Western medicine says that APD( Antisocial Personality Disease) and violence are relating to the abnomality of frontal lobe. East asian medicine says that anger comes from the liver and rises up to head. Which one is wrong or right? In conclusion, both are right.
What does frontal lobe mean in asian medicine? It belong to liver meridian whose flow is from the toe via genital and enters liver for the absorption of earth Ki(Food, water and other elements for blood) and goes out up to cetral top of brain via eye.
And liver meridian travels near the temporal fascia which is belong to gall bladder meridian.
In the view of meridian, east asian medicine divide diseases into two classes. One is call as "Rising Disease(所生病)" and the other as "Inducing Disease(始動病)". RD is comparatively deep, serious, blood portion and from five organs. ID light, simple, Ki portion and from meridian or outside.
However thought a disease is belong to ID, if it damages the cell on the meridian, the five organs in the damaged mediian would get weaker and weaker. This means ID could be changed to RD. Also this explains that one who is damged on frontal lobe could be suddenly violent. And reversely one whose liver Ki congestive woul be violent and get damaged on frontal lobe.
Above pathology says that the violence of APD shall be treated on liver which supplies brain with Ki and Blood.
The chemicals for abnomality of frontal lobe are not developed yet. But east asian medicine has treated such a psychological disease with herbs for liver Ki and blood. The herbal treatment shall be to release liver Ki with other organs' being considered.
Regading anger treatment, you can read treatment cases in this site.
If there is a law of disease, there must be a law of treatment evidently.
***Reference*** Rising Disease(RD) Disease originated from five organs. It rises outside in route of meridian as symptoms and signs. Inducing Disease(ID) Disease originated from outside factors. It stays on outside at first but it induces five organs to get damaged in route of meridian at last if the treatment is not fittable. |