obey |
복종하다 불복종하다 disobey 순종하는 obedient 순종 obedience |
object |
목적 goal, aim, purpose, target, objective, cause 반대하다 object to, oppose, disagree, disapprove 동의하다 agree, approve, assent, consent, comply |
objection |
반대 opposition, disagreement, disapproval 반대하다 object to, oppose, disagree, disapprove |
observe |
관찰하다 관찰 observation 준수하다 observe 준수 observance 말하다 observe, state, remark, refer to, utter, comment, note, add |
obstinate |
완고한 rigorous, stubborn, strict, rigid 관대한 generous, charitable, merciful, tolerant, benevolent |
obtain |
얻다 gain, come by 구할 수 있는 available |
obviously |
분명히 evidently, apparently, definitely, absolutely, no doubt |
occasion |
경우 case 기회 occasion, opportunity, chance, turn 행사 occasion, event 가끔 occasionally, sometimes, infrequently, once in a while 자주 frequently |
occasion |
경우 case 기회 occasion, opportunity, chance 행사 occasion, event, ceremony, ritual |
occur |
생각이 떠오르다 strike, hit, dawn on, come up with 발생하다 occur, happen, come about, come to pass, arise 발생 occurrence |
of no value |
가치 없는 귀중한 valuable, invaluable, precious, priceless |
offer |
제안 proposal, suggestion, overture 주다 offer, grant, provide, furnish, give, supply |
old-fashioned |
구식의 out of style 세련된 refined, sophisticated, classy, elegant |
omit |
생략하다 leave out |
on account of |
-때문에 because of, owing to, thanks to, due to |
on bad terms |
사이가 안좋은 사이좋게 지내다 get along with |
on fair terms |
공정한 조건 하에서 -의 관점에서 in terms of 사이가 좋은 on good terms 기간 term, period |
on purpose |
고의로 purposely, deliberately, intentionally 우연히 by chance, by accident, accidentally |
on the increase |
증가하는 on the rise 감소하다 reduce, diminish, decline, drop, lower, lessen, slash |
on the other hand |
한편 while, meanwhile, whereas, in the meantime |
only too |
매우 very, extremely, a great deal, considerably, fairly |
open-mouthed |
입을 벌린 채 감동받은 moved, touched, stirred, struck, impressed 감동적인 impressive, touching |
operation |
운영 management 작동 operation, working 수술 operation, surgery 작전 operation, campaign, drive |
opinion |
견해 view, thought, idea, comment, notion, concept 관점 viewpoint, standpoint, position, angle, terms, light, posture 태도 attitude 전망 perspective, vision, prospect |
opponent |
반대자 반대하다 oppose, object to, disagree, disapprove 반대 opposition, objection, disagreement, disapproval |
opportunity |
기회 chance, occasion, turn |
opposite |
반대의 반대하다 oppose, object to, disagree, disapprove 반대 opposition, objection, disagreement, disapproval |
oppress |
억압하다 repress, suppress 억압 oppression, repression, suppression 억압의 oppressive, repressive, suppressive |
order |
지시하다 command, direct, instruct |
ordinary |
보통의 normal, usual, common 보통이 아닌 extraordinary, unusual, abnormal, strange, bizarre |
organization |
조직 기관 institution 연구소 research institute 연합회 association, federation 재단 foundation |
origin |
기원 source 유래하다 originate in, stem from derive from, come from |
out of the question |
불가능한 impossible |
overcome |
극복하다 get over, tide over |
over-crowded |
인구 과잉의 인구밀도 population density |
overestimate |
과대 평가하다 평가하다 estimate, evaluate, appreciate, appraise 추산컨대 estimated, roughly, approximately, or so, about |
overestimate |
과대평가하다 평가하다 estimate, evaluate, appreciate, appraise 평가 evaluation, appraisal |
overflow |
범람하다 flood |
owe |
빚지다 빚 debt 빚진 indebted |
owing to |
-때문에 thanks to, due to, because of, on account of |
own |
소유하다 possess 고백하다 own, confess |
pacific |
평화로운 peaceful 태평양 Pacific |
pack |
포장하다 wrap 소포 package 일괄 타결 package settlement
pain |
고통 수고하다 take pains, make efforts, strive, endeavor, struggle |
pains |
수고 수고하다 take pains, make efforts, strive, struggle, endeavor |
pale |
창백한 white 질투심많은 jealous, green 화난 angry, irritated, resentful, red |
parsonage |
목사관 목사 pastor, minister, clergyman |
part |
지역 area, region, district, province, zone |
particularly |
특히 in particular, especially, specially |
party |
당 여당 ruling party 야당 opposition party 진보적인 progressive, liberal 보수적인 conservative |
patience |
인내 endurance, tolerance, perseverance |
patient |
환자 내과의사 physician 외과의사 surgeon |
pawn-broker |
전당포 주인 |
pay no attention to |
무시하다 ignore, neglect, disregard, pass up, turn away from |
peaceful |
평화로운 pacific |
peace-loving |
평화를 사랑하는 평화로운 peaceful, pacific |
peasant |
농부 farmer 농업 agriculture, farming |
peep |
엿보기 glimpse 엿보다 pry |
penniless |
