제 목:IKF 검도용어 정리 및 해설 [10]
보낸이:박민정 (civ2mj ) 1998-03-11 23:48 조회:506
PRINTER/CAPTURE가 준비되었습니까?(Y/n) y
발신일시 : 98/03/11 17:25
발 신 인 : 김정욱 (kjw821 )
수신/참조: 수신
제 목 : 용어정리
* 검도 용어 *
이 호 암 (대학검도연맹 전무이사, 8단)
검도는 올림픽종목이 아니다.그러나 세계속에 있는 모든운동경기는 올림픽화
를지향하고있다. 이는 백년의 역사를 경과하는 사이에 일진월보의 세계와
더불어 서역년호를 쓰는 금일의세계에 비해 근대유럽 문명이 그리스 올림픽
사상을 전달함과 동시에 동서를 막론한 전 세계에기여한 체육문화라고 볼수있다.
그러나, 일본은 검도를 올림픽화 하는데 반대한다. 하지만검도의 올림픽화는
필연적이라고 나는 생각한다. 금일, 검도를 하는 국가가 40여개로 달하였다.
금시에 금일의 국제검도는 일본이 주도하고 있다.
그리고 이것이 자기네의 독특한 무도문화라 생각하지만 우리는 이에 반대한다.
나는 검도를 긍정적으로 보는데는 역사적으로 그 개념을 검토하여야 한다고
생각하기 때문이다.
학설로는 騎馬민족 일본정복설과 衣袴민족 일본정복설,제도법으로는 금일에
까지 명도제작법으로서 전해지고 있는 玉綱제련을 위한 "다따라공법"과
한인의 소위 "카라카지"가 일본에 정착한사실, 검법으로서는 "王仁"의 小刀法,
일본의 무사도철학의 근간을 이루는 논리로서는 "姜伉"이 전한 주자학이
아니었던가. 때문에 검도는 역사적으로는 한, 중, 일의 "雙手執柄劍"이라는
범주안에서 그 뿌리를 찾아야하며, 이는 "동양적검도문화판도"의 검도로서
서양의 편수검인 펜싱과 비할 수 있는 것이라고 나는 생각한다.
그러나 이상의 역사적 process중에서 일본이 호구의 개량과 죽도의
창작으로 소위 "죽도검도"로서 창조적 역할을 이루었다는 것은 절대적
이었다고 보겠다.
살의에 찬 진검문화에서목도문화를 거쳐 1750년이래 창시한 "죽도문화"
시대를 구축한 일본은 체계화된 논리와 기술의전개를 꾸준히 금일에까지
이루고 있다.
한국 검도는 어떤가, 개방후 40여년에 이르렀다.
그 周圍에서의 白眼視와 소외감 속에서도 보급되어 금일에 와서는 학교체육
으로서 또는 쌍벽적위치에서 일본하고 대치하고 있다.
국제시합상으로는 시합, 심판규칙은 같이 하면서도, 그 복식, 양식, 표시상
으로는 한국적이다. 특히 그 이념상으로 다른 우리의 철학이 있다.
다시말해서, 체험과 기호선호에서 시작한 기성세대 와는 달리 대학검도인
들은 일층 학구적인 방향으로 재검토의 길을 걷고 있다.
즉, 우리는 우리 나름대로의논리와 논증을 劍理, 劍技에서 특히 이념상으로
재정립하여 가고 있다.
이때 자연히 일본검도와의상충 된 이론의 전개, 또는 해석을 요할 때,
우리가 꼭 알아두어야 할 것은 일본의 검도 용어일것이다.
나는 전 일본검도연맹이 선정한 중요한 검도용어를 전일본검도연맹이 발간한
"幼少年劍道指導要領"에게재해석되어 있는 것을 번역해 보기로 했다.
동시에 국제검도용어를 일본발음 그대로 사용하는 것을, 세계화속의 우리가
외국인 상대로 지도할 때를 감안하여, 全劍連이 발간한 "Fundamental Kendo"를
참고로, 측근의 조언을 얻어서 다음과 같이번역해 본다.
(1) Ai-uchi / 相擊 / mutual simultaneous attact
- 시합 또는 연습중에 양자의 유효격자가 동시에 행해지는 것.
이 경우 쌍방의 격자는 둘다 유효로 하지 않는다.
(2) Ashi-garami / 발걸이 / hooking the opponent's leg
- 상대에게 발을 건다든지 또는 발을 휘감는 것. 시합에서는 반칙이다.
(3) Ashi-sabaki / 발놀림 / foot work
- 발 움직임의 방법. 검도의 발놀림에는 '보통걷기', '밀어걷기',
'벌려걷기', '이어걷기' 등이 있다.
(4) Ayumi-ashi / 보통걷기 / natural step
- 자연스럽게 걷는 발놀림이며 前後로 멀리,빨리 이동하는 경우에 쓴다.
(5) I-tsuki / 멈칫하기 / stop abruptly for a moment
- 공방의 동작중에 순간적으로 유지상태에 빠져서 대응동적을 할수
없는 상태. 예컨대 공격을 받아서죽도를 꼭 잡는다든지, 오른발
발꿈치가 마루에 붙어서 後傾이 된 자세가 되어버렸을 때를 말한다.
(6) Issoku-itto-no-maai / 一足一刀의 간격 /
one step one-sword interval or interval for one-step one-strike
- 한 발만 밟아나가면 상대를 격자할 수 있고 일 보만 물러나면 상대의
격자를 피할 수 있는거리. 검도의 기본적인 간격이다.
한마디로 '일족일도의 간격'이라고 하지만 체격, 근력,기술의정도에
따라 조금씩 다르므로 각자라 항상 이 간격을 의식해서 연습하는 것이
(7) Uchi-kaesi / 連擊 /
a series striking right-left or a series of right-left striking
- 정면머리치기--연속좌우머리치기--정면머리치기를 연속하여 통상 2회
반복 되풀이하는 검도의총합적 연습법이다.
정면 머리치기, 좌우머리치기의 연습을 위함이 아니라 체력, 기력,
간격,호흡법 등을 연습하기 위하여 하게 된다.
또한 검도의 준비운동으로서도 적합한 것으로 행하고 있다.
(8) Uchi-komi-keiko / 치고들어가는 연습 / strike trainig
- 미리 치고 들어가는 부위를 정해놓던가, 선도가 만든 빈틈을 치고
들어가는 기본적인 연습법이다.
(9) Uchi-tachi/Si-tachi / 先刀 / 後刀 /
the left, the right/ the fast, the after
- 검도의 '본'을 할 때 示範의 위치에서 항상 기술을 걸어서 그 기술에
응하여 검리에 마땅한기술로서 이기는 방법을 가르치는 측을 先刀라고
하며, 꺼꾸로 제자의 입장에서 선도가 거는기술에 응하여 바르게
이기는 방법을 배우는 측을 後刀라고 한다.
(10) Ojite-yuku-waza / 對應기술 / reflex-deflection techniques
- '스쳐올려치기', '되돌려치기', '비켜치기', '떨어뜨려치기',
등으로 상대의 공략을 무효화하는동시에 그때 생긴 빈틈을 치고
들어가는 기술이다. '스쳐올려치기', '되돌려치기', '비켜치기',
'떨어뜨려치기' 기술이 있다.
(11) Okuri-ashi / 밀어걷기 /
pushing step forward backward or right and left
- 이동하는 방향의 발을 우선 움직이고, 다음으로 또 한쪽의 발을
밀어넣는 발놀림의 방법이로 전후, 좌우斜向 등 1, 2보의 근거리의
이동에 쓰인다.
(12) Omote/Ura / 앞면, 뒷면 / the face/ the back
- 중단세를 취했을 때 자기 죽도의 좌측을 '앞면', 우측을 '뒷면'
이라고 한다.
(13) Kakari-keiko / 적극연습 /
enthusiastically training or highly motivated training
- 선도자(지도자)에 대하여 빈틈을 찾아내서 치고 들어가며,틈(헛점)이
없으면 틈을 만들게 하여적극적으로 '걸고 들어가는기술'을갖고 치고
들어가는 기본적 연습법이다. 선도는 좋은 치기에는 맞아주고 무리한
치기나 나쁜치기는 되돌리던지 비키든지 하여 맞혀주지 말고 정확한
격자와 왕성한 기력이나 체력을 몸에 익히도록 하는 연습법이다.
(14) Kaeshi-waza / 되돌려치는 기술 /
the techic of return attack or reflex-deflection techniques
- 치고 들어오는 상대의 죽도에 응하되, 손목을 되돌려서 응하던가
죽도의 반대측을 치는 기술이다.
(15) Kake-koe / 氣부림 / shout or call
- 시합이나 연습중에 의식적으로 큰소리를 내는 것.
자기자신을 격려하고 상대를 위압하는소리(격자 前), 기술의 예리
하고도 위력을 주는 소리(격자 時), 승리를 고무하고 상대의반격에
대응하는 소리(격자 後)가 있다.
(16) Kata / 本 / form or pattern
- 호구를 착용하지 않고 목도나진검으로 정해져 있는 순서로 공방의
동작을 행하는 것. 검도의기초기술을 배우는 하나의 연습법으로
삼고 있다.
'日本劍道形'은 諸流派의 시대적인 기술중에서大刀 7본 小刀 3본을
골라서 제정된 것이다.
(17) Kamae / 對勢 / posture
- 대적자세를 말하며 대세에는 몸대세와 마음대세가 포함되어 있지만
검도에서 대세라는 말은 일반적으로 몸대세를 말한다.
대표적 대세에는 '中段세', '上段세','下段세','陽세','陰세'의
5個 대세가 있다.
(18) Kikentai-no-icchi / 機劍體의 일치 /
total unity of mind, a sword and body
- '기'는 격자의 의지와 그표현인 기부림소리,'검'은 죽도,'체'는
박차고 들어가는 발과 바르게 편 허리 자세를 지칭하는데
이 삼자가 격자時에 일치할 것이 유효격자의 조건이다.
(19) Kyo-jitsu / 虛實 / gap on the posure and none gap
- 마음대세와 몸대세에 틈이 생겼을 때의 상태를 '허'라 하고 그
역을 '실'이라고 한다.
(20) Kei-ko / 練習 / trainingk, practice
- 본래는 옛것을 생각한다는 의미이나 일본고래의 전통적 무도나
예도의 연습을 말한다.
