We only make the best aerosol products.
All of the Aerosol products!
포장단위:Aerosol 420 ml/can, 20cans/Box
정밀기기 및 장비 등에 부착한 탄화물이나 유류에 의한 Gum질 중합물을 강력한 침투력에 의하여 간단히 용해탈리시켜 완전히 제거합니다.
침투력과 세척력이 우수하여 복잡한 장치의 최심부까지 신속히 침투하여 강력한 세척력을 발휘합니다.
또한, 염소계 용제를 사용하지 않았으며 신속한 증발 특성을 가지고 있어 별도의 건조 공정이 필요 없습니다.
• 복잡하고 정교한 기기 깊숙이 침투하여 오일, 그리스, 먼지 등 각종 이물질을 분해 세척 합니다.
• 금속 등을 부식시키지 않고, 발전기, 전동기, 전기 장비를 세척할 수 있는 제품입니다.
• 절연파괴전압(25℃, 2.5mm, KS C IEC 60156) : 60 kV 이상
• 각종 기계제품의 오일, 그리스, 먼지의 세척
• 모터, 발전기, 전동기, 엔진 등의 세척
• 스파크 플러그, 회로 차단기, 밸브의 세척
• 크랭크 케이스, 브레이크 패드, 실린더, 스프링의 세척 및 탈지
Packaging Unit
Aerosol 420 ml/can, 20cans/Box
It completely removes carbide or oil-based gum polymers attached to precision instruments and equipment by simply dissolving and detaching them with strong penetrating capacity.
It has excellent penetration and detergency, so it quickly penetrates into the deepest parts of complex devices and demonstrates strong detergency.
it does not use chlorine-based solvents and has rapid evaporation characteristics, so there is no need for a separate drying process.
•Penetrates deep into complex and sophisticated devices to disassemble and clean various foreign substances such as oil, grease, and dust.
•It is a product that can clean generators, motors, and electrical equipment without corroding metals.
•Breakdown voltage (25℃, 2.5mm, KS C IEC 60156): 60 kV or higher
• Cleaning of oil, grease and dust of various mechanical products.
• Cleaning spark plugs, circuit breakers and valves.
• Cleaning and degreasing of crankcase, brake pads, cylinders and springs
• Cleaning of motors, generators, electric motors, engines, etc.
포장단위:Aerosol 500g/can, 20Cans/Box
• 우수한 침투력과 강력한 세척력 (기계 및 부품 분해 불필요)
• 비전도성(내전압 28,000V/mm)
• 직물류에도 안전하게 사용
• 석유계용제 불포함
• 유해 잔류물을 남기지 않음
• ROHS(6대 유해물질)검출안됨
• 모든 금속부품 및 장치 등의 세척
• 모터,엔진,발전기,기계공구의 세척
• 크랭크 케이스,실린더,스프링,스파크 플러그,브레이크 라이닝의 탈지 및 세척
• 고성능의 속효성 세척제로 오일,그리스,왁스,타르의 제거
• 석유 파이프 라인의 정비
Packaging Unit
Aerosol 500g/can, 20Cans/Box
It completely removes carbide or oil-based gum polymers attached to precision instruments and equipment by simply dissolving and detaching them with strong penetrating capacity.
It has excellent penetration and detergency, so it quickly penetrates into the deepest parts of complex devices and demonstrates strong detergency.
It has rapid evaporation characteristics and does not require a separate drying process.
• Penetrates deep into complex and sophisticated devices to disassemble and clean various foreign substances such as oil, grease, and dust.
• It is a non-conductive product that does not corrode metals and can clean generators, motors, and electrical equipment.
• Cleaning of oil, grease and dust of various mechanical products.
• Cleaning spark plugs, circuit breakers and valves.
• Cleaning and degreasing of crankcase, brake pads, cylinders and springs
• Cleaning of motors, generators, electric motors, engines, etc.
●DC-3000/초정밀 전기 접점 세정제
포장단위:Aerosol 500g/can, 20cans/Box
Liquid 25kg/can
• 잔류,유분,구리스,먼지 등의 각종 오염물질을 빠르게 세척하여 도전성 향상
• 전자,전기 부품의 세정 및 접점 부위의 이물질 제거로 접점불량 부활
• 내전압 : 38,000V/mm 이상
• ROHS(6대 유해물질) 검출안됨
• 컴퓨터
• 정밀기기
• 광학기기
• 통신장비
• 릴레이 스위치
• 커넥터
• Key Board
• 계측기
• PCB기판(인쇄회로)
MULTI CLEANER DC-3000(Electro Contact Cleaner)
Packaging Unit
Aerosol 500g/can, 20cans/Box
Liquid 25kg/can
Montreal Protocol Regulation defined CFC’s(Freon Gas) is a main component of ozone layer destructing material which is restricted to manufacture and import. DC-3000 is made as replacement detergent.
