Drafted: 1 The Derrick Rose Era tipped off with a win in Chicago and 11 points and nine dimes from the top pick in the draft. Four nights later he scored 26 points, which was one point off his collegiate high of 27 he pumped in against Michigan State in the Sweet 16 last Spring. There is a lot of pressure for the No. 1 selection to perform right out of the gates, especially in a year like this one when the talent pool was considered to be so deep and Rose has not disappointed.
Drafted: 48 by L.A. Lakers in 2007 Remember when Spurs coach Gregg Popovich complained that the Lakers-Grizzlies trade last season that sent Pau Gasol to L.A. was "beyond comprehension" and Pop suggested that the NBA form a trade committee to "scratch all trades that make no sense"? What does he have to say now that Marc is averaging virtually the same amount of points and rebounds that his older brother is this season and beating Pau in field goal percentage and blocks per game?
Drafted: 2 His talent is undeniable. After a shaky 4-for-14 night in his regular season debut, B-Easy found his touch by going 7-for-15 in the Heat's second game and 10-for-16 in their third game. However, his quirkiness is also just as apparent. I read this week that Beasley plays basketball lefthanded, but everything else in his life -- from writing to throwing a football -- he does with his right.
Drafted: 12 The Kings are off to an 0-4 start, losing those four games by an average margin of defeat of 20.0 points. At least there's been the 6-11, 250-pound Thompson to provide a silver lining during the dark days. Everybody was suprised back in June when the Kings took Thompson out of a little school like Rider University that high in the first round and now it's Thompson who is doing some surprising of his own on the court.
Drafted: 24 by Phoenix in 2007 Just like Marc Gasol stealing the thunder from his teammate O.J. Mayo's Rookie of the Year bid in the early going, Fernandez had swiped the spotlight from Greg Oden in Portland after the big man recovers from yet another injury setback. Fernandez comes off the bench guns a blazin' as he's put up five three-point attempts in each of his three appearances this year, connecting on a respectable 6-for-15 total.
Drafted: 3 Mayo's shooting percentages and 3.3 turnovers per game are less than stellar, but you have to give credit to the guy for cannonballing his way into the league instead of wading in the kiddie pool.
Drafted: 4 I overheard a couple of scouts talking about Westbrook in the press room before a Clippers game the other day. One of the scouts was so keen on him he started his diatribe about the explosive 6-3, 187-pound guard out of UCLA by announcing, "I'm not saying he's Dwyane Wade yet, but ..." Anytime a rookie is getting compared to D-Wade just three games into his career, you know he's somebody worth paying attention to.
Drafted: 34 Chalmers cracks the top 10 thanks to a John Stockton-esque stat line that makes him the rookie leader in both assists and steals per game. Miami might have added Shaun Livingston to shore up the point guard position after Jason Williams left, but Super Mario is serving as a nice stop gap solution for the time being.
Drafted: 5 Love burst onto the scene and gained the attention of at least one national analyst when David Thorpe put him at the No. 1 spot in his ESPN.com rookie rankings after an impressive 12-point, nine-rebound debut. I'm starting Love at No. 9 after seeing his numbers diminish to just 13 points and seven rebounds combined in games number two and three of his career.
Drafted: 37 Scott Skiles loves himself some defense and Cameroon native Luc Mbah a Moute fits the bill. The second-round pick has carved a niche into the Bucks' rotation coming off the bench while lottery selection Joe Alexander has barely broke a sweat in a game yet.
첫댓글 데릭 로즈 신인왕,루키 퍼스트팀 다 해먹자!!! 로즈는 리얼~!
아직 섣부르지만..데릭로즈나 마크가솔은이미 스타급 스탯이고..나머지들도 신인스탯치고는 상당히 좋네요... 설마 장래 03멤버처럼 되는건 아니겠지 니들..ㄷㄷㄷ
반면에 ESPN의 David Thorpe씨는 루디 페르난데즈를 1등으로, 그리고 로즈를 2등으로 올려놓았네요.. ^^ (똥생 가솔 3위, 비즐리 4위, 톰슨 5위)
이번 08드래프트... 뭔가있습니다; 신인들같지가 않다는
비즐리 사진 왜이래;;;;;
작년 루키들 시즌초 성적과는 엄청나게 차이가 날정도네요.
아 좋아요 이런 모습들... 조 알렉산더가 영 맥을 못추는게 기본기의 부실함이 여실히 드러나는것 같군요.
08 드래프트 최고의 스틸픽중 하나가 마리오 찰머스가 아닐까 싶네요.
비즐리에게서 로드맨이 보인다..
첫경기만 삽질했을뿐, 역시나 비즐리 제 궤도에 올랐다.ㅋㅋㅋ 글구 저 밀워키의 이름 어려운 선수 박스스코어를 볼때마다 늘 출전해있던데, 루키에게 매정한 꼰대 스카일스의 신임을 받고 있는걸 보면 수비가 괜찮은 빅맨으로 보이네요.
오든옹...설마 이대로 기대주로 끝나는건 아니지??
비즐리 마약중독자 ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ 오든옹은 내구력 0 ㅡㅡ;
첫주에 불과하지만 이번 신인들은 전체적으로 성적이 좋네요 아니 어떻게 보면 첫주부터 이렇게 한다는게 더 놀라운 일이겠네요 갓 적응기 단계여야 정상인데 말이죠
우왕!!우클라 출신선수가 세명이나 있네..아이고 좋아라..ㅎㅎ
비밀글 해당 댓글은 작성자와 운영자만 볼 수 있습니다.21.02.17 07:37