(21) Gedan-no-gamae / 下段勢 / lower sword postures
- 중단세에서 자연스럽게 칼끝을 내린 대세를 말한다.
상대의 발밑을 공격하면서 몸을 지키는대새 로서 이를 '地의 대세'
라고도 한다.
(22) Kentai-icchi=Kobo-icchi / 攻防一致 / unity of attack and defense
- 공격과 방어는 표리일체가 되는것이므로 공격중이라도 상대의 반격
에 대비하는 기세와體勢를 잃지 말고,방어를 하고 있을 시에도 항상
공격하는 기분으로 있어야 하는 것의중요성을 가르치고 있다.
(23) Go-gi / 合意 / consultation
- 심판원이 시합자의 반칙을 발견했을 때, 또는 의의가 발생했을
때 서로 상담하는 것.
(24) Kosei-o-gaisuru-koi / 불공정행위 / illegal deed
- 불리한 體勢에서 '타임'을 요구한다든지, 맞지 않기 위하여 상대를
안아싸는 등 부당하게 유리한 상황을 얻기 위한 행위를 말한다.
반칙 1회가 된다.
(25) Sae / 산뜻함 / refreshing
- 격자할 때 오른손의 미는 힘과 왼손의 당기는 손놀림이 조화되고,
격자했을 대에 죽도의 격자部에 작용하는 힘에 관한 것인데 순간적인
손바닥 놀림의 조이는 것과 몸놀림의일치된 격자는 맞아도 아프지않고,
도리어 경쾌하게 느끼게 된다. 산뜻한 격자는 격자의반동으로 약간
떨어지게 된다.
(26) Sage-to-no-sisei / 제도의 자세 / holding the sword postures
- 팔을 펴고, 칼, 목도, 또는 죽도를 왼손에 갖고 立札 할때의 자세.
(27) San-satsu-ho / 三殺法 / basic attack methods
Ken-o-korosu 칼을 죽이다 sword control
Waza-o-korosu 기술을 죽이다 techinical control
Ki-o-korosu 氣를 죽이다 mental control
선제공격을 가하여, 상대의 공격력을 약화시키는 것.
* 칼을죽이다 : 헤치고, 감아서 상대의 죽도를 죽이다.
* 기술을 죽이다 : 상대의 특이한 기술을 못쓰도록 하고,
기선을 제압한다.
* 氣를 죽이다 : 기력으로 상대를 압도하고 적극적으로 기술을
걸고,상대가 공략을 하고자 하는 氣를 꺽는다.
(28) Zan-Shin / 존심 /
remaind mind or maintaing the spiritual and physical drive
- 격자 동작이 완료한 후에도 방심하지 않고, 상대의 반격에 대응할
수 있는 몸대세, 마음대세를말한다. 일반적으로 격자후에 중단세가
되어서 상대에 정면으로 對한다.
(29) Si-kai/사계/ four sickness(surpise, fear, doubt and perplexity)
- 상대에 대하였을 때, 驚 懼 儀 惑의 사념이 생기면 마음에 빈틈이
생겨서 반격된다. 이것을 검도에서는 맘음의 네개의 戒律로 삼으며,
또 四病이라고도 한다.
(30) Sikakete-iku-waza / 걸고 들어가는 기술 /
positively attacking techiniques
- 상대의 격자의 동작을 일으키기 전에 이쪽에서 상대의 중심을 공격
하고,죽도를 누르며 압박하였을 때, 틈이 생기도록 하며, 또는
상대의 대세의 틈을 발견함과 동시에 박차고 들어가 격자하는 기술,
뛰어들어가는 기술, 나올때 치는 기술, 비켜치기기술,어깨매어치기
기술,상단치기 기술, 한손치기 기술 등이 있다.
(31) Zi-keiko / 實支練習 / ordinary training or regular training
- 서로가 기력을 充溢해서 습득한 기술을 적극적으로 내서 연마하는
종합적 연습법이다.
(32) Shi-sin / 지심 / stopped mind for moment<br>
- 마음에 어떤 한 곳에 빼앗겨서 그외에는 주의가 미치지 못하는 것.
(33) shinai-hahashi /죽도 놓치기 / dropping one's bamboo sword
- 시합중 자기의 죽도를 양 손에서 놓치고, 상용불능이 되는 것.
반칙이 된다.
(34) Shinogi / 칼 능 / side of sword edges
- 칼날의 한가운데서 칼등쪽으로 縱으로 한층 높게 되어있는 능.
칼날을 밑으로 대세를 취하였을 때좌측을 앞능, 우측을 뒷능
이라고 한다.
(35) Ji-ri-icchi / 事理一致 / unity of fact and principle
- '사'는 기술, '리'는 이론을 말함. 기술의 이치를 이해하고 수련
하여 기술과 이론이 차의양굴레와 같이 일치할 것.
(36) Syu-ha-ri / 守破離 / three process of kendo-protect,break,secede
- 검도학습상의 단계를 표시하는 가르침이다.
* 수 : 지도자의 가르치심에 충실히 따라서 배우고,
기본을 체득하는 것.
* 파 : '수'의 단계에서 학습한 것에만 집착하지 않고,
여러 면에서 연구개발햐여 자기에 맞는기술을 만들어내는
것을 말함.
* 리 : '수', '파' 라는 것을 초월하여 大悟의 경지에 도달하는 것.
(37) Jo-gai / 場外 / out of founds simultaneous of founds
- 시합중에 시합장외로 나가는 것. 장외로 나가면 반칙이 된다.
(38) Jodan-no-kamae / 上段勢 / higher sword posture
- 중단세에서 두손을 치켜들고, 왼손주먹이 頭上에 왔을 때,
정지한 대세를 말함. "天의 대세","불의 대세"라고도 일컬어지는것
과 같이 공격의 대세라 하겠다.
(39) Shin-pan-in / 심판원 / refree
- 검도의 심판은 주심 1명, 부심 2명으로 구성되어 유효격자及 반칙의
판정에 있어서는 동등의권한을 갖고 그 판정에 임한다.
주심은 관계계원과의 연락하에 시합의 진행을 도모하고승패의 선고를
(40) Su ki / 빈틈 / chance for attacking
- 四病이라고 말하는 驚 懼 疑 惑이 생긴 마음의 틈과 칼끝이 상대의
중심에서 벗어나기도 하고 손잡이가 올라간다든지, 또는 내려가기도
하는 동작의 "대세"의 틈이 생겼을 때 이 격자의好機를 말한다.
(41) Se Me / 攻勢 / an offensive movement
- 기력에 의한 공세,칼끝에 의한 공세,격자에 의한 공세 등이 있으나,
상대에게 "앗! 맞겠구나"하고느끼게 함으로서,이쪽에서도 주도권을
잡는 것을 말한다. 옛날부터 '치고 이기지 말고, 이기고 치라' 라고
가르치고 있는 것과 같이 공격을 동시에 하는 검도가 아니면 그
맛과그 깊은 뜻을얻을 수 없는 것이다.
(42) Sen / 선 / forestalling
- 상대의 공격을 사전에 감지하고 기술을 걸고 들어가는 것을 말한다.
* 선선의 선 : long-hand forestalling
* 선전의 선 : before-hand forestalling
* 후의 선 : after-hand forestalling
(43) Song-kyo / 준거 / squat position
- 본래는 웅크림, 쭈그림 한다는 것으로 敬札의 하나이다.
검도에서 준거라는 태세는 약간 오른발을 앞으로 해서 발끝을
세워서, 양 무릅을 좌우에 벌리고 접어서 상체를 바르게 하여 허리를
내린右 자연체의 자세를 말한다.
(44) Tai-atari / 몸부딛침 / dash oneself against
- 격자에 따른 여세로 온몸으로 상대에 부딪치는 것,몸부딪침은 상대
의 體勢를 허물고,격자의 好機를 만들 뿐 아니라,자기의 體勢의
안정, 기력의 양성을 도모하는 데에도 중요하다.
(45) Tato-tsu-bu=Monou-chi / 격자부 /
parts of bamboo sword for strikes and thrusts
- 칼끝에서 칼날部 全長의 약 3분의 1인 곳을 말한다.
(46) Tato-tsu-bui / 격자부위 / parts of body for strikes and thrusts
- 격자하는 목적부위에 정확히 맞으면 한판(유효격자)가 된다.
* 머리부(정면머리, 관자노리부 이상의 좌우머리及, 좌우머리) :
머리부는 머리 布團部를 의미하며 머리쇠부는 포함되지 않음.
그러나 상대가 머리를 뒤로 치켜올렸을 경우는 제외한다.
* 손목부(오른속목及 다음 경우 왼손목의 토시부) :
오른손 앞의 중단세, 하단세, 음세, 양세, 쌍도세, 올린손목,
그외 중단세의 변형된것 -올린손목이란 격자시를 제외하고
왼주먹이 명치보다올라 갔을 때의 경우.)
* 허리부(좌허리, 우허리의 胴革部)
* 찌름부(목, 가슴)
(47) Tatotsu-no-kouki / 격자의 좋은 기회 /
chance for strikes and thrusts
- 검도에 있어서 공격의 기회는 원칙적으로 다음의 것들을 들 수 있다.
* 상대의 동작이 始動할 무렵(나오는 기술을)
* 기술이 끝났을 때(동작이나 기술이 끝나고 다음으로 넘어가는 순간)
* 멈칫하였을 때(심신의 긴장이 풀어진 순간)
* 물러날 무렵(체세를 정리하기 위하여 후퇴할 때)
* 받아 잡았을 때
* 숨을 깊이 들이킬 때
(48) Chi-kama / 가까운 간격 / near interval
- 일족일도의 거리보다 가까운 간격(코등이 싸움을 포함)
(49) Chudan-no-kamae / 中段勢 / fundamnetal basic posture
- 가장 많이 쓰이며 공격이나 방어에도 적합한 대표적 검도의
대세이다. 기본적으로 칼끝을 상대의 인후부에 붙이는 데,
좌측 눈, 두눈사이, 배꼽을 겨누는 대세도 있다.
이를 '水의 대세'라 한다.
(50) Tsu-gi-ashi / 이어걷기 / near inverval
- 상대와의 거리가 약간 멀고, 보통으로 뛰어 들어가도 도달할 수
없을 때, 왼발을 오른발에 당겨붙이고, 간격을 엿보아 동시에
박차고 들어가는 발의 운용법이다.
