Hello~, my name is Jay and I plan on becoming a University English Professor in Korea! I am currently doing my Masters program in Finance, also working and I already got TESOL license! What I hope for is that I can meet Korean students who are here and want to learn English and make friends and also have a good time!Some of my Canadian/Korean friends and I gettogether couple of times a week; we would go drinking/eating/sight seeing and so on! Reason why I chose Korea is because I simply love it there, I have been there for the last 2 years and both trips were amazing. Last year when I lived in BuCheon for 2 month I met many amazing Korean people who really tried their best to help me even though they couldn’t speak English, not only that I love the food, the culture and the city itself, and off course I love to teach and meet new friends! This is really the simple version of it but if you would like to know more and want to make some good new friends please send me a message! I am currently trying to decide if I should move to Korea either this year September or next year February. I also hope that you are serious when messaging me please do not waste my time, as you can see I am quite busy and I do not have much time! But I want to make as many good friends as possible with the short time wehave! Hopefully I will get to hear from you soon thanks!
이쪽은 제 친구 J 입니다 ^^
이 친구는 현재 한국에 있는 대학교의 교수를 준비중에 있는 친구에요! TESOL 자격증은 이미 얻은 상태입니다.
제 친구는 여기 머물고 있는 학생중에 캐네디언친구를 만들고 싶고 영어도 배우고 싶은 학생들과 친하게 지내고 싶은 캐네디언입니다!!
J는 한국에 머물었을 동안 한국 음식,문화 아니 한국 그 자체를 사랑하게 되었고
성격도 좋고 활발하며 이십대 중반이라서 왠만한 나이대랑은 다 잘 어울리는 친구고요!
남여 상관없이 성격 좋고 정말 겉이 아닌 좋은 친구 되실분만 카톡 주세요!!!
Have a great day!!!
Kakaotalk ID : Jay0104