- 호박, Pumpkin
. 학명 Cucurbita pepo
. 개요; 호박속의 일년생식물. 북미원산. 덩굴길이 10미터내외.
. 효능; 류머티즘, 부종, 구충, 화상, 상처에 효과
. 사용법; 1컵의 씨를 먹거나 으깨어 상처에 바른다.
1 학명과 약용부위
- 학명; Cucurbita pepo
- 약용부위
. Seeds
. 씨
2 통명
- 영어; Field pumpkin
- 한글; 호박
3 개요
- 중미원산의 일년생 덩쿨식물
. 전세계 온대지역에서 재배
- 줄기; 10미터까지 성장
. 가지가 갈라진 덩굴손
. 삼각형 잎
- 꽃; 7월경 황색으로 개화
. 열매; 오렌지색
. 다량의 백색 타원형 씨 포함
The pumpkin is a large, annual, creeping plant which is widely cultivated in warm and temperate climates for its fruit. The stem, which may reach a length of 30 feet, has branched tendrils and bears alternate, stiff-haired, triangular or ovate-triangular leaves that may be sharply or weakly lobed. The leaves are larger than a hand and have irregularly sharp-serrate margins. Solitary, yellow, funnel-shaped glowers with pointed lobes grow on angular peduncles that expand where the flower attaches. Flowering time is from June to August. The fruit is the familiar large, orange, furrowed pumpkin which contains numerous white, elliptic seeds.
4 효능
- 구충제
. 어린이에게도 안전
- 씨오일; 상처
화상이나 갈라진 피부효과
Anthelmintic. Largeamounts of pumpkin seeds make a safe anthelmintic for children and adults. Pumpkin seed oil is also useful for healing wounds, especially burns, and for chapped skin.
5 사용법
- 구충제
. 어린이는 200-400그램의 씨를 뭉개고
. 열매주스에 넣어 복용
. 성인은 체중에 따라 800그램이하
. 2-3시간후 파마자유 음용
To use for worms, cruch 7 to 14 oz. seeds for children, up to 25 oz. for adults, and stir into fruit juice to make a mash to be eaten. Two or three hours later, take castor oil to drive out the worms. Take care, especially with tapeworm, that the entire worm is expelled.