(51) Tsu-ba-ze-ri-ai / 코등이 싸움 / competition with sword guard
- 상대에 최대한 접근한 간격에서 양자가 각각 서로 죽도를 약간씩
우측으로 경사지게 벌려서 코등이(오른주먹)가 서로 접촉되어 있는
상태, 현행의 시합규칙에서 격자의 의미가 없는코등이 싸움이 20초
이상 계속되면 처음에는 '코등이 싸움 주의'가 되며 두번째에는
(52) Te-no-uchi / 손바닥놀림(손놀림) / hand control
죽도를 잡는 방법. 격자하거나 응하였을 때 양손의 힘을 넣는 방법,
늦추는 방법, 조절하는 데 있어서의 손바닥놀림.
(53) To-ma / 먼 간격 / distant interval
- 일족일도의 거리보다 먼 거리.
(54) Ha-su-ji / 칼날줄기 / sword blade line
- 칼(죽도)이 베어 들어가는 줄기의 올바른 길을 말하며
'칼날줄기가 섰다'(칼날이 똑바로격자부위를 향하여 내려치고 있다),
'칼날줄기가 서 있지 않다.'(평타, 칼능치기), 또는'칼날줄기가
흔들려서 벗어났다' 등에 쓰여왔다.
(55) Hasso-no-kamae / 음세 / right shoulder sword posture
- 칼날을 상대를 향하여 죽도를 세우고, 오른손을 우측어깨앞,
왼손을 명치에 둔 대세로서한편으로는 '木의 대세'라고도 하며
자기의 좌측어깨 너머로 상대를 본다.
(56) Han-soku / 반칙 / violation
- 시합자에 금지된 행위. 반칙을 2회 범하면 상대에게 1판을 준다.
(57) Han-tei / 판정 / judgement
- 시합시간내에 유효 격자가 없는 경우 자세태도, 기능반칙을
기준으로 총합적으로 승패를 정한다.
(58) Hiki-age / 치고 물러나가기 / withdrawal after strike and thrust
- 격자 후 총분한 몸대세, 마음대세 없이 상대에게서 물러나감.
(59) Hikitate-keiko / 부추기 연습 / encourage training
- 상급자가 하급자에 대한 지도연습.
'부추기 연습은 죽도 세우기'라는 속담과 같이 소극적이되기
쉬운 하급자에 빈틈을 말들어 주고, 소리와 동작으로 격려하면
서 연습을 시키는 법.
(60) Hira-uchi / 칼능치기, 칼옆치기 / blade-belly strike
- 칼의 날에 해당하는 부분(등줄의 반대쪽이 아님)이 아니고
칼의 능(칼의 배)로 치는 것. 유효격자가 안됨.
(61) Hiraki-ashi / 벌려 걷기 / open step
- 몸을 벌리고, 격자도 하고,응하여 치는 경우에 쓰는 발놀림이다.
허리동작으로 이동하고 상대와 正對하는 것이 중요하다.
(62) Humi-ko-mi-ashi / 박차 들어가는 발놀림 / step into opponet
- 상대가 후퇴하는 등 하여 닿을 수 없는 경우, 상대의 빈틈을 잡아
예리하게 격자하고자 할 때 쓴다. 왼발로 차는 듯이 육박하여,
오른발의 발끝을 올린 후, 발바닥 전체로 마루를 밟아 차 붙인다.
다시 왼발을 오른발에 재빨리 당겨 붙이고, 전진하는 힘을 죽이지
말고 부드럽게 밀어 걷기를 한다.이와같이 일련의 동작으로 연습
한다. 박차고 들어가는 발과 격자하는 죽도가 잘 일치할 수 있도록
기술 레벨을 초보자가 '실지연습'을 시작하기 위한 일단의 목표로
하는 지도자도 많다.
(63) Ma-ai / 간격 / proper interval
- 일반적으로 상대와 자기의 거리를 말한다. 검도에서는 상대와 자기
사이의 공간적인 요소를 내포한 것을 간격이라고 한다.
(64) Me-tsu-ke / 눈길 / fixing the gaze
- 자기의 눈살 붙이기를 말한다. '먼산을 바라보는 눈길',
'단풍風光을 바라보는 눈길', '허리띠고리를 바라보는 눈길',
'觀見 두개의 눈길' 등의 교훈이 있다.
(65) Motota-chi / 지도자, 선도 / leader
- 실지연습, 연공연습, 기본연습 등을 하는 자에 대하여 지도자의
입장에 있는 사람.
(66) Yo-ko-ta-totsu / 유효격자 / valid strike and thrust points
- 유효격자는 충일한 기세, 적법한 자세를 갖고 죽도의 격자부로
격자부위를 칼날줄기를 바르게 격자하고 존심이 있어야 한다.
타 스포츠의 rule에 비교해서 검도의 유효격자의 규정은 대단히
막연하다고 말하지만 거기에는 깊은 의미가 있다.
즉 유효격자의 기준은 시합자의 기술단계, 체력,년령 기타에
의해서 변화되므로 지도자는 어떤 기준을 채택하는가에 대해서는
充分配濾하지 않으면 안된다.
(67) Waki-Kamae / 陽勢 / right side lower sword posture
- 칼날을 비스듬히 아래로 향하게 하고, 우측허리 아래에 오도록
칼을 保持하여, 상대의 움직임에 대응하는 대세. 체중에 칼을
숨기고 상대에 자기의 무기의 종류와 길이 등을 모르게 하는데
이를 "金의 대세"라고도 한다.
제 목:세계검도연맹심판규칙 [6]
보낸이:검도정보(IPKUMDO ) 1997-09-22 17:37 조회:159
발신일시 : 97/09/19 15:33
발 신 인 : 김정욱 (kjw821 )
수신/참조: 수신
제 목 : 세계검도연맹 심판규칙
Chapter 1 - Decisions: Victory/defeat.
Article 1.
The victory/defeat decision of a match shall be decided by referees
in accordance with the rules herein set forth.
Chapter 2. SHINPAN (Referee)
Article 2.
Court referees shall consist of a Chief Judge, Court Judges(appointed
when there are two courts or more)and referees.In general, a match is
judged by a team of a Chief Referee and two subreferees.
Article 3.
The Chief Referee shall, with the overall authority to administer
a match, assign to any other judge to motion and announce, by the use
of referee flags, YUKO DATOTSU and HANSOKU; and motion and announce
victory or draw at the end of a match.
Article 4.
Subreferees shall have equal authority and responsibility to those of
the Chief Referee in motioning YUKO DATOTSU and HASOKU and shall
assist the Chief Referee in administering a match.
A subreferee has authority to stop a match in the event of
an emergency, foul, or end of time, etc.
Chapter 3 - YUKO DATOTSU
Article 5.
A DATOTSU shall become valid with one (1) point in scoring in the
following cases:
a. When two or three referees make the motion of YUKO DATOTSU.
b. When one referee makes a motion of YUKO DATOTSU and the other
two show agreement.
Article 6.
YUKO DATOTSU without ZANSHIN (spirit and completeness) may,regardless
of the prior announcement, be withdrawn and canceled upon a referees
Chapter 4 - Major Points in Refereeing.
Article 7.
Referees shall observe the following points in refereeing:
a. The Chief Referee shall announce "HAJIME (Start)" when the two
contestants are in a ready stance after taking the SONKYO position
b. As soon as one referee motions YUKO DATOTSU or HANSOKU, the other
two shall respond with their motions.
c. The Chief Referee shall, as soon as YUKO DATOTSU is called,
announce it and get the contestants back to center court.
d. In case of a court consultation, the Chief Referee will announce
GOGI(consultation)and consultant with the subreferees at center court.
The contestants will stop and remain away from the center of the court.
e. Referees shall, upon seeing a HANSOKU, stop the match, consult with
one another, and announce HANSOKU. Referees may, if a HANSOKU is
obvious,save GOGI and motion it with flags.
f. The Chief Referee shall, at a player's request, stop the match
and question the reason.
g. The Chief Referee shall, after a match is stopped, bring
the contestants back to center court prior to resuming play.
h. The Chief Referee shall, in the following cases, stop the match
if a contestant does not give DATOTSU immediately and bring both
players to center court to resume the bout:
1. When a player falls on the court.
2. When a player lets go of their SHINAI.
I. Referees shall handle TSUBA-ZERI-AI that is prolonged without
intention of DATOTSU in the following manner:
1. The Chief Referee shall stop the match (TSUBA-ZERI-AI may be
allowed for 20 seconds) when there is not indication of DATOTSU.
2. The Chief Referee shall indicate with a flag which contestant
is guilty of the infraction.
3. Subreferees shall indicate either, neither, or both players are
guilty of the infraction.
4. The Chief Referee shall, after acknowledging the subreferee's
responses, bring the contestants back to center court and announce
CHUI to the responsible player(s). On a second violation, however,
that player shall receive a HANSOKU penalty.
j. The Chief Referee shall handle OFFSET or HANSOKU in the following
1. In the first instance of OFFSET, the Chief Referee shall first
announce HANSOKU to the red-ribboned player and to the white-ribboned
player, in that order and then announce SOSAI (offset) while using
the flag.
2. At the second OFFSET, the Chief Referee shall immediately
announce SOSAI and indicate with the flag.
k. Referees shall inform the Chief Referee of a SHINAI being handled
with the TSURU (center cord) facing down at the first instance.
The Chief Referee shall then stop the match, indicate to the offending
player to correct their grip, and shall invalidate the violator's
DATOTSU as long as the wrong grip is being used.
l. In case of HANTEI (judge's decision without YUKO DATOTSU), all the
referees shall indicate their decision at the Chief Referee's command.
m. In the case of a team match foul, the Chief Referee shall get
the opponent team to line-up and declare the latter's victory with
a gesture of one hand.
Article 8.
Flag's. Referee's shall use their flags in the following manner:
a. When a referee sees a player's DATOTSU to be YUKO, they shall raise
the appropriate colored flag at a 45 degree angle and shall return to
their starting position on the court, keep the flag up, while
the Chief Referee declares YUKO DATOTSU.
