Look, Mom, Im flying!
I also want to fly.
But I dont have wings.
Why, baby?
Because I want to go with you to heaven!
check whos at the door.
Sure, Mom.
Go ahead and pay respect.
Hello, Sir.
Baby, you probably
wont understand it yet.
PHILIPPINES PASSPORBut Im sure youll understand someday.
Flying is like facing a challenge.
You need to be strong
because the journey to the sky is far.
Do you know how birds learn to fly?
Because they use their wings?
Thats right!
But its not just because of their wings.
What else, Mom?
Its because they believe they can do it.
Lets go, grandchild.
Hi, Daddy!
Taxi here!
This one, take my cab.
No, mine is fixed rate.
My taxi is new. His got flooded in.
Hello, Mujigae!
How is my baby?
Sorry, baby.
Im sorry I wasnt able to go home
to the Philippines with you.
But even though Im really far away,
dont forget that I always love you.
Here you go.
Wait for a second, baby!
If Ji Sung were here,
you wouldnt have such a hard time.
Dont look for someone whos not here.
Why would I look for someone
whos already here?
Just kidding.
Have you told?
-Have you told?
-Im vlogging!
Mujigae, good morning!
I hope you're having a beautiful day.
Ill teach you how to speak Tagalog.
Your Godmother Nelly is beautiful!
Lets go?
You all need a shower, you all stink!
Go home to your parents!
Maybe youre the one whos stinky!
Oh, Im the stinky one? Come here!
Ill show you who stinks!
Dont be such a coward! Come back here!
I hope you fall on your face!
Wait till I catch you!
You stink!
-Sis, dont forget my takeout food!
-I wont!
When I catch you, Ill crush you!
I swear Ill get you!
Youre a meanie!
Come here!
Hey, Sunny, I need help with my Facebook!
Okay, Ill check it later!
I really miss my wife!
Hey, get out of here!
You go that way, Ill go here!
So annoying!
I hate them!
Five, six, seven, eight!
Hey, Sunny!
Looks like youre ready to slay in Zumba!
Humba? Oh, I cant eat humba anymore.
I have diabetes.
Grandma, I meant Zumba! Zumba!
Do you like this? I made it myself!
Of course, I like everything you make!
Sunny, are you busy Sunday?
We need a lector for church.
Sorry, Grandma.
Im on duty at the beauty parlor.
Ill make it up to you, I promise.
Why are you all sweaty?
Grandma, you dont have to.
I bet you were
chasing after some kids again.
Dont be embarrassed,
we practically raised you.
Thats what happens
when youre used to being alone.
Listen to this.
Romans, Chapter 14, Verse 7:
"None of us live for ourselves alone."
I taught you this already.
-I taught you this already.
-Yes, Maam, you did.
Its tough to grow old alone.
Right But youre always alone!
Arent you lonely all by yourself
at the bakery?
No, because I am always visited
by my former students.
And young lady,
-Youre my idol when it comes to English!
-Hey, move faster!
By the way,
condolences to you and Emong.
Huh? Emong is dead?
Lina, its not Emong, knock on wood!
Its Rainalyn, Sunnys sister.
So is Emong back home from Korea?
Make sure you dont get your hair wet.
Well, good morning!
What is it this time?
Were you out bullying kids again?
Me? A bully?
Theyre the bullies!
Thats why they keep teasing you,
youre so grumpy.
How can you become a good hairdresser
if youre more hot-headed
than a curling iron?
Sis, do you need this?
Nah, she just doesnt like kids
because shes never had any.
Its fine if I never experience it.
I dont wish for it!
You know, I wish
I was blessed to have a uterus like yours.
I know, right?
Maybe, if I get pregnant again,
Ill stop working. Ill need total rest.
Yes! Just keep on trying. Never give up!
-I know. Weve been trying everything.
-Itll happen one day.
I wish.
If you ask me,
I dont think I can put my entire life
on hold just to take care of a kid.
I already have my father to worry about,
and adding a baby to that?
No way.
Yeah, taking care of kids is tough.
I should know!
I have an entire basketball team
to take care of!