Since it has high density, low viscosity and low surface tension, it penetrates deeply into object material and washes off contaminant. It is non-flammable detergent with excellent chemical stability and heat stability. This is safe and super precision detergent that can be used in whole industries.
• Cleanliness : Excellent cleaning power harmonized with evaporation can remove oil, grease, dust or flux on the surface of object easily.
• Penetrability : It penetrates into the deepest core of contaminants on electronic/electrical devices or precision machinery with complicated and sophisticated structures and provides an excellent cleaning performance.
• Cleaning of electric and electronic products : Contacts (relay, selector, switch, wiper), heads (video, audio, computer), indicator (dial, digital), Telecom equipment, exchange unit (mechanic, electronic, PBX), magnetic head, CARD, semi-connector, electronic tube, VTR, CRT, PCB, relays and switches, test equipment etc.
• Cleaner for precision and optical equipment : Watch, camera, measuring instrument, photocopier, computer, lens, aircraft instrument etc.
Excellent effects as thermal shock tester indicating correct position of intermittent failure by electric heat of aviation, electronic and engineering equipment.
●ECC-90/전기 접점 부활제
Aerosol 250g/can, 20cans/Box
• 전기전자 정밀기기의 접점부활 및 세척
• 잔류물이나 응축물을 남기지 않음
• 비부식성, 전기 절연성(내전압:38,000V/mm이상)
• 우수한 침투성이 Flux, Oil, Carbon, 오염물을 신속히 분해 세척
• 전기. 전자 제품의 세정작용 : 각종 접점(릴레이, 세렉터, 스위치, 와이퍼), 헤드(비디오, 오디오, 컴퓨터), 인디케이터(다이얼, 디지탈), 통신장비, 교환대(기계식, 전자식, PBX), 마그네틱 헤드, CARD, 세미 콘넥타, 전자튜브, VTR, CRT, PCB, 릴레이 및 스위치, 시험기기 등.
• 정밀기계 및 광학기기의 세척제 :시계, 카메라, 각종 계측기, 복사기, 컴퓨터, 렌즈, 공계기 등 항공 전자 공학 기기의 단속적 전열고장에 정확한 위치를 지시하는 열충격 시험기 로서도 탁월한 효과를 발휘함.
Packaging Unit
Aerosol 250g/can, 20cans/Box
Montreal Protocol Regulation defined CFC’s(Freon Gas) is a main component of ozone layer destructing material which is restricted to manufacture and import. ECC-90 is made as replacement detergent.
Since it has high density, low viscosity and low surface tension, it penetrates deeply into object material and washes off contaminant. It is non-flammable detergent with excellent chemical stability and heat stability. This is safe and super precision detergent that can be used in whole industries.
• Cleanliness : Excellent cleaning power harmonized with evaporation can remove oil, grease, dust or flux on the surface of object easily.
• Penetrability :It penetrates into the deepest core of contaminants on electronic/electrical devices or precision machinery with complicated and sophisticated structures and provides an excellent cleaning performance.
• Cleaning of electric and electronic products : Contacts (relay, selector, switch, wiper), heads (video, audio, computer), indicator (dial, digital), Telecom equipment, exchange unit (mechanic, electronic, PBX), magnetic head, CARD, semi-connector, electronic tube, VTR, CRT, PCB, relays and switches, test equipment etc.
• Cleaner for precision and optical equipment : Watch, camera, measuring instrument, photocopier, computer, lens, aircraft instrument etc.
Excellent effects as thermal shock tester indicating correct position of intermittent failure by electric heat of aviation, electronic and engineering equipment.
플럭스 제거제
Aerosol 420ml/can, 20cans/Box
• 강력한 세척력 : 우수한 세정력과 신속한 증발특성, 인쇄회로기판(PCB)의 오일, 플럭스 잔해물 제거.
• 안정성 : 화학적 안정성으로 인해 장기간 보관이 가능, PCB 기판을 부식으로 인하여 변색시키는 일이 없으므로 안심하고 사용할 수 있습니다.
• 비석유계 및 비Freon 계 화합물 : 유기 용제(톨루엔, 벤젠 등)와 Freon 계 성분을 사용하지 않습니다.
• 플럭스, 오일, 그리스 잔해물 제거.
• 모든 정밀기계, 금속의 탈지 및 세척.
• 항공, 전자공학 기기의 세척.
Packaging Unit
Aerosol 42ml/can, 20cans/Box
• Excellent cleaning effect, fast-evaporating, removing oil and flux from PCB.