무일푼의 broke down |
perform |
행동 performance, commitment, behavior 행태주의 behaviorism |
perform |
행하다 carry out, implement, commit, behave, do 실행 performance, commitment, behavior |
perish |
멸망하다 쇠퇴하다 decline, fall 번영하다 prosper, thrive, flourish, rise |
permit |
허가하다 allow 허가 permission, allowance |
perseverance |
인내 endurance, tolerance, patience 참다 stand, bear, endure, tolerate, persevere, put up with 참을성 있는 bearable, patient 참을 수 없는 unbearable, impatient, vexed, intolerable |
persist in |
고집하다 고집센 obstinate, stubborn, rigorous, rigid, strict 관대한 generous, tolerant, charitable, merciful, benevolent |
personality |
성격 character, individuality, temper |
persuade |
설득하다 prevail upon 설득 persuasion 설득력 있는 persuasive 단념시키다 dissuade |
persuasion |
설득 설득하다 persuade, prevail upon 설득력 있는 persuasive 단념시키다 dissuade |
philosopher |
철학자 철학 philosophy 경험론 empiricism 경험론자 empiricist 심리학 psychology 심리학자 psychologist |
philosophy |
철학 철학자 philosopher 심리학 psychology 심리학자 psychologist 전문가 expert, specialist, authority |
photograph |
사진 사진사 photographer 인화하다 develop |
physical |
신체적인 헬쓰 클럽 fitness center 정신적인 mental, spiritual 명상 meditation, yoga |
physics |
물리학 물리학자 physicist 내과의사 physician |
pity |
불쌍히 여기다 연민 pity, sympathy, compassion 연민의 sympathetic, compassionate |
place limit |
제한하다 limit, restrict |
plate |
접시 dish |
play |
희곡 drama 극작가 playwright, dramatist |
play |
상연하다 run, perform |
playwright |
극작가 dramatist |
pleasant |
유쾌한 satisfactory, satisfied, contented, happy, delighted 만족 satisfaction, contentment, pleasure, joy, happiness, delight |
pleasure |
만족 satisfaction, delight, enjoyment, joy, contentment, happiness |
plenty of |
풍부한 plentiful, abundant, sufficient 부족한 insufficient, deficient, short, scarce, scanty |
plenty |
많음 abundance 풍부한 plentiful, abundant |
poetical |
시적인 서정시 lyric 서사시 epic |
point of view |
관점 viewpoint, standpoint, position, angle, posture 태도 attitude 전망 vision, perspective, prospect |
policy |
정책 정책 입안가 policy-maker
polite |
예의바른 decent, courteous 무례한 rude, impolite, ill-mannered
politely |
예의바르게 예의바름 politeness
political |
정치의 정치인 politician, statesman, spokesman
politics |
정치학 정치인 politician, statesman, spokesman 정책 policy 여당 ruling party 야당 opposition party 급진적인 progressive, liberal 보수적인 conservative |
populous |
붐비는 crowded, busy |
portal |
문 현관 doorway |
position |
직위 status 승진 promotion 강등 demotion |
possess |
소유하다 own, have 소유 possession 재산 property 부동산 real estate |
post the letter |
편지를 붙이다 mail |
posterity |
후손 descendant, offspring 선조 forefather, ancestor |
poverty |
가난 궁핍한 impoverished |
poverty-stricken |
가난에 찌든 impoverished 가난 poverty 부 richness, wealth |
practical |
실용적인 이론적인 theoretical |
practice |
연습 연습하다 practice, make practice 실용적인 practical 관습 practice, custom, institution, convention, tradition 개업하다 practice, run, manage |
praise |
칭찬하다 compliment, admire, applaud, clap, flatter 갈채 applause, admiration, compliment, praise |
preach |
설교하다 sermon |
precious |
귀중한 valuable, invaluable, priceless |
precisely |
정확하게 exactly, accurately, correctly 부정확하게 inaccurately, incorrectly 정확성 precision, accuracy |
predecessor |
전임자 전례없는 unprecedented |
predict |
예측하다 forecast, prophesy, anticipate, expect |
preface |
서문 introduction |
prefer |
선호하다 선호 preference, priority |
preferable |
선호되는 선호하다 prefer 선호 preference |
preference |
선호 선호하다 prefer 우선사항 priority |
prehistoric |
원시의 ancient, primitive |
preoccupied |
몰두하는 absorbed, lost 한가한 unoccupied, free |
prepare |
준비하다 준비 preparation |
present-day |
현재의 current, recent, late, contemporary |
preserve |
보존하다 conserve 보존 preservation, conservation |
press |
강요하다 force, urge 강요 pressure 긴박한 urgent |
pretend |
-인체하다 make believe, feign |
prettily |
상당히 fairly, extremely, considerably, significantly, a great deal |
prevail on |
설득하다 persuade 설득 persuasion 설득력 있는 persuasive 널리 퍼지다 prevail, spread, flash 널리 퍼진 prevalent, far-reaching, wide-spread, comprehensive |
prevent |
막다 protect, defend, secure 예방 prevention, protection, defense, security |
previous |
이전의 former, earlier, preceding |
primary |
주요한 chief, main, principal |
principal |
교장 schoolmaster |
prior |
앞서의 former, preceding, previous 우선사항 priority |
prisoner |
죄수 criminal 유죄의 guilty 무죄의 innocent 풀어주다 release |
prisoner |
죄수 criminal 감금 imprisonment 해방 release |
probably |