But you wanted that.
If you ask me, I really want a baby.
-But I dont want to get pregnant.
How will that work?
Maybe if Im blessed with a baby again,
Ill be truly complete as a woman.
Thats true, Marla.
What? No its not!
Pregnancy isnt the only thing
that completes us women.
Theres so much more.
You know, she does have a point.
Whose side are you really on, Sushmita?
Im sideless, ma'am.
Besides, this isnt the '90s anymore.
Women now have so many choices.
As for me?
I dont like children,
and Im not having any.
I dont want the responsibility
and I really dont like kids, period.
Uh, hey? Maam, were not done yet, okay?
Will you come back
for the second treatment?
Maam, please return the
-I guess not.
-The foils!
Maybe she left something cooking at home.
Maam, I think
we need to rebond your hair.
Regular hair treatment
is not working any more.
Or maybe, you should plug that in first.
-Hey, whats this? Its good!
-Oh, thats Fertility Tea.
To help with getting pregnant.
Thats what you get for not asking.
You drank it all?
She might end up pregnant before you.
That's okay.
At least we'll know if it's effective.
That's on you.
-Ma'am, would you like a rebond?
Come in, grandchild.
Be careful with that urn.
Sunny, were here!
Come in!
Dont be scared.
Your Mom used to live here. Come.
Okay, Im done. Girls, Ill go ahead.
I still have to pick up Doray
from Grandma Chayong.
Ill come with you.
Its me and hubbys baby time.
Stretch those muscles!
Now Im ready!
Sunny, dont forget!
Lock the windows and the doors
before leaving.
Unplug the blow dryers
and leave the light on at the back.
-You know it!
This kid is a genius!
-Bye, take care!
-You, too!
Hurry up, Marla!
Yes, I'm leaving.
Go home!
Youll be my customer
while Im still here in the Philippines.
One day, Ill be styling foreign hair!
Ill make them look beautiful!
I feel like theres something big
for me out there.
Its just far away.
Thats okay, I can still fix it.
Look how pretty you are!
Were closed! Come back tomorrow!
Ive been texting you.
Youre not replying.
Low battery.
Gifts from Korea.
I didnt know what to get.
Theres something in there
for Marla and Sushmita too.
Why did you bring her here?
We could have talked at home.
Thats your niece.
I have so much left to do here.
Like I said, I couldnt reach you!
I couldnt just leave her alone at home.
Then stay with her.
Take her with you when you go home.
Why? Where are you going?
Im going to the woodshop.
I was in Korea for two months.
I asked you to check in but you never did.
Take her home later.
I knew Id end up taking care of that kid.
I didnt agree to this.
No one else will care for
that child but us.
Just you.
Both of us.
Your niece is our responsibility now.
Go ahead and force your decision on me.
No one wanted this child to be orphaned.
You might want to mourn your sister.
I hate rowdy kids.
So, dont be one.
Hello, Mujigae!
Hows my beautiful baby?
Have you made new friends there yet?
I made fried rice. Lets eat.
Wheres your niece?
I dont know. She was there last night.
Can you check the bathroom?
Shes not here!
Well, where is she?
Maybe she went back to Korea.
Hello, Mujigae!
How are you?
Have you been to Taal Lake?
You know, its the smallest volcano
in the Philippines.
You can ask Grandpa to take you there.
The lake is beautiful.
Youll see boats
and lots of children playing too.
Promise me youll play with them, okay?
So cool!
Do you know what I love most?
Sunrise. The beautiful sunrise.
I hope you get to see it, baby.
And I hope you get to ride a boat too!
Is she your grandchild?
From Sunny?
God, no!
Im just asking. No need to be uptight.
So, who is she?
Why do we suddenly have a Korean in town?
Captain, this is my grandchild
from my late daughter.
It hasnt been 24 hours,
and you almost lost this child!
Shes your responsibility.
Good thing Mr. Pol was there
to save her.
This is why I dont like kids.
Such a headache.
And now, the blame is on me.
Whats wrong with you two?
Take your father-daughter drama outside!
Talk it out!
