The Way For Students - 189 Chapter 5. Man Of Faith Section 2. Man's Portion Of Responsibility 1. The Realms Of Indirect Dominion And Direct Dominion 2) Realm of Direct Dominion
What will happen after man accomplishes his portion of responsibility? What happens is that he can enter into the realm of God's direct dominion. We must know this. Isn't this the principled way? [Yes]
After entering the realm of direct dominion in this way, God will extend his direct dominion centering on what? Centering on money? Centering on ability? Based on what will he extend his dominion? [On love.] That's right. It would be love. At that point, Adam and Eve will receive God's blessing and enter into God's realm of love. After Adam and Eve enter into the realm of love and become one in that realm, God's love will be spread in the two-dimensional world; this period is the foundation for the Kingdom of Heaven on earth. (124-306)
When the perfect love of God appears centered on the love of God, Satan will not even be able to come out. That is the completion of the portion of responsibility. If the portion of responsibility is fulfilled, a connection of love will have been made between the realm of indirect dominion and the realm of direct dominion. Starting from there, vertical love and horizontal love are connected. (173-286)
As I have said many times, isn't the realm of the portion of responsibility a position in which you have become one, centered on love? When you are connected with the vertical love of God, moving towards completion, aren't the realms of indirect dominion and direct dominion connected? Satan does not exist there. When the realms of indirect and direct dominion are connected, the realm of the heart is connected as well, and Satan cannot exist there. The problem was that the fall took place before this occurred. (172-198)
The point of unity of the unified realm of direct dominion with the portion of responsibility is possible only within the love of the ideal parents. (137-254) |