아마도 perhaps, maybe, likely, possibly, presumably, supposedly |
process |
처리하다 proceed 과정 process, procedure |
produce |
생산하다 산물 product 상품 product, article, goods, item, merchandise, thing 생산성 productivity |
product |
상품 goods, article, item, thing, merchandise |
production |
생산 생산성 productivity |
profession |
고백 confession 직업 profession, job, vocation, occupation, calling |
profit |
이익 advantage, benefit, virtue, strong point, strength 이로운 profitable, advantageous, beneficial, helpful, wholesome |
profound change |
엄청난 변화 upheaval |
progress |
진보 진보적인 progressive, liberal 보수적인 conservative 중도의 on the fence |
promote |
승진시키다 승진 promotion |
promote |
향상시키다 improve, advance, evolve, develop, make better 승진 promotion, improvement, advancement, evolution |
proof |
증거 evidence, testimony |
proper |
적합한 fit, due, suitable, appropriate, adequate, relevant 부적합한 improper, unfit, inappropriate, irrelevant |
properly |
적합하게 적합한 proper, fit, suitable, due, adequate, appropriate, relevant |
property |
재산 real estate, possession, belonging |
proportion |
비율 rate, ratio |
proposal |
제안 suggestion, overture, offer 자기 암시 self-suggestion 자신감 confidence 신념 conviction 적극적인 positive, active, affirmative 낙관적인 optimistic |
propose |
제안하다 suggest, offer 제안 proposal, suggestion, offer, overture 자기 암시 self-suggestion |
prospective |
장차의 in the future 전망 perspective, vision, prospect |
prosperous |
번영하는 번영하다 prosper, thrive, flourish, rise 쇠퇴하다 decline, fall |
protest |
항의하다 불평하다 complain, grumble, grudge 불평 complaint |
protest |
항의하다 신교도 protestant |
proud |
자랑스러워하는 부끄러워하는 ashamed 거만한 proud, arrogant 겸손한 humble |
prove |
입증하다 turn out 증거 proof, evidence, testimony |
proverb |
속담 saying, maxim, aphorism, epigram |
provide |
제공하다 furnish, offer, give, grant, supply |
province |
분야 area, field, scope, range, sector, department, realm 지역 province, region, district, area, zone |
pry |
엿보다 peep |
psychology |
심리학 심리학자 psychologist 심리학적인 psychological 민족학 ethnology 인류학 anthropology 고고학 archaeology 생태학 ecology |
public gathering |
대중 집회 conference, meeting |
publish |
출판하다 release, issue 출판사 publishing company 출판 publication |
punishment |
벌 감금시키다 imprison 풀어주다 release |
pupil |
제자 규율 discipline, rule, regulation |
purpose |
목적 goal, aim, end, object, objective, target, cause 고의로 on purpose, purposely, deliberately, intentionally 우연히 by chance, by accident, accidentally |
purse |
지갑 wallet
pursue |
추구하다 seek for, look for, search for 추구 pursuit, seeking -을 추구하여 in pursuit of, in search of |
put into practice |
실행하다 enforce, enact |
put off |
연기하다 postpone, adjourn 지연 delay, procrastination |
put out the light |
전등을 끄다 extinguish |
put up with |
참다 stand, bear, endure, tolerate, persevere 인내 endurance, tolerance, perseverance, patience |
raise |
들어올리다 lift 양육하다 raise, rear, bring up, foster, nurture, nourish, breed 기금을 모으다 raise fund 봉급인상 raise 문제를 제기하다 raise, present, pose |
rapid reading |
속독 skip, scan 정독하다 peruse 정독 perusal |
rapid |
빠른 fast 신속 rapidity 빠르게 rapidly, quickly, immediately, with rapidity |
rapidity |
속도 speed |
rare |
드문 진귀함 rarity |
rarely |
거의 -않다 barely, scarcely, hardly, seldom |
reach the conclusion |
결론짓다 conclude 결국 in conclusion, to conclude, consequently, as a result, thus |
reality |
현실 비현실적인 unrealistic |
realize |
깨닫다 notice, be aware of, be conscious of 인식하다 recognize, perceive 인식 recognition, perception 무의식 unconsciousness, unawareness 잠재의식 subconsciousness |
reason |
이유 타당한 reasonable, valid 저렴한 reasonable, affordable, competitive |
recall |
회상하다 recollect, look back on, recur, remind, remember |
recently |
최근에 currently, lately, these days, nowadays, |
recognize |
인지하다 notice, be conscious of, be aware of, perceive 인식 recognition, perception, consciousness, awareness 무의식 unconsciousness, unawareness 잠재의식 subconsciousness |
recollect |
회상하다 recall, recur, remember |
recommend |
추천하다 추천 recommendation 추천서 reference |
recover |
회복하다 get well, get better 회복 recovery |
reduce |
줄이다 diminish, lower, lessen, drop, decrease, slash, slide 증가하다 increase, rise, soar, jump, take a jump |
refer to |
언급하다 remark, comment, observe, state, note, add, mention 추천서 reference 추천하다 recommend 추천 recommendation
refined |
세련된 sophisticated, classy, elaborate, elegant |
reflection |
숙고 consideration, account 반사 reflection 흡수 absorption |
refreshed |