Like I said, you should keep an eye on
-Whats her name again?
-Its Mujigae.
Yes, thats it. The poor girl!
If you cant handle her,
take her to Child Services.
Let them take care of Marjorie.
Whats her name again?
Why is her name so long?
Let me write it down.
Look at this, grandchild.
This is called "pan de sal."
It goes well with milk.
If you want to go out,
all you need to do is ask.
We could have gone with you.
We were worried, you know.
Sunny, Im here!
Hello, Mr. Emong!
Everyone in town knows about
your little Korean girl here.
Is this her?
-Ill talk to her.
-Have a seat.
Doray, go sit beside her!
Doray, have some pan de sal.
Her name is Mujigae, right?
-Shes Dorays age, right?
Wow! Youre tall for your age.
Your Mom mustve taken good care of you.
Is she mute?
No. She just stopped speaking
after her Mom
Doray, she wont understand you.
Let me talk to her.
Now I can put my K-Drama
and K-Pop obsession to good use.
I can do this.
Good morning, Sunny!
I think I got that wrong.
Oh, I know
Thank you!
She understood me! Look, she smiled!
Thank you!
I told you to eat slowly.
Take the drink, Doray.
What do you say?
Thank you!
Sunny! Your niece is sweet.
Shes just quiet.
Better quiet than annoying.
Lets go.
-Doray, Im going.
-Lets go.
Can you wait? Im pregnant!
Sis, can I ask you a question?
What happened to your sister?
Wheres the boyfriend?
And is Mujigae Filipino or Korean?
Of course, shes Filipino!
Shes part Korean but still Filipino.
Maybe its because
her sister wasnt married,
thats why the kid ended up with Sunny?
Isnt that how it goes?
My sister wasnt married.
And her Korean boyfriend never showed up.
Why dont you two take care of the kid
since youre so nosey?
Sunny, this is your chance to be a mother.
Why dont you grab it?
I wish I could be a mother
without getting pregnant.
My god!
Here we go again with the pregnancy talk.
Sushmita, arent you tired
of getting pregnant every year?
Do you still know your kids?
Marla, you always yap about
wanting to get pregnant
but you dont want to get fat.
You dont seem ready to be a mom.
Youre being mean.
Sunny, if youre angry at your niece,
dont take it out on us.
Then stop bothering me about her.
Maam, give us a minute.
Dont dish it if you cant take it.
You made a baby, then dumped it on us.
Why are you being mean to my Mom?
Youre bad!
So now you can talk?
And Im not the bad one.
Your Dad is the bad one for leaving you.
Mom says Dad will be back for me!
Well, where is he? Wheres your dad?
I know hell come back
because he loves me and my Mom!
I hope he comes back
so he can take you away!
Be quiet! Be quiet!
-Be quiet!
-Sunny, what are you doing?
Shes just a child!
Hush now.
why are you acting this way?
When are you burying my sister anyway?
I had a dream and theyre twins!
Marla, having twins does suit you.
A boy and a girl.
I wish, but I still dont want to get fat.
What time is it?
Its still early.
The sun is intense today.
-Do you hear something?
-No, but I need to pee.
-Right now?
-Look, Im sorry.
I think my outfit needs more pink.
-You think?
-My shoes are the wrong color.
I think a K-Drama fan would love this.
Im really sorry.
Ive been a mess lately and Im sorry.
I love your curls.
-Thank you.
Im really sorry, Sushmita.
Let me see.
Wait, Im hurt too! Wheres my gift?
Of course I got two!
Sis, you got one too!
-I wanna see.
This is what I want!
I know youll love those.
What happened to your arm?
Nothing. The kid bit me.
Is she a zombie?
More like a dog.
Come on!
I love our shirts!
And, yes, it fits me.
You want a trim?
Your hair got longer
when it was straightened.
Are you okay with this?
Hi, Mujigae, Mr. Emong!
Sunny, Ill leave the kid here, okay?
I have something to fix at the cemetery.
You can leave Mujigae with us.
Ill take care of her.
You can text me instead.
-Okay, thank you.
Stay here, okay?