If the other two referees do not see or agree of a YUKO DATOTSU,
the flag shall be dropped at once and the match continues.
b. Where a referee call is different than the other two judges,
they shall motion by swinging crosswise the two flags they are
holding downward. The crossing of the flags shall stop as soon as
the other judges acknowledge the motion. The referees shall return
to their original locations whenever a YUKO DATOTSU call is made.
c. When a referee changes their the mind about a call,
they shall indicate it by crossing their two flags with
their hands stretched downward; the red flag is placed on
the white without a waving motion.
d. When the Chief Judge announces a YUKO DATOTSU they
shall do so in the manner described in Item a. They shall
return to their starting position, while keeping the flag raised.
e. As soon as the Chief Referee announces NIHON ME
(begin for the second point) or SHOBU (begin for the match point),
the subreferees shall lower their flags.
f. In order for a YUKO DATOTSU to be withdrawn, they shall
consult each other for an agreement and the Chief Referee shall
indicate the withdrawal by swinging the flags the flags
crosswise in front of their knees.
g. When a referee halts a match, they shall raise both flags
straight up from wherever they are standing and return to
their original starting position maintaining both flags in
the air. Only after the referee has seen the contestants comply with
the instruction made earlier can the referee drop the flags.
h. When a Chief Referee begin to announce HIKIWAKE (draw),
they shall raise both flags, with the red flag over the white
flag and lower them after the call.
I. HANSOKU cancellation (re: Match Regulation, Chapter 9,
Article 28) shall be announced by the Chief Referee, who
shall swing the flags crosswise in front of their knees
during the announcement.
j. A referee shall raise two flags in their right hand
straight out and announce GOGI (consultation) when there
is a need for a time out.
k. GOGI may be skipped when the foul is apparent and demonstrate
their decision by extending straight out at a 45 degrees
from the shoulder, either the red or white flag, as applicable.
The referee will return to their position and lower their
flag upon the Chief Referee's announcement of HANSOKU.
l. In the case where the Chief Referee gives one point
to a player because of a HANSOKU committed by the other player,
the Chief Referee shall first declare with a gesture towards
the violator, the total number of HANSOKU and announce the call.
m. When a match must be called with a HANTEI (decision), all
the Referees shall simultaneously raise the appropriate flag
as described in Article 8, Item 1 upon the Chief Referee's
declaration of the winner. In the case of HANTEI, neither
HIKIWAKE nor renunciation motioning may be given.
n. In order for the Chief Referee to declare a winner, they
shall raise the appropriate flag as described in Article 8,
Item 1 and lower it upon completion of the announcement.
Article 9.
Announcing calls and decisions. Referees shall call and announce
their decisions in the following manner:
a. Announce the beginning of the match with HAJIME (start)
when the two contestants are at the ready after taking the
SON-KYO position after taking KAMAE.
b. Announce the resumption of a match with HAJIME when the
players take the ready position standing at KAMAE.
The players remain still when the call is given.
d. Announce the beginning of NIHONME (start for second point)
after the players have returned to their center position
e. Announce the beginning of a SHOBU (play-off) after the
players have returned to their center position with SHOBU.
f. Announce HANTEI after the players have returned to their
center position.
g. Announce the play-off decision with SHOBU-ARI after
the players have returned to center court.
h. Announce a match extension with ENCHO, HAJIME after
the players have returned to center court.
I. Announce a single point victory with IPPON GACHI,
SHOBU-ARI (winner by a single point) after the players
have returned to center court.
j. Announce a winner by default (opponent not present)
with FUSEN GACHI, SHOBU-ARI. The winning player will approach
the center, SON-KYO, and rise to KAMAE for the call.
k. Announce a winner by HANTEI (decision) with HANTEI GACHI,
SHOBU-ARI after the contestants have returned to center court.
l. Announce a winner by CHUSEN (lot) with CHUSEN GACHI,
SHOBU-ARI after the contestants have returned to center court.
m. Announce a play-off match by representing players with
DAISHYOSHA-SEN (play-off by representatives). An announcement
is made to the managers of each team who inform the Court Judge
or Chief Judge of who will comprise the team.
n. Announce a time out during a match with YAME. Contestants
remain where they are during the call.
o. Announce HANSOKU by identifying the HANSOKU such as
"JYOGAI with the number of times of the infraction, such as
NI-KAI two times (by showing two fingers). The announcement is
made after the contestants return to center court.
HANSOKU are the following:
1. JYOGAI - stepping out of bounds.
2. OSHIDASHI or TSUKIDASHI - unfair pushing or shoving an
opponent outside the court.
3. SHINAI HANASHI - letting go of the SHINAI.
4. TSUBA-ZERI-AI - prolonging TSUBA contact without intention of
5. ASHI-KAKE or ASHI-BARAI - tripping or sweeping an opponent
of their feet.
6. KOSEI-O-GAISURU KOI (unjustifiable act) a violation of
Match Regulations.
Chapter 8, Article 21, Item 6.
p. Announce a point earned by HANSOKU with IPPON-ARI (one point).
In this case the call of HANSOKU shall be made first to the
violator and then to the player receiving the point.
q. Announce a victory when a player insults an opponent or
referee with JINKAKU MUSHI (insult), SHOBU-ARI. In this
case, the former announcement will be made first to the
violator and then to the player receiving the point.
r. Announce a victory when an illegal SHINAI is used with
FUSEI-SHINAI-SHIYO, SHOBU-ARI. The call will be made to
the violator and then to the player receiving the point.
s. Announce a stop of play requested by a player or by the
judgment of a referee with YAME (stop). The players remain
where they are when the call is made.
t. Announce CHUI to the players at TSUBA-ZERI-AI-CHUI.
The referee shall point towards the violator after the
contestants have returned to center court.
u. Announce SOSAI (offset) such as SOSAI or ONAJIKU, as
the case may be, after the contestants have returned to
center court.
v. Announce a victory when there is a match refusal or
discontinuation with SHIAI KYOHI-SHOBU-ARI, after the
contestants have returned to center court.
w. Announce an inability to fight with SHIAI-FUNO,
SHOBU-ARI after the players have returned to center court.
x. Announce a victory when a player has committed an
act discontinuing the match with FUHO (unjustifiable)
KOI (act), SHOBU-ARI after the players have returned to center court.
y. Announce a draw with HIKI-WAKE (draw) after the players
have returned to center court.
Chapter 5 - Handling Other Matters.
Article 10. Referees shall handle all other matters than
those discussed in the preceding chapters in mutual
consultation, subject to approval by the Court or Chief Judge.
1. The rule hereabove set forth may be totally or partially
modified for the convenience of a championship/competition
meet as a result of unusual size or nature.
2. The rules are in effect as of April 1, 1979.
Appendix a.
a. The rules have been partially revised as of April 2, 1979.
Appendix b.
b. The rules have been partially revised as of May 27, 1988.
IV.SUPPLEMENT: Matters Important to a Match.
No. 1. Matters which players must pay attention to:
1. Players shall act in the following manner at the beginning
and end of a match:
Arrival or Departure
1. Upon entering the court, players shall line up at their seats,
give REI to the main stand at the order of the Manager and take
their seats. Likewise, prior to departure, they shall line up and
give REI and leave the court. Their REI shall reflect courteous
appreciation for the match participation arranged by
the administration. REI Manner of a Team.
2. REI of players in groups (Team Match)
The two competing groups shall stand in a row facing each other.
At the beginning, SENPO (the lst player) and JIHO (second player)
shall be in complete DOGU with MEN, KOTE, and SHINAI.
The last player, TAISHO, shall be the only player in DOGU at the end.
Ending Position > 0 0 0
0 0 0 < Starting Position
Sub Chief Sub
However, if two teams (starting and ending) cannot stand in a row,
the two ending teams and the two starting teams shall give REI
REI to the Main Stand
3. The REI to the main stand shall be conducted as follows and is
applicable to both team and individual matches:
a. At the beginning of the first match of the day and at the
beginning and ending of the final match of a tournament (three times).
b. If competition runs more than a day, at the beginning of
the first match and at the end of the last match of the day
(twice per day); except for the last day, when the final match
of the tournament is performed.
Match Points.
4. Prior to the beginning of a match, the two contestants
shall enter the court, standing nine steps apart. They shall
exchange RITSU-REI (standing REI) with SAGETO (SHINAI at the
left side of the body), take three steps forward, take SONKYO
position while drawing the SHINAI and wait in KAMAE with the tips
of the SHINAI close but not touching. At the Chief Referee's
command of HAJIME they will stand and begin the match.
5. The players shall stop promptly upon the Chief Referee's
command of YUKO DATOTSU or YAME, return to the center and take
6. A contestant shall motion to the Chief Referee when a break
is needed during a match and explain the reason for the request.
7. To resume a match after a time out, the contestants shall
take CHUDAN-NO-KAMAE at center court and commence the match
at the announcement of the Chief Referee.
8. At the Chief Referee's announcement of GOGI, the contestants
will take CHUDAN-NO-KAMAE at center court, replace their SHINAI,
step back to the inside court line and wait at the SONKYO position.
9. Contestants will also follow the preceding (8) when they must make
adjustments or correct equipment or apparel. Corrections shall be made
while kneeling.
10. At the end of a match, the contestants shall first
return to center court, take CHUDAN-N0-KAMAE and receive
the Chief Referee's announcement of SHOBU-ARI or HIKI-WAKE,
take SONKYO, replace the SHINAI, stand and take three to five
steps backward in TAITO position (holding the SHINAI at belt level),
lower the SHINAI to SAGETO and exchange a standing REI.
11. When a contestant receives a call of FUSEN GACHI, they
shall proceed with normal starting actions until the SONKYO
position as stated in (4) as if they were engaged in a match.
At the announcement they will rise from SONKYO, replace the
SHINAI and return to the standing position.
12. For a FUSEN GACHI announcement during a team match,
they victory team shall stand in a row and receive the announcement.
NITO (two SHINAI) KAMAE Procedure.
13. The contestant(s) will handle two SHINAI in the following manner:
a. Both DAITO (long) and SHOTO (short) SHINAI are carried in the left
b. In taking KAMAE, the SHINAI being held by the left hand
shall be drawn by the right hand and passed to the left hand.
The second SHINAI in the left hand will be drawn for KAMAE.
c. In replacing the two SHINAI, first the one held in the
right hand will be passed to the left hand and the second
one replace to the same.
d. The remainder of procedures is the same as for ITTO (single SHINAI).
