2024.12.4수Power english(Asking someone out )
M: Hey, Ian! Did you just run here from home? You're sweating a lot.
I: No, I'm just nervous. I want to ask Sandra out, but I'm afraid she'll say no.
M: Haven't you two been friends for like five years?
I: That's the problem. I'm afraid I might be in the friend zone with her. I mean, it sometimes feels like we're flirting, but maybe I'm wrong.
M: There's only one way to find out, you just have to take the plunge./ I: What if she say no? Can we still be friends?
I: Melinda, how can I tell if Sandra likes me or not?
M: You can tell by her body language. Does she cross her arms a lot or avoid eye contact?
I: No, neither. But I'm scared to death that she thinks of me as a brother.
I have an idea: I'll watch you two interact and then I'll tell you what I observed.
I: It would put my mind at ease if I know I wasn't making a huge mistake.
M: I think Sandra really likes you. She's just waiting for you to take the initiative and ask her out.
I: You don't think she'll turn me down?/ M: Look, I'm a girl, so I think I can tell when a girl a guy.
I: I'll take your word for it. I've probably been overthinking it anyway./M: Exactly! Do you know where you want to take her on your date?
I: Yeah, she's really into orchids, so I want to take her to the botanical garden and then to a nice restaurant nearby.
I: Guess what! I asked Sandra out on a date and she said yes!
M: That's exciting! I guess you took my advice when I said you should be yourself.
I: I was pretty nervous. But when Sandra said yes, she told me that she'd been hoping I'd ask her out for months!
M: Did you ask her out over the phone?
I: No, we were at the Cafe. I said, "you know what would be a great date?" Then I described the evening I had in mind.
M: That was pretty smooth.