●racehorse, ●[ 1464] ①고유번호, ②발음과 의미,[](), ③파생어, ④동의어 ⑤반의어, ⑥어원[ ()-() ♨ ☞[] □], ⑦어원해설, ⑧같은 어원 ⑨같은 어원 예문, ⑩관련 숙어 ⑪특기사항, ⑫영영사전, ⑬예시문장,⇒(×)
●racing, ●[ 1465] ①고유번호, ②발음과 의미,[](), ③파생어, ④동의어 ⑤반의어, ⑥어원[ ()-() ♨ ☞[] □], ⑦어원해설, ⑧같은 어원 ⑨같은 어원 예문, ⑩관련 숙어 ⑪특기사항, ⑫영영사전, ⑬예시문장,⇒(×)
●rage, ●[ 1466] ①고유번호, ②발음과 의미,[](), ③파생어, ④동의어362,anger(B) : anger indignation incisive rage fury wrath 477,fashion(B) :fashion style mode vogue fad craze rage ⑤반의어,529,rage/calm, ⑥어원[ ()-() ♨ ☞[] □], ⑦어원해설, ⑧같은 어원 ⑨같은 어원 예문, ⑩관련 숙어 ⑪특기사항, ⑫영영사전, ⑬예시문장,
●rainbow, ●[ 1467] ①고유번호, ②발음과 의미,[](), ③파생어, ④동의어 ⑤반의어, ⑥어원[ ()-() ♨ ☞[] □], ⑦어원해설, ⑧같은 어원 ⑨같은 어원 예문, ⑩관련 숙어 ⑪특기사항, ⑫영영사전, ⑬예시문장,⇒(×)
●rainy, ●[1468 ] ①고유번호, ②발음과 의미,[](), ③파생어, ④동의어 ⑤반의어,530,rainy/sunny, ⑥어원[ ()-() ♨ ☞[] □], ⑦어원해설, ⑧같은 어원 ⑨같은 어원 예문, ⑩관련 숙어251,for a rainy day(곤궁한 때에 대비하여), ⑪특기사항, ⑫영영사전, ⑬예시문장,
●raised, ●[1469 ] ①고유번호, ②발음과 의미,[](), ③파생어, ④동의어 ⑤반의어, ⑥어원[ ()-() ♨ ☞[] □], ⑦어원해설, ⑧같은 어원 ⑨같은 어원 예문, ⑩관련 숙어 ⑪특기사항, ⑫영영사전, ⑬예시문장,⇒(×)
●ram, ●[ 1470] ①고유번호, ②발음과 의미,[](), ③파생어, ④동의어 ⑤반의어, ⑥어원[ ()-() ♨ ☞[] □], ⑦어원해설, ⑧같은 어원 ⑨같은 어원 예문, ⑩관련 숙어 ⑪특기사항, ⑫영영사전, ⑬예시문장,⇒(×)
●ran, ●[ 1471] ①고유번호, ②발음과 의미,[](), ③파생어, ④동의어 ⑤반의어, ⑥어원[ ()-() ♨ ☞[] □], ⑦어원해설, ⑧같은 어원 ⑨같은 어원 예문, ⑩관련 숙어 ⑪특기사항, ⑫영영사전, ⑬예시문장,⇒(×)
●random, ●[1472 ] ①고유번호, ②발음과 의미,[](), ③파생어, ④동의어639,random(B) : random haphazard casual desultory sharp ⑤반의어,532,random/planned(specific), ⑥어원[ ()-() ♨ ☞[] □], ⑦어원해설, ⑧같은 어원 ⑨같은 어원 예문, ⑩관련 숙어 ⑪특기사항, ⑫영영사전, ⑬예시문장,
●range, ●[1473 ] ①고유번호, ②발음과 의미,[](), ③파생어, ④동의어640,range(B) : range scope reach compass 664,roam(B) : roam ramble range rove prowl stray wander ⑤반의어, ⑥어원609,range[rang(=ranger/line,rank)-e(things)/range(rank)열, 산맥, 계급,=row, line♨ranger☞줄에서/줄지은 것□], ⑦어원해설, ⑧같은 어원566,▣range, <(L)range=rank>range, ranger, arrange, arrangement, disarrange, disarrangement, prearrange, prearrangement, derange, derangement, outrange, rank, ⑨같은 어원 예문, ⑩관련 숙어 ⑪특기사항, ⑫영영사전, ⑬예시문장,
●rank, ●[ 1474] ①고유번호, ②발음과 의미,[](), ③파생어, ④동의어641,rank(B) : rank degree grade ⑤반의어,532,rank/fresh,(533) ⑥어원609,rank[rank(=rang/rank, line)열,줄♨☞줄을 세우다/열□], ⑦어원해설, ⑧같은 어원566,▣range, <(L)range=rank>range, ranger, arrange, arrangement, disarrange, disarrangement, prearrange, prearrangement, derange, derangement, outrange, rank, ⑨같은 어원 예문, ⑩관련 숙어 ⑪특기사항, ⑫영영사전, ⑬예시문장,
●rapid, ●[ 1475] ①고유번호, ②발음과 의미,[](), ③파생어, ④동의어104, fast(A) : fast(빠른) rapid swift quick speedy ⑤반의어,532,rapid/slow,(533) ⑥어원[ ()-() ♨ ☞[] □], ⑦어원해설, ⑧같은 어원 ⑨같은 어원 예문, ⑩관련 숙어 ⑪특기사항,566,▩566rapid/rapidity[ accent의 이동, ⓐ/ⓝ], ⑫영영사전, ⑬예시문장,
●rare, ●[1476 ] ①고유번호, ②발음과 의미,[](), ③파생어, ④동의어 ⑤반의어,534,rare/common, ⑥어원[ ()-() ♨ ☞[] □], ⑦어원해설, ⑧같은 어원 ⑨같은 어원 예문, ⑩관련 숙어 ⑪특기사항, ⑫영영사전, ⑬예시문장,
●rat, ●[ 1477] ①고유번호, ②발음과 의미,[](), ③파생어, ④동의어 ⑤반의어, ⑥어원[ ()-() ♨ ☞[] □], ⑦어원해설, ⑧같은 어원 ⑨같은 어원 예문, ⑩관련 숙어 ⑪특기사항, ⑫영영사전, ⑬예시문장,⇒(×)
●rate, ●[ 1478] ①고유번호, ②발음과 의미,[](), ③파생어, ④동의어231,price(A) : price cost charge fare fee rate value 655,reproach(B) : reproach rebuke reprimand reprove scold chide upbraid berate rate smell ⑤반의어, ⑥어원610,rate[rat(calculate/reason)-e(ⓥ) 평가하다, 비율♨☞계산하여 (값이) 결정된 것□], ⑦어원해설, ⑧같은 어원613,▣613ratal, <(L)rat=reason>ratal, ratable, rate, ratify, ratification, ratio, ratiocinate, ration, rational, rationalism, rationale, rationalize, rationalization, ⑨같은 어원 예문, ⑩관련 숙어51,at all events(하여튼: in any case, at any rate) 52,at any rate(하여튼: any way, anyhow, at all events, in any case) 58,at least(적어도, 어쨌든: not less than, at any rate), ⑪특기사항, ⑫영영사전, ⑬예시문장,
●rather, ●[ 1479] ①고유번호, ②발음과 의미,[](), ③파생어, ④동의어 ⑤반의어, ⑥어원[ ()-() ♨ ☞[] □], ⑦어원해설, ⑧같은 어원 ⑨같은 어원 예문, ⑩관련 숙어307,had rather ∼than(∼하느니 차라리∼하겠다: would rather ∼than), 489,not so much A as B(A라기보다는 B이다: not A so much as B, B rather than A), 785,would rather∼ than(∼하느니 차라리∼하겠다) ⑪특기사항, ⑫영영사전, ⑬예시문장,
●rational, ●[ 1480] ①고유번호, ②발음과 의미,[](), ③파생어, ④동의어248,rational(A) : rational reasonable sensible 643, reasonable(B) : reasonable rational ⑤반의어,536,rational/irrational, ⑥어원610,rational[rat(reason)-ion(state)-al(like)이성적인,≠irrational♨rationalism, rationale☞합리적인/이성적인□], ⑦어원해설, ⑧같은 어원613,▣613ratal, <(L)rat=reason>ratal, ratable, rate, ratify, ratification, ratio, ratiocinate, ration, rational, rationalism, rationale, rationalize, rationalization, ⑨같은 어원 예문, ⑩관련 숙어 ⑪특기사항, ⑫영영사전, ⑬예시문장,
●raw, ●[ 1481] ①고유번호, ②발음과 의미,[](), ③파생어, ④동의어642,raw(B) : raw crude rude ⑤반의어,539,raw/ripe, ⑥어원[ ()-() ♨ ☞[] □], ⑦어원해설, ⑧같은 어원 ⑨같은 어원 예문, ⑩관련 숙어 ⑪특기사항, ⑫영영사전, ⑬예시문장,
●reach, ●[ 1482] ①고유번호, ②발음과 의미,[](), ③파생어, ④동의어640,range(B) : range scope reach compass ⑤반의어, ⑥어원611,reach[reach(=rec/stretch)(장소, 목적지에)도착하다 ♨ ☞ (신체를) 펴다에서□], ⑦어원해설, ⑧같은 어원557, ⑨같은 어원 예문, ⑩관련 숙어247,find one's way(애써 나아가다, 도달하다: make one's way, reach) 275,get at(도달하다: reach, discover), 553, reach for(손을 뻗치다), reach out (for)(뻗치다: stretch out) ⑪특기사항, ⑫영영사전, ⑬예시문장,
●react, ●[ 1483] ①고유번호, ②발음과 의미,[](), ③파생어, ④동의어 ⑤반의어, ⑥어원611,react[re(back)-act(do)반작용하다♨reaction, reactionary☞뒤로 작용하다/되받아 작용하다□], ⑦어원해설, ⑧같은 어원6,▣act, <act-/ag-= to do> act, action, acting, active, activity, actively, activate, deactivate, actor, actress, actual, actuality, actually, actuate, actuation, coact, coaction, coactive, counteract, counteraction, counteractive, enact, enactment, enaction, exact, exactness, exactitude, exaction, interact, interaction, interactive, react, recation, reactionary, transact, transaction, actuary, overact, overaction, underact, underaction, radioactivity, retroaction, abreaction, agent, agency, agential, agile, agility, agitate, agitation, adage, ambages, ambagious, agenda, adagent, coagent, counteragent, reagent, stratagem, <ig-/g-=drive> ambiguous, exigent, prodigal, intransigent, cogent, ⑨같은 어원 예문, ⑩관련 숙어 ⑪특기사항, ⑫영영사전, ⑬예시문장,
●real, ●[ 1484] ①고유번호, ②발음과 의미,[](), ③파생어, ④동의어249,real(A) : real actual true ⑤반의어,223,fake/real(genuine), 540,real/untrue, 722,unreal/real, ⑥어원611,real[real(res/thing, fact) 진실의, 진품의, ♨reality, realism, realize, ☞실체(실재)에서□], ⑦어원해설, ⑧같은 어원 ⑨같은 어원 예문, ⑩관련 숙어 ⑪특기사항,569,▩569real/reality[ accent의 이동, ⓐ/ⓝ], 571,▩realize/real[대조단어], ⑫영영사전, ⑬예시문장,
●reality, ●[1485 ] ①고유번호, ②발음과 의미,[](), ③파생어, ④동의어 ⑤반의어, ⑥어원reality[real(res/thing, fact)-ity(state) 진실의, 진품의, ♨realism, realize, ☞실체(실재)화에서□], ⑦어원해설, ⑧같은 어원 ⑨같은 어원 예문, ⑩관련 숙어367,in reality(실제로는: really) ⑪특기사항,569,▩569real/reality[ accent의 이동, ⓐ/ⓝ], ⑫영영사전, ⑬예시문장,
●realize, ●[ 1486] ①고유번호, ②발음과 의미,[](), ③파생어, ④동의어 ⑤반의어, ⑥어원612,realize[real(res/thing, fact)-ize(make)실현하다♨real, ☞실체(실제)화 하다□], ⑦어원해설, ⑧같은 어원 ⑨같은 어원 예문, ⑩관련 숙어 ⑪특기사항,406,▩idea/theater[ EA가 /i / 발음] hear/fear/realize[ EA가 /i / 발음], 571,▩realize/real[대조단어], ⑫영영사전, ⑬예시문장,
●reason, ●[1487 ] ①고유번호, ②발음과 의미,[](), ③파생어, ④동의어250,reason(A) : reason cause ground motive occasion 311,think(A) : think consider contemplate deliberate reason reflect speculate suppose study weigh conceive meditate ⑤반의어, ⑥어원612,reason[reas(=rat/reason)-on(L-ending)이성♨reasonable☞추론하다에서□], ⑦어원해설, ⑧같은 어원 ⑨같은 어원 예문, ⑩관련 숙어132,because of(=by reason of, on account of) 512,on no account(결코∼않다: never, in no case, for no reason), 771,with reason(당연하게) ⑪특기사항,88,▩88busom/easy/girls/reason[ S가 /z/ 발음] dissolve/possess[ SS가 /z/ 발음] anxiety[ X가 /z/ 발음], ⑫영영사전, ⑬예시문장,
●reasonable, ●[1488 ] ①고유번호, ②발음과 의미,[](), ③파생어, ④동의어248,rational(A) : rational reasonable sensible ⑤반의어,541,resonable/unreasonable, ⑥어원[ ()-() ♨ ☞[] □], ⑦어원해설, ⑧같은 어원 ⑨같은 어원 예문, ⑩관련 숙어461,make sense(이치에 닿다: be sensible, be reasonable, understand), ⑪특기사항, ⑫영영사전, ⑬예시문장,
●rebuild, ●[ 1489] ①고유번호, ②발음과 의미,[](), ③파생어, ④동의어 ⑤반의어, ⑥어원[ ()-() ♨ ☞[] □], ⑦어원해설, ⑧같은 어원 ⑨같은 어원 예문, ⑩관련 숙어 ⑪특기사항, ⑫영영사전, ⑬예시문장,⇒(×)
●receive, ●[ 1490] ①고유번호, ②발음과 의미,[](), ③파생어, ④동의어2,accept(A) : accept(∼을 받다)[↔deny, dissent] receive take 251,receive(A) : receive(환영하다) accept admit adopt greet welcome ⑤반의어,190,eject/receive, 194, emit/receive, 544,receive/give, 586,send/receive, ⑥어원613,receive[re(again)-ceive(=cap/take)받다,=get♨receipt, reception, receptive, recipient, recipe☞다시 잡다□], ⑦어원해설, ⑧같은 어원4, ▣4accept, (L)ceive/cept=(L)cip <(L)ceive/cept=to take> accept, acceptance, acceptation, conceive, concept, conception, conceptional, conceptive, conceptual, misconceive, preconceive, conceit, contraception, cotraceptive, deceive, deceit, deception, except, exception, incept, inception, incipient, intercept, occupy, occupation, preoccupy, perceive, perception, perceptive, apperceive, precept, receive, receipt, reception, receptive, recipient, recipe, susceptible, <(L)cip=to take> anticipate, anticipation, anticipant, participate, participation, participant, principal, principle reciprocal, reciprocity, reciprocation, ⑨같은 어원 예문, ⑩관련 숙어 ⑪특기사항, ⑫영영사전, ⑬예시문장,
