Pyeong Hwa Gyeong (132) Book 8. The Reunification of Korea and World Peace CHAPTER 1. Korea in the World
9. Unificationism is the teaching that can lead to a united world To bear a wonderful child a mother will unavoidably endure pain. Korea is now suffering such pain through our present-day trials. God is testing our ability, bravery, and qualifications through these trials, and through this pain He is going to bring us the glory of a great son. Therefore each of the great powers on Satan’s side invaded this country one after another. We can overcome these trials with God’s love and with faith and hope. By gaining victory over communism in spite of all difficulties, Korea will be able to take a leading role in bringing about a united world, which is God’s Will. In other words, Korea is the flag bearer for the whole world. It is absolutely impossible to do this without the true thought and teachings of the Unification Church. These are: the Divine Principle, which was revealed in Korea in order to bring together all religions, the ideology of Victory over Communism, and Unification Thought.
All religions that accept God as their Father need to unite to face the communists who deny God. However, it is with truth and love that we will defeat them. We must help them recognize their errors, and finally we must embrace them as our brothers and sisters.
The ideology of Victory over Communism, based on this principle, analyzes all philosophies and ideologies and enables us to unite with God as our center. This principle, ideology and thought arose in Korea. They constitute Godism. We will govern the country by consulting with God and centering on God. There will not be a party in power and a party out of power. The time has come when all religious and conscientious people need to unite with our government to defeat communism with Godism, and unite our territory and people. That time is now.