Take care!
And thank you for the shirts!
Thanks for this!
Maam, just a moment, please.
You should apologize to your Auntie.
No matter how angry you are,
hurting others is bad.
Kids shouldnt bite people, right?
Go ahead, tell her youre sorry.
Sorry, Ajumma.
Ajumma means Auntie!
Your niece just called you "Auntie"!
Yes, there you go.
Youre so cute!
Are you Korean?
But youre also Filipino?
Sunny, youre lucky!
Your family has Korean blood now.
No, theyre the ones who are lucky!
Now they have Filipino blood!
Thats why shes so cute!
I saw it on the news.
Theyre called "Kopino."
Half-Korean, half-Filipino.
Whenever I see a cute child like this,
I totally get why my partner
wants us to have kids.
Oh, me too, sis!
Im okay with having babies,
but can we skip the pregnancy part?
And the sleepless nights.
Thats why I think adoption is for me.
-Well, why not?
You mentioned adoption.
Were you serious?
Why? Are you giving
the little Korean girl away?
It depends.
On what?
If your father will let you?
Hey, seriously?
So, my partner and I can talk about it.
You dont have to worry
about the expenses
or the cost.
Sorry, maam.
Never mind.
Sunny, wheres Mujigae?
I already paid the electric bill.
Ill take care of the water bill tomorrow.
Mujigae? I got chopsticks for you!
Wheres your niece?
I had her adopted.
Stop joking around.
Where is the child?
I dont know.
She wasnt at the parlor.
I thought you picked her up.
Anyone home?
Does Sunny live here?
Yes. Whats this about?
What are you doing here?
Sunny, my partner said yes!
Have you thought about
my offer regarding your niece?
Maam, lets talk tomorrow at the salon.
-Talk about what?
We were just talking about
how this hairstyle doesnt suit her.
We talked about if I could adopt the kid.
Maam, please. Lets just talk tomorrow.
Lets go.
What was that about? What adoption?
Nothing. She was just visiting.
And now leaving.
Youre giving the child away?
-What nonsense is this?
-No, Im not!
And I dont even know where she is.
Shes so rowdy. She could be anywhere!
Where is Mujigae?
That was so irresponsible of you!
What if something bad happens
to the child?
I just take after you.
Were the same, you and I.
You had other people take care of me.
I practically grew up
with Grandma Lina and Grandma Chayong!
Because I had to work!
Did you ever ask
if I was okay with all this?
Did you ever ask me if its okay
for that kid to live here?
Did you ever ask if Im okay
with taking care of somebodys child?
Please, Sunny.
Shes your sisters child,
not a strangers!
Mom and Rainalyn left us a long time ago!
And why didnt you tell me
that youve been in touch?
Thats so unfair!
I was just waiting for the right time.
I was going to tell you.
I have a lot on my mind.
The right time?
But now that theres a problem,
youre dragging me into it.
Weve always been like this, Dad!
Even Mom couldnt put up with you.
She died and youre still useless.
Stop it, Sunny!
Now its my turn!
Take a look!
Go to sleep, baby sis.
We have to get up early tomorrow.
Ill wake you up when its time
for us to leave with Mom.
I love you, baby sister.
Ill never leave you.
Thats a promise.
Sister? Where are you?
Sister? Sister!
You lied to me.
You left me behind.
Thats not fair. Youre so unfair.
It's so sad to be alone.
Whats going on?
Theres been an accident.
Have you met your Aunt Sunny?
She is my younger sister.
We were always together when we were kids.
You two are so alike.
Youre both kind and sweet.
No! Thats not true!
No, she isnt! Shes not kind at all!
None of that is true!
No, no, no!
Oh, youre so cute.
I just hope your Auntie Sunny
knows how much I love her.
I really, really miss your Auntie Sunny.
Be a good girl always, okay?
I love you, Mujigae.
Youre a bad person!
Youre a bad person!
I dont understand you.
Youre bad, Auntie Sunny!
Why are you giving me away?
Mom said you were kind.
Why dont you like me?
Im sorry.
Havent you forgiven us still?