●recent, ●[1491 ] ①고유번호, ②발음과 의미,[](), ③파생어, ④동의어 ⑤반의어,451,obsolete/recent(up-to-date), ⑥어원613, recent[re(again)-cent(tax)요즈음의,=nowadays ♨ recently, recency☞다시 세금 조사를 한□], ⑦어원해설, ⑧같은 어원125,▣125censor, <(L)cens=tax, assess> censor, censorious, censorship, censorial, censure, censurer, census, decent, decency, decently, recent, recently, recency, recension, ⑨같은 어원 예문, ⑩관련 숙어 ⑪특기사항, ⑫영영사전, ⑬예시문장,
●recipe, ●[ 1492] ①고유번호, ②발음과 의미,[](), ③파생어, ④동의어 ⑤반의어, ⑥어원613,recipe[re(again)-cip(=ceive/take)-e(ⓝ) (요리의 ) 조리법, (약 따위의) 처방(전) ♨receipt, reception, receptive, recipient, receive, ☞다시 잡음□], ⑦어원해설, ⑧같은 어원4,▣4accept, (L)ceive/cept=(L)cip <(L)ceive/cept=to take> accept, acceptance, acceptation, conceive, concept, conception, conceptional, conceptive, conceptual, misconceive, preconceive, conceit, contraception, cotraceptive, deceive, deceit, deception, except, exception, incept, inception, incipient, intercept, occupy, occupation, preoccupy, perceive, perception, perceptive, apperceive, precept, receive, receipt, reception, receptive, recipient, recipe, susceptible, <(L)cip=to take> anticipate, anticipation, anticipant, participate, participation, participant, principal, principle reciprocal, reciprocity, reciprocation, ⑨같은 어원 예문, ⑩관련 숙어 ⑪특기사항, ⑫영영사전, ⑬예시문장,
●reckless, ●[1493 ] ①고유번호, ②발음과 의미,[](), ③파생어, ④동의어339,wild(A) : wild[↔domestic] violent reckless impetuous ⑤반의어, ⑥어원614,reckless[reck(heed)-less(without)무모한, 부주의한 ♨ ☞조심없이(without heed)□], ⑦어원해설, ⑧같은 어원 ⑨같은 어원 예문, ⑩관련 숙어 ⑪특기사항, ⑫영영사전, ⑬예시문장,
●recognize, ●[1494 ] ①고유번호, ②발음과 의미,[](), ③파생어, ④동의어644,recognize(B) : recognize perceive identify ⑤반의어, ⑥어원615,recognize[re(again)-cogn(know)-ize(make)알아보다, =perceive♨recognition, recognizance, recognizant☞다시 인식하다/다시 알아보다(know again)□], ⑦어원해설, ⑧같은 어원144,▣cognition, (L)gno=(GR)scio <(L)gno=to know> cognition, cognitive, cognovit, cognize, cognizable, cognizance, incognizant, incognizance, cognomen, incognito, recognize, recognition, recognizance, recognizant, agnostic, agnosticism, diagnosis, diagnose, diagnostic, ignorance, ignore, ignorant, prognosis, prognostic, prognosticate, acquaint, acquaintance, acquainted, precognition, gnome, gnosis, geognosy, physiognomy, psychognosis, <(L)scio=to know> science, sciential, scientific, conscience, conscientious, conscious, unconscious, consciousness, nescient, nescience, omniscient, omiscience, sciolist, adscititious, preconscious, semiconscious, subconscious, prescience, ⑨같은 어원 예문, ⑩관련 숙어 ⑪특기사항,10,▩10admirable/celebrate/agriculture/calendar/catalogue/consequence/Catholic/contract/democrat/educator/fortunate/incident/influence/journalist/landscape/manifest/operate/politics/prefecture/Protestant/recognize/reference/spiritual/subject/suffer/sustenance/temporary(1음절에 accent가 있는 단어), ⑫영영사전, ⑬예시문장,
●recommend, ●[ 1495] ①고유번호, ②발음과 의미,[](), ③파생어, ④동의어 ⑤반의어, ⑥어원615,recommend[re(again)-com(together)-mend(entrust)/re(back/intensive)-commend(commend)추천하다♨recommendable, recommendation, recommendatory☞다시 믿게하다/뒤에서 칭찬하다/(칭찬하여) 추천하다□], ⑦어원해설, ⑧같은 어원557,▣557rebuke, <(L)re-/retro-=back, again> rebuke, recommend, recommendation, recommendatory, reconcile, reconciliation, relax, relaxation, relaxant, relish, research, restore, restoration, resource, retrieve, retrieval, revere, reverend, reverence, rebuttal, redouble, retrench, retrofit, reunion, <r-=back, again>rapport, rally, ransom, rapproachement, <red-=back, again> redeem, redolence, redundant, <re-= again>react, recapture, repay, ⑨같은 어원 예문, ⑩관련 숙어 ⑪특기사항, ⑫영영사전, ⑬예시문장,
●record, ●[1496 ] ①고유번호, ②발음과 의미,[](), ③파생어, ④동의어 ⑤반의어, ⑥어원615,record[re(again)-cord(heart)기록(하다),=register♨☞다시 마음에 새기다□], ⑦어원해설, ⑧같은 어원146, ▣146core, (L)cor(d)/card/chord=(GR)card <(L)cord=heart>core, cordial, cordiality, courage, courageous, discourage, encouragement, encouraging, decorate, decoration, encore, accord, accordance, accordant, accordion, accordingly, concord, discord, discordance, discordant, record, <(L)chord=string, heart line> chord, chordate, clavichord, heptachord, notochord, <(GR)card=heart> card, card-carrying, discard, cardiac, cardinal, cardiology, cardiologist, cardiological, cardiopathy, electrocardiogram, pericardium, pericarditis, pericardial, cordillera, precordial, cardiograph, cardioscope, ballistocardiograph, endocardium, radiocardiogram, ⑨같은 어원 예문, ⑩관련 숙어 ⑪특기사항, ⑫영영사전, ⑬예시문장,
●recorder, ●[ 1497] ①고유번호, ②발음과 의미,[](), ③파생어, ④동의어 ⑤반의어, ⑥어원[ ()-() ♨ ☞[] □], ⑦어원해설, ⑧같은 어원 ⑨같은 어원 예문, ⑩관련 숙어 ⑪특기사항, ⑫영영사전, ⑬예시문장,⇒(×)
●recover, ●[ 1498] ①고유번호, ②발음과 의미,[](), ③파생어, ④동의어645,recover(B) : recover regain restore retrieve ⑤반의어,192,come to(회복하다: recover) recover/lose,(545) ⑥어원616,recover[re(again)-cover(cover)/re(back)-cover(take)되찾다♨recovery☞다시 덮다/되찾다(take back)□], ⑦어원해설, ⑧같은 어원193,▣193cover, (L)cover=(GR)tect/teg <(L)cover=cover> cover, coverage, covering, cover-up, coverall, covert(≠overt), discover, discovery, recover, recovery, uncover, uncovery, undercover, undercover man, ⑨같은 어원 예문, ⑩관련 숙어282,get over(회복하다: recover from, overcome, tide over, finish), 463,make up accounts(결산하다), make up for(보충하다: recover, compensate for, atone for), 545, ⑪특기사항, ⑫영영사전, ⑬예시문장,
●Red Cross, ●[1499 ] ①고유번호, ②발음과 의미,[](), ③파생어, ④동의어 ⑤반의어, ⑥어원[ ()-() ♨ ☞[] □], ⑦어원해설, ⑧같은 어원 ⑨같은 어원 예문, ⑩관련 숙어 ⑪특기사항, ⑫영영사전, ⑬예시문장,⇒(×)
●reduce, ●[ 1500] ①고유번호, ②발음과 의미,[](), ③파생어, ④동의어421,decrease(B) : decrease lessen diminish reduce dwindle ⑤반의어,546, reduce/increase, ⑥어원618,reduce[re(back)-duc(lead)-e(e-ending)감소하다,=diminish,≠increase♨reduction☞(더 간단한 상태로) 되돌리다□], ⑦어원해설, ⑧같은 어원243,▣ductile, (L)duce/duct/duk/due=(GR)agogos <(L)duce/duct=to lead>ductile, ductility, abduct, abduction, adduce, adduction, conduce, conduct, deduce, deduct, deduction, deductive, educe, eduction, eductive, educate, education, co-education, re-educate, induce, induct, introduce, introduction, introductive, produce, production, product, reduce, seduce, seduction, seductive, traduce, traducement, transducer, <(L)duk/due=to lead>duke, endue, indue, perdue, subdue, subdual, subduction, ⑨같은 어원 예문, ⑩관련 숙어 ⑪특기사항,575,▩575reduce/deduce[대조단어], ⑫영영사전, ⑬예시문장,
●refer, ●[ 1501] ①고유번호, ②발음과 의미,[](), ③파생어, ④동의어739,allude(C) : allude refer mention ⑤반의어, ⑥어원619,refer[re(back/again)-fer(carry/bring)언급하다,=allude, mention♨reference, referential, referee, referendum☞뒤로(다시) 나르다/다시 가져가다(보내다, 맡기다)□], ⑦어원해설, ⑧같은 어원301,▣feral, (L)fer=(L)lat=(GR)pher/phor=(L)vect/port/ger/gest <(L)fer=to carry> feral, ferocious, ferocity, fermentation, ferry, ferriage, fertile, fertility, fertilize, fertilizer, fertilization, infertile, afferent, efferent(≠afferent), circumference, circumferential, confer, conference, conferment, defer, deference, deferment, differ, difference, different, differential, differentiate, indifference, infer, inference, interfere, interference, noninterference, offer, offering, offertory, proffer, prefer, preferable, preferably, preferential, preferment, preference, refer, reference, referential, referee, referendum, suffer, suffering, sufferance, transfer, transference, vociferous, floriferous, luciferous, somniferous, euphoria, euphoric, metaphor, metaphorical, periphery, peripheral, phosphor, phosphoric, phosphorus, amphora, anaphora, chronopher, electrophorus, oophoritis, semaphore, ⑨같은 어원 예문, ⑩관련 숙어556,refer to(언급하다: mention, speak of, ascribe to) ⑪특기사항, ⑫영영사전, ⑬예시문장,
●reflect, ●[1502 ] ①고유번호, ②발음과 의미,[](), ③파생어, ④동의어 311,think(A) : think(숙고하다) consider contemplate deliberate reason reflect (reflect on) speculate suppose study weigh conceive meditate ⑤반의어, ⑥어원619,reflect[re(again/back)-flect(bend)반사하다♨reflection, reflector, reflexion, reflex☞다시 구부러지다/(빛이) 다시 굽다□], ⑦어원해설, ⑧같은 어원307,▣flection, <(L)flect/flex=to bend> flection, flexion, flectional, flexional, flectionless, flexible, flexibility, flex, inflexible, inflexibility, flexuous, flexuosity, flexure, flexural, inflection, inflect, reflect, reflection, reflexion, reflex, circumflect, circumflex, biflex, deflection, genuflection, retroflexion, ⑨같은 어원 예문, ⑩관련 숙어557,reflect on(심사숙고하다: think over), ⑪특기사항, ⑫영영사전, ⑬예시문장,