REI after a match.
14. Contestants shall refrain from REI to the Referees or from ZA-REI
to the opponent, in order to save time in a match.
Alternating Players and Referees.
15. When players alternate in a court, they shall not engage in
shaking hands or other unnecessary act.
16. Players shall not enter the court until the Referees take
their positions.
17. When alternating players, the latter shall not enter
the court until the finished player leaves the court.
1. Players shall not waste time locked in TSUBA-ZERI-AI without
intention of DATOTSU. No more than 20 seconds is allowed.
2. Contestant will establish contact with SHINAI by crossing
each other's SHINAI at the left side of the TSUBA.
3. Other:
a. TABI (footwear), taping, supporter, etc. may be used on one foot
It shall be approved by either the Chief Judge or Court Judge
Other footwear such as rubber or leather soled shall not be used.
b. No time keeping devices shall be kept in the player's waiting
area. The audience shall refrain from giving players any advice
by gestures or rooting. Only encouragement by applause is allowed.
c. Players shall wear a name tag of cloth (ZEKKEN) that
identifies their dojo and family name as stipulated in the
rules of the meet.
d. Contestants shall wear their DOGU tightly to avoid it
coming off or loose during a match, and observe the following:
1. The extra length of MEN HIMO (cord) over the knot shall
not be longer than 40 centimeters.
2. The DO HIMO knot shall be tied in bow.
No. 2. Matters which Referees must pay attention to.
1. Signals from Chief Judge:
Start up.
The Chief Judge shall give the signal to start the match or
matches for the day in the following manner:
1. When there is one court, the first contestants shall enter
the court and take their starting positions. The Chief Judge
shall rise to their feet and let the Chief Referee signal the
start of the match.
2. When there is more than one court, when all the contestants
have entered their respective courts, the Chief Judge shall
rise to their feet and signal to begin with a whistle or horn.
2. Handing the Referee Flags.
Prior to the start.
1. The Court Judge shall receive the referee flags from the
Chief Judge beforehand.
The referees shall enter the court, receive their flags and
stand in the following locations:
a. Referees enter with the Chief Referee in the middle,
from the side opposite the main stand and just inside the
court line. The referees will REI towards the main stand.
b. After standing in a row inside the court, the Chief Referee will
walk to the Chief or Court Judge and receive three pairs of flags.
c. The Chief Referee shall then hand a pair of flags to
each sub referee, turning the flag handle to the receiver
and returning to their original position.
fig. 7
Referees Original Position.
2. Referees shall mutual exchange REI, carry the flags in their right
hand and position themselves in the appropriate location.
fig. 8
a. The Chief Referee's position shall be about one meter
inside the court line and in the middle of the contestants.
b. Sub referee's positions shall be about one meter inside
the court line near the main stand. Their two locations and
that of the Chief Referee's shall make a triangle.
The contestants stand in the center of the court.
Holding Flags.
3. The Chief Referee shall hold a red flag in their right
hand and the white flag in their left. Subreferees shall
hold their flags just the opposite. After the flags
are in the correct hands, the referees simultaneously REI.
Alternating Referees.
4. Referees shall move or alternate in the following manner:
a. Change of referee positions with the court shall be Chief
Referee to their right, and each subreferee to their right,
one position.
b. Alternating of referees without moving across the court
shall be made when
a replacement enters from the side of the court next to the referee.
c. Alternating a referee by moving to the next position to
the right or by crossing the court line perpendicularly to
the location of the present referee. The relieved
referee will exit by crossing the court line directly behind them.
fig. 11 & fig. 12. (Under development)
The current court referee will rotate their positions.
At the appropriate time the ex-Chief Referee (now a subreferee)
will be relieved by a new subreferee.
d. Alternating referees in a group will be made upon
completion of a team match as shown in fig. 13. (under development)
a. The retiring referees shall, after REI towards the main stand,
turn around,
hand the flags to the new group of referees by turning the flag
handles to the new referee.
b. The retiring referees shall leave the court together in a file.
Return of Flags at the end of the Tournament.
At the end of the matches, referees shall return their
flags as follows:
a. After mutual bowing, referees roll the flags with the
white flag inside, carrying them in the right hand. They
shall then return to the original starting position,
standing in a line.
b. The Chief Referee will receive the flags from the
subreferees, 1 and 2, in that order and return them to
the Chief Judge or Court Judge.
c. The Chief Referee will return to join the other two
referees REI to the main stand and leave the court in a file.
d. The Court Judges will return the flags to the Chief
Judge after all court matches have been completed for the day.
Referee's Attire:
Referees shall wear the following: however, modifications are allowed
in accordance with the rules of each particular tournament.
1. Jacket: Blue or black, plain. The Chief Judge may decide whether
the jacket should be worn or not according to the weather and other
2. Trouser: Gray, plain.
3. Shirt: White
4. Neck-Tie: Deep red (maroon), plain.
5. Socks: Blue
No. 3 Score Board Posting
1. Match results shall be posted on the scoreboard in the following
(1) TSUBA-ZERI-AI CHUI. An orange colore rectangular tag
() shall be posted near the applicable name and in the upper
half of the space.
(2) HANSOKU-A. Red triangle tag (() shall be posted near
the applicable name nd below the rectangular one.
(3) Upon two HANSOKU being committed, a tag () shall
replace the HANSOKU () tag but shall be posted near the
name of the contestant not in violation.
(4) YUKO DATOTSU tags shall be posted in the same manner
as the previous example.
(5) HANTEI victory will be shown with the following tag ( ).
(6) In the case of SOSAI, the tag ( and/or ( shall be left intact;
however, the frequency of SOSAI will be recorded separately.
(7) When the match period is over, showing only one point
taken, a tag ( ) IPPON GACHI will be posted.
(8) When an overtime match has been fought, the tag ( )
ENCHO will be posted over the center line and in the lower
half of the space.
(9) When a win is given due to a foul, inability to continue
or unjustifiable act, two tags with a red circle on each
side () will be posted on the side of the winner.
Likewise, in the case of a win in an overtime, one tag
will be posted on the side of the winner.
(10) When a match ends in a draw, a tag ( ( ) will
be posted over the center line.
제 목:전 미국 검도주소록 [7]
보낸이:검도정보(IPKUMDO ) 1997-09-22 17:41 조회:247
발신일시 : 97/09/19 15:36
발 신 인 : 김정욱 (kjw821 )
수신/참조: 수신
제 목 : 전미국 검도 주소록
1997 US Kendo Dojo Directory
distributed by the All United States Kendo Federation AUSKF
PO Box 2004 Lomita, California 90717
This dojo directory contains listings for 136 dojo in 33 states.
Please use this simple guide, to our national kendo clubs, to help
increase the awareness and goodwill between all clubs and kenshi.
In the US there is an estimated 2000 people practicing kendo either
thru a national federation or independently.
As the US kendo population grows, we hope to continue this
With hard work and determination we should be able to all see the day
this directory lists all 50 states.
It is hoped that this listing will be helpful to kendo students and
instructors throughout the United States.
An attempt has been made to list all known dojo regardless of
federation affiliation. We have tried to include independents
as well. Feel free to copy and distribute this list as you wish.
In order to maintain this document please help update and/or correct
any error or omissions by contacting Tony Galvan at the address below.
Changes or corrections to:
Tony Galvan
252 Old Ranch Dr.
Goleta, CA 93117-1024
Tel/Fax 805.685.2188
E-mail: galvan@dosgatos.com
Last update August 18, 1997
Alaska Kendo Club Mr. Masa Ando
P.O. Box 201961 Anchorage, AK 99520
(907)333-7753 H (907)272-5617 FAX
1st NAU Kendo Club Mr. Mike Rich
PO Box 6004 Flagstaff, Arizon 86011
602.523.6236 (w)