Im sorry that I asked for you
from your Mom.
Its a shame that
you and your sister didnt get to talk.
She really wanted to see you.
She wanted to talk to you
in person so badly.
But she was too sick to come home.
Rainalyn asked us
to take care of her child.
Im begging you, Sunny.
Do you have a father?
What did I say?
You should practice speaking in Filipino.
Repeat your question to me.
Do you have a father?
I do. My fathers name is "Emong."
And do I have a father too?
Yes, you do!
Who knows? Maybe one day,
youll meet your father.
Why not now?
Because hes still off
on his own adventure.
How I wish we were together
on an adventure.
You know I also have a sister.
-Younger sister?
Her name is Sunshine,
but she likes to be called Sunny.
Why arent they here in Korea?
Dont they like snow?
When Im better,
we'll go back to the Philippines.
Wow, were going to the Philippines?
Yes, and well have lots of fun there
together with your Auntie Sunny
and Grandpa Emong.
Im sure they will love
and take good care of you.
I really, really miss your Auntie Sunny.
This is our fight!
Im in it to win it
With my fighting spirit!
Im a fighter, and I will be shouting!
Keep fighting!
Im in it to win it
With my fighting spirit!
Hey! Youre going too fast!
What the hell?
You better stay on this side.
Are you okay?
What a jerk!
Thank you!
Wheres Marla?
She said shed be late.
But Im on duty today.
Can you do hair?
Yes, maam, I know how.
Are you sure, young lady?
Yes maam, I can do it.
And who is this?
This is Mujigae.
How old is she?
Im five years old, maam.
Go to her.
And shes tall for her age.
All right. I cant wait for Marla.
I have an event to go to.
I need to step out quickly.
I wont be long.
I need to buy more hair treatment.
Stay here, okay?
And behave.
I wont be long.
Have you mixed the hair dye?
Apply it now, please. Im in a hurry.
Miss Estella?
Your hair is done.
I love it too!
The color looks so good on me!
I look so young!
Dont do that again, okay?
Dont touch any of my things
in the salon, okay?
But it's a good thing
the customer loved her hair!
Otherwise, youd be in trouble.
But youre not.
Come on, lets go.
Let me help you.
Does it taste good?
-Grandpa, Grandmas!
This is my niece, Mujigae.
Hello "po."
You beat me to it!
She knows how to bless!
This child knows how to pay respect!
My Mom said "po"
I should use "po" and "opo"
if Im speaking to the elderly "po."
The older the person "po,"
the more "po" I should use "po."
She said thats how it is "po"
in the Philippines "po."
The older the person? She means you.
Its you!
Youre very Filipino now "po," Mujigae!
Stop here, please.
-Slow down, Mujigae! Slow down!
-Grandpa Emong!
Bless me, sir!
Bless me, Grandpa Emong!
God bless you.
You dont have to do that
to everyone, okay?
The foods ready! Lets eat!
Time for a break!
This is Grandpas, and this is yours.
Thank you!
She says its food.
This food smells amazing!
Seems like theres
a lot of ingredients here!
I cooked all of that!
What is this anyway?
Its Ramyeon.
Its me and Mom's favorite.
Now I wanna taste
this favorite of yours! Looks good!
Wait! We need chopsticks!
But I dont know how to use chopsticks!
I can teach you.
You promise?
Let me see.
Now how do I do it?
You said youd teach me, right?
-Like this.
-How do I do that?
Where do I put my fingers, can I see?
Like this.
-Two on top
-Its very easy.
How is it easy? I cant even do it.
Hi, Mom!
We miss you.
Come, lets stay under the tree!
Come quick!
Do you know what it means
when it rains while the sun is out?
Really? What, then?
It means "me"!
Why you?
When it rains while the sun is out,
a rainbow appears.
The Korean for rainbow is Mujigae!
Youre so good!
Auntie, I think the rain
is Mom visiting us!
Can I play in the rain?
Me too! I want to join!
Never surrendering!
Wow, youre even taller than me!
I want to grow taller!
So pretty!
Thank you for coming!
Just a few more steps and were done.