새로운 마음의 |
regard |
간주하다 consider, see, view, look upon, take, think of, refer to -에 관하여 regarding, in regard to, concerning, as to, as for 무시하다 disregard, ignore, neglect, pass up, turn away from -에 관계없이 regardless of , irrespective of |
regret |
후회하다 repent 후회하는 regretful |
regrettable |
후회하는 regretful 후회하다 regret, repent |
regularly |
정기적으로 부정기적으로 irregularly |
regulation |
규정 rule |
reject |
거절하다 refuse, decline, turn down 거절 rejection, refusal, decline 수용하다 accept 수용 acceptance |
rejoice |
즐기다 enjoy, delight |
relate |
관련시키다 involve, connect, concern, entangle 관련된 related, involved, concerned, connected, associated 관계 relationship, involvement 친척 relative, kinsman |
relation |
관계 connection, involvement 관련된 related, connected, concerned, involved, associated 고립 isolation 고립된 isolated |
relative |
친척 kinsman 상대적인 relative |
relaxed |
편안한 easy, comfortable, convenient 이완 relaxation 긴장tension, strain, stress |
release |
풀어주다 발매하다 release, issue, publish 배포하다 release, distribute |
reliable |
믿을 만한 dependable 의존하는 reliant, dependent |
relieve |
경감시키다 ease 안심시키다 relieve 구조하다 relieve, rescue, save 안심 relief 안심하는 relieved 걱정하는 concerned, worried, nervous, anxious |
rely |
믿다 믿을 만한 reliable, dependable 의존하는 reliant, dependent 독립한 independent |
remain |
남아 있다 유적 remains 유물 relic 문화 유산 cultural heritage |
remark |
말하다 언급하다observe, add, note, comment, utter, refer to, mention 주목할만한, 현저한 remarkable, noticeable, outstanding, notable |
remind |
생각나게 하다 회상하다 recollect, recall, recur, look back on, retrospect |
remote |
먼 distant, far |
remove |
제거하다 eliminate, get rid of, uproot, root out, expel, exterminate |
repair |
수리하다 fix, mend 수선공 mechanic, repairman |
repay |
보답하다 reward |
repeat |
반복하다 반복 repetition |
reply |
대답하다 respond, answer, give an answer |
reputation |
명성 fame 유명한 famous, renowned, well-known, prominent |
require |
요구하다 need, demand, call for, ask for, request 요구 requirement, need, demand, requisite, necessity, must |
resemble |
닮다 take after 닮음 resemblance |
resign |
사임하다 step down 사임 resignation 퇴직하다 retire 명예퇴직 early retirement 고용하다 employ, hire, adopt, recruit 실업률 unemployment rate 해고하다 fire, lay off, dismiss, discharge, downsize |
resist |
저항하다 저항 resistance 불가항력의 irresistible |
resolve |
해결하다 solve 결심 resolution, decision, determination |
resort |
호소하다 resort to, appeal to, look to, depend on, count on 휴양지 resort |
respect |
존경 reverence, esteem 각각 respectively, each 이런 점에서 in this respect -에 관해 in respect to, regarding, concerning, about, as to |
respectable |
존경할 만한 각각의 respective, each |
respond |
대답하다 answer, reply 응답 response, reply, answer |
responsible |
책임이 있는 책임 responsibility, duty, obligation, charge, liability, work, task |
rest |
나머지 쉬다 rest, take a rest, relax, take it easy |
result in |
초래하다 lead to, give rise to, bring about, cause, beget, trigger 발생하다 happen, occur, arise, come about, come to pass |
result |
결과 consequence, issue 결과적으로 as a result, as a consequence, consequently, thus 결론짓다 conclude |
result |
결과 consequence 결국 as a result, as a consequence, consequently, therefore, so 초래하다 result in, bring about, give rise to, cause, trigger |
retire |
퇴직하다 명예퇴직 early retirement 사임하다 resign 사임 resignation |
retreat |
후퇴 withdrawal 전진 advance |
revolution |
혁명 진보 advance 진화 evolution |
revolutionize |
대변혁을 일으키다 격변 upheaval |
rid |
없애다 get rid of, remove, eliminate, root out, uproot, expel |
right |
권리 특권 privilege |
rise |
출세하다 승진 promotion |
rob |
빼앗다 deprive 강도 robber |
robber |
강도 빼앗다 rob, deprive |
rock |
흔들다 shake |
rotten |
썩은 상하다 go bad |
rough |
거친 violent 약, 대략 roughly, about, or so, approximately, estimated |
rubbish |
쓰레기 trash, waste, garbage |
rude |
무례한 impolite, ill-mannered 예의바른 polite, decent, courteous |
rule |
규율 regulation, discipline 통제하다 rule, govern, control, crack down, take over |
rumor |
소문 gossip |
run a risk |
모험하다 take a risk, venture 위험한 risky 모험을 좋아하는 adventurous 진취적인 aggressive |
run short of |
부족해지다 부족 shortage, scarcity, deficiency 충분함 sufficiency 충분한 sufficient, abundant, plentiful 부족한 insufficient, deficient, short, scanty |
run |
상연하다 perform 경영하다 manage |
sacred |
신성한 divine 세속적인 secular, profane |
saddened |
슬픈 sorrowful, gloomy 한숨쉬다 sigh, deplore, lament, mourn |
sameness |
동일성 identicalness 차이점 difference 유사성 similarity
satisfaction |