●refuse, ●[1503 ] ①고유번호, ②발음과 의미,[](), ③파생어, ④동의어253,refuse (A) : refuse decline reject spurn oblige(B) : oblige favor refuse(591) ⑤반의어,9,accept/refuse, 110,concede/refuse, 118,consent/refuse, 591, ⑥어원620,refuge[re(back)-fuge(flee/pour)피난, 은신처,=shelter ♨ refugee☞뒤로 도망가는 곳□], ⑦어원해설, ⑧같은 어원318, ▣foundry, (L)fus/found=(L)fut <(L)fur/found=to pour> foundry, confound, confounded, dumbfound, dumbfounded, fusion, fusillade, affusion, circumfuse, circumfusion, confuse, confusion, defuse, diffuse, diffusion, diffusive, diffusible, diffusate, rediffusion, effuse, effusion, effusive, infuse, infusion, infusible, interfuse, interfusion, obfuscate, obfuscation, obfuscatory, perfuse, perfusion, perfusive, profuse, profusion, profusely, refuse, refusal, suffuse, suffusion, transfuse, transfusion, transfusive, <(L)fut=to pour> futile, futility, confute, confutation, confutative, refute, refutation, ⑨같은 어원 예문, ⑩관련 숙어710,turn down (거절하다: reject, refuse, lower) ⑪특기사항,503,▩503mean : 부정사만 목적어로 취하는 동사(15개): mean, hope, choose, care, /plan, know, refuse, decide, /promise, want, /expect, pretend, /wish, determine, need, (민호 축하! /플로리다: 프로 권(투)(선수로)/ 고속(도로)(express): 위(로)다님), 576,▩refuse/refuse[두 가지 발음, ⓝ/ⓥ], ⑫영영사전, ⑬예시문장,
●regard, ●[ 1504] ①고유번호, ②발음과 의미,[](), ③파생어, ④동의어256,respect(A) : respect regard admiration adoration reverence veneration honor homage deference esteem ⑤반의어, ⑥어원, 621,regard[re(intensive)-gard(watch)/regard(regard) 존중(하다),≠disregard♨regardless, disregard, ☞호의적인 배려를 베풀다(원뜻), 지켜보다□], ⑦어원해설, ⑧같은 어원 ⑨같은 어원 예문, ⑩관련 숙어40,as regards(…에 관하여: in regard to, in respect to, as for, as to) 45,as to(…에 관하여,…에 대하여: about, concerning, regarding, as regards), 290,give one's best regards to(remember one to), 368,in regard to(∼에 관하여: with regard to, concerning, regarding, about, in respect to), 434,look on(∼as)(방관하다: be a spectator, regard) 558,regard ∼as(∼을…으로 간주하다: look upon∼as), 767,with regard to(∼에 관하여: with respect to, with reference to, concerning, regarding, as to, as regards) 780,without regard to(∼에 상관없이), without the knowledge of(∼에게 알리지 않고) ⑪특기사항, ⑫영영사전, ⑬예시문장,
●region, ●[1505 ] ①고유번호, ②발음과 의미,[](), ③파생어, ④동의어444,district(B) : district region province area tract zone belt ⑤반의어, ⑥어원621,region[reg(=rect/rule)-ion(state)지역,=area♨regional☞다스림/통치가 미치는 구역□], ⑦어원해설, ⑧같은 어원622, ▣622regal, <(L)reg=rule>regal, regally, regality, regent, regental, regime, regimen, regiment, region, regional, regionalistic, regular, regularity, regularize, regulate, regulation, regulatory, regulative, reign, sovereign, sovereignty, rein, reinless, royal, royally, royalty, rectilineal, rectitis, corrigible, regalia, regius, regnal, interregnum, Rex, ⑨같은 어원 예문, ⑩관련 숙어 ⑪특기사항, ⑫영영사전, ⑬예시문장,
●regret, ●[ 1506] ①고유번호, ②발음과 의미,[](), ③파생어, ④동의어647,regret(B) : regret penitence repentance remorse ⑤반의어, ⑥어원[ ()-() ♨ ☞[] □], ⑦어원해설, ⑧같은 어원 ⑨같은 어원 예문, ⑩관련 숙어688,to one's regret(유감스럽게도) ⑪특기사항, ⑫영영사전, ⑬예시문장,
●regular, ●[1507 ] ①고유번호, ②발음과 의미,[](), ③파생어, ④동의어586,normal(B) : normal regular usual natural common ⑤반의어,238,fitful/regular, 360,intermittent/regular, 548,regular/irregular, ⑥어원622,regular[reg(=rect/rule)-ul(=ful)-ar(of/ⓐ)규칙적인,≠irregular♨regularly, regularity, regularize☞충분하게 올바른/규칙적인□], ⑦어원해설, ⑧같은 어원622,▣622regal, <(L)reg=rule>regal, regally, regality, regent, regental, regime, regimen, regiment, region, regional, regionalistic, regular, regularity, regularize, regulate, regulation, regulatory, regulative, reign, sovereign, sovereignty, rein, reinless, royal, royally, royalty, rectilineal, rectitis, corrigible, regalia, regius, regnal, interregnum, Rex, 6,▣abstainer <-er= noun suffix> abstainer, astronomer, buyer, commuter, contender, cutter, dispenser, dissenter, occupier, owner, philanderer, retainer, speaker, wrangler, ((cf) burner, cooker, sweeper, screwdriver, flicker, patter, chatter), <-or= noun suffix> aggressor, benefactor, collector, collaborator, duplicator, exhibitor, generator, mediator, interceptor, narrator, reflector, possessor, transgressor, testator, pavior, warrior, savior, ((cf) candor, clamor, demeanor, tremor, valor, vigor, ), <-ar = noun suffix> beggar, scholar, bursar, vicar, ((cf) muscular, linear, regular, singular, ), <-ee = noun suffix> addressee, employee, appointee, fiancee, nominee, obligee, payee, trustee, refugee, absentee, patentee, mortgagee, <-eer = noun suffix> auctioneer, electioneer, mountaineer, pamphleteer, profiteer, sonneteer, engineer, <-ist = noun suffix> communist, moralist, optimist, pessimist, nationalist, anarchist, machinist, apologist, satirist, chemist, sexist, cyclist, socialist, linguist, <-ian = noun suffix> civilian, utilitarian, theologian, logician, pediatrician, optician, magician, patrician, musician, mortician, barbarian, mathematician, historian, republican, cosmopolitan, <-arian = noun suffix> vegetarian, librarian, <-ard = noun suffix> drunkard, coward, <-aster = noun suffix>poetaster, philosophaster, <-monger = noun suffix> ironmonger, fishmonger, gossipmonger, newsmonger, rumormonger, scandalmonger, warmonger, <-nik = noun suffix> folknik, peacenik, computernik, <-phile = noun suffix> bibliophile, Auglophile, hemophiliac, necrophile, <-phobe = noun suffix> xenophobe, <-phobia = noun suffix> agoraphobia, aquaphobia, claustrophobia, photophobia, Anglophobia, <-smith = noun suffix> balcksmith, goldsmith, gunsmith, tinsmith, whitesmith, wordsmith, <-ster = noun suffix> gangster, pollster, rhymester, songster, spinster, trickster, <-wright = noun suffix> millwright, playwright, shipwright, wainwright, wheelwright, <-yer = noun suffix> lawyer, bowyer, sawyer, <-herd = noun suffix> swineherd, cowherd, sheepherd, <-ess, -ette, -ine, = noun suffix> actress, princess, usherette, farmerette, coquette, suffragette, heroine, landgravine, <-ic = noun suffix> classic, alcoholic, ⑨같은 어원 예문, ⑩관련 숙어 ⑪특기사항, ⑫영영사전, ⑬예시문장,
●reject, ●[ 1508] ①고유번호, ②발음과 의미,[](), ③파생어, ④동의어253,refuse (A) : refuse decline reject spurn ⑤반의어,18,adopt/reject, 549,reject/accept, 585,select/reject, 710, ⑥어원623,reject[re(back)-ject(throw)거절하다,=refuse,≠accept♨rejectable, rejectamenta, rejection☞뒤로 던지다/(받아들이지 않고) 도로 던져버리다□], ⑦어원해설, ⑧같은 어원427,▣jetty, (L)jac/ject/jet=(GR)bol/bl <(L)jac/ject/jet=to throw>jetty, jet, jetsam, jetton, jettison, adjacent, adjacency, coadjacent, circumjacent, ejaculate, ejaculation, interjacent, subjacency, abject, abjection, adjective, conjecture, conjectural, deject, dejection, dejected, eject, ejective, ejection, inject, injector, injection, interject, interjection, interjectional, interjectory, object, objection, objective, objectable, project, projectile, projection, projective, projector, reject, rejectable, rejectamenta, rejection, subject, subjection, subjective, countersubject, trajectory, 636,▣ retroactive <retro- = back, backward> retroactive, retrograde, retrospect, retroverted, <after-, post-, re-, = back, backward> aftermath, postscript, reject, ⑨같은 어원 예문, ⑩관련 숙어710,turn down (거절하다: reject, refuse, lower) ⑪특기사항, ⑫영영사전, ⑬예시문장,
●relate, ●[ 1509] ①고유번호, ②발음과 의미,[](), ③파생어, ④동의어speak(A) : speak talk relate narrate converse say tell state utter rehearse recount describe ⑤반의어, ⑥어원624,relate[re(back/again)-lat(carry)-e(ⓥ)관계를 짓다♨relation, relationship, relative, relatively, correlation☞다시 나르다/다시 상기시키다(carry back)□], ⑦어원해설, ⑧같은 어원452,▣late, <(L)lat=to carry, to bear><(L)lat=to bear>late, lately, latent, latency, <(L)lat=to carry> ablate, ablator, ablative, ablation, collate, collation, delate, delation, dilate, dilatant, dilative, dilator, dilatory, dilation, elate, elated, elation, eclat, illation, illative, latitude, latitudinal, latitudinarian, latifundium, legislate, legislature, legislation, legislative, oblate, oblation, oblateness, prolate, prolative, prelate, relate, relation, relative, correlation, superlative, translate, translation, ⑨같은 어원 예문, ⑩관련 숙어 ⑪특기사항, ⑫영영사전, ⑬예시문장,