Your hair looks so good!
Last one! There!
-Are you ready?
-Im super ready!
Fighting! Laban!
Thats it! Let's go!
Lets go!
Have fun in school, okay?
-Did I say it right?
-Yes, its correct!
Hurry, go to class!
Go, Mujigae!
Class, this is your new classmate.
Shes from Korea!
Go ahead, introduce yourself!
But I am also Filipino.
Mom says its fun when you have friends.
So, Im excited to be friends
with all of you.
Thank you!
You may take your seat.
Wow, were classmates!
Hey, you!
Really, you sure about that?
Boys, please behave.
Heres the contract.
Read it first before signing.
Youll be boarding the ship soon!
-How did you do on your quiz?
-I did very well!
Thats how it should be,
always do your best.
Auntie, whats that over there?
Have you picked a color?
Theyre beautiful!
So many colors!
Try your luck, you might win a prize.
If she loses, Ill just pay you.
I got you.
Let me see.
Wow, Mujigae, you won!
Youre a winner!
You win a prize!
-Thank you!
-Take care of it, okay?
-Whats "Haneul"?
Thats its name.
Oh, wow! You named him already!
What does "Haneul" mean?
It means sky.
Do you miss your mom too?
Because I miss mine.
Good thing theres people
taking care of me here.
Without them, Id be very sad.
Are you sad too?
Why bother fixing that up?
Its beyond repair.
No. I can fix it.
Theres nothing beyond repair.
Im giving it to Mujigae.
Ill be leaving for work soon.
They accepted me on the cruise.
When is Sushmita giving birth?
Hows school for Mujigae?
Did you talk to her teacher?
Come on, Dad
I said Ill be leaving.
Think about it some more.
Then well talk.
I made my decision a long time ago.
Thats exactly what your mother said
when she left us.
Chasing dreams
for a better life.
Were doing just fine here, arent we?
We eat three times a day.
What more could you want?
Why do you all want to leave?
Next week, well be having our
Pinoy Kiddie Games!
Who wants to join?
-I do!
Now, who can be the leader of your class?
Youll be the leader now!
Hey, slow down!
Slow down.
You cant do anything about it!
Go ahead! Try to reach your bag!
-Hey, thats bad!
So what?
Stop meddling with us!
Get out of here, half-breed!
Hey, Im a Kopino!
-You deserve that!
We did good, didnt we?
You think you can bully me?
What now?
Lets go!
Dont let them scare you.
My Mom said you always
have to believe in yourself.
If you think youre weak,
then youll become weak!
So, Mitoy, you have to believe
that you are strong!
Here you go.
And Mitoy, if someone bullies you,
you have to let grownups or teachers know.
-Come on!
Were telling teacher!
Dont do that again, okay?
Do you want me to call
your parents about this?
Yes or no?
-I will repeat.
Where are you going?
Okay, my hardworking girlfriends,
its time for a break!
Who wants some Fertility Tea?
How about some Disappearing Tea instead?
Sis, shes talking back now!
Thats odd.
-You answer back now?
-Im your boss, right?
-How can this happen?
-Shes fierce now!
Is it really worth it to start a family?
Of course! Weve been telling you
all along!
Thats why you should go and marry Anton!
You idiot, that was in third grade!
Was it that long ago?
There was no one else after that?
But if you really want to know,
yes, its worth it.
Its tough to have a family.
You have to share everything.
You share a house, your time, your heart.
But you also have someone
to share your problems with
and everything youre
going through in life.
Which means youre never really alone.
Thats how it feels.
Thats so true, sister.
For me, I feel like the reason why
Im not yet blessed with a baby
is that my hubby and I are not yet ready.
Thats why Sunny,
with Mujigae in your life now,
the universe is telling you
that youre ready.
So true.
But then again
This is the only time
Ive had the chance to choose myself.
This is the first time
Im deciding for myself.
A decision that I, myself, made.
No one forced me.
Its solely up to me.
What if I never get
this chance again? Right?
Oh, dear.
Come here.
-Me too.
-Come here, sis.
Sit here.
