. Online Bible Study on Mondays 12/2
Pakistan Time: 7:00 PM
Korea Time: 11:00 PM
New Life Church in Seoul, Korea
When we understand the words of the Bible, we come to know that Jesus is the Creator God.
Those who believe that Jesus is the Creator can truly obey Jesus' words.
Simply reading the Bible repeatedly while misunderstanding the word of the Lord is not a way to grow faith.
The first thing we must realize through the Bible is that the Creator God came to the world in the flesh and that God is Jesus. This is the cornerstone of the Bible.
Malachi 3:1
"See, I will send my messenger, who will prepare the way before me. Then suddenly the Lord you are seeking will come to his temple; the messenger of the covenant, whom you desire, will come," says the LORD Almighty.
This word is a prophecy of the coming of Jesus and John the Baptist.
Matthew 4:17
From that time on Jesus began to preach, "Repent, for the kingdom of heaven is near."
This word means that everyone should prepare to welcome Jesus. Jesus is the Lord of heaven.
The coming of the messenger of the covenant means that Jehovah comes as Jesus.
The Old Testament covenant is that Jehovah God comes to the world as Jesus.
In the Old Testament, the blood of animals was used to redeem the sins of the people.
However, in the New Testament, Jehovah comes in the flesh, dies for the sins of mankind, and redeems the sins of the people.
Everyone must be saved only in Jesus. Since Jesus came, no one has been saved in the name of Jehovah.
Jehovah of the Old Testament came to the world in the flesh, and that God is Jesus Christ.
Because we have become sons of God through Jesus Christ, we can call God our Father.
It is recorded in the Gospel of John, Jesus is called the Son of God, but he is God himself (John 1:18).
Many pastors think of God as three, Father, Son and Holy Spirit. one God doing three roles, not three beings.
We must believe in one God according to the Bible, but those who say there are three Gods call us heretics.
God's children must believe and obey God's word, and repent when they sin.
The way to go to the Lord is to repent of sins. Those who truly repent and worship will all go to heaven.
There are many people who are absorbed in worldly things even while attending church services. These church members do not actually believe in God and do not realize their sins.
Those who habitually go to church without faith cannot go to heaven. That is why the Bible says:
At that time, there will be two people in the church, one will be taken to heaven and the other will be left on earth.
And among the ten virgins, five go to heaven and the other five remain on earth (Matthew 25:1-13).
ten virgins were holding lamps. However, five prepared both lamps and oil, while five only had lamps and did not have enough oil.
Do you know what this means? Both groups experienced being filled with the Holy Spirit at one time.
But one group remained filled with the Holy Spirit to the end, while the other group did not.
Some believers worship and pray together in church, but when they leave the church, they live as they please, following the lusts of the flesh.
Those who take both attitudes are showing themselves to have no faith and are not filled with the Holy Spirit.
We do not know when the bridegroom will come, early evening, late evening, or dawn (Matthew 24:42-44).
However, when the bridegroom comes in the dawn, the bride who has not prepared oil will have her lamps extinguished and will not be able to meet the bridegroom.
Their lamps going out means that their faith is not ready to enter heaven.
All believers with this level of faith will eventually perish.
Only those who keep the faith until the day the Lord comes will enter the kingdom of heaven, and those who keep the faith until the day the life of the flesh naturally ends will also enter.
We must not forget the truth through the Bible and sermons, and we must always repent and be forgiven whenever we sin.
When we do this, we can always maintain the fullness of the Holy Spirit.
Oil means the Holy Spirit and faith. We must keep our faith until the end and enter heaven.
God is everywhere, and the Savior is only God.
The place where we meet the Lord is not this mountain, that mountain, or Jerusalem. The Lord is always in our hearts. Those who obey and repent are to meet the Lord.
The time to be saved is now. For whoever repents, the Lord comes into us and dwells in us, so we always eat and drink with the Lord.
We must always pursue a holy and godly life, we must live a life that overcomes sin, in the name of the Lord, I bless you all to live according to the Lord's will.
Jude 1:16
These men are grumblers and faultfinders; they follow their own evil desires; they boast about themselves and flatter others for their own advantage.
The main message of the book of Jude is that pastors should not covet and flatter the world.
God provides what we need, and we should not rely on human ability or worldly things.