Phoenix Kendo Kai Mr. Tami Wollaston
10304 North 62nd Drive Glendale, Arizona 85302
602.487.1658 h 602.255.8485 w
Sun 1-3 PM
Tucson Kendo Kai Mr. Stanley Morgan
Archer Comm Center 3041 N. Country Club
1665 S. La Cholla Blvd. Tucson AZ 85716 Tucson, AZ 85713
(520)327-7523 W 6:30-8:30 PM
Tucson Kendo Kai Ms. Tomoko Coles
El Rio Comm Center
1390 W. Speedway Tucson AZ Tucson, AZ 85745 (520)745-0408
F 6:30-8:30 P
Tucson Kendo Kai Mr. Wally Barber
Davis-Monthan Air Base Gym Tucson AZ Tucson, AZ 85713
Sat, Sun
Alameda Kendo Dojo Miyata Yoshinari sensei
Alameda Buddhist Temple
2523 Pacific Ave. Alameda, CA
Saturday 10:00 - 11:30 am Mr. Miyata (510) 339-2602
Bakersfield Kendo Dojo Mr. Jim Yamakawa
2207 "N" St. (805)873-9417
Bakersfield, CA
W 830PM, Sun 730PM
Berkeley Kendo Dojo Miyata Hatchi Sensei
King Jr. H.S. Gynmasium
1781 Rose Ave. @ Grant
Berkeley, CA
Monday & Thursday 6:30 - 8:00 pm
Mr. Miyata (510) 339-2602
Chuo Kendo Dojo Mr. Masashi Shikai
Rafu Chuo Gakuen 125 S. Breed St
202 N. Saratoga St. Los Angeles, CA 90033
Los Angeles, CA 90033 (213)261-6501
MTh 7-9PM
Costa Mesa Kendo Dojo Mr. Scotty Nizawa
Higashi Buddhist Temple of Newport Beach 15061 Sonny Circle
254 Victoria Irvine, CA 92714
Costa Mesa, CA 92628 (714)559-1899
Wed 7:00-9:00PM
Corona Iaido Dojo Mr. B. Simmons
3675 Grant St. Corona, CA 91719
Tel: (714) 735-0108
Covina Kendo Dojo Mr. E. Parr
East San Gabriel Valley Japanese 818-334-2663
Community Center
1203 W. Puente Ave. Mr. Melvin Seshiki
West Covina, CA 91790 16619 E. Woodmount Pl
T,Th 730-9:00PM Hacienda Hts., CA 91745
Mr. Tsugio Imai (714)947-5954
C.S.U.F. Kendo Dojo Mr. Frank Goishi
South Gym: Rm #134 209-264-0034
Cedar & Show Ave Fresno, CA Th
Fresno Kendo Dojo Mr. Fred Kubota
Fresno, CA 647 W Menlo
Sun 1:30 PM Clovis, CA 93612
Gardena J.C.I. Kendo Dojo Mr. Hisashi Higuchi
Gardena Valley Japanese Cultural Institute 18203 Evelyn Ave
16215 South Gramercy Place Gardena, CA 90248
Gardena, CA 90247 (310)323-7219
F 730-9:00PM
Gardena Kendo Dojo Mr. Y. Shinkai
Gardena Valley Japanese Cultural Institute 310-787-8152
16215 South Gramercy Place Gardena, CA 90247
W 730PM
Hokushinkan Chiba Dojo California Mr. Frank Goishi
5699 E. North Ave. 209-264-0034
Fresno, CA 93725
Sun 130PM
Kings River Kendo Dojo Mr. Ray Arifuku
Kings River Community College 15834 E South
Reedley, CA Parlier, CA 93648
Tu 715PM (209)221-9301
Long Beach Harbor Kendo Dojo Mr. T. Takada
Long Beach Harbor Japanese Comm Ctr 310-539-3310
1766 Seabright Ave. Long Beach, CA 90810
M Th 730PM
Monterey Park Kendo Dojo Mr. Ichiro Murakami
Sheriff動 East LA Comm Center 4305 Mountain Shadow Rd
4360 Dozier Whittier, CA 90601
Los Angeles, CA (310)692-4943
Jan-Apr :MF 7:00PM; May-Dec :WF 7:00PM
Mountain View Dojo Mr. Robert Hodges
Mountain View Buddhist Temple 333 Schroeder
575 Sterling Rd. Sunnyvale, CA 94086
Mountain View, CA (408)730-1631 H
M 700PM (408)943-7925 W
Norwalk Kendo Dojo Mr. G. Kato
Southeast Japanese Community Center (818)571-7775
14615 S. Gridley Rd.
Norwalk, CA 90650 Mr. T. Yoshimura
M 7PM, F 730PM 6529 Pioneer Blvd
Whittier, CA 90606
Oakland Kendo Dojo Miyata Hatchi Sensei
DeFremery Center 437 35th Ave
1651 Adeline St. (@18th) San Francisco, CA 94121
Oakland, CA (415)387-1471
Wednesday & Friday 7:00 - 9:00 pm
Mr. Yoshinari Miyata (510)339-2602
Orange Co. Buddhist Church Kendo Dojo Mr. Yoshimichi Takeda
Orange County Buddhist Church 17124 Laurel St.
909 S. Dale St. Fountain Valley, CA 92708
Anaheim, CA 92803 (714)847-8777
Palo Alto Kendo Dojo Mr. Walter Hashimoto
2751 Louis Rd. 38080 Martha Ave. Suite A
Palo Alto, CA Fremont, CA 94536
T 7:30-9:00PM (510)797-7010 W (510) 494-9454 FAX
Pasadena Cultural Institute Kendo Dojo Mr. Nao Yamasaki
Pasadena Japanese Cultural Institute 1725 Wagner St.
595 N. Lincoln Ave. Pasadena, CA 91106
Pasadena, CA 91103 (818) 795-7951
F 730PM
Sacramento Dojo Mr. Bill Shirai
8320 Florin Rd. 2429 40th Ave.
Sacramento, CA Sacramento, CA 95822
Tu F 8PM (916)422-5293
Salinas Dojo Mr. Jimmy Eitoku
Salinas Buddhist Temple 13449 Paseo Terrano St.
14 California St. Salinas, CA 93908
Th 8PM (408)484-5041
San Diego Kendo-Bu Mr. John Yamamoto
San Diego, CA 3550 Winnetka Dr. Bonita, CA 91902
San Diego Kendo Club Mr. Kenneth Lorimer
Ocean View United Church of Christ 619-566-9661 (9 - 5 PM)
3525 Ocean View Blvd.
San Diego, CA 92113
F 730PM
San Fernando Valley Kendo Dojo Mr. Dennis Bailey
San Fernanado Valley Japanese 3132 Oakcrest Drive
Community Center Los Angeles, CA 90068
8850 Lankershim Blvd. (213)851-4784
Sun Valley, CA 91352 Mr. Tomoji Kato
MTu 730PM (805) 268-0672
San Francisco Dojo Mr. Tim Purcell
San Francisco Buddhist Temple 3020 Balboa St.
1881 Pine St. San Fransico, CA 94121
San Francisco, CA (415)386-7154
San Jose Dojo Mr. Charles Tanaka
San Jose Buddhist Temple 1156 Blackfield Dr.
640 N. Fifth St. Santa Clara, CA 95051
San Jose, CA 408-984-7329
Tu Th 8PM
San Jose State Univ. Kendo Club Mr. Rich Penny
Agnes Dev. Center 4760 Ciountry Lane #H
Monterrey & De La Cruz Rd. San Jose, CA 95129
Santa Clara, CA (408)255-4196
M, W 6:30-8:30 PM (408)255-4939FAX
San Mateo Dojo Mr. Masaru Ogihara
King Center 16 Hillbarn Ct.
825 Mt. Diablo Ave. San Mateo, CA 94403
San Mateo, CA (415)341-1410
Th 7PM
Santa Barbara Kendo Dojo Mr. Mikio Hattanda
Santa Barbara Bhuddist Church 840 Cienguitas Rd.
1350 Montecito St. Santa Barbara, CA 93110
Santa Barbara, CA 93101 (805) 687-2384
Thur 730PM
Santa Maria Kendo Dojo Mr. Isamu Yamamoto
Minami Comm Center 600 W. Enos St.
Th 7PM Santa Maria, CA 93454
Sho-Tokyo Kendo Dojo Mr. K. Arima
Hompa Hongwanji Temple Church Gym 7400 Artesia Blvd. #706
815 East 1st Street Buena Park, CA 90621
Los Angeles, CA 90012 (714) 522-3573
Fri 5:30pm-8:00pm
Torrance Kendo Club Mr. Jerry Ochi
Torrance Cultural Arts Center 21702 Anza Ave.
3330 Civic Center Dr. Torrance, CA 90503
Torrance, CA (310)316-3582
(Civic Center Dr is Torrance & Madrona Dr)
Venice Kendo Club Mr. R. Kaneshiro
Venice Japanese Community Center (310)428-2137
12448 Braddock Dr.
Los Angeles, CA 90066 Mr. Henry Asai
W 730PM 12840 Ruebens Ave. Los Angeles, CA 90066
Watsonville Dojo Mr. Jim Eitoku
Watsonville Buddhist Temple 13449 Paseo Terrano Ct.
423 Bridge St. Salinas, CA 93908
Watsonville, CA (408)484-5041
West Los Angeles Kendo Dojo Mr. K. Suyama
Sawtelle Japanese Institute 310-324-1880
2110 Corinth Ave. West Los Angeles, CA 90025
Tu 730PM, 1st & 3rd Th 730PM
Colorado University Kendo Club Mr. Joe Kato
Carlson Hall Basement (303)432-3948
Boulder, CO
T7-8:30PM, Th 8-9:30PM
Combat Art Center Mr. Jesse Clay
Fort Collins, CO 1719 S. College Ave.
Fort Collins, CO 80525
Littleton Kendo Dojo Mr. Tom Ryan
P.O. Box 3608 Littleton, CO80161-3608
Mushinkan Kendo Club Mr. Mark Uchida
US Air Force Academy 2375 South Eudora Street
Colorado Springs, CO Denver, Colorado 80222
F 7:30-9:30 PM (303)759-5018W
Mushinkan Kendo Club
@Aikido-kai Sanshinkan
3470-G Chelton Loop Colorado Springs, CO 80909
(719)596-1018 M 7:30-9:30 PM
Rocky Mountain Budokan Mr. Hideki Iwakabe
3427 South Broadway (303)781-5334
Englewood, CO 80110
M 10AM, WF 7PM
Doshikan Greenwich Dojo Mr. Duane Langenwalter
The Dundee Gymnasium c/o Thin Air Mead School 25 Seir Hill Rd.
55 Florence Rd. Norwalk, CT 06850
Riverside, CT (203)849-8104
Sat 430PM
First Yale Kendo Club Mr. Igor Popovic
Yale University Gym
New Haven, CT
UCONN Kumdo Club Mr. Ken Craggs
University of CT PO Box 185
Storrs, CT Marlborough, CT 06447
(203) 427-3304W (203) 295-9887H
Mr. Scott Nolan (203) 486-0492W
NIH Kendo Club See listing under Maryland.
Washington, D.C. Kendo Club Mr. William Dvorine
The Columbia Athletic Club 3350 Wilkens Ave.
Columbia, MD Baltimore, MD 21229
Th 830-10:00PM, Sat 9-11AM (410) 644-2767W
(410) 828-8207H (410) 337-0779FAX
Bradenton, Fl Dojo Mr. Larry May
W 6PM 6430 Lincoln Rd Bradenton, FL 34202
Emerald Coast Kendo Club Mr. Tim Lambreth
Southeastern Shotokan Karate 12 Bay Ct. NE
420 Elgin Parkway Ft Walton Beach, FL 32542
Ft Walton Beach, FL (904)243-6649 H
W 7:30-9:30PM, Sat 9:30-11AM
Shidogakuin Miami Kendo Club Mr. Mike Meade
3825 County Line Rd. 6641 SW 11th St
Pembroke Park, FL 33023 Plantation, Fl 33317
Th 7:30-10 PMSat 1-3 PM, (305)584-9082 H
Sun 8:30-10:30 AM (305)981-3033 Dojo
Meguro Iaido & Kendo Kai of Ft. Myers Mr. Joe Bass
40991 Horseshoe Road Punta Gorda, Fl 33955
941 543-1096
Georgia Kendo Alliance Mr. Kunitoshi Arai
Chastain Memorial Park Gym 2803 Carolyn Dr.
Wiecca Blvd. Tucker, GA 30084
Atlanta, GA (404)621-8118H
Th 7:30-9PM,Sat 4:30-6:30PM
Georgia Kendo Alliance Mr. M Kawanabe
Ga. Nihongo Sakko Jappanese 504 Ashford Parkway
Language School Kendo Club
Lindley Middle School Dunwoody, GA 30339
Atlanta, GA (770)394-9843
Sat 3-5PM
Marietta Kendo Dojo Mr. Harry Watanabe
Dickerson School 2803 Carolyn Dr.