I already have my departure schedule.
Oh, sis.
-Youre really going?
-For real?
Sis, wherever this takes you,
I hope you find what youre looking for.
And I hope you will always
find a family wherever you are.
Auntie? Auntie Sunny?
Whats wrong, Muji?
Cant sleep?
I wish it was always like this.
You know how much you love adventures?
Youre always looking for one, right?
Im like that too.
I want to fly to faraway places.
Auntie Sunny is leaving.
Im going to work in another country.
Auntie Sunny wants to try to make
her dreams come true.
I want you to be the prettiest
in the Pinoy Kiddie Games.
Now this is VIP treatment, okay?
For my favorite customer.
Youve become so good at this,
Auntie Sunny!
Now, Im sure youll win all the games!
Are you ready?
Lets go, we dont want to be late.
See you later, Auntie Sunny?
Hey, watch where youre going!
Im sorry!
Hello, maam, good morning.
Welcome to Pinoy Kiddie Games!
And their leader, Mujigae!
You can do it, Mujigae!
Fight, Mujigae!
Annyeonghaseyo! Are you ready to go?
In us, theres so much fight
Well win, youve got that right
Our skill and speed wont quit
Weve got our height and wit
We will win this fight
Win with all our might!
Go! Go!
Show us a sample!
Hey! Hey!
Your turn, Grandma Chayong!
B! B! B!
And C!
Hey, sis, Im so proud of you.
I knew you wouldnt leave.
True! To think we cried so much!
Wow! Awesome!
A bicycle!
Whats wrong?
I dont know how to ride.
Dont worry. Ill teach you.
Come! Sit here.
Go, Mujigae!
Hello, Mr. Emong!
Someones here to see you!
Just a minute.
Good evening, Captain!
Good evening!
Hi, Mr. Emong!
Nelly! Youre here!
Youre just in time! Come in!
Were having a feast.
Really? Wow, thank you!
Godmother Nelly!
Youve grown taller!
And heavier!
Nelly, what are you doing here?
Mr. Emong?
Its "magandang gabi."
Good evening.
I am Ji Sung Park.
Im Mujigaes father.
Nelly, tell him to sit.
He said sit down. No need to kneel.
Sir, hes asking for your forgiveness
for not taking responsibility
for Rainalyn and Mujigae.
He tried to find Mujigae,
especially when he heard that
-Especially when he heard that
We can understand him.
Youre a coward.
You deserted my daughter.
He said you are a coward.
What I mean is
Please tell him
that I want to take her to Korea
for proper care and education.
He said he wants to take Mujigae
back to Korea
for better care, education, and growth.
Are you saying were neglecting Mujigae?
No! Rainalyn wanted us
to take care of her daughter.
Well stay here together.
Sir, I am Ji Sungs lawyer.
While its true that
you are the legal guardian,
Mr. Ji Sung is the father of the child.
Whether here or in Korea,
as long as one parent is alive,
the child should be
under the care of that parent.
Its the law.
Mr. Ji Sung is also willing
to get a DNA Test
to prove that he is Mujigaes father.
This will also be for your peace of mind.
Lets go, Mujigae?
Ill wait for you outside.
Dont be scared.
Im here.
Sunny! That kid is like your own!
Hey, Sunny!
Sunny, do something!
No need to come back!
Calm down, sis.
Shes right.
You can stop crying now, Meryl.
Mujigae, shes Mujigae.
Im so confused.
Thank you.
Thank you!
I knew Dad would come back for me.
I hope you dont take this the wrong way,
but the way I see it,
Rainalyns family is doing a good job
taking care of your child.
You have a comfortable life in Korea.
You can just support her financially.
Sis, take a seat over there
so youll feel better.
-Come with us.
-Are you serious?
Yes. Weve discussed this.
For the new era!
-Lets do this, sis.
Let me do your hair.
Just relax.
Today, well make you beautiful.
Fates really messing with me.
Just when I was ready to be a mother,
they take her away from me.
Maybe I dont deserve it?
Sensitive much?
Do you know how much youve changed
since Mujigae came here?
Listen up.