●related, ●[ 1510] ①고유번호, ②발음과 의미,[](), ③파생어, ④동의어287,speak(A) : speak talk relate narrate converse say tell state utter rehearse recount describe ⑤반의어, ⑥어원relate[re(back/again)-lat(carry)-ed(ⓥ)관계를 짓다♨relation, relationship, relative, relatively, correlation☞다시 나르다/다시 상기시키다(carry back)□], ⑦어원해설, ⑧같은 어원452,▣late, <(L)lat=to carry, to bear><(L)lat=to bear>late, lately, latent, latency, <(L)lat=to carry> ablate, ablator, ablative, ablation, collate, collation, delate, delation, dilate, dilatant, dilative, dilator, dilatory, dilation, elate, elated, elation, eclat, illation, illative, latitude, latitudinal, latitudinarian, latifundium, legislate, legislature, legislation, legislative, oblate, oblation, oblateness, prolate, prolative, prelate, relate, relation, relative, correlation, superlative, translate, translation, ⑨같은 어원 예문, ⑩관련 숙어 ⑪특기사항, ⑫영영사전, ⑬예시문장,
●relationship, ●[1511 ] ①고유번호, ②발음과 의미,[](), ③파생어, ④동의어649,relation(B) : relation relationship ⑤반의어, ⑥어원624,relationship[re(back/again)-lat(carry)-ion(state)-ship(state) 관계, 관련, 친족, ♨relation, relate, relative, relatively, correlation☞다시 나르다/다시 상기시키다(carry back)□], ⑦어원해설, ⑧같은 어원 ⑨같은 어원 예문, ⑩관련 숙어 ⑪특기사항, ⑫영영사전, ⑬예시문장,
●relative, ●[1512 ] ①고유번호, ②발음과 의미,[](), ③파생어, ④동의어 ⑤반의어,6,absolute/relative, ⑥어원624, relative[re(back/again)-lat(carry)-e(ⓥ)-ive(person/ⓝ)친척♨ relation, relate, relationship, relatively, correlation☞ 다시 나르는 사람/다시 상기시키는(carry back) 사람□], ⑦어원해설, ⑧같은 어원452,▣late, <(L)lat=to carry, to bear><(L)lat=to bear>late, lately, latent, latency, <(L)lat=to carry> ablate, ablator, ablative, ablation, collate, collation, delate, delation, dilate, dilatant, dilative, dilator, dilatory, dilation, elate, elated, elation, eclat, illation, illative, latitude, latitudinal, latitudinarian, latifundium, legislate, legislature, legislation, legislative, oblate, oblation, oblateness, prolate, prolative, prelate, relate, relation, relative, correlation, superlative, translate, translation, ⑨같은 어원 예문, ⑩관련 숙어366,in proportion as(∼에 비례하여: relative to, in proportion to, according to), ⑪특기사항, ⑫영영사전, ⑬예시문장,
●relax, ●[1513 ] ①고유번호, ②발음과 의미,[](), ③파생어, ④동의어257,rest(A) : rest repose relax ⑤반의어,677,toil/relax, ⑥어원624,relax[re(back)-lax(loosen/leave)긴장을 풀다♨relaxation, relaxant☞뒤에서 늦추다□], ⑦어원해설, ⑧같은 어원557,▣557rebuke, <(L)re-/retro-=back, again> rebuke, recommend, recommendation, recommendatory, reconcile, reconciliation, relax, relaxation, relaxant, relish, research, restore, restoration, resource, retrieve, retrieval, revere, reverend, reverence, rebuttal, redouble, retrench, retrofit, reunion, <r-=back, again>rapport, rally, ransom, rapproachement, <red-=back, again> redeem, redolence, redundant, <re-= again>react, recapture, repay, ⑨같은 어원 예문, ⑩관련 숙어 ⑪특기사항, ⑫영영사전, ⑬예시문장,
●relay, ●[ 1514] ①고유번호, ②발음과 의미,[](), ③파생어, ④동의어 ⑤반의어, ⑥어원624,relay[re(back)-lay(=lax/leave)릴레이 경주, 교대(하다)♨☞남겨 놓다(leave behind)(원래는 사냥터의 여러 지점에 배치시켜 놓은 교대용의 사냥개나 말을 뜻함)□], ⑦어원해설, ⑧같은 어원 ⑨같은 어원 예문, ⑩관련 숙어 ⑪특기사항, ⑫영영사전, ⑬예시문장,
●release, ●[ 1515] ①고유번호, ②발음과 의미,[](), ③파생어, ④동의어120,free(A) : free(해방하다) release liberate emancipate ⑤반의어,40,apprehend/release, 45,arrest(confine)/release, 99, clench/release, 114,confine/free(release), 129,corral/release, 274,grapple/release, 277,grip/release, 297,hold/release, 437,nail/release, 584,seize/release, 606,snag/release, 607,snap/release, ⑥어원624,release[re(back)-leas(loosen)-e(ⓥ)석방(하다),=liberate♨☞도로 풀어주다(relax와 같은 어원)□], ⑦어원해설, ⑧같은 어원 ⑨같은 어원 예문, ⑩관련 숙어423, let go of(해방하다: release), ⑪특기사항, ⑫영영사전, ⑬예시문장,
●relevant, ●[ 1516] ①고유번호, ②발음과 의미,[](), ③파생어, ④동의어235,proper(A) : proper appropriate pertinent relevant 367,irrelevant/relevant, ⑤반의어,551,relevant/unconnected, ⑥어원625,relevance[re(again)-lev(light)-ant(like)(당면한 문제에) 관련된, 적절한, ♨ relevance, relevantly☞다시 가볍게 한□], ⑦어원해설, ⑧같은 어원395,▣395lever, (L)lev[(L)grav와 반대 어근임] <(L)lev=light, to lift> lever, leverage, leviable, levy, levigate, levigation, levity, levitate, levitation, alleviate, alleviation, elevate, elevator, believe, belief, believable, unbelievable, relieve, relief, relevance, relevant, relevantly, irrelevance, irrelevant, 615,▣ receptive <re- = again> receptive, reinforce, reiterate, rejuvenate, relevant, remnant, renovate, replenish, replete, replica, reputable, resilient, respite, reticent, rally, redolent, redundant, <re- = back> recompense, refractory, rehabilitate, reimburse, relegate, remiss, renounce, repellent, reprehensible, rescind, residue, retard, retentive, render, <re- = against> recrimination, remonstrate, repugnant, resentment, <re- =intensive> renegade, reprisal, requisite, resplendent, restrict, <re- = completely> relentless, resolution, revile, <re- = away> repudiate, <re- = off> retrench, ⑨같은 어원 예문, ⑩관련 숙어 ⑪특기사항, ⑫영영사전, ⑬예시문장,
●reliable, ●[ 1517] ①고유번호, ②발음과 의미,[](), ③파생어, ④동의어 ⑤반의어,551,reliable/undependable, ⑥어원625,reliable[re(back)-li(=lig/string)-able(able)/reli(rely)-able(able)믿을 수 있는♨☞ 뒤에 끈(배경)이 있는□], ⑦어원해설, ⑧같은 어원134,▣134cincture, (L)cinct=(L)lig/leag <(L)cinct=string> cincture, precinct, succinct, shingle, surcingle, <(L)lig/leag=string> league, colleague, colleagueship, liable, liability, liaison, religion, religious, alliance, ally, allied, reliance, rely, reliable, ⑨같은 어원 예문, ⑩관련 숙어 ⑪특기사항, ⑫영영사전, ⑬예시문장,
●relief, ●[ 1518] ①고유번호, ②발음과 의미,[](), ③파생어, ④동의어 ⑤반의어, ⑥어원625,relief[re(again)-lief(light)/re(again)-lief(=lev/raise) (고통, 애로 등의) 제거, 경감, ♨relieve, ☞다시 가볍게 함/(기분·감정을)다시 고양시킴(가볍게 함)(lifting up again)□], ⑦어원해설, ⑧같은 어원395,▣395lever, (L)lev[(L)grav와 반대 어근임] <(L)lev=light, to lift> lever, leverage, leviable, levy, levigate, levigation, levity, levitate, levitation, alleviate, alleviation, elevate, elevator, believe, belief, believable, unbelievable, relieve, relief, relevance, relevant, relevantly, irrelevance, irrelevant, ⑨같은 어원 예문, ⑩관련 숙어689,to one's relief(마음이 놓인 것은) ⑪특기사항, ⑫영영사전, ⑬예시문장,
●relieve, ●[ 1519] ①고유번호, ②발음과 의미,[](), ③파생어, ④동의어 ⑤반의어,195,encumber/relieve, 574,saddle/relieve, ⑥어원625,relieve[re(again)-lieve(light)/re(again)-liev(=lev/raise)-e(ⓥ)안도하게 하다♨relief☞다시 가볍게 하다/(기분·감정을)다시 고양시키다(가볍게 하다)(lift up again)□], ⑦어원해설, ⑧같은 어원395,▣395lever, (L)lev[(L)grav와 반대 어근임] <(L)lev=light, to lift> lever, leverage, leviable, levy, levigate, levigation, levity, levitate, levitation, alleviate, alleviation, elevate, elevator, believe, belief, believable, unbelievable, relieve, relief, relevance, relevant, relevantly, irrelevance, irrelevant, ⑨같은 어원 예문, ⑩관련 숙어559, relieve A from B(A에게서 B를 덜다: free A from B), relieve HUMAN of MATERIAL(HUMAN에게서 MATERIAL을 제거하다) ⑪특기사항,5,▩accessible/acquaintance/acquiesce/adequate/allotted/annoyance/appreciate/approximate/ascertain/assessment/attorneys/Christmas/clientele/collateral/column/commission/commit/commitment/committee/complement/compliment/conscientious/consensus/consolation/correspondents/desperate/discrepancy/eligible/equipped/etiquette/excessive/familiarize/friendliness/geometry/imaginary/irrelevant/jeopardize/leisure/liability/likable/maintenance/monotonous/necessary/ninth/ occurrence/ ommission/parallel/parliament/particular/permissible/physician/possession/privilege/prosecute/proprietary/pursuit/relieve/religion/religious/remittance/salaried (man)/siege/simultaneous/skillful/thief/transferrer/vacuum(철자에 주의할 단어), ⑫영영사전, ⑬예시문장,
●religion, ●[ 1520] ①고유번호, ②발음과 의미,[](), ③파생어, ④동의어 ⑤반의어, ⑥어원625,religion[re(back)-lig(string/bind)-ion(state)종교♨religious☞뒤에 운명의 끈이 있음/단단하게 묶여있는 것(인간과 신사이의 유대로 발전, bond between man and God)□], ⑦어원해설, ⑧같은 어원134,▣134cincture, (L)cinct=(L)lig/leag <(L)cinct=string> cincture, precinct, succinct, shingle, surcingle, <(L)lig/leag=string> league, colleague, colleagueship, liable, liability, liaison, religion, religious, alliance, ally, allied, reliance, rely, reliable, ▣ ceremony <-mony = noun suffix> ceremony, matrimony, patrimony, ⑨같은 어원 예문, ⑩관련 숙어 ⑪특기사항,5,▩accessible/acquaintance/acquiesce/adequate/allotted/annoyance/appreciate/approximate/ascertain/assessment/attorneys/Christmas/clientele/collateral/column/commission/commit/commitment/committee/complement/compliment/conscientious/consensus/consolation/correspondents/desperate/discrepancy/eligible/equipped/etiquette/excessive/familiarize/friendliness/geometry/imaginary/irrelevant/jeopardize/leisure/liability/likable/maintenance/monotonous/necessary/ninth/ occurrence/ ommission/parallel/parliament/particular/permissible/physician/possession/privilege/prosecute/proprietary/pursuit/relieve/religion/religious/remittance/salaried (man)/siege/simultaneous/skillful/thief/transferrer/vacuum(철자에 주의할 단어), ⑫영영사전, ⑬예시문장,
