Pyeong Hwa Gyeong (118) Book 7. The World of the Culture of Heart CHAPTER 7. Everything Wants True Love
4. The order of love between man and woman is the cornerstone of the universe
God’s ideal was for one couple, Adam and Eve, centering on true love, to become the seed from which all the world’s families, clans, nations and finally the vast citizenry of the kingdom of heaven would descend. However, citizens of the kingdom of heaven can be created only in accordance with God’s tradition of true love.
The view I’m sharing is very different from the theories of Charles Darwin. Yet, it is through this perspective, and not Darwin’s theories, that we will achieve a world of peace. This is because my words witness to the fundamental principles of creation.
In his theory of evolution, Darwin proposed that species evolve through a process of natural selection based on random mutations. Such a theory implies there is no fundamental meaning, order or goal in the development of the natural world. Today scientists and others debate between the theory of evolution and the theory of creation.
The word “creation” acknowledges the existence of God the Creator and that there is purpose embodied in His act of creation. Each subject partner and object partner unites with its counterpart to achieve a higher purpose.
As with Darwinism, materialism-based communist theory lacks the understanding of purpose. God’s creation embodies the purpose of true love, whereas communism posits only struggle and destruction. Thus, it is destined to disappear.
In all creation, the most precious entities are human beings, men and women. Furthermore, the most precious part of the human body is not the nose, the eyes, the hands or even the brain. It is the reproductive organs, the organs of love. These parts have the marvelous power of procreation. Most living things multiply through sexual reproduction. The most precious and outstanding family begins with a husband and wife who are spiritually and physically united with each other. Our love organs are the main sanctuary of life, occupying a position of incredible value that connects us to lineage and history.
God’s fundamental principle is to create through male and female. For a man and woman to share absolute love, however, they must have only one partner. We must not have two or more partners, only one, eternally. There is absolutely only one man for each woman and one woman for each man. This is why God did not create two Adams or two Eves. Tragically, in the world today we see children who have had as many as ten stepfathers. How false and degraded love has become!
When men and women uphold and preserve chastity, they are protecting the universe. The discipline of love between men and women is the foundation of the universe. We must not abuse our love. Human beings, God’s sons and daughters, must never descend to being ruled by our physical instincts. Our love can have only one owner. The word “true” in true love does not allow for the possibility of more than one partner. There can be only one. This is an absolute law.