Take it from someone
whos had a lot of kids.
Mothers will always put
their children first before themselves.
Thats true.
Youve sacrificed so much, Sunny.
So for us,
youre already a mother in so many ways.
Youre the best mother we never had.
Thats in English!
You nailed that, sis!
Now, this is just my opinion.
You know how many times
Ive miscarried, right?
Sometimes, it's already
making me feel upset.
But never did I think
that Im not deserving.
the fact that I decided that
I want to become a mother,
or at least, am trying to be one,
that alone makes me worthy.
I just cried!
You really deserve to be a mom.
You should have triplets!
I will manifest that!
Lord, please, Ill take twins!
Thank you, girls.
Thank you for being here for me.
I think Im having the baby!
Right now?
-Did your water break?
Its just gas. Sorry.
Oh my gosh!
-You made my armpits sweat!
-Sorry about that!
Wow! You had it fixed?
Thank you, Auntie!
You know, Mujigae,
I really love taking care of you.
Thats why I didnt get on that ship.
I wanted to stay with you.
What if we have to be apart?
Even if were apart,
well always be family.
Just like with your Mom.
You may not be together,
but you always think of her.
And youll always love her.
Thats family, Mujigae.
Mom is up there in heaven.
And in here too.
Hello, Haneul!
Godmother Nelly!
Why, Nelly?
We have two more days, right?
Hes so persistent.
He said he has a different agenda today.
What is it?
Why are you here?
Tell her I want to
spend time with my daughter
and get to know Rainalyns family.
He wants to get to know
Mujigae and her family here.
Bless me, Dad.
My name is Mujigae.
I am five years old.
My mother told me to introduce myself
in Korean if ever I meet my father.
Oh, is that so?
Your Korean is good!
Im happy to finally meet you.
What are those, Dad?
Ta da!
Wow! Awesome!
I miss these things from Korea!
Korea misses you too.
Do you know how to ride a bicycle?
Of course I do!
Dad, this is my bike!
Where is the photo of your mom?
Were you sleeping?
-Okay, focus!
Look at this.
-This is Mom.
-And that is Dad.
You have to behave, okay?
Oh, this is your moms photo?
Im so sorry.
I was so selfish.
Thats why I couldnt save our family.
If you want to leave again,
just go ahead.
Ill understand.
Do what you think is best
to complete you.
Wherever that may be.
I know what I want this time, Dad.
Im sure of it.
Its just scary at the beginning.
But once the fear passes,
it becomes super fun.
Here we go.
Dad, Im scared.
Dont be scared. Im here.
I wont let go of you and Ill help you
until you can do it on your own.
And if you fall,
Dad will swoop in and catch you.
Dont worry.
Yes, Dad.
Here we go.
Sister, this is so much fun!
hurt my granddaughter Mujigae,
Bottoms up!
Bottoms up!
Bottoms up!
-You okay?
-Im good!
Mujigae, are you sure
this is what you want?
If birds can fly across the huge sky
by themselves, so can I.
Im brave too.
Because all those
who took care of me are brave too.
Auntie Sunny?
Is it okay if I call you
Mom Two?
That way, I have Mom One up in heaven,
and Mom Two right here.
Hey, Im strong too!
Thank you.
I thank you too, Sunny.
Your sister never forgot about you.
She loved you very much.
Mom Two, these are for you.
Now youll always have a rainbow, Mom Two!
Well see each other again, okay?
There, okay!
Mujigae, my granddaughter,
always be a good girl!
When you return, Gandara Park Salon
will be waiting for you.
Take care in Korea!
Whats that?
-Thats not Korean?
Bye, Mujigae! Im going to miss you!
Dont forget your teachers here, okay?
When you come back,
Ill teach you how to swim!
Bless and always be respectful!
Dont forget your "po"!
Especially with old people!
Hello, Melody, have a safe flight!
Bon voyage!
Bring me some samgyupsal
when you get back, okay?
Even from far away,
you always remind me that
a rainbow comes after every adventure.
Thats you, Mujigae,
the most beautiful rainbow
weve ever seen in our lives.