Mickey, whoa.
You haven't died yet?
Hold on.
Oh shit.
Your flamethrower's still good.
Not a single scratch.
It's a good thing I
thought to come down here.
Weapons will be happy to see this.
Yeah, I'm gonna turn this in, okay?
I can take it.
You're not mad, right?
I'm just taking this?
I mean, it's not
looking very good for you, right?
Also, line only goes this far.
Yeah, no.
We're cool.
You shouldn't have
to take the rest, guys.
Yeah, that's what I'm saying.
Plus, they're gonna
reprint you back out tomorrow anyway.
Hey, Mickey.
What's it feel like to die?
I'm sure you're used to it by now.
How many times is this?
You're Mickey 16?
18 after this one.
Well, it's nice knowing you.
Have a nice death.
See you tomorrow.
Oh, great.
Why not?
Oh, that's a pretty big one.
Hopefully I'll just
get swallowed in one go.
It's gotta be better
than slowly freezing to death.
I guess.
Or maybe not.
But they just printed
me out again every time I died.
All my data is saved,
and I just get a whole new body.
They do all this kind
of regular uploads of memories
and my personality traits
and re-implant it back in my brain.
That's some crazy
technology, man. It's just...
Let's just say it's advanced.
It's very advanced.
Just hold on a second.
Just like...
Just relax. Breathe.
The whole body training
and memory transplanting thing
to be honest, it was so
ridiculously ahead of its time
that it caused so many ethical
fights and religious blah blah blah.
It was actually banned on Earth,
and they only allowed now in
outer space for expandables like me.
So from the second
we left the atmosphere,
they made me work my ass
off all the way to this planet,
giving me one mission after another.
Uh, Tech? What's going on?
The actual cable's here already.
Um, the thing is, Mickey...
Hey, medical, you want to tell him?
Tell me what?
Hi, Mickey. How are you doing?
Are you experiencing any
vertigo, nausea or dizziness?
Uh, I guess I am feeling a little dizzy.
It's only going to get worse
from here, Mickey, with a nice fever, too.
Truth is, you're exposed to
unthinkable levels of radiation right now,
which is why we sent
you out in the first place.
If you could give us a
full description of your symptoms.
So, a couple things I want to go
through on our cosmic radiation checklist.
First, how long
until your skin starts to burn?
Then, how long until you go blind?
And of course, how long until you die?
That's the real nut we're after.
There was this one time
in my fourth grade science class,
I messed with a lab frog.
I just figured this
all must be my punishment.
Mickey, take off your glove so I can
see what's happening under your space suit.
Oh! Oh! Wow!
Did you see that?
Good morning.
Keep yourself hydrated, Mickey.
Start to feel extremely crushed.
Our cardiac, I
think the dose was too high.
Who cares, Dorothy? He's
going to be dead in 10 minutes.
Just focus on
getting all the blood samples.
He's going to bleed through
his eyes, nose, mouth, ears and rectum.
Make sure to collect
separate samples from every home, okay?
And keep the memory
upload going at the same time.
This Mickey
special, you know that, right?
But of all the Mickey's, you
will have the shortest life spanner.
I heard, I'm telling you this.
Oh, actually, good news.
It's more like 15.
Much better, isn't it?
I would have been filthy
rich by now with life insurance,
except I've obviously
expendables are uninsurable.
There's no workers comp,
no unions, no pension benefits.
Now, I wouldn't be surprised
if you were thinking at this point,
"Well, now, why did
you do this to yourself?"
Well, because I had a
friend who told me that one day
macarons would sell better than burgers.
And because I trusted this shitty friend
and I got an enormous
loan from a wonderful gentleman
to open a macaron store.
All right, all right, calm down.
I'm well aware
that you're four weeks left.
Just think of this
as a little field trip.
In case of what, man, poor
old should you fail to reimburse us
in a timely manner.
Besides, you two have
a lot of time on your hands
with your little macaron shotgun under.
Whoo! This is quite a
show you got on here for me.
Quite a show. The
message is clear. I hear you.
I hear it loud and
clear. I'm late. I'm late.
The money is late. It's
coming. Two people behind me.
Darius Blank, a
name I wish I'd never heard.
Mr. Blank isn't all
that concerned with money.
He has plenty.
This Billy's just one of his many assets.
Watching his delinquent borrowers die,
savoring the details of
death, that he truly enjoys.
The message is clear.
You can stop now. We can stop.
You know, it's... I hear you.
Two weeks is all it
takes. All it takes now.
And most people...
Who caught that, gentlemen, four days ago
at Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia?
Looks expensive.
Best assured,
anyone who misses the deadline,
we chase them to the ends of the Earth.
So we decided to get off of Earth.
Nothing was working out,
and I got no family lying on me.
So I applied to the dead. Lying on me.
So I applied to the colony expedition,
but there's like a million
other people with the same idea.
Seems like the
whole of this rotten planet
was running away from something.
I guess everybody's got money problems.
But anyway, we had to get on this ship,
because it was the
last one of the season.
Waves upon waves of
people desperate to leave Earth.