Even if we are poor and have nothing to eat, we should rely on God and not follow the ways of the world.
It is very disappointing and shameful before the Lord for pastors to flatter their members who are wealthy and have worldly power.
Pastors have the sole duty of pleasing God, and their mission is to point out the sins of the church members and make them repent, sending them to heaven.
'Call to me and I will answer you and tell you great and unsearchable things you do not know. (Jeremiah 3:3).
"Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you. (Matthew 7:7)
Don't say it's impossible. Come to the Lord and cry out to Him in prayer. The Lord will solve your blocked problems.
Let us remember a parable from the Bible.
While he was sleeping, a friend came to him and asked him to lend him some bread.
It was a troublesome thing, but he got up from his bed and lent his friend some bread. And he said, 'I had to lend it to you, not because you are my friend, but because you asked me to the end.
His friend's persistent request shows us that we must be persistent in our prayers to the Lord.
And there was a widow who had been wronged and could not get help from the judge. When she kept asking for help, the judge became so distressed that he finally gave her a just sentence.
She went to the judge every morning and evening and asked for a just judgment. Later, the judge was so bothered that he granted her request.
This parable also means that we should not lose heart and pray to the Lord until the end.
Even the unjust judge granted her request, so how can the righteous God not grant our persistent prayers?
Juda1: 17~19
But, dear friends, remember what the apostles of our Lord Jesus Christ foretold.
They said to you, "In the last times there will be scoffers who will follow their own ungodly desires."
These are the men who divide you, who follow mere natural instincts and do not have the Spirit.
When we preach the gospel that we must repent in order to go to heaven, they laugh at us and mock us.
The reason why those who believe in human doctrines laugh at us is because if you believe in Jesus once, you will all go to heaven, so why do you foolishly continue to repent?
If they are already saved, I don't know why they continue to worship, preach, and give offerings.
These people are foolish pastors and church members who are caught up in self-contradiction.
In order to go to heaven, we must always be united with the Lord, which means we must always repent and be forgiven.
In the Old Testament, the priests offered the blood of animals as a sin offering, but now we repent and are forgiven by the blood of Jesus.
In the New Testament era, Jesus is the only priest (Hebrews 4:14) and mediator (1 Timothy 2:5).
Now, the sacrificial law of the Old Testament era has been abolished.
If anyone believes in Jesus and repents, Jesus' blood washes away his sins.
Jesus takes on both the roles of the sacrificial lamb and the priest.
Jesus himself died for the sins of mankind like an atoning lamb, and abolished the sacrificial law of the Old Testament.
This is the new way to the Lord recorded in Hebrews (Hebrews 10:19,20).
In the Old Testament era, the Jewish people went to the altar with a lamb to receive forgiveness for their sins.
And once a year, the high priest went to the Most Holy Place (Hebrews 9:7).
Now, since Jesus is the high priest, there is no need for a human priest.
When Jesus died on the cross, the thick curtain that separated the Holy Place and the Most Holy Place was torn apart.
The Ark of the Covenant in the Most Holy Place can be seen from the outside.
This means that the wall of sin that separated God and people has collapsed.
Through Jesus, everyone can enter heaven.
I bless you in the name of Jesus that everyone may realize this spiritual truth.
Jesus is the new way to heaven. This way is the only way of salvation and life for all people.
Repenting of sins and obeying the word of the Lord is the way to new life.
Even though we believe in Jesus, we can always sin, and the price of sin is always death.
However, when we repent, the blood of Jesus washes away our sins, and we go back to the path of heaven.
If we could be forgiven only once by the blood of Jesus, we would have no hope of going to heaven.
However, the Lord always forgives us when we repent. The path to heaven is always open before us.
Even if we repent of our sins seventy times seven, the Lord will forgive us (Matthew 18:22)
This is true freedom from sin. However, those under legalism do not enjoy this freedom.
The Sabbath system belongs to the law of the Old Testament era. Now, the sacrificial law of the Old Testament era has disappeared.
The sacrificial law of the Old Testament is to keep the form of the sacrifice. However, the law of the New Testament is to keep our hearts.
Jesus pointed out the sins of the heart and urged them to repent.
Genesis 4:7, Jehovah promised to come as a descendant of a woman, and according to the appointed time, the Creator came to the world as Jesus.
Therefore, all who believe in Jesus and repent will enter heaven.