만족 delight, enjoyment, joy, pleasure, happiness 만족한 satisfied, satisfactory, delighted, contented, happy 불만족한 dissatisfied, unhappy
satisfactory |
만족하는 satisfied, contented, delighted, pleased, happy 불만족하는 dissatisfied, unhappy 충족시키다 satisfy, meet 만족 satisfaction, contentment, pleasure, enjoyment, joy 불평하다 complain, grudge, grumble 항의하다 protest 항의 protest
satisfied |
만족하는 delighted, contented, happy, pleased 불만족하는 dissatisfied, unhappy 만족 satisfaction, delight, contentment, enjoyment, joy, pleasure 불평하다 complain 항의하다 protest |
say |
가령 for instance, for example, such as, like, including |
scarcely |
거의 -않다 hardly, rarely, barely, seldom |
scholar |
학자 professor 전문가 expert, specialist, authority 심리학자 psychologist |
scholarship |
학자임 전문가 expert, specialist, authority 전문성 expertise |
school |
교육시키다 educate, discipline |
scientific research |
과학 연구 연구소 research institute 조사하다 inspect, investigate, survey, conduct study, screen |
scold |
꾸짖다 blame, criticize, find fault with, reprimand, rebuke, scold 칭찬하다 admire, praise 갈채하다 applaud 격려하다 encourage, inspire, spur |
search |
추구하다 seek for, look for, pursue -을 추구하여 in pursuit of |
secluded |
격리된 isolated 관련된 involved, related, concerned, connected, associated |
secretary |
비서 수석 비서관 senior secretary |
see |
간주하다 view, look upon, take, regard, consider, think of |
seek |
추구하다 seek for, pursue -을 추구하여 in pursuit of |
seek-sought-sought |
추구하다 pursue, seek for, look for, search for -을 추구하여 in pursuit of, in search of |
seize |
붙잡다 capture, grasp, grip |
seldom |
거의 -않다 hardly, scarcely, rarely, barely |
selfishness |
이기적임 관용성 generosity, charity, mercy 박애의 humanitarian |
senior |
손윗 사람 노인 senior citizen, elderly people 젊은이 youngster, adolescent 주민 resident, inhabitant, citizen |
sensible |
현명한 clever, smart 어리석은 foolish, stupid, silly |
serious |
심각한 severe |
sermon |
설교 preach |
serviceable |
유용한 useful, wholesome, helpful, beneficial, profitable |
set up a tent |
텐트를 치다
settle |
해결하다 solve, resolve 정착하다 settle 거주지 residence, inhabitance
severely |
심하게 excessively bitterly
shame |
수치 부끄러워하는 ashamed 자신감 있는 confident, convinced 자신감 confidence 신념 conviction |
shamed |
부끄러워하는 자신감 있는 confident 확신하는 convinced 자신감 confidence 신념 conviction |
shape |
모양 몸매가 좋은 in shape, shapely 외모 appearance, look, countenance |
share |
공유하다 have in common 나누다 divide, split, separate 주식 share, stock |
shell |
껍질 조개 shellfish |
shelter |
피난처 refuge |
shiver |
떨다 tremble, shudder |
shocked |
놀란 surprised, alarmed, astonished, frightened, startled, scared |
shoot |
쏘다 촬영하다 shoot, film |
short |
부족한 scarce, scanty, deficient, insufficient 부족 shortage, scarcity, deficiency 충분한 sufficient 충분 sufficiency |
shortcoming |
단점 demerit, drawback, defect, disadvantage, fault, weakness 장점 benefit, profit, advantage, merit, strength, virtue, good point |
shudder |
떨다 tremble |
sigh |
한숨쉬다 lament, deplore, mourn |
significant |
중요한 important, consequent 사소한 insignificant, trifling, trivial, slight, small |
similar |
유사한 유사성 similarity |
simplicity |
소박함 |
simultaneously |
동시에 at the same time |
skin-deep |
피상적인 superficial 본질적인 essential, substantial, substantive, fundamental, basic |
slave |
노예 주인 master |
slender |
얼마 안되는 slight, little |
slightly |
약간 little |
slip |
미끄러지다 해고 통지서 pink slip 해고하다 give pink slip, fire, discharge, dismiss, lay off |
smooth |
잔잔한 거친 violent, rough |
sneer at |
비웃다 laugh at, ridicule 우스운 ridiculous, absurd
solitude |
고독 고독한 solitary, lonely, lonesome, desolate, dreary
solve |
해결하다 resolve, settle 해결 solution, settlement 취급하다 deal with, do with, handle, treat |
sometimes |
가끔 occasionally, infrequently, from time to time, now and then |
somewhat |
어느 정도 rather, more or less, to some degree (measure, extent) 상당히 a great deal, considerably, significantly, greatly |
sorrow |
슬픔 lamentation, mourning |
sorrowfully |
슬프게 시무룩한 gloomy 쓸쓸한 lonely, lonesome, dreary, desolate, solitary 고독 solitude |
sort |
종류 kind 분류하다 sort, classify |
sound |
건전한 wholesome |
sow distrust |
불신의 씨앗을 뿌리다 회의적인 suspicious, doubtful, skeptical |
spare time |
여가시간 leisure |
speak ill of |
무시하다 despise, look down on, neglect, ignore, pass up 존경하다 look up to, respect, revere, esteem 자기 존경 self-respect |
spot |
장소 place, site 발견하다 spot, discover, uncover, find out |
sprang up |
벌떡 일어났다 |
spread |
