Pyeong Hwa Gyeong (120) Book 7. The World of the Culture of Heart CHAPTER 9. Dialogue and Harmony among Civilizations
2. The civilization of peace and true love stems from true families
A review of history reveals clearly that humanity has been plagued with the evils of war and conflict. Even within ourselves, we cannot deny a struggle between our mind and body.
The origin of our mind-body struggle can be traced to Adam and Eve, who formed a conjugal relationship through illicit love. This illicit relationship was the origin of the false lineage of humankind, which is based on conflict and guilt rather than joy and love.
We face the problem that the blood of the adulterer Satan flows in our bodies. Originally human beings were supposed to unite their mind and body like plus and minus. But when humanity inherited Satan’s lineage, it resulted in a serious conflict, like two plus charges repelling each other within us. This is something we need to be aware of.
The problems of free sex, family breakdown, homosexuality, and drug abuse are symptomatic of the Last Days. God seeks to guide human beings through these tumultuous times through the person of the Messiah, who stands as the True Parent to foster unity and peace within the individual, among couples, in the family, between nations and in the world.
Even though God created us, we are in a state of constant inner conflict. Our body is the base of operations for hell, and our conscience is the base of operations for heaven.
The fact that our bodily impulses are often stronger than our conscience suggests that at the time of the Fall, the power of false love was stronger than the power of the conscience. Bringing a solution to this problem is the key to our salvation. Therefore God has been utilizing religion to weaken the body’s influence over the conscience. For this reason, religion is as necessary in the present as it was in the past.