• Stability : storable for long time with chemical stability, no discoloring on PCB.
• Non-petroleum and non-Freon compounds : Using no organic solvent (toluene, benzene) and Freon substance.
• Removes flux, oil and grease.
• Cleaning all precision instruments and metals.
Aerosol 250g/can, 20cans/Box , Aerosol 320g/can, 20cans/Box
• 전기 절연성의 안정성이 가장 우수한 먼지 제거제.
• 사용 후 잔유물이나 응축물을 남기지 않습니다.
• 고압의 Air가 오염물을 신속하고 손쉽게 제거 가능합니다.
• 비부식성이므로 어떤 부위에도 안전한 사용 가능합니다.
• 전기‧전자기기의 감도 향상.
• 알콜계 용제나 CFC's를 사용하지 않았습니다.
• Compressor 작업이 불가능한 곳에 사용이 적합합니다.
• 전기, 전자, 정밀 기기의 보수용 청정제.
• Computer, Audio, VTR, Facsimile, Camera, Duplicator의 먼지 제거.
• 전기 전자 제품의 감도 향상 : 무선장비, 전자 교환대, 전화기.
• 각종 현미경, 시계, 의료장비, PCB, 측정 계기, 면도기의 오염물 제거.
Dust Blower for Maintenance of Precision Equipment
Packaging Unit
Aerosol 250g/can, 20cans/Box , Aerosol 320g/can, 20cans/Box
• No residues. No condensates.
• Rapid dirt removaly by high pressure air.
• Noncorrosive.
• Improving the sensitivity of electric and electronic equipment.
• Ideal for the places not ensuring compressor work.
• Cleaner for maintenance of electric, electronic and precision equipment.
• Blowing dust off computer, audio, VTR, facsimile, camera, duplicator etc.
• Improving the sensitivity of electric and electronic equipment: wireless equipment,
electronic exchange unit, telephone.
• Removal of dirt off microscopes, watches, medical equipment, PCB, measuring
instrument and blader.
불연성 강력 먼지제거제
Aerosol 400g/can, 20cans/Box
• 먼지제거제 중에서 가장 강력한 분사력의 제품
• 불연성, 전기 절연성이 우수하며 분사 후 잔류물이나 응축물이 전혀 남지 않음.
• DUST BLOWER Series중에서 가장 고압의 Air가 먼지를 신속히 제거.
• 알코올계 용제, CFCs, HCFCs를 사용하지 않으므로 오존층을 전혀 파괴하지않음(O.D.P : Zero)
• 전기전자 정밀기기의 보수용 청정제
• 전기전자 제품의 감도향상, 무선장비, 전자 교환대, 전화기
• Computer, Audio, VTR, Facsimile, Camera, Duplicator의 먼지제거
• 각종 현미경, 시계, 의료장비, PCB, 측정계기, 면도기의 오염물제거
Packaging Unit
Aerosol 400g/can, 20cans/Box
• Inflammable, electronic-insulated, and safest dust blower.
• Residues or condensates not remained.
• Highest pressure air blowing dirt quickly.
• Non-corrosive.
• Improving sensitivity of electric and electronic equipment.
• Cleaner for maintenance of electric, electronic and precision equipment.
• Dust blowing for computer, audio, VTR, facsimile, camera and duplicator.
• Improving sensitivity of electric and electronic products: wireless equipment, electronic attendant console, telephone.
• Removal of dirt from microscopes, watches, medical equipment, PCB, measuring instrument and blader.
• Post office, telephone office, power plant, substation, computer manufacturers, private academy, public phone service departments, game center, OA equipment, semiconductor and precision equipment manufacturer, optical equipment manufacturer, research center.
TV 전용 크리너
Spray 200g/PET Bottle, 20EA/Box
• 액정 모니터를 안전하고, 효과적으로 세정할 수 있도록 특별히 설계된 제품입니다.
• 액정화면(LCD TV, LED TV, 스마트 TV, PDP TV, 3D TV, 태플릿 PC 등)에 이물질 및 먼지를 깨끗이 세정하여 선명한 화면을 보실 수 있습니다.
• LCD TV, LED TV, 스마트 TV, PDP TV, 3D TV, HDTV, 태플릿 PC, LCD 보안경, DVDs
Packaging Unit
Spray 200g/PET Bottle, 20EA/Box
• This product is specially designed to safely and effectively clean the LCD monitor.
• Clean the LCD screen (LCD TV, LED TV, Smart TV, PDP TV, 3D TV, Tablet PC, etc.) of foreign substances and dust to see a clear screen. they are mainly composed of alcohol or ammonia substances.)
