[Sphere의 반쪽면만 작업을 하고, Symmetry를 이용해서 자동적으로 반쪽면이 작업되게 하자.]
Sphere : Radius 10. Segments 16,. Hemisphere 0.5
-> Symmetry : z select.
-> Put Edit Poly, but Edit poly has to be rocated below Symmetry
시메트리를 끄고, Edit poly polygon -> 반구체의 가장 넓은 면을 없앤다( Symmetry가 붙는 곳에 면이 있으면 좋지 않기 때문에.
(모든 것에 해당)
Semishpere's work affect The other Semisphere of Symmetry.
gonna make Nose and Eyes of Pig. Use Select and 'Uniform Scale' and 'Move'
Use Inset, Bevel, Extrude of Edit Poly.
as you want to make mouse under Nose, Use Cut of Polygon of Edit Poly.
and you can remove edge lines that you made by going 'Remove of Edge of Edit Poly.'
in top view, your 3d model's vertexs have different Y axis valuse,
let's take a look, you will notice that all of the vertex in top view are placed in 'Y = 0'
it means you shouldn't let Y aix cross toward Symmetry's.