퍼뜨리다 prevail, flash 광범위한 wide-spread, far-reaching, extensive, comprehensive |
standard |
기준 criteria, criterion, yardstick |
startled |
놀란 scared, alarmed, astonished, frightened, surprised, amazed |
starve |
굶주리다 기근 famine |
state |
말하다 remark, observe, utter, mention, comment, note, add |
statement |
진술 말하다 state, remark, refer to, observe, utter, mention, note, add 대변인 statesman, spokesman 국가, 주 state 상태 state, condition, situation |
statesman |
대변인 spokesman, politician 말하다 state, utter, remark, refer to, comment, note, add, observe |
steady |
지속하는 일관된 constant, consistent, uniform, unchanging |
steam |
증기 기선 steamer |
step by step |
점진적으로 little by little, gradually 빠르게 rapidly, with rapidity |
stick |
막대기 cane 고집하다 stick to, cling to, glue to, adhere to, hold on to 내밀다 stick out, hold out, hang out 응원하다 stick with |
stimulus |
자극 stimuli, stimulation 자극하다 stimulate |
strain |
긴장 tension, stress 긴장시키다 strain 이완 relaxation 이완시키다 relax, take it easy |
strict |
엄격한 rigorous, rigid, obstinate, stubborn, strict 관대한 generous, charitable, merciful, benevolent
strive |
노력하다 struggle, endeavor, make efforts, do one's utmost 허비하다 idle away, fool around |
struggle |
투쟁 노력하다 struggle, strive, endeavor, make efforts 허비하다 idle away, fool around |
study |
연구 research 조사 survey, inspection, investigation, probe, screening 실험 experiment, experimentation 탐구 exploration, expedition |
stupid |
어리석은 foolish, silly 현명한 sensible, clever, smart, bright |
subject of the moment |
현안 issue, subject, matter, problem 논쟁 controversy, argument 논쟁의 여지가 있는 controversial |
substance |
본질 essence 본질적인 substantial, substantive, essential, vital, basic 물질 substance, matter, material |
substitute |
대신하다 replace, displace, take the place |
suburb |
교외 outskirts 도시의 urban 시골의 rural |
succeed (in) |
성공하다 계속하다 succeed, follow, ensue 성공한 successful 계속되는 successive, subsequent 계속해서 in succession, successively |
success |
성공 실패 failure, reverses 성공한 successful 계속되는 successive, subsequent |
suddenly |
갑자기 all of a sudden, abruptly, in a flash, all at once |
suffer from |
고생하다 be plagued with |
suffering |
고통 괴로워하다 suffer from, be plagued with |
suggest |
제안하다 propose, offer 제안 suggestion, proposal, overture, offer |
suicide |
자살 자살하다 commit suicide, kill oneself |
suit |
정장 소송 suit 적합한 suitable, fit, due, proper, adequate, appropriate, relevant |
sum up |
요약하다 summarize |
sum |
금액 amount |
superior |
우월한 열등한 inferior 우월성 superiority |
supply |
공급 수요 demand, requirement, request, need, necessity, must |
supply and demand |
공급과 수요 |
supply |
공급하다 provide, furnish, offer, give, grant 요구하다 demand, require, request, call for, ask for, need |
support |
부양하다 maintain, sustain 도움 support, aid, help, assistance
suppose |
가정하다 assume, presume 가정 supposition, assumption, presumption 아마 supposedly, presumably, likely, probably, possibly, maybe 분명히 obviously, evidently, apparently, assuredly, absolutely |
suppression |
억압 oppression, repression |
surface |
표면 피상적인 superficial 본질적인 essential, substantial, substantive, fundamental, vital |
surgeon |
외과의사 내과의사 physician 수술 surgery, operation |
surprised |
놀란 scared, shocked, startled, frightened, astonished, alarmed 당황한 embarrassed, confused, puzzled, at a loss, in a panic |
surrender |
굴복하다 give up, abandon, give in |
surround |
둘러싸다 환경 surrounding, circumstance, environment |
survive |
살아남다 생존 survival -보다 오래 살다 outlive |
suspicion |
의심 doubt 의심스런 suspicious, doubtful 의심하다 suspect, doubt 용의자 suspect 회의적인 skeptical |
suspicious |
의심스러운 doubtful, dubious, skeptical 의심하다 suspect, doubt |
swiftness |
신속함 rapidity |
switch on |
켜다 turn on 끄다 switch off, turn off |
symbol |
상징 상징하다 symbolize, stand for, represent |
sympathize |
연민하다 연민의 sympathetic, compassionate 무관심한 indifferent, detached 애정있는 affectionate, attached, caring 위로 comfort, consolation, solace |
sympathy |
동정 연민 반감 antipathy 감정이입 empathy 동정의 sympathetic, compassionate |
take a break |
쉬다 take it easy, take a rest, rest, relax 긴장 tension, strain, stress |
take a rest |
쉬다 rest, relax |
take after |
닮다 resemble |
take into account |
고려하다 consider, reflect, contemplate, ponder 계좌 account 경리과 accounting department 회계 accountant, cashier, teller -에 이르다 account for, count for, amount to, come up to |
take it for granted that |
-을 당연한 것으로 여기다 보조금 grant, subsidy |
take notice of |