●remark, ●[ 1521] ①고유번호, ②발음과 의미,[](), ③파생어, ④동의어 ⑤반의어, ⑥어원625,remark[re(again)-mark(sign)깨닫다,=notice ♨ remarkable, remarkably☞다시 표시해 두다□],(626) ⑦어원해설, ⑧같은 어원134,▣demarcate, (L)marc/mark=(GR)sema/gram <(L)marc/mark=sign> demarcate, demarcation, markdown, markup, markedly, marked, marking, remark, remarkable, remarkably, marcando, marking iron, markship, marksman, countermark,(203) <(GR)sema=sign>semantics, semaphore, sematic, ⑨같은 어원 예문, ⑩관련 숙어 ⑪특기사항, ⑫영영사전, ⑬예시문장,
●remain, ●[ 1522] ①고유번호, ②발음과 의미,[](), ③파생어, ④동의어 ⑤반의어,554,remain/leave, ⑥어원626,remain[re(back)-main(=man/stay)남아있다♨remains, remainder, remainders☞뒤에 남아 있다/뒤에 남다(stay back in place)□], ⑦어원해설, ⑧같은 어원457,▣manor, (L)man=(L)linqui/lic(t)/lipse <(L)man=to stay> manor, manorial, mansion, manse, immanent, immanence, immanency, Immanuel, permanent, permanence, permanently, remain, remains, remainder, remnant, ⑨같은 어원 예문, ⑩관련 숙어 ⑪특기사항, ⑫영영사전, ⑬예시문장,
●remember, ●[1523 ] ①고유번호, ②발음과 의미,[](), ③파생어, ④동의어225,remember(A) : remember recall recollect reminisce(255) ⑤반의어,247,forget/remember(recollect), ⑥어원626,remember[re(again)-mem(=memo/remind)-ber(carry)/re(again)-member(mindful)기억하다,≠forget♨remembrance☞다시 기억나게 하다/마음에 되새기다□], ⑦어원해설, ⑧같은 어원464,▣memento, <(L)memo=to remind>memento, memorandum, memorial, monument, monumental, commemorate, remember, remembrance, memoir, memorabilia, mnemonics, mnemosyne, amnesia, ⑨같은 어원 예문, ⑩관련 숙어406,keep ∼in mind(명심하다: bear in mind, remember) ⑪특기사항,695,▩695stop: 부정사와 동명사 모두 취하는 동사(11개): ※ start, hate, love, /continue, begin, cease, like, (어느 것을 써도, 뜻이 같은 동사)/ remember, forget, try, stop,! (어느 것이나 쓸 수 있으나, 뜻이 달라지는 동사)/(⇒출발(부터) 밉든곱든/코베시라(던)/ (악)평(bad report)은 멈추시라) ⑫영영사전, ⑬예시문장,
●remind, ●[1524 ] ①고유번호, ②발음과 의미,[](), ③파생어, ④동의어 ⑤반의어, ⑥어원626,remind[re(again)-mind(mind)생각나게 하다♨reminder, remindful☞다시 기억에 있다/마음에 다시 가져오다(bring to mind again)□], ⑦어원해설, ⑧같은 어원461, ▣461mental, (L)ment=(GR)psycho <(L)ment=mind>mental, mentality, mentation, mentalism, mentalist, mentalistic, menticide, mention, amentia, dementia, comment, commentary, vehement, vehemence, mind, mindful, mindless, remind, remindful, reminiscent, reminiscence, reminisce, ⑨같은 어원 예문, ⑩관련 숙어560, remind A of B(A에게 B를 생각나게 하다: put A in mind of B) ⑪특기사항,583, ▩583remind : (상기, 통보) warn remind notice inform ( A of B) (A of B/워리노인), ⑫영영사전, ⑬예시문장,
●remove, ●[ 1525] ①고유번호, ②발음과 의미,[](), ③파생어, ④동의어 ⑤반의어,520,put/remove, 555,remove/keep, ⑥어원627,remove[re(back)-mov(=mob/move)-e(ⓥ)옮기다, 제거하다,=eliminate, carry ♨ removal☞뒤로 움직이다/(안보이게) 뒤쪽으로 옮기다□], ⑦어원해설, ⑧같은 어원435,▣435mob, <(AS)mob/mov/mot/mo=to move>mob, mobbish, mobster, mobsman, mobile, mobility, mobilize, mobilization, mobocracy, mococrat, mobocratic, automobile, locomobile, locomote, locomotion, locomotive, motion, motionless, motivate, motivation, motivity, motive, motiveless, motor, autobike, motordrome, motordom, commotion, commove, demote, demotion, emotion, emote, emotionize, emotional, emotive, remote, remotion, promote, promoter, promotion, move, moving, moveless, movie, moviedom, remove, removal, demobilize, motile, motorial, motoritis, countermove, ⑨같은 어원 예문, ⑩관련 숙어628,take off(이륙하다: leave, depart, remove, leave the ground and rise into the air, set out), ⑪특기사항, ⑫영영사전, ⑬예시문장,
●rent, ●[ 1526] ①고유번호, ②발음과 의미,[](), ③파생어, ④동의어509,hire(B) : hire rent let lease charter ⑤반의어, ⑥어원628,rent[ren(=rendere/give)-t(give)임대료♨☞지불된(돈, 임대료)□], ⑦어원해설, ⑧같은 어원 ⑨같은 어원 예문, ⑩관련 숙어 ⑪특기사항, ⑫영영사전, ⑬예시문장,
●repair, ●[ 1527] ①고유번호, ②발음과 의미,[](), ③파생어, ④동의어569,mend(B) : mend repair darn patch fix restore ⑤반의어,83,break/repair, ⑥어원628,repair[re(again)-pair(=pare/equal, prepare)수리하다,=mend♨reparable, irreparable, reparation, reparative☞다시 먼저 처럼 똑 같이 해놓다□], ⑦어원해설, ⑧같은 어원536, ▣par, <(L)par=equal, arrange/(L)par=to beget, produce/(L)par=to show><(L)par=equal, arrange>par, parity, pair, peer, compeer, apparatus, compare, comparison, comparable, comparative, disparity, disparage, disparate, disparagement, impair, impairment, prepare, preparation, repair, reparable, irreparable, reparation, reparative, separate, separation, separative, metempiric, metempirics, vampire, umpire, vampish, parent, parental, parricide, parturient, parturifacient, post partum, parturiency, parturition, primipara, primiparity, primiparous, biparous, multiparous. oviparous, oviparity, viviparous, appear, appearance, apparent, apparently, apparition, apparel, transparent, transparence, ⑨같은 어원 예문, ⑩관련 숙어 ⑪특기사항, ⑫영영사전, ⑬예시문장,
●repeat, ●[ 1528] ①고유번호, ②발음과 의미,[](), ③파생어, ④동의어653,repeat(B) : repeat iterate reiterate ⑤반의어, ⑥어원629,▩629repeal/repeat[대조단어], ⑦어원해설, ⑧같은 어원506,▣505petition, <(L)pet/pat=to pat, to seek>petition, petulant, petulancy, appetence, appetent, appetite, appetitive, appetizer, centripetal, centripetally, compete, competition, competitive, competent, competence, incompetent, incompetence, impetuous, perpetuate, perpetuation, perpetual, repeat, repetitious, repetition, ⑨같은 어원 예문, ⑩관련 숙어301,go over(반복하다, 검사하다: repeat, examine) ⑪특기사항,629,▩629repeal/repeat[대조단어], ⑫영영사전, ⑬예시문장,
●replace, ●[ 1529] ①고유번호, ②발음과 의미,[](), ③파생어, ④동의어654,replace(B) : replace displace supersede supplant ⑤반의어,211,exhaust/save(replace), ⑥어원629,replace[re(again)-place(place),=교체하다,=substitute♨replacement☞다시 (다른 것으로) 놓다□], ⑦어원해설, ⑧같은 어원 ⑨같은 어원 예문, ⑩관련 숙어635,take the place of(∼의 대신을 하다: replace), ⑪특기사항, ⑫영영사전, ⑬예시문장,
●reply, ●[ 1530] ①고유번호, ②발음과 의미,[](), ③파생어, ④동의어15, answer(A) : answer(대답하다) reply respond rejoin retort ⑤반의어, ⑥어원630,reply[re(again)-ply(fill)대답하다,=answer ♨ replication☞다시 채우다□], ⑦어원해설, ⑧같은 어원530,▣530plenty, <(L)plen/plex/plic/ply=to fill>plenty, plenteous, plentiful, plenitude, plenish, plenitudinous, plenary, plenipotentiary, accomplish, accomplished, accomplishment, complete, completion, completeness, completely, deplete, depletion, depletive, apply, appliance, applied, application, applicant, comply, complicate, complication, complicated, complex, complexion, complexity, complicity, explicate, explication, explicative, explicatory, explicit, imply, implicate, implication, implicit, multiply, multiple, multiplication, multiplex, multiplicity, perplex, perplexity, perplexed, reply, replication, supply, supplicate, supplication, supplicant, suppliant, supplement, supplementary, supplementation, suppletion, supple, deploy, deployment, employ, employment, employer, employee, deplenish, replenish, complement, implement, impletion, replete, repletion, ⑨같은 어원 예문, ⑩관련 숙어 ⑪특기사항, ⑫영영사전, ⑬예시문장,
●report, ●[ 1531] ①고유번호, ②발음과 의미,[](), ③파생어, ④동의어 ⑤반의어, ⑥어원630,report[re(again)-port(carry)알리다♨reportorial, reportedly, reportage, reporter☞다시 날아 오다□], ⑦어원해설, ⑧같은 어원623,▣623port, (L)port=(L)portion=(L)fer/pher/ger/vect <(L)port=to carry>port, portal, portable, portability, porter, porterage, portage, portfolio, portmanteau, porthole, portfire, airport, carport, seaport, passport, heliport, helipad, apport, comport, comportment, deport, deportation, deportee, deportment, disport, export, exportable, exportation, import, importation, important, importance, opportune, opportunity, opportunism, opportunist, purport, rapport, rapportage, rapporteur, report, reportorial, reportedly, reportage, reporter, support, supporter, supportable, transport, transportation, transporter, transportee, <(L)portion=to share, to carry>portion, portionable, apportion, apportionment, proportion, proportionate, proportional, proportionalism, disproportion, ⑨같은 어원 예문, ⑩관련 숙어 ⑪특기사항,651,▩say : 수동태의 두 가지: say see suppose think report know/assume believe consider declare expect// 예) They believe that he came.(① It is believed that he came. ② He is believed to have come.)// stork(abcdef)(황새 abcdef) (외국에는 어린이를 하얀 황새가 물어서 창문을 통해서 데려온다고 한다. 그래서 질투가 생긴 형이 동생을 질투하여, 창문 밖으로 하얀 접시를 내던져서 복수를 시원하게 ...), ⑫영영사전, ⑬예시문장,
