2023년 2월 18일 박상준의 잡글모음..(뉴욕주 대법원에서도 최근에 백신의무화 무효!라고 판결!)
Supreme Court Judge: New York Vaccine Mandate “Null, Void” | JD Supra
A New York State Supreme Court Justice recently ruled the state’s Covid-19 vaccine mandate for health care workers is “null, void and of no effect.” ...
뉴욕주 대법원에서도 최근에 백신의무화 무효!라고 판결!했구만!
의사들이..모임을 만들어서...뉴욕주 보건복지부 악마넘들과 맞서 싸워서..
결국..의사들이 승리한 것이지. 의사들은 자신들이 지금껏 살아온대로..
"미국궁민들에게..이 정체불명 생체실험 모르모트 주사에 대하여..위험성을 비롯해..
모든 것을 설명하고 고지하여..환자들이 알아먹게 해야 할 의무가 있고..
환자들은..그러한 정보를 모조리 informed (설명받고 고지받은) 다음에..
생체실험 모르모트 주사를 처맞을지 말지 consent(동의)를 할지 말지 선택할
천부적인 권한이 있다는 것이지. 5천만궁민들아! 이런 것은 그냥 아주 절대적인..
인간의 존엄을 수호하기위한 기본적인 절대적인 약속이다.
아무리 좋은 주사도 ...목숨이 경각에 달해 숨이 꼴딱꼴딱하는 상황에서도..
환자가 처맞기 싫다는데 놓을 수가 없는 것이지. 그것이 인간의 존엄성인 것이지.
문재인 일당..정은경..질병청 악마들이 5천만궁민을 생체실험 모르모트로 전락시켜..
생명과 삶과 존엄과 주권을 말살한 천인공노할 범죄들에 대해서 체포..구속...사형구형..
사형선고..사형집행이 반드시 즉각적으로 집행되야하는것이다.
미국의 뉴욕주 대법원 판결을 보면, 주정부가 권한을 남용해 미국궁민들에게
강제 백신을 처맞혔다고 판결했지.
A New York State Supreme Court Justice ruled the state’s Covid-19 vaccine mandate
for health care workers is "null, void and of no effect."
Justice Gerard Neri ruled the state overstepped its authority by mandating the vaccine
여기 미국 뉴욕주 대법원 판사가 말한대로..질병청..보건복지부..문재인일당..정은경 등이..
직권을 남용해서...간호사를 비롯해 의사..간호조무사..등 의료종사자들에게 강제강요로
정체불명 생체실험 모르모트 주사를 처맞힌 것은...기본적으로 권한남용 범죄인것이지.
그리고..당연히.타인의 생명과 신체에 대하여 강제강요로 이물질을 쑤시게 ..권한을 남용해
강제강요했음으로.살인미수죄.살인죄.상해죄.폭행죄.협박죄 등을 범한것이지.
그런데..문재인 일당. 정은경. 질병청악마들은 저런 만행을 5천만궁민에게 강요강제했다는것이다.
당장 체포구속해라
January 20, 2023
Supreme Court Judge: New York Vaccine Mandate “Null, Void”
A New York State Supreme Court Justice recently ruled the state’s Covid-19 vaccine mandate for health care workers is "null, void and of no effect."
Justice Gerard Neri ruled the state overstepped its authority by mandating the vaccine, siding with Medical Professionals for Informed Consent, a group of medical workers impacted by the mandate.
Following the ruling, the state’s Department of Health said publicly it "strongly disagrees" with the judge’s ruling, calling the mandate a "critical public health tool" in protecting people most at risk, as well as the people who care for them. The state said it is considering all options going forward, setting the stage for an almost certain appeal.
Issued as an emergency mandate in 2021 under former Governor Andrew Cuomo, the New York Department of Health adopted the mandate as a permanent regulation in June of 2022. The mandate states:
"Covered entities shall continuously require personnel to be fully vaccinated against COVID-19, absent receipt of an exemption as allowed below. Covered entities shall require all personnel to receive at least their first dose before engaging in activities covered under paragraph (2) of subdivision (a) of this section" (10 NYCRR §2.61(c)).
Medical Professionals for Informed Consent argued a permanent mandate was prohibited by New York law, including. Public Health Law §206(1)(1), which gives the Department of Health the authority to:
"establish and operate such adult and child immunization programs as are necessary to prevent or minimize the spread of disease and to protect the public health. Such programs may include the purchase and distribution of vaccines to providers and municipalities, the operation of public immunization programs, quality assurance for immunization related activities and other immunization related activities. The commissioner may promulgate such regulations as are necessary for the implementation of this paragraph. Nothing in this paragraph shall authorize mandatory immunization of adults or children, except as provided in sections twenty-one hundred sixty-four and twenty-one hundred sixty-five of this chapter" (Public Health Law § 206(1)(1), emphasis added).
Justice Neri found the executive branch of government had usurped the power of the legislative branch by permanently mandating vaccines. From the ruling:
"Respondents are clearly prohibited from mandating any vaccination outside of those specifically authorized by the Legislature. The sections cited by Respondents provide nothing more than general grants of power. Reading those sections in the manner urged by Respondents would render Public Health Law §§206, 613, 2164, and 2165 meaningless. "It is well settled that in the interpretation of a statute we must assume that the Legislature did not deliberately place a phrase in the statute which was intended to serve no purpose."