T 730 PM Smyrna, GA 30081
N.E. Atlanta Kendo Dojo Ms. Yoriko Hashbarger
Japanese Language School 1441 Berry Cove Circle
Sat 3PM Lawrenceville, GA 30243
Peachtree City Kendo Club Mr. Jim Totten
Glenloch Rec Center 629 Grecken Green
Sat 6-8:30PM Peachtree City, GA 30269
(770)487-9764H (770)995-0717 X300 W
University of Georgia Kendo Club Mr. Frank Pridgen
30 B Russel Hall
Athens, GA 30609
Hawaii Kendo Federation Mr. Noboru Akagi
1293 Ala Aloala Honolulu, Hawaii 96818
(808)839-4920H (808)488-5858W
Idaho Kendo Kai Mr. Maximo Callao
Boise YMCA 5680 Kriscliffe Ct.
Boise, ID Boise, ID 83704
WF 7PM 208-376-3237
Chicago Hwa-Rang Kum-do Mr. Yum Bok Noh
Champion Tae Kwon Do (815)936-9877
569 Main NW Bourbonnais, IL 60915
Chicago Kendo Dojo Mr. George Izui
Buddhist Temple of Chicago (312)271-6360
1151 West Leland Ave. Chicago, IL 60640
Tu, Fri 730-10:00PM; Mon 7:30-9:30 PM (Iaido)
Choyokan Kendo Dojo - Dr. Ken Sakamoto
Japan Cultural Center 3939 N. Lincoln Ave.
1016 West Belmont Chicago, IL 60618
Chicago, IL 60657 (Day) 312-871-5500
Tu Fri 8PM, Su 12PM (PM) 312-871-5847
E-mail: Sakamoto@aolcom
Choyokan Kendo Dojo - Mr. Tom Okawara
Dee Park Recreation Center
9229 W. Emerson Ave. Des Plaines, IL 60016
Saturday 5 pm
Mr. Tom Okawara
1517 Kirk Street Evanston, IL 60202
Tel 847/328-3203
Email: Tokawara@aol.com.
Moline Kendo Dojo Mr. David Birdsell
Moline, IL Birdsell Chiropractic
1201 5th Ave. Moline, IL 61625
Normal Kendo Dojo Mr. Shoji Sakai
Normal, IL 100 N. Diamond-Star Prkwy.
Normal, IL 61761
University of Chicago Kendo Club (Myong-Ryun-Kwan)
Mr. Hyonggun Choi
(773)643-3579 (773)643-5265 fax hgchoi@midway.uchicago.edu
New Orleans Kendo Dojo Mr. Frank Anselmo
910 S. Carrollton Ave. Apt #J New Orleans, LA 70118
NIH Shidogakuin Mr. James Yan
Bldg 10, 14 th floor gym 2702 Pony Farm Ct.
9000 Rockville Pike Oakton, VA 22124
Bethesda, MD 20892 (703)716-0335 H
Mon, Fri 8:00-10:30 PM taklee@clark.net
Mr. Shozo Kato
252 Lafayette New York, NY 10012
(703)709-5610 Dojo (212)925-0554 Fax
Acton Kendo & Iaido Club Mr. Barry Poitras
2 School Street (508)263-2768
Acton, MA 01720
Sat 1:30-3:30, Sun 6-8, Mon 6:30-9:00
Boston Kendo Kyokai Mr. David Harrison
Church of Our Savior 131 South St.
25 Monmouth St. Chestnut Hill, MA 02167
Brookline, MA 02143 (617)327-3104
T, F 8:30-10PM; Sun 1:30PM-4:30PM (617)327-6479FAX
Boston Univ Kendo Assoc Mr. Masateru Iwase
775 Commonwealth Ave (617)267-8937
Boston, MA
M,W 9-11 PM
New England Kendo Assoc. (Medford) Mr.John Thompson
Medford High School 10 Burton St.
Medford, MA Arlington, MA 02174
Sat 1-3 PM (617)646-9102
New England Kendo Assoc. (Natick) Mr. Yasuhiro Yasutomi
25 Washington St. 109 Queensbury St
Natick, MA Boston, MA 02215
Sun 10-2 PM (617)247-6405
Battle Creek Kendo Kai Mr. David Christman
West dickman Fitness Center 111 Cherry Lane
2851 West Dickman Rd. Battle Creek, MI 49015
Battle Creek, MI (616)965-6590 H
Tu 7PM, Th 7:30PM (616)962-6274 W (616)964-9288
Kyoshinkan M.A.C. Kendo Mr. Ron Fox
2300 Hannah Blvd. 2105 LaMer Lane
East Lansing, MI 48823 Haslett, MI 48840
(517)339-1872 (517)333-6349 W fox@nscl.msu.edu
Kyoshinkan MSU Kendo Club Mr. Ron Fox
2002 N Cedar St. 2105 LaMer Lane
Michigan State University Haslett, MI 48840
Holt, MI (517)339-1872 (517)333-6349 W
Kyoshinkan Holt Junior Kendo Club Mr. Ron Fox
Intramural Circle Building, Rm 218 2105 LaMer Lane
Michigan State University Haslett, MI 48840
East Lansing, MI (517)339-1872
M 6PM, Th 7PM, Sat 3PM (517)333-6349 W
Spartan Kendo Club Mr. Hiroshi Ichikawa
Intramural Building, East Biochemistry Dept.
Michigan State University Michigan State Univ.
East Lansing, MI East Lansing, MI 48824
Tu 7PM, Sat 1PM 517-353-0809
Minnehaha Kendo Dojo Mr. Bob Cochran
McCalister College Kendo 4744 Chicago Ave. South
Minneapolis, MN Minneapolis, MN 55407
W / F 8-10PM, Sun 9:30-12PM 612-823-6715 BGOUGH@msmail.hsii.ccare.com
Rochester Kendo Club Mr. Gary LeQuia
Rochester, MN 626 E. Center St. #22
Rochester, MN 55904
Big Sky Kendo Kai Mr. Guy Youngblood
St. Paul's United Methodist Church 1515 Easy Road
505 Logan Helena, MT 59601
Helena, MT (406)458-9861
Jinbukan Mr. Rick Schmidt
University of Nebraska (402)472-1158
School of Health, P.E. & Recreation
Lincoln, NE 69599
MW 6PM, Sat 11AM
Kenyu Kai Mr. George Colella
Chadron State College 55 Whispering Pines
Physical Activity Center Chadron, NB 69337-9362
Chadron, NB (308)432-3948
Wed 3-5 PM, Sat 12-2 PM
Fort Lee Kyudokan Dojo Mr. Mozart Ishizuka
Dwight-Englewood School 445 5th Ave.
315 East Palisades Ave. Suite 21-E
Englewood, NJ New York, NY 10016
Sun 10AM (212)679-1230
Mr. Mitsunori Matsuo
21 Leroy St. Tenafly, NJ 07670
Korean Kum Do Assoc. USA Mr. John Yim
Hwa Rang Sang Moo Kwan (201)568-5656
33 Country Rd
Tenafly, NJ 07670 Mr. Won H Lee
M, W, F 9PM
Korean Kum Do Assoc. USA Mr. John Yim
Kom Bop Sang Moo Kwan (201)461-6444
424 Hillcrest Ave
Palisade Park, NJ 07650 Mr. Won H Lee
M, W, F 9PM; T, Th 8:30PM
Sat 2PM, Sun 8:00AM
Korean Kum Do Assoc. USA Mr. John Yim
Hwang Yong Sang Moo Kwan (718)463-9013
2 East Madison Ave Du Mont, NJ 07628 Mr. Jin H Kwon
Shidogakuin Hakushikan c/o Mr. Shozo Kato
252 Lafayette New Jersey New York, NY 10012
(212)431-1322 Dojo (212)925-0554 Fax
New Mexico Kendo Dojo Mr. Davis Begay
629 Parkside Place SE Albuquerque, NM 87123
(505)293-2322H (505)844-4152W (505)293-0171 Fax DavisNM@aol.com
Taos Kendo Mr. Charles Riddle
PO Box 2868 Taos, NM 87571
All Hallows HS Kendo Club Mr. Garrett Huehner
111 East 164th St. 5 Independence Place
Bronx, NY 10452 Ossining, NY 10562
(212)293-4545 (914)762-2016
Colgate Kendo Club Mr. Raul Huerta
Huntington Gym 315-861-7714
Colgate University Hamilton, NY
Th 7PM, Sun 330PM
Cornell Kendo Club Mr. Randall Lane
MSC/18 Clark Hall 18 Oakcrest Rd.
Cornell University Ithaca, NY 14850
Ithaca, NY 14853 (607)255-7480 W
W 930PM, Sat 12:45PM (607)253-1713 H rjl@msc.cornel.edu
Doshikan Kendo Club Mr. Shozo Kato
252 Lafayette St. #2E 252 Lafayette St. #2E
New York, NY New York, NY 10012
Tu 630PM (212)431-1322 Dojo (212)925-0554 Fax
Soundance Studio
385 Broadway New York, NY
F 730PM, Sun 2PM
Duk Mu Kwan Mr. Kook Bae Lee
Queens, NY (718)631-8499
Hartsdale Kyudokan Dojo Mr. Mozart Ishizuka
Woodlands H.S. Gym 445 5th Ave Suite 21E
475 West Hartsdale Ave. NY, NY 10016
Hartsdale, NY (212)679-1230
Sat 5PM
Japanese Swordsmanship Society Ms. Nancy Dougherty
Japanese Martial Arts & Cult. Academy (201)869-6480
PO Box 1116
Rockefeller Center Stn. NY, NY 10185
Ken Zen Institute Ms. Ricky Ebihara (kendo)
Japanese Martial Arts and Cult. Academy (212)741-2281
152-8 West 26th St. (212)741-2284FAX
New York, NY 10001
Tu Th 630PM, F 7AM, Sat 6PM, Sun 1030AM Mr. Tom Hooper (iaido)
iai: W 6PM, Sat 4PM (718)398-2386
Ken Zen Institute Mr. Moses Becerra
East Northport, NY (718)592-1482
Kongokan Dojo Mr. Kazuo Kato
735 Port Washington Rd. (516)669-8635
Port Washington, NY
Mr. Victor Fugueroa, Jr (516)289-5101
Korean Kum Do Assoc. USA Mr. John Yim
Central Sang Moo Kwan 1350 Lafayette Ave
8 Hillcrest Ave. Bronx, NY 10474
Manhasset, NY 11030 (718)589-0517
M,Th, Sat 9PM (718)589-0735 FAX
Mr. Sung Shik Yoon
41-75 Bowne St Flushing, NY 11355
(718)939-0666 (516)627-8500
Korean Kum Do Assoc. USA Mr. John Yim
South Sang Moo Kwan (718)463-9013
157-70 Northern Blvd.