●represent, ●[1532 ] ①고유번호, ②발음과 의미,[](), ③파생어, ④동의어748,depict(C) : depict portray sketch represent ⑤반의어, ⑥어원630,represent[re(again)-present(present)상징하다,=symbolize♨representative, representation☞(마음에) 다시 내놓다(나타내다)□], ⑦어원해설, ⑧같은 어원 ⑨같은 어원 예문, ⑩관련 숙어605,stand for(∼을 나타내다: represent, support, symbolize, tolerate), ⑪특기사항,33,▩33anxiety/chaos/chasm/chauffeur/consequence/determine/educate/English/epoch/era/Lincoln/measure/moustache/quay/question/quinine/represent/soprano/sugar/victuals[중급 특수 발음], ⑫영영사전, ⑬예시문장,
●reputation, ●[1533 ] ①고유번호, ②발음과 의미,[](), ③파생어, ④동의어 ⑤반의어, ⑥어원632,reputation[re(again)-put(think)-at(make)-ion(state) 평판, 세평=repute, ♨repute, ☞다시 생각함/반복 생각함에서□], ⑦어원해설, ⑧같은 어원604,▣putative, (L)put=(L)cogit <(L)put=to think>putative, compute, computer, computation, depute, deputation, deputy, deputize, dispute, disputatioin, disputative, impute, repute, reputation, <(L)cogit=to think>cogitate, cogitator, cogitable, excogitate, ⑨같은 어원 예문, ⑩관련 숙어 ⑪특기사항, ⑫영영사전, ⑬예시문장,
●require, ●[ 1534] ①고유번호, ②발음과 의미,[](), ③파생어, ④동의어77,demand(A) : demand(∼을 요구하다)[↔supply] claim require ⑤반의어, ⑥어원632,require[re(again)-quir(ask/seek)-e(ⓥ)요구하다=demand ♨requirement☞다시 요구하다/∼을 다시 구하다□], ⑦어원해설, ⑧같은 어원607, ▣querulous, (L)quer/quest/quir/quisit=(L)rog <(L)quer/quest/quir/quisit=to ask>querulous, query, querulousness, querimonious, querimony, quest, quester, disquistion, question, questionable, questionary, questioningly, questionnaire, acquire, acquirement, acquest, acquisition, acquisitive, bequest, conquer, conqueror, conquerable, conquest, exquisite, exquisitely, exquisiteness, inquire, inquiry, inquirer, inquiring, inquest, inquisition, inquisitive, inquisitor, inquisitorial, perquisite, perquisition, request, require, requirement, requisite, requisition, derequisition, prerequisite, sequestrate, sequestration, sequester, ⑨같은 어원 예문, ⑩관련 숙어172,call for(요구하다: demand, require), ⑪특기사항,633,▩633 should: should의 생략(도인-아씨): demand, desire, order, request, require, /insist, urge,/ask, suggest, propose, (도라지(도레)(뿌리)와 인어 아씨 프로!) ⑫영영사전, ⑬예시문장,
●research, ●[ 1535] ①고유번호, ②발음과 의미,[](), ③파생어, ④동의어469,examination(B) : examination scrutiny inspection inquiry investigation research ⑤반의어, ⑥어원632,research[re(again)-search(search)연구,=study☞다시 찾다□], ⑦어원해설, ⑧같은 어원557, ▣557rebuke, <(L)re-/retro-=back, again> rebuke, recommend, recommendation, recommendatory, reconcile, reconciliation, relax, relaxation, relaxant, relish, research, restore, restoration, resource, retrieve, retrieval, revere, reverend, reverence, rebuttal, redouble, retrench, retrofit, reunion, <r-=back, again>rapport, rally, ransom, rapproachement, <red-=back, again> redeem, redolence, redundant, <re-= again>react, recapture, repay, ⑨같은 어원 예문, ⑩관련 숙어 ⑪특기사항, ⑫영영사전, ⑬예시문장,
●resemble, ●[1536 ] ①고유번호, ②발음과 의미,[](), ③파생어, ④동의어 ⑤반의어, ⑥어원633,resemble[re(again)-semble(show)/re(again/intensive)-sembl(=simil/seem, be like)-e(ⓥ)유사하다,=take after♨resemblingly, resemblance☞다시 나타나다/매우 비슷하다□], ⑦어원해설, ⑧같은 어원660,▣semblance, <(L)sembl=to show>semblance, assemble, assembly, dissemble, ensemble, resemble, resemblingly, resemblance, ⑨같은 어원 예문, ⑩관련 숙어620,take after(∼를 닮다: resemble), ⑪특기사항,587,▩resemble : 수동태 전환이 불가능한 동사들: resemble lack have/ fit become// relax-fib(편안한-거짓말), ⑫영영사전, ⑬예시문장,
●reserve, ●[ 1537] ①고유번호, ②발음과 의미,[](), ③파생어, ④동의어161,keep(A) : keep(유지하다) retain reserve withhold detain preserve 265,save(A) : save(구하다) rescue deliver reserve store economize ⑤반의어, ⑥어원633,reserve[re(back)-serv(serve/keep)-e(ⓥ)보존하다,=book♨reserved, reservation, reservoir☞뒤를 (다시) 살피다/뒤에 보관해 두다□], ⑦어원해설, ⑧같은 어원622,▣serve, <(L)serv=serve>serve, server, service, servant, underservant, serf, servile, servility, servitude, ex-service, ex-servicement, in-service, conserve, conservation, conservative, deserve, deserved, deservedly, disserve, disservice, observe, observing, observatory, observation, observance, preserve, preservable, preservation, reserve, reserved, reservation, reservoir, subserve, subservience, ⑨같은 어원 예문, ⑩관련 숙어 ⑪특기사항, ⑫영영사전, ⑬예시문장,
●resign, ●[ 1538] ①고유번호, ②발음과 의미,[](), ③파생어, ④동의어 ⑤반의어, ⑥어원633,resign[re(again/back)-sign(mark/sign) 관직을 사임하다,=abandon♨re-sign, resignation☞다시 사인하다/물러나겠다고 서명하다□], ⑦어원해설, ⑧같은 어원666,▣666sign, (L)sign=(L)mark/note=(GR)sema/gram <(L)sign=mark>sign, signboard, sign off, signing, sign on, signpost, signet, signal, signally, signalment, signalize, ensign, insignia, signature, signatory, signify, signification, significant, significantly, significance, insignificant, insignificance, assign, assignment, consign, consignment, consignation, design, designer, designate, designated, designation, resign, re-sign, resignation, undersign, ⑨같은 어원 예문, ⑩관련 숙어556,reconcile oneself to(단념하여∼하다: resign oneself to), 561,resign oneself to (∼을 체념하여 받아들이다: accept without complaint), ⑪특기사항,559,▩phlegm/reign/resign[ G가 /silent/ 발음], ⑫영영사전, ⑬예시문장,
●resist, ●[ 1539] ①고유번호, ②발음과 의미,[](), ③파생어, ④동의어595,oppose(B) : oppose object protest resist withstand ⑤반의어,559,resist/comply, ⑥어원633,resist[re(back, against)-sist(=sta/stand)저항하다,=oppose, withstand ♨ resistance, resistor, resistant, irresistible☞∼에 대항하여 서 있다/반대 입장에 서다□], ⑦어원해설, ⑧같은 어원54, ▣54assist, <(L)sist/sta=stand>assist, assistant, assistance, consist, consistent, consistence, desist, desistent, desistence, exist, existent, existence, existential, existentialism, coexist, coexistent, coexistence, nonexistence, insist, insistent, insistence, persist, persistent, persistence, resist, resistance, resistor, resistant, subsist, subsistent, subsistence, transistor, stable, stability, stabilize, constable, constabulary, establish, establishment, stadium, staff, stagnant, stagnate, stagnancy, standard, standardize, standardization, standpoint, standfast, circumstance, circumstantial, circumstantiate, constancy, constant, constantly, inconstant, destine, destiny, destination, distant, distance, equidistant, instance, instant, instantaneous, instantly, obstinate, obstinacy, outstanding, outstand, upstanding, substance, substantial, substantiate, understand, understanding, understandable, withstand, notwithstanding, steady, steadfast, steadily, steadiness, contrast, ⑨같은 어원 예문, ⑩관련 숙어326,hold out(내밀다, 저항하다: offer, resist) 606,stand out(눈에 띄는, 견디다: be prominent, continue to resist), ⑪특기사항,64,▩64avoid : 동명사만 목적어로 취하는 동사(16개): avoid, give up, enjoy, admire, /postpone, finish, practice, /deny, mind, consider, /resist, risk, escape, put off, /miss, admit, (아기 인어(들) 포피프(와) 디마콘(이)/ (어른 천사들) 리리-F(lily-F)와 미아(가 비교됨.), 399,▩399insist/resist[대조단어], ⑫영영사전, ⑬예시문장,
●resource, ●[ 1540] ①고유번호, ②발음과 의미,[](), ③파생어, ④동의어617,possession(B) : possessions property belongings chattels effects estate means resources assets ⑤반의어, ⑥어원634,resource[re(again)-sour(rise/spring up)-ce(ⓝ)자원,=wealth♨resources☞다시 일어남/다시 샘솟다/다시 원천이 될 수 있는 것□], ⑦어원해설, ⑧같은 어원557,▣557rebuke, <(L)re-/retro-=back, again> rebuke, recommend, recommendation, recommendatory, reconcile, reconciliation, relax, relaxation, relaxant, relish, research, restore, restoration, resource, retrieve, retrieval, revere, reverend, reverence, rebuttal, redouble, retrench, retrofit, reunion, <r-=back, again>rapport, rally, ransom, rapproachement, <red-=back, again> redeem, redolence, redundant, <re-= again>react, recapture, repay, 682,▣surf, <(L)surg/sur/sour=to rise, to wave>surf, surfing, surfy, surge, source, resource, resources, insurrection, insurrectionist, resurrect, resurrection, resurgence, ⑨같은 어원 예문, ⑩관련 숙어 ⑪특기사항,578,▩resort/resource[대조단어], 589,▩resource/resources[의미가 다른 복수형], ⑫영영사전, ⑬예시문장,