알아채다 notice, realize, recognize, perceive, be aware of 공고 notice |
take off |
이륙하다 착륙하다 land |
take part in |
참가하다 participate in, join, attend 참가자 participant |
take place |
발생하다 happen, occur, arise, come about, come to pass |
take so little pains |
수고하지 않다 fool around, idle away 노력하다 make efforts, struggle, strive, do one's utmost |
take the place |
대신하다 replace, displace, substitute |
task |
일 work, duty, responsibility, liability, obligation |
tease |
귀찮게 하다 bother, trouble, annoy 방해하다 disturb, interrupt, interfere with |
temper |
성격 character, personality 화내다 lose one's temper, get angry |
tempt |
유혹하다 induce 유혹 temptation |
temptation |
유혹 충동 drive, urge, impulse 본능 instinct 충동적으로 on impulse 본능적으로 instinctively |
temptation |
유혹 |
tend to |
-하는 경향이 있다 be likely (apt, liable, prone) to 경향 tendency, trend, trait |
tend |
돌보다 attend, wait on -하는 경향이 있다 tend to, be likely to, be apt to 경향 tendency, trend, trait |
tendency |
경향 trend -하는 경향이 있다 tend to, be likely (apt, liable, prone) to |
tender |
부드러운 smooth, soft |
term |
용어 word, phrase |
terrible |
끔찍한 멋진 terrific, wonderful, marvelous, fabulous, superb, fantastic |
that is to say |
다시 말하면 that is, in other words, namely, so to speak |
the average person |
보통사람 common people, ordinary people 국민 general public 행정당국 authorities, official, administration |
the law of nature |
자연의 법칙 |
the liberties of all |
모든 이의 자유 권리 right 특권 privilege |
the moment |
-하자 마자 as soon as, on -ing |
the state of affairs |
사태 상태 state, condition, situation 국가, 주 state 말하다 state, observe, remark, mention, refer to, utter, note, add |
theology |
신학 철학 philosophy 인류학 anthropology 고고학 archaeology 심리학 psychology 생태학 ecology 민족학 ethnology |
theory |
이론 이론적인 theoretical 실제 practice 실제적인 practical |
therefore |
그러므로 so, accordingly, thus, as a result, consequently |
thin |
가는 굵은 thick |
think over |
숙고하다 consider, reflect, take into account 무시하다 ignore, neglect, disregard, pass up, turn away from |
thorough |
철저한 완전히 thoroughly, entirely, all, completely |
thoroughly |
철저히 entirely, completely, perfectly |
thought |
생각 idea, opinion, comment, notion, concept 관점 viewpoint standpoint, angle, posture, position 태도 attitude 전망 vision, perspective, prospect |
threaten |
위협하다 menace 위협적인 threatening |
thrust |
밀다 push |
thus |
이처럼 as a result, accordingly |
tide over |
극복하다 get over, overcome |
time and tide |
세월 years |
timid |
소심한 |
tired of |
싫증난 권태 boredom |
tired |
피곤한 exhausted, worn out, run down 피로 fatigue 긴장 tension, strain, stress 이완 relaxation |
to be sure |
분명히 obviously, assuredly, absolutely, for sure, evidently |
to begin with |
우선 most of all, above all, in the first place |
to everyone's astonishment |
놀랍게도 놀란 astonished, alarmed, amazed, surprised, scared, frightened |
to the effect that |
-라는 취지로 영향 effect, impact, influence 영향을 미치다 have an effect on, influence, affect |
tool |
도구 instrument |
torment |
괴롭히다 annoy, bother, trouble, tease, bug |
touch |
손대다, 접촉하다, 마음을 움직이다 감동받은 touched, moved, impressed, stirred, struck 감동적인 touching, impressive 연락하며 지내다 keep (get, stay) in touch with |
touching |
감동적인 impressive moving |
tragic |
비극적인 비극 tragedy, disaster |
transportation |
수송 통근하다 commute |
treat |
취급하다 handle, deal with 대접하다 treat, entertain 치료하다 treat, heal, cure, remedy, give medical care 수술 operation, surgery |
tremble |
전율하다 shake |
tribute |
찬사 compliment, admiration, applause, clap, praise |
triumph |
승리 victory 의기양양한 triumphant, exalted |
triumph |
승리 victory 의기양양한 triumphant, exalted |
troops |
군인 soldiers |
trust |
신뢰하다 credit 의심하다 doubt, suspect 의심하는 doubtful, suspicious, skeptical, dubious |
turn a deaf ear to |
무시하다 ignore, neglect, disregard, overlook, pass up |
turn down |
거절하다 refuse, reject, decline 거절 refusal, rejection, decline |
turn in |
제출하다 hand in, give in, submit |
turn out |
-임이 드러나다 prove 증거 proof, evidence, testimony |
tyranny |
독재자 despot |
tyrant |
폭군 despot |
unbreakable will |
불굴의 의지 자진하여 willing, voluntary 꺼리는 unwilling, reluctant |
uncomfortable |
불편한 inconvenient, uneasy 불편 discomfort, inconvenience, uneasiness 위로 comfort, consolation, solace 연민의 sympathetic, compassionate |
uncorrupt |
부패하지 않은 부패 corruption |
undergraduate |
학부생 졸업생 graduate 졸업하다 graduate from |
undertake |
착수하다 begin, initiate, launch |
undoubtedly |
