Read out (= read aloud) 큰소리로 읽다
I read out the story book in my room yesterday night.
1. Her confessions was read out to the court.
2. The secretary read out the minutes of the meeting.
3. I got new software to read out my computer.
I cannot accept ( the fact) that 주어 + 동사
나는 (~라는 사실) ~을 인정 할 수 없다
I cannot accept ( the fact) that watching television has replaced reading as a favored pastime ( 인기 있는 취미).
1. I cannot accept the fact that I have to travel too far just to be
with my family.
2. Dinno cannot accept the fact that he is the second best.
3. I cannot accept the fact that I have failed in my entrance exam.
I am against the idea of ~ : 나는 ~에 반대한다
I am against the idea of censorship (검열 제도) of the media.
1. I am against the idea of mercy killing.
2. I am against the idea of greediness.
3. I am against the idea of dishonesty.
Speak out 큰 소리로 말하다 (= speak loudly )
Speak out, we cannot hear what you said.
1. Speak out, we can’t hear you.
2. If you have any objections just speak out.
3. You must speak out to express your ideas.
This raises the question of ~ : 이것은 ~ 라는 문제를 야기시킨다.
This raises the question of privacy in the workplace ( 직장에서).
1. The corruption raises the question of how government officials have the face to spend the money of the country.
2. This raises the question of how effective the vaccines coming
from China.
3. This raises the question of how competent you are as an employee.
Break in 침입하다
3 thieves broke in during the night. 3명의 도둑이 밤에 침입했다.
1. Police are investigating the break in at the bank.
2. They should not require any sort of break in.
3. Do not break in when he is telling a story.