●respect, ●[ 1541] ①고유번호, ②발음과 의미,[](), ③파생어, ④동의어256,respect(A) : respect regard admiration adoration reverence veneration honor homage deference esteem ⑤반의어,123,contempt/respect, 171,disdain/respect, 327,indignity/respect, 368, ⑥어원634,respect[re(again/back)-spect(look)존경하다,≠despise♨respectable, reapective, respectful, retrospect☞다시 보는 것/(∼를 다시) 뒤돌아 보다□], ⑦어원해설, ⑧같은 어원686,▣686special, (L)spec/spect/spic/spy=(GR)scope <(L)spec/spect/spic/spy=to look>special, specially, especial, specialty, specialize, specialization, species, speciology, specify, specific, specification, specimen, specious, speciously, speciousness, spectacle, spectacles, spectator, spect, specter, spectacular, speculate, speculation, speculative, aspect, circumspect, circumspection, conspicuous, conspectus, despicable, despise, expect, expectant, expectation, inspect, inspection, inspector, inspectoscope, introspect, introspection, introspective, perspective, perspicuous, perspicuity, perspicacious, prospect, prospective, prospectus, respect, respective, respectful, respectable, retrospect, suspect, suspicion, suspicious, spectrum, auspicious, espionage, transpicuous, microscope, periscope, stethoscope, telescope, ⑨같은 어원 예문, ⑩관련 숙어40,as regards(…에 관하여: in regard to, in respect to, as for, as to) 369,in respect of(∼에 대하여), 437,look up to(∼을 존경하다: respect) 516,on the other hand(또 한편: in the other respect) 767,with regard to(∼에 관하여: with respect to, with reference to, concerning, regarding, as to, as regards) ⑪특기사항, ⑫영영사전, ⑬예시문장,
●responsible, ●[1542 ] ①고유번호, ②발음과 의미,[](), ③파생어, ④동의어 ⑤반의어,560,responsible/exempt, 656,responsible(B) : responsible answerable accountable ⑥어원635,responsible[re(again)-spons(=spond/promise)-ible(able)책임있는 ♨ responsibility☞다시 약속하다□], ⑦어원해설, ⑧같은 어원684,▣684spondulics, <(L)spond/spons=to promise>spondulics, sponsor, sponsorship, sponsorial, sponsion, spousal, spousally, despond, respond, response, responsible, responsibility, correspond, ⑨같은 어원 예문, ⑩관련 숙어27,answer for(책임지다: be responsible for, account for, be responsible for, be in charge of) 104, be in charge of(∼을 책임지다: be responsible for) 116,be responsible for(…에 대하여 책임이 있다), 562, ⑪특기사항, ⑫영영사전, ⑬예시문장,
●rest, ●[ 1543] ①고유번호, ②발음과 의미,[](), ③파생어, ④동의어254,remainder(A) : remainder rest balance remnant residue residuum surplus 257,rest(A) : rest repose relax ⑤반의어, ⑥어원[ ()-() ♨ ☞[] □], ⑦어원해설, ⑧같은 어원 ⑨같은 어원 예문, ⑩관련 숙어 ⑪특기사항, ⑫영영사전, ⑬예시문장,
●restaurant, ●[1544 ] ①고유번호, ②발음과 의미,[](), ③파생어, ④동의어 ⑤반의어, ⑥어원635,restaurant[re(back)-staur(=store/set up)-ant(like)음식점 ☞뒤로 쌓아 둠□], ⑦어원해설, ⑧같은 어원695,▣695store, (L)store=(L)culmul <(L)store=to set up>store, storage, storey, story, history, historic, historical, historian, restore, restorable, restoration, instauration, restaurant, <(L)cumul=to set up>cumulate, accumulate, accumulation, ⑨같은 어원 예문, ⑩관련 숙어 ⑪특기사항, ⑫영영사전, ⑬예시문장,
●restful, ●[ 1545] ①고유번호, ②발음과 의미,[](), ③파생어, ④동의어 ⑤반의어, ⑥어원[ ()-() ♨ ☞[] □], ⑦어원해설, ⑧같은 어원 ⑨같은 어원 예문, ⑩관련 숙어 ⑪특기사항, ⑫영영사전, ⑬예시문장,⇒(×)
●restrict, ●[1546 ] ①고유번호, ②발음과 의미,[](), ③파생어, ④동의어551,limit(B) : limit bound restrict confine circumscribe ⑤반의어,561,restrict/free, ⑥어원635,restrict[re(back)-strict(press/draw tightly)제한하다,=confine, limit♨restriction☞팽팽히 당기다□], ⑦어원해설, ⑧같은 어원615,▣ receptive <re- = again> receptive, reinforce, reiterate, rejuvenate, relevant, remnant, renovate, replenish, replete, replica, reputable, resilient, respite, reticent, rally, redolent, redundant, <re- = back> recompense, refractory, rehabilitate, reimburse, relegate, remiss, renounce, repellent, reprehensible, rescind, residue, retard, retentive, render, <re- = against> recrimination, remonstrate, repugnant, resentment, <re- =intensive> renegade, reprisal, requisite, resplendent, restrict, <re- = completely> relentless, resolution, revile, <re- = away> repudiate, <re- = off> retrench, ⑨같은 어원 예문, ⑩관련 숙어679, ⑪특기사항,▩679strict/restrict[대조단어],(679) ⑫영영사전, ⑬예시문장,
●result, ●[ 1547] ①고유번호, ②발음과 의미,[](), ③파생어, ④동의어258,result(A) : result issue outcome fruit consequence effect ⑤반의어,561,result/cause, ⑥어원635,result[re(again/back)-sult(leap)결과,=consequence♨☞다시 뛰어 오르다/ehlo 뛰어 오르다(비유: 원인이 되뛰어 오른 것)□], ⑦어원해설, ⑧같은 어원646,▣646salacious, (L)sal/salt/sul/sult=(L)sil/sail/sult <(L)sal/salt/sul/sult=to leap>salacious, salacity, salient, saltant, sultry, sultrily, sultriness, assault, consult, consultation, exult, exceptant, exultation, insult, result, <(L)sil/sail/sult=to leap>exile, exilian, exilic, resilience, transilient, ⑨같은 어원 예문, ⑩관련 숙어229,end in(결과…이 되다: result in) 343,in consequence(of)(∼의 결과: as a result of), 389,in vain(헛되이: uselessly, without the desired result), 416,lead to(∼으로 이르다: go towards, result in) 563,result from(결과로서 생기다: happen from), result in(결국 ∼이 되다: bring about) ⑪특기사항, ⑫영영사전, ⑬예시문장,
●retire, ●[1548 ] ①고유번호, ②발음과 의미,[](), ③파생어, ④동의어657,retire(B) : retire withdraw retreat ⑤반의어, ⑥어원636,retire[re(back)-tire(order)은퇴하다 ♨ retiree, retirement☞뒤로 물러서다□], ⑦어원해설, ⑧같은 어원721,▣721tire, (L)tire=(L)ordin <(L)tire=order>tire, tired, tireless, overtire, attire, entire, entirely, entirety, retire, retiree, retirement, satire, satirist, satirize, ⑨같은 어원 예문, ⑩관련 숙어 ⑪특기사항, ⑫영영사전, ⑬예시문장,
●return, ●[1549 ] ①고유번호, ②발음과 의미,[](), ③파생어, ④동의어 ⑤반의어, ⑥어원638,return[re(back)-turn(turn)되돌아오다 ♨returnless, ☞다시 돌리다□], ⑦어원해설, ⑧같은 어원744,▣744turn, (AS)turn/tour=(L)vers/vert=(GR)(s)trophe <(AS)turn/tour=turn>turn, turnaround, turncoat, turnkey, turntable, tour, tournure, attorn, attornment, attorney, contour, detour, entourage, return, ⑨같은 어원 예문, ⑩관련 숙어276,get back(돌아오다: return, cause one to be back), 370,in return(for)(∼의 보답으로: as repayment for), ⑪특기사항,591,▩591return/returns[의미가 다른 복수형], ⑫영영사전, ⑬예시문장,
●reveal, ●[1550 ] ①고유번호, ②발음과 의미,[](), ③파생어, ④동의어658,reveal(B) : reveal disclose divulge expose betray ⑤반의어,563,reveal/hide(conceal), 424, 594,shroud/reveal, ⑥어원[ ()-() ♨ ☞[] □], ⑦어원해설, ⑧같은 어원 ⑨같은 어원 예문, ⑩관련 숙어let on (누설하다: reveal),(424) ⑪특기사항, ⑫영영사전, ⑬예시문장,
●reverse, ●[ 1551] ①고유번호, ②발음과 의미,[](), ③파생어, ④동의어596,opposite(B) : opposite contrary contradictory reverse ⑤반의어,564,reverse/advance, ⑥어원639,reverse[re(back)-verse(turned)반대의♨reversion, reversibly, reverse, reversal, ☞뒤로 돌리는□], ⑦어원해설, ⑧같은 어원768,▣versatile, (L)vert/vers/verg/vorce=(L)tour/(s)trophe <(L)vert/vers/verg/vorce=to turn>versatile, versatility, version, versional, verse, adverse, adversity, adversary, advert, advertent, advertence, advertency, advertise, advertisement, advertising, avert, averse, aversion, converse, conversant, conversancy, conversation, convert, convertible, conversion, controvert, controversy, controversial, diverse, diversity, diversify, divert, diversion, divertisement, diverticulum, diverticulitis, invert, inverse, inversion, obverse, obvert, obversion, pervert, perverse, perversion, perversive, perversity, revert, reversion, reversibly, reverse, reversal, subvert, subversive, subversion, tergiversate, tergiversation, tergiversator, transverse, transversal, traverse, universe, universal, university, megaversity, multiversity, verge, verger, converge, convergence, convergent, diverge, divergence, divorce, evert, eversible, eversion, introvert, malversation, retrovert, vertebrate, invertebrate, vertical, vertex, vertigo, versus, ⑨같은 어원 예문, ⑩관련 숙어 ⑪특기사항, ⑫영영사전, ⑬예시문장,
●ridden, ●[1552 ] ①고유번호, ②발음과 의미,[](), ③파생어, ④동의어 ⑤반의어, ⑥어원[ ()-() ♨ ☞[] □], ⑦어원해설, ⑧같은 어원 ⑨같은 어원 예문, ⑩관련 숙어 ⑪특기사항, ⑫영영사전, ⑬예시문장,⇒(×)
●rider, ●[ 1553] ①고유번호, ②발음과 의미,[](), ③파생어, ④동의어 ⑤반의어, ⑥어원[ ()-() ♨ ☞[] □], ⑦어원해설, ⑧같은 어원 ⑨같은 어원 예문, ⑩관련 숙어 ⑪특기사항, ⑫영영사전, ⑬예시문장,⇒(×)
●ridiculous, ●[1554 ] ①고유번호, ②발음과 의미,[](), ③파생어, ④동의어116, foolish(A) : foolish(어리석은) simple silly stupid dull fatuous absurd ridiculous ludicrous preposterous ⑤반의어,566,ridiculous/sensible, ⑥어원641, ridiculous[ridi(laugh)-cule(small)-ous(many)/rid(laugh)-ic(s.e.)-ulous(apt)웃기는♨ridicule, ridiculously, ☞작은 웃음이 많은에서□], ⑦어원해설, ⑧같은 어원639,▣ridibund, <(L)rid/ris/ri=to laugh>ridibund, ridicule, ridiculous, riant, risible, risibility, derision, deride, derisive, 178,▣ credulous <-ulous = adjective suffix> credulous, meticulous, ridiculous, tremulous, ⑨같은 어원 예문, ⑩관련 숙어 ⑪특기사항, ⑫영영사전, ⑬예시문장,
●riding, ●[1555 ] ①고유번호, ②발음과 의미,[](), ③파생어, ④동의어 ⑤반의어, ⑥어원[ ()-() ♨ ☞[] □], ⑦어원해설, ⑧같은 어원 ⑨같은 어원 예문, ⑩관련 숙어 ⑪특기사항, ⑫영영사전, ⑬예시문장,⇒(×)
●rise, ●[ 1556] ①고유번호, ②발음과 의미,[](), ③파생어, ④동의어 ⑤반의어,183,drop/rise, 241,flop/rise, 281, 392,lie/rise, 569,rise/fall, ⑥어원[ ()-() ♨ ☞[] □], ⑦어원해설, ⑧같은 어원 ⑨같은 어원 예문, ⑩관련 숙어get on[rise] to one's feet(일어서다),(281) 292,give rise to(일으키다: cause), 565,rise in life(출세하다, =rise in the world) 566,rise in the world(출세하다), ⑪특기사항,593,▩593rise/ascent[대조단어], ⑫영영사전, ⑬예시문장,