Flushing, NY 11354 Mr. Yong K Huhr
Th 6:30PM, Sat10AM,Sun2:30PM
Korean Kum Do Assoc. USA Mr. Jules Harris
Meitokukan 518-438-4426
The Loft 286 Central Ave Albany, NY
Sun 12:30-2:30PM (Iaido 11:30-12:30)
Mugen Dojo Mr. Marc Isaacs
Yanagi Martial Arts Dojo (516)754-2870
283 Main St. (516)756-1875
Farmingdale, NY 11735
W 730PM, Sat 230PM
New York City Kendo Club Mr. Noboru Kataoka
Jan Hus Church 212-874-6161
351 E. 74th St. New York, NY 10021
Tu Th 630PM, Sat 230PM
Northern Westchester Kendo Club Mr. Dennis Stanishia
Yorktown Community and Cultural Center 21 Evergreen Rd.
1974 Commerce St. Putnam Valley, NY
Yorktown Heights, NY 914-528-0284
Fri 730PM Mr. Percy Dawson 914-241-2029
Yushinkan Ms. Ricky Ebihara
Marymount College (212)741-2281
100 Marymount Way Tarrytown, NY 10591
Sat 3PM
Charlotte Kendo Club Mr. Ken Strawn
Carolina Gymnastics & Martial Arts 2217 Orton St
14017 E. Independence Blvd. Charlotte, NC 28208
Matthews, NC 28105 (704)393-2218W
(704)882-3587 (704)399-0774H
W 7:30-9:30PM
North Raleigh Kendo Club Mr. John Flanigan
@ Karate International
2431 Spring Forest Rd. Raleigh, NC 27607
Wed 7:30-8:30 PM (919)852-499 H
(919)515-5049 W flanman@eos.ncsu.edu
Contact: John Flanigan
5327-D Wayne St. Raleigh, NC 27606
(919)852-4999(h) (919)515-5049(w)
email: flanman@eos.ncsu.edu
Bujinkan Fellowship International Mr. Tetsuya Higuchi
Cleveland, OH 216-946-2836
Mr. Gary Mason 216-246-2836
Cleveland Kendo Association Mr. Tsuyoshi Inoshita
Cleveland State University 2423 Fenwick Rd.
Cleveland, OH Univ. Hts., OH 44118
M 730PM (216)321-1187H
Kohbukan Kendo Dojo Mr. Craig Campbell
Ohio State University 153 West California Ave
Columbus, OH 43202
Miami Valley Kendo Club Mr. Dave Hergesheimer
2028 Harshman Rd. 131 Glen St.
Dayton, OH 45424 Yellow Springs, OH 45387
(513)236-1450 (513)767-9443H
Sat 12:30-3:00 PM
United States Classical Kendo Federation Mr. Sadao Kotaka
1182 Thurell Road
Columbus, Ohio 43229
Monmouth Kendo Club Mr. Koichi Ando
Western Oregon State University 1243 Madrona Ave
Fri 6-7PM Monmouth, OR 97361
503-838-3557 H 503-838-8425 W
Obukan Kendo Club-Eastside Dojo Mr. Bill Howell
Vikki Mills Dance Studio 2525 NE 23rd Ave.
3536 SE 26th Portland, OR 97005
Portland, OR (503)288-9298
Mon 8-9
Obukan Kendo Club-Hombu Dojo Mr. Robert Stroud
Greenburg Plaza Jazzercise 6900 SW 130th Ave.
10855 SW Cascade Blvd Beaverton, OR 97008
Tigard, OR (503)626-7786
Wed 6-8, Fri 7-9 PM (503)221-6995 x111
Tan Shin Kai Kendo Dojo Mr. Shoji Okutani
Community Education Center PO Box 53253
3500 Lancaster Av. Philadelphia, PA 19105-3253
Philadelphia, PA (215)351-9643
Tu, Th 7-9PM, Sun 8-10AM (215)440-9497
Shu Do Kan Dojo Mr. Shuji Matsushita
Tannersville, PA 2716 Columbia St
Easton, PA 18045
Rei Mei Kan Dojo Mr. Scott Lutz
Bath, PA 5932 Keystone Dr
Bath, PA 18014
South Dakota Kendo Club Mr. Klaus Heuser
3326 Harmony Ln
Rapid City, SD 57702
Memphis Kendo Dojo Mr. Harry Dach
Raleigh Community Center 4638 Talley
M,Th 6-10PM Millinton, TN 38053
(901)872-4638H (800)833-3770W
Meiji Gakuin Kendo Club Mr. Shinobu Maeda
1314 Peachtree St. Sweetwater, TN 37874
M W F 4:50-6:10 PM (615)442-1055H
Austin Kendo Doshikai Mr. Alfred Walker
Austin, Texas 112 Franklin Blvd
Sat Sun 1230PM, Tu 730PM Austin, TX 78751
Chubei at Denton Mr. Richard Shoffett
612 Hercules 817-387-7442
Denton, TX 76201 817-382-6387
Alt. M 8PM, W 630PM
Dallas-Fort Worth Kendo & Iaido Kyokai Mr. Russel Ichimura
Sammons Center for the Arts 15517 Preston Rd, #2207
Dallas, TX Dallas, TX 75248
Sun 9:30 AM (214)392-1330H (214)919-8661W
Dance Traxx, Inc (214)919-7211Fax
1422 Prestion Forest SQ
Dallas, TX
Th 730PM
Hokushin Chiba Dojo Mr. Darrel Craig
4230 Mangum 713-466-6238
Houston, TX 77092 713-682-9014
MF 630PM, Sat 330PM
San Antonio School of Kendo Mr. Mik Nemeth
(210)341-3887H nemeth@alhrt.brooks.af.mil
Texas Tech Kendo Club Mr. Noriyuki Sakuma
Texas Tech Recreation Center 806-747-6540
Lubbock, TX
TuThF 645PM, Sun 6PM
University of Texas Kendo Association Mr. Yuji Ikeda
University of Texas, Austin P.O. Box 7634
Austin, TX Austin, TX 78713
Sat Sun 1230PM, Tu 730PM 512-473-2527
Ogden Kendo Club Mr. David Diguangco
Weber State University (801)479-8645
Swanson Gymnasium, Rm. 19 diguangc@oodis01.hill.af.mil
Ogden, UT
USA Keishin Kan Mr. Bernie Garcia
15 South Main (801)882-6255
Tooele, UT 84074
Utah Kendo Dojo Mr. Lou Barrows
University of Utah 2119 S. Lakeline Drive
Health, P.E. & Rec., Room W105 SLC, UT 84109
Salt Lake City, UT (801)486-7154 lbarrows@deans.pharm.utah.edu
Blacksburg Kendo Club Ms. Carol Meyers
Blacksburg YMCA 301 Lee Street
Blacksburg, VA Blacksburg, VA 24060
Koryu Dojo Mr. Hoang Phong
10960-F Three Chopt Rd
Richmond, VA 23233
W7-8:30PM, Sat2-3:30PM (804)527-1059
Waynesboro YMCA Kendo Club Mr. Charles Dobson
648 S. Wayne Rd.
Waynesboro, VA Waynesboro, VA 22980
(703)942-5107 W
Bellevue Kendo Club Mr. Jeffrey Marsten
Bellevue Parks Dept. 616 SW 135th
Highland Community Center Seattle, WA 98146
14224 Bel-Red Rd. (206)246-2239H
Bellevue, WA
Cascade Kendo Kai Mr. Gary Imanishi
Mercer View Community Center 15712 SE 45th St
8236 S.E. 24th St. Bellevue, WA 98006
Mercer Island, WA (206)643-0714H
W 7PM (206)296-7484W
Highline Kendo Kai Mr. Jeffrey Marsten
1321 SW IO2nd St. 616 SW 135th
Seattle, WA Seattle, WA 98146
MW 6PM, Sat 830AM (206)246-2239H
Northwest Kendo Club Mr. Tom Broderick
1600 Armory Way 19564 44th Ave NE
Seattle, WA Seattle, WA 98155
206-285-9140 (206)362-5421H
Tu 7PM, F 7PM ( 206)224-0709W tom@cojk.com
Renton Community Center Mr. Curtis Marsten
1715 Maple Valley Hwy 20825 6th Ave So.
Renton, WA Des Moines, WA 98198
Th 8PM (206)878-1880 H
Seattle Kendo Kai Mr. Daniel Ichinaga
St. Peters Episcopal Church Gym 3700 First Interstate Center
1610 S. King St. 999 3rd Avenue
Seattle, WA Seattle, WA 98104-4001
Sun 3PM, Th 7PM (206)283-6873 H (206)682-0565 W
Tacoma Kendo Club Mr. Bill Sherman
1602 S. K St. 501 North E St Apt #B
Tacoma, WA Tacoma, WA 98403
Tu 7:15PM (206)572-4670 H
Spokane Kendo Club Mr. Steve Alfstad
1528 S Maple Spokane, WA Spokane, WA 99203
University of Washington Kendo Club Mr. Curtis Marsten
HEC Ed Pavilion Addition Gym 20825 6th Ave S.
Seattle, WA Des Monies, WA 98198
W F 7PM (206)878-1880 H
University of Wisconsin Kendo Club Mr. Steve Voss
Madison, WI 4859 Sheboygan
Madison, Wisconsin 53705
Cheyenne Budokan Mr. Scott Tullis
5001 Griffith Ave. (307)634-9415
Cheyenne, WY 82009
Tu Thur 7PM
Contact Tony Galvan, galvan@dosgatos.com with corrections or additions.