Joy : Good morning sophie. How are you?
I : I'm good.
Joy : Yes, Today is very tired day to everybody after a ride long long long holiday. and did you have great time with your family?
I : Yes
Joy : Okay. What did you do together?
I : the first holiday, my son went to Lottel world during 12 hours
Joy : 12 hours? he stays thhere?
I : Yes. he went there 9.30 a.m. and came back home around 9 p.m.
Joy : 12 hours.. he stayed there. oh my jesus. Okay. I think your son must been very happier.
I : Yes. but after coming back home, he said me "mom, I was very very happy and funny and interested of riding. but I was waiting for a long time. probably 2 hours.
Joy : Oh my Jesus. for one ride?
I : Yes, 2 hours for one ride.
Joy : OMG, It's crazy. so that's why he stays there longer. okay. you didn't go there. right?
I : Yes
Joy : okay. so he got free all day long ticket?
I : Yes
Joy : yes. so it's much better. Okay. alright. that is also season pass. season pass. Okay. do you like to go on a rides?
I : me? No
Joy : you don't like to?
I : Yes
Joy : and last children's day, my brother's family and my husband and I went to zoo in Seoul lnad. It was crazy also. but we hurried up and walked up very early. we set up at 8 o'clock and we jsut arrived there at the first time they open. that was quite smart. because right after 2 hours, you know it was very crazy places with all families. and oh, yes. I had been there to the zoo. and when I was young I went to the zoo. but thanks for my nephew, I saw another places. yes. it was good. okay. and also we didn't go on a ride because he is too young. and what else..so did you go any where during the last weekend?
I : Next day, I had to go to my parnet's house. because my mother fell and broke her leg bone.
Joy : leg? leg bone?
I : Yes
Joy : OMG
I : So I suddenly went there for 3 days and I took care of my mother.
Joy : OMG. so How come? what happen?
I : she was walking around my parent's house. but she fell on the ground and broke her leg.
Joy : she fell on the ground and broke her leg. OMG. you know my husband is now still at house because of his broken leg. yes. also is it required some surgery?
I : No
Joy : No. not much serious?
I : Yes
Joy : okay. she had a cast?
I : Yes
Joy : how long will it be taken to be back normal?
I : probably after 1 month.
Joy : 1 month later? Oh, no. so untill later one month, you need to take care of her?
I : No. but my father wanted me to take care of my mother. but Monday, today, my son has to go to school. so I had to come back home.
Joy : okay. OMG. I have never broken my legs. so I didn't know that. but this is horrible things when I watch someone's broken their legs. it took long long long days. and I was. OMG. but your mother is okay. alright. do you remember you went to the zoo? when was the first time to go to the zoo?
I : my son or me?
Joy : You. or you can tell me something story with your son.
I : for me, I went there around in elementary school. but my son, he didn't go there. because I don't like to go there. I was sad when I saw the animal 우리에 갇힌....
Joy : stuck in the case 우리에 갇힌 awful what does it mean? awful 굉장히, 끔찍한. it's little negative. it was awful feeling. I was awful feeling when I saw the animal stuck in the case. okay. or that was we call that is captivity 감금. okay. so you were feeling very bad about animals in captivities.
I : Yes
Joy : so do you think zoo is decent environment for wild aninals? decent 괜찮은(수준 질이 괜찮을때 사용)
I : No
Joy : no. okay. so what is? What do you want to do?
I : If I go there, I want to like safari and just watching.
Joy : safari.. where is safari in Korea?
I : Yongin or everland?
Joy : Youngin. Okay. safari is much better?
I : Yes
Joy : so wild animals go around many places right?
I : Yes
Joy : I see. let me just give another tips to you. 나는 동물원에 갔다. how do you say?
I : I went to the zoo
Joy : yes. went to the zoo. that is very basic thing. so let me give another tips to make another. you took .. make a trip to + 장소
1) 여행
2) 잠깐 왔다가는거
ex) 나는 은행에 잠깐 갔다 왔다. I made a trip to the bank.
염소 goat
쓰다듬어주다 pet - petted - petted
염소를 쓰다듬어주다 I petted a goat
먹이를 주다 feed - fed - fed
기린에게 먹이를 주다 feed giraffe
사자동굴, 사자우리 lion's den
사육사 zookeeper
Joy : so when we decided to make a trip to the zoo and I petted a goat and I fed giraffe. that was very fresh experience. that was very soothing feeling. have you ever fed some... a hunk of meat to animal? 고기 한덩이 a hunk of meat
I : No
Joy : it was very fantastic you need to do. are you little scary to animal?
I : Yes
Joy : oh, really? Okay. alright, what is your favorite animal or pet?
I : I don't like animal.
Joy : you don't like animal?
I : Yes
Joy : even a dog?
I : Yes. oh, dog? Watching a dog, it's okay. but I don't like to pet it.
Joy : you don't like it?
I : Yes
Joy : Okay. so why? are you really scary a bitting or you don't like hygienic situations?
I : I think when I was young. at that time I was very scared a dog. at that time there was big pet like shepherd dog. I didn't like it. and one day, when a thief broke in my house...
Joy : he was barking at thief?
I : Yes. so at that time, I was very very scared.
Joy : you were scared? why he is so smart.
I : yes. but his apperience was very very scard. so after I didn't like it.
Joy : oh, you didn't like it. Okay. do you have any phobia? phobia 공포증
I : Yes. a little
Joy : I have height phobia. height phobia 고소공포증. what about you?
I : Not yet.
Joy : yes. but you sad you have phobia.
I : phobia.. animal.
Joy : A.. animal..
I : Yes
Joy : okay. so I have height or apron phobia. but I want to be over that type of phobia. okay. at the first time, I was little scard petting some animal goat, giraffe. that's very new for me. but after petting and peeding something, I can feel something connection between. yes so much flexible and open mind it. okay. and that put me at ease. 마음이 편해졌다. okay. alright. so what did you do yesterday and did you give some...put some carnation corsage on your parents?
I : Yes
Joy : and how much do you pay for it?
I : this time, I payed 20,000won.
Joy : Okay. cash is the best. it's potable?? and meaning for them. okay. alright. what about you? you got something from taeja?
I : Yes. today, in the morning, my son gave a gift. he gave me letter and a small gift.
Joy : it's small card for you?
I : Yes
Joy : what did you say?
I : There is sijo. my son wrote sijo.
Joy : sijo? you means poem? OMG, he is artist. he made it?
I : No. that is 정철's poem. that is very very touching.
Joy : you must be very proud of him.