●risen, ●[1557 ] ①고유번호, ②발음과 의미,[](), ③파생어, ④동의어 ⑤반의어, ⑥어원[ ()-() ♨ ☞[] □], ⑦어원해설, ⑧같은 어원269,▣enable, <en-=make>enable, endear, endearment, enlarge, ennoble, enrich, ensure, blacken, broaden, darken, deepen, hearten, hasten, lighten, madden, sadden, sharpen, sicken, soften, weaken, heighten, lengthen, strengthen, embolden, enlighten, enlightenment, enliven, <en- = adjective suffix> wooden, earthen, woolen, golden, <-en = noun suffix> chicken, kitten, children, oxen, brethren, <(AG)en-=put into> embed, embody, endorse, engage, engagement, engraft, employ, employment, enroll, enrollment, ((cf) risen, written, embolden) ⑨같은 어원 예문, ⑩관련 숙어 ⑪특기사항, ⑫영영사전, ⑬예시문장,
●risk, ●[1558 ] ①고유번호, ②발음과 의미,[](), ③파생어, ④동의어 ⑤반의어, ⑥어원[ ()-() ♨ ☞[] □], ⑦어원해설, ⑧같은 어원 ⑨같은 어원 예문, ⑩관련 숙어65,at stake(위태로운, 문제가 되는: at risk, in danger) 68, at the risk of(∼를 걸고, ∼를 무릅쓰고) ⑪특기사항,64,▩64avoid : 동명사만 목적어로 취하는 동사(16개): avoid, give up, enjoy, admire, /postpone, finish, practice, /deny, mind, consider, /resist, risk, escape, put off, /miss, admit, (아기 인어(들) 포피프(와) 디마콘(이)/ (어른 천사들) 리리-F(lily-F)와 미아(가 비교됨.), ⑫영영사전, ⑬예시문장,
●rival, ●[ 1559] ①고유번호, ②발음과 의미,[](), ③파생어, ④동의어 ⑤반의어, ⑥어원642,rival[riv(flow)-al(like/one who)경쟁자, 경쟁하는, ...와 경쟁하다, ♨ rivalry, corrival, ☞물이 다투어 흐르는에서□], ⑦어원해설, ⑧같은 어원586,▣586rivalry, <(L)riv=to flow>rivalry, rival, corrival, river, riverine, arrive, arrival, contrive, derive, derived, derivation, outrival, ⑨같은 어원 예문, ⑩관련 숙어 ⑪특기사항, ⑫영영사전, ⑬예시문장,
●riverside, ●[1560 ] ①고유번호, ②발음과 의미,[](), ③파생어, ④동의어 ⑤반의어, ⑥어원[ ()-() ♨ ☞[] □], ⑦어원해설, ⑧같은 어원 ⑨같은 어원 예문, ⑩관련 숙어 ⑪특기사항, ⑫영영사전, ⑬예시문장,⇒(×)
●rock, ●[1561 ] ①고유번호, ②발음과 의미,[](), ③파생어, ④동의어305,swing(A) : swing(흔들리다) sway oscillate rock waver roll pitch 676,shake(B) : shake(떨리다) tremble quake quiver shiver shudder vibrate rock ⑤반의어, ⑥어원[ ()-() ♨ ☞[] □], ⑦어원해설, ⑧같은 어원 ⑨같은 어원 예문, ⑩관련 숙어 ⑪특기사항, ⑫영영사전, ⑬예시문장,
●rod, ●[ 1562] ①고유번호, ②발음과 의미,[](), ③파생어, ④동의어 ⑤반의어, ⑥어원[ ()-() ♨ ☞[] □], ⑦어원해설, ⑧같은 어원 ⑨같은 어원 예문, ⑩관련 숙어 ⑪특기사항, ⑫영영사전, ⑬예시문장,⇒(×)
●rode, ●[ 1563] ①고유번호, ②발음과 의미,[](), ③파생어, ④동의어 ⑤반의어, ⑥어원[ ()-() ♨ ☞[] □], ⑦어원해설, ⑧같은 어원 ⑨같은 어원 예문, ⑩관련 숙어 ⑪특기사항, ⑫영영사전, ⑬예시문장,⇒(×)
●role, ●[1564 ] ①고유번호, ②발음과 의미,[](), ③파생어, ④동의어 ⑤반의어, ⑥어원643,role[rol(roll)-e(ⓥ)(극중의)배역, 역할 ♨ ☞구르다에서 의미확장□], ⑦어원해설, ⑧같은 어원 ⑨같은 어원 예문, ⑩관련 숙어538,play a part(역할을 하다: play a role) ⑪특기사항, ⑫영영사전, ⑬예시문장,
●roll, ●[ 1565] ①고유번호, ②발음과 의미,[](), ③파생어, ④동의어305,swing(A) : swing sway oscillate rock waver roll pitch 553,list(B) : list catalog inventory register roll schedule ⑤반의어, ⑥어원644,roll [roll(roll)구르다, 회전하다, 두루마리=scroll, 출석부, ♨enroll, ☞굴려가다에서□], ⑦어원해설, ⑧같은 어원 ⑨같은 어원 예문, ⑩관련 숙어 ⑪특기사항, ⑫영영사전, ⑬예시문장,
●roll call, ●[ 1566] ①고유번호, ②발음과 의미,[](), ③파생어, ④동의어 ⑤반의어, ⑥어원644,roll call[roll(roll)-call(call)출석 조사 ♨roll, ☞굴려가며 부르는 것□], ⑦어원해설, ⑧같은 어원590,▣590rotary, <(L)rol/rot=to roll>rotary, rotate, rotation, rotatory, rotund, rotundity, roll call, rollback, enroll, enrollment, logroll, logrolling ⑨같은 어원 예문, ⑩관련 숙어 ⑪특기사항, ⑫영영사전, ⑬예시문장,
●romantic, ●[ 1567] ①고유번호, ②발음과 의미,[](), ③파생어, ④동의어 ⑤반의어, ⑥어원[ ()-() ♨ ☞[] □], ⑦어원해설, ⑧같은 어원 ⑨같은 어원 예문, ⑩관련 숙어 ⑪특기사항, ⑫영영사전, ⑬예시문장,⇒(×)
●roof, ●[1568 ] ①고유번호, ②발음과 의미,[](), ③파생어, ④동의어 ⑤반의어, ⑥어원[ ()-() ♨ ☞[] □], ⑦어원해설, ⑧같은 어원 ⑨같은 어원 예문, ⑩관련 숙어 ⑪특기사항, ⑫영영사전, ⑬예시문장,⇒(×)
●root, ●[1569 ] ①고유번호, ②발음과 의미,[](), ③파생어, ④동의어598,origin(B) : origin source beginning cause root ⑤반의어, ⑥어원[ ()-() ♨ ☞[] □], ⑦어원해설, ⑧같은 어원 ⑨같은 어원 예문, ⑩관련 숙어567,root out(∼와 근절하다: get rid of completely), ⑪특기사항, ⑫영영사전, ⑬예시문장,
●rose, ●[1570 ] ①고유번호, ②발음과 의미,[](), ③파생어, ④동의어 ⑤반의어, ⑥어원[ ()-() ♨ ☞[] □], ⑦어원해설, ⑧같은 어원 ⑨같은 어원 예문, ⑩관련 숙어 ⑪특기사항,294,▩294 Flowers: azalea(진달래꽃), chrysanthemum(국화), hyacinth(히야신스), dahlia(다알리아), forget-me-not(물망초) forsythia(개나리, a golden bell), rose(장미), orchid(난초), poppy(양귀비), daffodil(수선화), magnolia(목련), mimosa(미모사), crocus(크로커스), tulip(튜립), pansy(펜지), sunflower(해바라기), lilacs(라일락), jasmine(재스민), amaryllis(아마릴리스), daisy(데이지), dandelion(민들레), hollyhock(접시꽃), pasqueflower(할미꽃), ⑫영영사전, ⑬예시문장,
●rot, ●[ 1571] ①고유번호, ②발음과 의미,[](), ③파생어, ④동의어418,decay(B) : decay rot spoil ⑤반의어, ⑥어원[ ()-() ♨ ☞[] □], ⑦어원해설, ⑧같은 어원 ⑨같은 어원 예문, ⑩관련 숙어 ⑪특기사항,148,▩148corrode/rot[대조단어], 720,▩trot/rot[대조단어], ⑫영영사전, ⑬예시문장,
●rough, ●[ 1572] ①고유번호, ②발음과 의미,[](), ③파생어, ④동의어 ⑤반의어,264,gentle/rough, 570,rough/smooth, ⑥어원644, rough[rough(rugh/shaggy)(표면이)거친 ♨roughly, roughness ☞ 털복숭이의에서 의미확장□], ⑦어원해설, ⑧같은 어원 ⑨같은 어원 예문, ⑩관련 숙어 ⑪특기사항,5,▩5acompany/cover/color/government/honey/recover/mother/son/stomach/worry[ O가 /Λ/ 발음] blood/bloodshed/flood[ OO가 /Λ/ 발음] cousin/enough/hiccough/moustache/rough/southern[ OU가 /Λ/ 발음] bustle/culture/current/hurry/muscle/public[ U가 /Λ/ 발음], 92, 195,▩cough/draught/enough/laugh/rough/tough[GH 가 /f/ 발음 ] philosophy/telephone/physical[ PH가 /f/ 발음], ⑫영영사전, ⑬예시문장,
●route, ●[1573 ] ①고유번호, ②발음과 의미,[](), ③파생어, ④동의어335,way(A) : way course route pass passage passageway ⑤반의어, ⑥어원644,route[rout(=rupt/break)-e(things)길,=path♨rout☞돌파된 (길)((path) broken through)에서 온 말□], ⑦어원해설, ⑧같은 어원 ⑨같은 어원 예문, ⑩관련 숙어 ⑪특기사항, ⑫영영사전, ⑬예시문장,
●routine, ●[1574 ] ①고유번호, ②발음과 의미,[](), ③파생어, ④동의어 ⑤반의어, ⑥어원645, routine[rout(route)-ine(like/process)/rout(=rupt/break[=route])-ine(process/like)판에 박힌 과정(일),=conventional ♨☞작은 길(small route)에서□], ⑦어원해설, ⑧같은 어원665,▣ serpentine <-ine = adjective suffix> serpentine, crystalline, feminine, divine, masculine, genuine, vulpine, <-ine = noun suffix> discipline, doctrine, medicine, routine, cuisine, guillotine, aniline, nicotine, heroine, ⑨같은 어원 예문, ⑩관련 숙어 ⑪특기사항, ⑫영영사전, ⑬예시문장,
●row, ●[ 1575] ①고유번호, ②발음과 의미,[](), ③파생어, ④동의어 ⑤반의어, ⑥어원[ ()-() ♨ ☞[] □], ⑦어원해설, ⑧같은 어원 ⑨같은 어원 예문, ⑩관련 숙어 ⑪특기사항,600,▩row/row[두 가지 발음, ⓝ/ⓝ], ⑫영영사전, ⑬예시문장,
●royal, ●[1576 ] ①고유번호, ②발음과 의미,[](), ③파생어, ④동의어 ⑤반의어, ⑥어원645,royal[roy(=reg/rule)-al(like)왕의♨royally, royalty☞다스리는□], ⑦어원해설, ⑧같은 어원622,▣622regal, <(L)reg=rule>regal, regally, regality, regent, regental, regime, regimen, regiment, region, regional, regionalistic, regular, regularity, regularize, regulate, regulation, regulatory, regulative, reign, sovereign, sovereignty, rein, reinless, royal, royally, royalty, rectilineal, rectitis, corrigible, regalia, regius, regnal, interregnum, Rex, ⑨같은 어원 예문, ⑩관련 숙어 ⑪특기사항, ⑫영영사전, ⑬예시문장,
●rub, ●[1577 ] ①고유번호, ②발음과 의미,[](), ③파생어, ④동의어 ⑤반의어, ⑥어원[ ()-() ♨ ☞[] □], ⑦어원해설, ⑧같은 어원 ⑨같은 어원 예문, ⑩관련 숙어 ⑪특기사항, ⑫영영사전, ⑬예시문장,⇒(×)
●rubber, ●[ 1578] ①고유번호, ②발음과 의미,[](), ③파생어, ④동의어 ⑤반의어, ⑥어원[ ()-() ♨ ☞[] □], ⑦어원해설, ⑧같은 어원 ⑨같은 어원 예문, ⑩관련 숙어 ⑪특기사항, ⑫영영사전, ⑬예시문장,⇒(×)
●rude, ●[ 1579] ①고유번호, ②발음과 의미,[](), ③파생어, ④동의어642,raw(B) : raw crude rude 666,rude(B) : rude ill-mannered impolite discourteous uncivil ungracious ⑤반의어,131,courteous/rude(impertinent), 272,gracious/rude, 490,polite/rude, ⑥어원645,rude[rud(crude)-e(=y/like)버릇없는,=ill-mannered ♨ ☞ 천연 그대로와 같은에서□], ⑦어원해설, ⑧같은 어원 ⑨같은 어원 예문, ⑩관련 숙어 ⑪특기사항, ⑫영영사전, ⑬예시문장,
●ruin, ●[ 1580] ①고유번호, ②발음과 의미,[](), ③파생어, ④동의어667,ruin(B) : ruin destruction demolition havoc ⑤반의어, ⑥어원[ ()-() ♨ ☞[] □], ⑦어원해설, ⑧같은 어원 ⑨같은 어원 예문, ⑩관련 숙어568,ruin oneself, ⑪특기사항, ⑫영영사전, ⑬예시문장,
●rule, ●[ 1581] ①고유번호, ②발음과 의미,[](), ③파생어, ④동의어169,law(A) : law act rule regulation statute ordinance 500,govern(B) : govern rule reign control administer 685,standard(B) standard criterion rule ⑤반의어, ⑥어원[ ()-() ♨ ☞[] □], ⑦어원해설, ⑧같은 어원 ⑨같은 어원 예문, ⑩관련 숙어32,as a rule(통상, 대체로: generally, usually, on the whole) 350,in general(대개: as a rule, for the most part, usually), 452,make it a point to(습관적으로 으레∼하다: make a point of -ing, make it a rule to(do), 568,rule out(제외하다: exclude) ⑪특기사항,32, as a rule(통상, 대체로: generally, usually, on the whole) ⑫영영사전, ⑬예시문장,
●rung, ●[1582 ] ①고유번호, ②발음과 의미,[](), ③파생어, ④동의어 ⑤반의어, ⑥어원[ ()-() ♨ ☞[] □], ⑦어원해설, ⑧같은 어원 ⑨같은 어원 예문, ⑩관련 숙어 ⑪특기사항, ⑫영영사전, ⑬예시문장,⇒(×)
●runner, ●[1583 ] ①고유번호, ②발음과 의미,[](), ③파생어, ④동의어 ⑤반의어, ⑥어원[ ()-() ♨ ☞[] □], ⑦어원해설, ⑧같은 어원 ⑨같은 어원 예문, ⑩관련 숙어 ⑪특기사항, ⑫영영사전, ⑬예시문장,⇒(×)
●running, ●[ 1584] ①고유번호, ②발음과 의미,[](), ③파생어, ④동의어 ⑤반의어, ⑥어원[ ()-() ♨ ☞[] □], ⑦어원해설, ⑧같은 어원 ⑨같은 어원 예문, ⑩관련 숙어 ⑪특기사항, ⑫영영사전, ⑬예시문장,⇒(×)
●rush, ●[ 1585] ①고유번호, ②발음과 의미,[](), ③파생어, ④동의어261,rush(A) : rush(돌진하다) dash tear shoot charge hasten(B) : hasten(서두르다) hurry speed rush dash ⑤반의어,33,amble/rush, 141,dally/rush, 145,dawdle/rush, 572,rush/slow up, ⑥어원[ ()-() ♨ ☞[] □], ⑦어원해설, ⑧같은 어원 ⑨같은 어원 예문, ⑩관련 숙어332,in a hurry (rush) (급히: in haste) ⑪특기사항,603,▩rush/crush[대조단어], ⑫영영사전, ⑬예시문장,
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