분명히 no doubt, for sure, to be sure, no wonder, evidently 의심하다 doubt, suspect 의심스러운 doubtful, dubious, skeptical, suspicious 의심할 여지가 없는 doubtless, undoubted, obvious, evident |
unfair |
부당한 prejudiced |
unfortunately |
불행하게도 불운 misfortune, tragedy |
unfortunately |
불행하게도 불운 misfortune |
uniform |
제복 한결같은 uniform, consistent, steady, constant, unchanging |
unobserved |
들키지 않고 관찰하다 observe 관찰 observation 준수하다 observe 준수 observance 말하다 observe, state, remark, refer to, mention, utter, note, add |
unoccupied |
한가한 free 바쁜 busy, crowded 몰두하는 preoccupied, lost, absorbed, interested 점유하다 occupy |
unusual |
보통이 아닌 extraordinary, abnormal, strange, bizarre 정상의 normal, ordinary, usual, common |
unusually |
보통과는 다르게 extraordinarily, abnormally, strangely |
unwise |
현명하지 않은 stupid, foolish, silly 사려깊은 thoughtful, considerate, sensible 지혜 wisdom
upkeep |
관리 maintenance
upset |
전복시키다 capsize 당황한 upset, embarrassed, confused, in a panic, at a loss |
urgent |
급박한 재촉하다 urge, prompt 충동 urge, drive, impulse 필사적인 desperate |
useful |
유용한 effective, helpful |
utilize |
이용하다 use, make use of, avail |
utmost |
최고의 best |
utmost |
최고의 best 최선을 다하다 do one's utmost, do one's best, strive, struggle |
utter |
말하다 state, observe, remark, mention, refer to, note, add |
utterance |
표현 expression, remark, statement 말하다 utter, refer to, observe, mention, state, remark, note, add |
vacant |
텅빈 empty 빈 방 있음 vacancy |
vague |
모호한 obscure, ambiguous 분명한 obvious, evident, apparent, definite, assured, clear, plain |
vain |
헛된 futile 헛되이 in vain 결실있는 fruitful |
valuable |
귀중한 invaluable, precious, priceless, worthy |
valuables |
보석 jewel |
value |
귀중하게 여기다 appraise, evaluate, appreciate, esteem, prize, treasure 간주하다 consider, regard, look upon, see, view, take, think of |
various |
다양한 diverse 다양성 variety, diversity, plethora |
venture |
모험하다 run the risk, take the risk |
vessel |
용기 혈관 blood vessel 혈압 blood pressure |
vice |
악 evil 미덕 virtue, goodness |
victim |
희생 |
view |
의견 opinion, thought, idea, comment, notion, concept 관점 viewpoint, standpoint, posture, position, angle, point of view 태도 attitude 전망 vision, prospect, perspective |
violence |
폭력 난폭한 violent |
virtue |
미덕 장점 virtue, merit, advantage, profit, benefit, strong point 단점 demerit, disadvantage, drawback, defect, fault, weakness |
volcano |
화산 분출하다 erupt 분출 eruption |
vote |
투표하다 선거 election |
wail |
흐느낌 한탄하다 lament, deplore, mourn, sigh |
wave |
흔들다 |
wealth |
부 richness
weary |
피곤한 tired, exhausted, worn out, run down 피로 fatigue 긴장 tension, strain, stress 이완 relaxation |
weather-worn |
비바람에 시달린 마모 wear and tear |
welfare |
복지 well-being |
well-bred |
가정 교육을 잘 받은, 교양있는 기르다 rear, raise, breed, foster, nurture, nourish, feed |
while |
반면에 meanwhile, in the meantime, whereas, on the other hand |
whole |
전체의 entire, complete, all |
wholesome |
건강에 좋은 helpful, beneficial, profitable, advantageous |
wholly |
완전히 completely, all, entirely, thoroughly |
will power |
의지력 자발적인 willing, voluntary 꺼리는 unwilling, reluctant |
will |
의지 / 유언장 자진하여 willing, voluntary 꺼리는 unwilling, reluctant |
willing |
자진하여 voluntary 꺼리는 unwilling, reluctant 꺼림 reluctance, unwillingness |
winding |
굽은 bent |
wish |
소망 desire 충동 desire, urge, impulse 열망하는 anxious, eager, longing 바라다 wish, desire, long, aspire, be eager for |
with all |
-에도 불구하고 for all, in spite of, despite -에 관계없이 regardless of 그럼에도 불구하고 nevertheless, nonetheless |
within his reach |
구할 수 있는 available |
wonder |
경이 멋진 wonderful, marvelous, fabulous, superb, fantastic, terrific |
work |
작동하다 run, act, operate, man |
work |
작품 대작 masterwork, masterpiece 불후의 immortal |
work |
일 labor, task 책임 responsibility, liability 의무 obligation, duty |
worry |
걱정 concern, anxiety, apprehension 걱정하는 worried, concerned, anxious, nervous |
worse than useless |
백해무익한 이로운 beneficial, profitable, advantageous, helpful, wholesome |
worship |
경배(하다) |
wound |
상처 injury, wound 상처를 입히다 wound, hurt, injure 부상당한 wounded, hurt, injured |
wounded |
부상당한 hurt, injured 치료하다 treat, cure, remedy, heal, give medical care 치료 cure, treatment, therapy, remedy 수술 operation, surgery 외과의사 surgeon 내과 의사 physician |
yet |
그러나 however, still, though, but 그럼에도 불구하고 nevertheless, nonetheless, all the same |
yield |
생산 production 양보하다 yield |
zealous |
열망하는 anxious, eager, longing 열망하다 long for, desire, aspire, be eager for, be anxious for |