜을 할 댈러스라.. 허허;
그러게요 기분 나쁜 평이네요 ㅜ
배산적은 오클랜드에 남앗으면..
포지에게 눈독들이지 말라능 하악하악~~
배산적은..진짜..골든스테이트가 안잡으면..정말 다음시즌 플옵은 생각도 하지말아야할듯..