It's clear, anti-migrationists
are talking to a brick wall
when they insist on fixing up the Earth
instead of risking lives
by migrating to another planet.
It feels like these passionate applicants
are already off in space.
More importantly, this is the expedition
led by former
Congressman Kenneth Marshall,
who lost his last two elections.
Is this failed politician?
Now trying to
establish a kingdom beyond the stars,
is it his fanatical supporters
who won him a generous sponsorship
from a particular
religious organisation and corporation?
So many questions left unanswered.
Let's go and talk to the crowd.
Excuse me, are you a
Kenneth Marshall supporter?
I am. I am, big time.
I am a full-on supporter.
I basically am the one and only.
Are you from Marshall's official channel?
No way!
So Marshall's watching this right now?
Oh, my God.
You need to pick me.
I swear. Please, pick me.
You need people young and hungry.
Ladies and gentlemen, we
have another mild-stand start today.
Access is now restricted to game three.
Please visit our stand
for discounted goggles and masks.
Additional by present
on with partial pay, as always.
The other expeditions
wouldn't take me, but they're wrong.
I promise I can fix toilets.
I make
gingerbreads. You've got to take me.
Make me a shot.
You're planning to
be an expendable? Seriously?
You read through the whole application.
Uh, yeah.
I should have read through it.
I didn't have too much of a choice.
I don't have any bonafide certifications.
I don't really
have any skills whatsoever.
Then I find out Timo's already
called dibs on a position for himself.
As a flitter pilot, he only just got his
learner's permit a couple of weeks before.
No idea what he
had to come up with to pull
that off, but
you've got to give it to him.
Excuse me.
Is there, like,
some construction going on?
Sorry, what?
I don't hear like a...
I don't hear like a...
No, like a chainsaw.
Uh, no.
I wanted to get the hell out of there.
Somewhere where the
sound couldn't follow me.
Far out into space.
You read through the paperwork.
You read it, so you know right.
This is going to be a pretty extreme job.
But it's also going to be fun.
Fun. I'll explain all the details.
I got so distracted by that
smell, the smell of this woman's hair.
It was like it brought back
some faraway memory or something.
That giant tank
downstairs is called a cycler.
It takes organic
waste produced in the spaceship.
Apple peels, chicken bones, rotten eggs,
dead bodies, human waste, you name it.
Then it combines, refines and recycles
them and sends a portion to this printer.
Raw materials for a human body.
Once you die and the
committee approves, it'll
print a new version
of your body within 20 hours.
Take your clothes off. Change into this.
I couldn't even
hear anything she was saying.
It was like all my
senses were focused on my nose.
Like real deja vu, but for a smell.
We're going to do a
full scan of your bio data.
That means you'll be
reprinted exactly as you are right now.
I better not this. Otherwise
it'll be there every now and then.
Well, I'm glad she didn't
know about the one on my butt.
So after she does the body
scan, she uploaded my memories.
Call it a personality backup.
I got to do this once a week so I don't
have any big gaps
every time they print me out.
In the past you would
have needed a hard drive the
size of a commercial
refrigerator to copy an adult brain.
Now this little brick, clever, right?
So I was injected with some special
solution and brought
back a flood of old memories.
Too many memories.
We were heading
home from the supermarket.
I asked to sit in the front seat.
I said I'm big enough.
And that's when I saw the red button.
I pressed it and she crashed.
I pulled the trigger.
This is the final
requirement to become expendable.
Prove to me you
have faith in this system.
From now on you
need to get used to dying.
This is your job.
I began the four and a
half year journey as Mickey One.
When you're stuck in a spaceship
for that long, food is everything.
Warning, Mickey One. Seven calories
over the current ration allocation.
On that first day
in the cafeteria, I think I
might have started
thinking, what have I done a little?
The whole room was full of people eating
this crappy food
and there's total silence.
Like you could hear a
pin drop until Kenneth
Marshall and his
wife, Ilfa, walk in.
And a whole bunch of
people just started going nuts.
I was thinking, what
the hell am I doing here?
But that's when I saw her.
That was the first
time I saw Nasha Barrage.
On day one of this long journey.
All right, enough and now.
Keep that up for one
minute and you waste five calories.
That's two percent of the
precious meal you're eating right now.
As you know, our
number one priority is to
conserve food resources
until our arrival at Niffle Line.
So that we maximize our survival rate.
So listen up.
Sexual intercourse, for example.
Each session
consumes a whopping 100 calories.
At least.
Depending on the participant's
duration times friction equals...
The point is Kenneth is talking to the
committee about banning
all sexual activity on the ship.
Darling, are you sure this
is the right time to bring that up?
Oh honey, I'm sorry. I
was just trying to help you.
It's okay, Ilfa.
Am I doing okay?
Should I go harder?
Yes, yes. Go harder.
For the pioneers, once we've arrived at
Niffle Line, we've
secured our food production.
We will launch the greatest
sex encouragement campaign in history.
Come on!
You will spread
your seed across the planet.
But we survive!
Never survive!
Never your mark will walk the line!
Propagated species,
we shall defend the land!
So we started infesting.
With love.
Unfortunately, this is...
You're not gonna speak.
Come on, it's so happy.