• LCD TV, LED TV, Smart TV, PDP TV, 3D TV, HDTV, Tablet PC, LCD safety glasses, DVDs and more.
스티커 자국 제거제
Aerosol 220ml/can, 20cans/Box
• 강력한 침투력으로 접착제 자국을 깨끗이 분해제거
• 세척과 광택의 이중효과
• 금속, 플라스틱, 고무, 페인트에 안전
• ROHS(6대 유해물질) 검출안됨
• 접착제 자국제거
• 스티커 자국제거
• 껌 자국 및 얼룩제거
• 타르, 피치 얼룩제거
• 손때, 기름때 제거
• 방바닥의 볼펜자국
Packaging Unit
Aerosol 220ml/can, 20cans/Box
”Sticker stain remover” is used in a variety of ways, from the removal of industrial bond marks, adhesive marks, tar, oil stains, etc. to the removal of various advertising sheets on tinted car glass.
Everyone has an experience in using Solvents such as thinner or acetone to remove sticky glue at least once. However, this method can not properly remove the sticker marks and may even damage the product.
Now, the sticker stain remover will completely wipe the adhesive marks. You can use it with confidence in materials such as glass, metal, and wood.
This is not dissolving bonds or adhesives, but degrading them. Therefore, you can finish clear without stains around.
It also removes children's crayon marks and ball-point pen marks on the floor safely and quickly.
In addition, it is a new demensin of cleaner widely used to remove oil stains from kitchen tiles and ventilators.
We have cleverly solved the chronic problem of "adhesive and sticker marks".
You don't have to worry about the ad stickers.
"Sticker stain remover" simply solves these chronic problem.
We promise excellent performance, affordability, and convenience.
It's spray-based, so it's easy to use and carry anytime, anywhere. In addition, there is no problem that flows by hand when used.
You can use it with confidence,
Use it with confidence on the stain on the floor and ad sticker marks on the porch.
It is effective in removing adhesive stains on the windscreen of the car.
• Leed free RoHS(the six major harmful substances)
• Adhesive stain remover
Removal of sticker stains, adhesive tape stains, bond stains, parking-violation sticker stains and trademark stains.
• Removal of gum stains and oil dirt
Removal of gum stains, tar and pitch stains. Removal of oil dirt on tile surface.
• Removal of advertising sheet
Removal of advertising sheet stains, color sheet stains of window, and tinting stains.
스티커 자국 제거제
Aerosol 450ml/can, 20cans/Box
• 강력한 침투력으로 접착제 자국을 깨끗이 분해제거
• 세척과 광택의 이중효과
• 금속, 플라스틱, 고무, 페인트에 안전
• ROHS(6대 유해물질) 검출안됨.
• 접착제 자국제거
• 스티커 자국제거
• 껌 자국 및 얼룩제거
• 타르, 피치 얼룩제거
• 손때, 기름때 제거
• 방바닥의 볼펜자국
Packaging Unit
Aerosol 450ml/can, 20cans/Box
”Sticker stain remover” is used in a variety of ways, from the removal of industrial bond marks, adhesive marks, tar, oil stains, etc. to the removal of various advertising sheets on tinted car glass.
Everyone has an experience in using Solvents such as thinner or acetone to remove sticky glue at least once. However, this method can not properly remove the sticker marks and may even damage the product.
Now, the sticker stain remover will completely wipe the adhesive marks. You can use it with confidence in materials such as glass, metal, and wood.
This is not dissolving bonds or adhesives, but degrading them. Therefore, you can finish clear without stains around.
It also removes children's crayon marks and ball-point pen marks on the floor safely and quickly.
In addition, it is a new demensin of cleaner widely used to remove oil stains from kitchen tiles and ventilators.
We have cleverly solved the chronic problem of "adhesive and sticker marks".
You don't have to worry about the ad stickers.
"Sticker stain remover" simply solves these chronic problem.
We promise excellent performance, affordability, and convenience.
it’s spray-based, so it's easy to use and carry anytime, anywhere. In addition, there is no problem that flows by hand when used.
You can use it with confidence,
Use it with confidence on the stain on the floor and ad sticker marks on the porch.
It is effective in removing adhesive stains on the windscreen of the car.
• Leed free RoHS(the six major harmful substances)
• Adhesive stain remover
Removal of sticker stains, adhesive tape stains, bond stains, parking-violation sticker stains and trademark stains
• Removal of gum stains and oil dirt
Removal of gum stains, tar and pitch stains. Removal of oil dirt on tile surface.
• Removal of advertising sheet
Removal of advertising sheet stains, color sheet stains of window, and tinting stains.