Those four years would have
felt like 40 if it weren't for Nasha.
She stayed with me in the best of times.
And kept by my
side in the worst of times.
Not everyone gets lucky
enough to find a soulmate like this.
None of this would have happened
if I'd never boarded this spaceship.
So I'll hail the
great loan shark Darius Blank.
Thanks, Darius.
But it wasn't like
I was slacking, though.
I was super busy
every day taking care of Nasha.
She's an all-in-one elite agent.
It's not easy supporting someone who's a
soldier, a police
officer, and a firefighter.
But what she sees in me, I got no idea.
I'm just grateful.
But as soon as I step out the
door, the ship was filled with mostly...
Hey, Mickey, right?
Come with me to ask.
What's it like to die?
You know, when you're
reprinted, now how does that feel?
Oh, come on, just tell
us. We really want to know.
Imagine spending years
elbow-to-elbow with these bozos.
It was enough to
push anyone over the edge.
Sometimes even if Nasha, who is a model
citizen, would have
to step in and remind us...
that we were all one big happy family.
They're to help one another.
They're to have each other's backs.
A tight-knit, harmonious community.
And the committee has
reduced Mickey Nines' rations by half...
and the scientific manual
cyclo-cleaning until further notice.
Hey, Mickey.
You must be hungry. Have some more.
Uh, thanks, Kai.
Can you change your shampoo?
It's only one shampoo in
this entire spaceship. Thank you.
It was a very long
trip in a beautiful community.
But, uh, Nasha was
obviously my one and only, you know.
For real.
And as for my one and
only job, I was proud of it.
I felt like I was part of the team.
Mati! Mati!
Oh, last one!
Oh, Korea!
Oh! Quickly!
My brother travelers...
She had sisters.
And sisters.
It is long that we have come
four years together in this ship...
and that we love
you like our merry old family.
And here we are, right below us awaits...
our merry old planet of purity.
What's wrong with him? He's flying away!
Maybe he has a blue or something.
Like a virgin vanilla ice cream.
Touched for the very first time.
What do we really call him?
Whoever's gone down
there first come freeze to death.
That's it. Make a
deep breath. Fill your lungs.
Imagine there's an
unknown virus in the air...
and you're sucking in every single
microscopic particle floating around.
All the viruses...
fill every avioli.
So good!
Oh, so good!
There really was an
unknown virus in the air.
Uh, lethal one?
Don't move! Don't move!
Oh, man! He's alive!
So fucking long.
I'm fine.
Thank you.
In the end, thanks to the lab
rats Mickey 12, 13, 14, 15 and 16...
getting stab gas dumped
and burned, we got the vaccine.
My great gift to mankind.
And so, we didn't need oxygen masks...
and we could see our
breath as much as we wanted.
Look at that, Jennifer. Ridiculous.
I can't believe
it's the living that thing.
I know, right?
Plantfall was ages ago and we're still
eating the same crappy inflight TV dinner.
Precisely why we ought
to build residential complexes.
Grow crops as soon as possible.
Yeah, sure.
Spread the seed.
Invest the land.
Propagate the species.
It's freezing.
Whoa. Look at that colour.
Yeah, it's beautiful.
He's such a close. You
should learn some breakfault moves.
You okay?
Yeah, I'm fine.
Come on.
What's breakfall?
Look at the colour.
Take us for perfect breakfault.
Shut up.
What is it?
What's that?
What's that?
Get out! Get out! Get out!
What the fuck?
What the fuck?
What's going on?
What's that?
What the hell was that?
I don't know, but
there are more in the hole.
Let's get the fuck out of here.
Come on, Mickey. Let's go.
Go, go, go. Move, move.
Thank you.
Mickey, it's my show.
You fucking useless little asshole.
You're an expendable.
You're here to be expended, dammit.
I'm so sorry.
And my is Jennifer
Chilton, a precious, fertile,
female, dead and not of you.
How do you try this?
You know, that's what I want to know.
You disgusting.
You like my sauce?
No, no, no, no, darling.
Those things, look at them.
What's going on?
They're delicious, aren't they?
Oh, how do you not like it?
You, stand still. Don't move.
They lust for human flesh.
They're creepy.
Oh, honey, that's perfect.
You should call them creepers.
I'll call them creepers.
I'm calling them creepers.
President, are you listening?
I decided in the
committee that going forward,
your rations will be halved.
So my shift doubled.
14 hours every day, seven days a week,
until I brought home a creeper sample.
Tima! Tima!
How did I survive that?
Woah, you haven't died yet?
What's it feel like to die?
Even on my 17th go around,
I really hate dying.
Every time.
Bon Appetit.
Where am I?
What's going on?
I'm not coming out of the printer.
I'm still 17.
Why didn't that thing eat me?
I was passed out.
I not look tasty enough.
Oh, got it.
You're saving me for the kiddos.
What a great mom.
Oh, please just make it quick.
Come on guys, big bites. Big bites.
Where are you taking me now?
Is my meat gone bad
after all that reprinting?
Oh, shit.
I'm still good meat.
I'm perfectly good meat.
I taste fine.
Ditching me out here in the middle of
It's not cool.